White House communications related Solyndra will not be turned over to congress


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
gonna be interesting to watch the tap dances as those that demanded same from past admins now defend this ones refusal to submit docs etc......:lol:

On Solyndra: President's Blackberry Off Limits
Posted by
CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jessica Yellin

Washington (CNN) - Congress isn't getting a glimpse of what's on President Barack Obama's Blackberry - or any more internal White House communications related to the bankrupt solar company Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government.

House Republicans investigating the loan controversy had requested all internal White House documents about the issue. House Energy and Commerce subcommittee chair Rep. Cliff Stearns said that includes emails on the President's Blackberry.

On Friday the White House Counsel sent a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee explaining they won't comply with the request because it "implicates longstanding and significant institutional Executive Branch confidentiality interests."

The response is hardly a surprise given past administrations' refusal to comply with similar congressional requests. The difference here? President Obama is the first Chief Executive to carry a Blackberry, so it's the first time a White House counsel has - even indirectly - turned down an attempt to peek at his email. Neither the Blackberry nor his personal email is explicitly mentioned in the letter.

On October 5, Republican Chairmen Fred Upton and Cliff Stearns requested "all communications among White House staff and officials related to the $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra" because they believed "the White House was closely involved in the monitoring of the Solyndra loan guarantee after it was issued."

They said these documents are necessary "to better understand the involvement of the White house in the review of the Solyndra loan guarantee and the Administration's support of this guarantee.'

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On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
gonna be interesting to watch the tap dances as those that demanded same from past admins now defend this ones refusal to submit docs etc......:lol:

On Solyndra: President's Blackberry Off Limits
Posted by
CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jessica Yellin

Washington (CNN) - Congress isn't getting a glimpse of what's on President Barack Obama's Blackberry - or any more internal White House communications related to the bankrupt solar company Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government.

House Republicans investigating the loan controversy had requested all internal White House documents about the issue. House Energy and Commerce subcommittee chair Rep. Cliff Stearns said that includes emails on the President's Blackberry.

On Friday the White House Counsel sent a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee explaining they won't comply with the request because it "implicates longstanding and significant institutional Executive Branch confidentiality interests."

The response is hardly a surprise given past administrations' refusal to comply with similar congressional requests. The difference here? President Obama is the first Chief Executive to carry a Blackberry, so it's the first time a White House counsel has - even indirectly - turned down an attempt to peek at his email. Neither the Blackberry nor his personal email is explicitly mentioned in the letter.

On October 5, Republican Chairmen Fred Upton and Cliff Stearns requested "all communications among White House staff and officials related to the $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra" because they believed "the White House was closely involved in the monitoring of the Solyndra loan guarantee after it was issued."

They said these documents are necessary "to better understand the involvement of the White house in the review of the Solyndra loan guarantee and the Administration's support of this guarantee.'

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On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
maybe the OWS should protest Obama !!
This administration just doesn't give up with the shady shit...

Solyndra loan figure raises $500K for Obama

WASHINGTON (AP) — A former Energy Department adviser who pushed for a California solar company to receive a half-billion federal loan has raised more than $500,000 for President Barack Obama's reelection campaign.

New campaign finance records show that Steve Spinner, a former sport fitness executive who helped monitor a clean energy loan guarantee program, raised more than $500,000 for Obama as of Sept. 30.

Emails released last week show that Spinner was actively involved in a $528 million federal loan for Solyndra Inc., despite pledging to recuse himself because his wife's law firm represented the company.
Obama is one of the filthiest presidents in the history of this country. He is a class A crook...He makes Nixion and Clinton appear like the Pope.
Obama is one of the filthiest presidents in the history of this country. He is a class A crook...He makes Nixion and Clinton appear like the Pope.

No, he isn't. He's just as bad as the rest. And that should piss off those who fell for his bullshit.
this is going to be hard to defend, as there is no national security interest for Obama to hide behind. All they can be hiding is evidence of a bribe and the disbursal of Government funds.
this is going to be hard to defend, as there is no national security interest for Obama to hide behind. All they can be hiding is evidence of a bribe and the disbursal of Government funds.

Baruch...I'm going to have to disagree with my conservative brethren on this one....

1. The Executive is on an equal level with the Legislative...and should have a leg to stand on to decline handing over the material. Of course, they will have to declare that the communications are privileged, and make up a story to indicate same.

2. It may have to go to the Supreme Court, and there is probably not enough time or reason for that...

3. Will you want the same scrutiny for a Republican President?

4. And, pragmatically, hasn't the damage already been done? Beyond how bad the administration looks in giving the money to a group that had contributed to his run for President, and how badlly the 'green' industry has done in terms of ROI, this become a political attack....No?
this is going to be hard to defend, as there is no national security interest for Obama to hide behind. All they can be hiding is evidence of a bribe and the disbursal of Government funds.

Baruch...I'm going to have to disagree with my conservative brethren on this one....

1. The Executive is on an equal level with the Legislative...and should have a leg to stand on to decline handing over the material. Of course, they will have to declare that the communications are privileged, and make up a story to indicate same.

2. It may have to go to the Supreme Court, and there is probably not enough time or reason for that...

3. Will you want the same scrutiny for a Republican President?

4. And, pragmatically, hasn't the damage already been done? Beyond how bad the administration looks in giving the money to a group that had contributed to his run for President, and how badlly the 'green' industry has done in terms of ROI, this become a political attack....No?

Where do you draw the line between criminality and privilege? Tough call!!
Obama, 2nd day in office:

“The Freedom of Information Act should be administered with a clear presumption: In the face of doubt, openness prevails.”
Is it not turning over communications that bothers the right? I mean, I agree but it's a tough stance to take after the whole "unitary executive" thing the right loved just a few years back.
this is going to be hard to defend, as there is no national security interest for Obama to hide behind. All they can be hiding is evidence of a bribe and the disbursal of Government funds.

Baruch...I'm going to have to disagree with my conservative brethren on this one....

1. The Executive is on an equal level with the Legislative...and should have a leg to stand on to decline handing over the material. Of course, they will have to declare that the communications are privileged, and make up a story to indicate same.

2. It may have to go to the Supreme Court, and there is probably not enough time or reason for that...

3. Will you want the same scrutiny for a Republican President?

4. And, pragmatically, hasn't the damage already been done? Beyond how bad the administration looks in giving the money to a group that had contributed to his run for President, and how badlly the 'green' industry has done in terms of ROI, this become a political attack....No?

You are quite right. The congress does not have the right to go on fishing expeditions to get defamatory information just because. Executive privilege should be protected.

However, in this instance I think congress is right to investigate on this, because I feel there has been a pretty good demonstration of a criminal offense here. This is the kind of thing that is the reason congress was given the subpoena process in the first place.
Couple this with the appeal of releasing the White House guests log is interesting, to boot.

It would have been best if Mr. Obama had never used the word "transparency" in his life.
this is going to be hard to defend, as there is no national security interest for Obama to hide behind. All they can be hiding is evidence of a bribe and the disbursal of Government funds.

Baruch...I'm going to have to disagree with my conservative brethren on this one....

1. The Executive is on an equal level with the Legislative...and should have a leg to stand on to decline handing over the material. Of course, they will have to declare that the communications are privileged, and make up a story to indicate same.

2. It may have to go to the Supreme Court, and there is probably not enough time or reason for that...

3. Will you want the same scrutiny for a Republican President?

4. And, pragmatically, hasn't the damage already been done? Beyond how bad the administration looks in giving the money to a group that had contributed to his run for President, and how badlly the 'green' industry has done in terms of ROI, this become a political attack....No?

You are quite right. The congress does not have the right to go on fishing expeditions to get defamatory information just because. Executive privilege should be protected.

However, in this instance I think congress is right to investigate on this, because I feel there has been a pretty good demonstration of a criminal offense here. This is the kind of thing that is the reason congress was given the subpoena process in the first place.

I need real criminality as opposed to politics.

Now, the attack on those who don't pony up bucks to an administration i.e., Gibson Guitar...or the way Clinton went after Bill Gates....you could convince me there.

And maybe this:

1. “Look, all governors like ‘free money’ coming to the state,” said Republican Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona. “My governor is no different. But the reality is that is it has added to our deficit. We’re now going to have a $1.8 trillion deficit this year.” Transcript: Sens. Durbin and Kyl - ABC News

2. “No sooner had Kyl uttered his criticism than the wheels of gangster government were set in motion. The following day, Arizona’s Republican governor, Jan Brewer, received letters from four of President Obama’s cabinet secretaries- Agriculture, Transportation., Interior, and Housing and Urban Development. Each letter asked whether she would like the $521 million in Arizona stimulus projects to be withdrawn from the state.” Freddoso, “Gangster Government,” p. 82. Tacky?

a. Of course, the threat to any legislators who might criticize the stimulus bill, or any other aspect of the administration’s policies, but consistent with President Obama’s answer to Republicans when they had criticized in January 2009: “I won.” Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ
this is going to be hard to defend, as there is no national security interest for Obama to hide behind. All they can be hiding is evidence of a bribe and the disbursal of Government funds.

Baruch...I'm going to have to disagree with my conservative brethren on this one....

1. The Executive is on an equal level with the Legislative...and should have a leg to stand on to decline handing over the material. Of course, they will have to declare that the communications are privileged, and make up a story to indicate same.

2. It may have to go to the Supreme Court, and there is probably not enough time or reason for that...

3. Will you want the same scrutiny for a Republican President?

4. And, pragmatically, hasn't the damage already been done? Beyond how bad the administration looks in giving the money to a group that had contributed to his run for President, and how badlly the 'green' industry has done in terms of ROI, this become a political attack....No?

You are quite right. The congress does not have the right to go on fishing expeditions to get defamatory information just because. Executive privilege should be protected.

However, in this instance I think congress is right to investigate on this, because I feel there has been a pretty good demonstration of a criminal offense here. This is the kind of thing that is the reason congress was given the subpoena process in the first place.

I agree with PC and you by and large.

I don't think that WH talking with, well, just about anyone should be exposed over mere suspicion. He has a right to speak to whom he wishes and keep the conversation to himself....e mails etc. are just methods of communication, if they had stood face to face we would never know.

I agree that congress should do what they can within their purview, they can demand/subpoena and he can, refuse.

My interest in this runs to the hypocrisy we shall soon see on display where in those that demanded cheney bush et al do same as is requested here of obama and then pilloried them for not doing so, now stretch themselves into semantical contortions explaining why this is 'different' and defend obama. ;)
gonna be interesting to watch the tap dances as those that demanded same from past admins now defend this ones refusal to submit docs etc......:lol:

On Solyndra: President's Blackberry Off Limits
Posted by
CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jessica Yellin

Washington (CNN) - Congress isn't getting a glimpse of what's on President Barack Obama's Blackberry - or any more internal White House communications related to the bankrupt solar company Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government.

House Republicans investigating the loan controversy had requested all internal White House documents about the issue. House Energy and Commerce subcommittee chair Rep. Cliff Stearns said that includes emails on the President's Blackberry.

On Friday the White House Counsel sent a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee explaining they won't comply with the request because it "implicates longstanding and significant institutional Executive Branch confidentiality interests."

The response is hardly a surprise given past administrations' refusal to comply with similar congressional requests. The difference here? President Obama is the first Chief Executive to carry a Blackberry, so it's the first time a White House counsel has - even indirectly - turned down an attempt to peek at his email. Neither the Blackberry nor his personal email is explicitly mentioned in the letter.

On October 5, Republican Chairmen Fred Upton and Cliff Stearns requested "all communications among White House staff and officials related to the $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra" because they believed "the White House was closely involved in the monitoring of the Solyndra loan guarantee after it was issued."

They said these documents are necessary "to better understand the involvement of the White house in the review of the Solyndra loan guarantee and the Administration's support of this guarantee.'

more at-

On Solyndra: President’s Blackberry Off Limits – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Why should he turn them over?

Booooooooooossshhh is eevvuull!!
this is going to be hard to defend, as there is no national security interest for Obama to hide behind. All they can be hiding is evidence of a bribe and the disbursal of Government funds.

Baruch...I'm going to have to disagree with my conservative brethren on this one....

1. The Executive is on an equal level with the Legislative...and should have a leg to stand on to decline handing over the material. Of course, they will have to declare that the communications are privileged, and make up a story to indicate same.

2. It may have to go to the Supreme Court, and there is probably not enough time or reason for that...

3. Will you want the same scrutiny for a Republican President?

4. And, pragmatically, hasn't the damage already been done? Beyond how bad the administration looks in giving the money to a group that had contributed to his run for President, and how badlly the 'green' industry has done in terms of ROI, this become a political attack....No?

  1. Quite true. Only problem with this theory is Obama called Bush out for making that claim.
  2. If it goes it will go directly because no lower court has jurisdiction.
  3. Yes
  4. Hard to argue with that one.

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