White House Counsel, Don McGahn, to Mueller: "I never saw Mr. Trump go beyond his legal authorities"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
WRAP IT UP! Stick a fork in this Witch Hunt - It's DONE.

"Mueller’s fatal mistake was revealed Saturday in The New York Times story titled, “White House Counsel, Don McGahn, Has Cooperated Extensively in Mueller Inquiry.” Michael Schmidt and Maggie Haberman reported that there were at least 30 hours of interviews between the Mueller team and the White House Counsel.

Don McGahn asserted throughout the interviews that “he never saw Mr. Trump go beyond his legal authorities.”

McGahn’s cooperation is historically unique because President Trump waived both executive privilege and attorney-client privilege. President Trump was so confident of his innocence that he waived both of these protections to allow the Special Counsel to thoroughly question the White House attorney."

"McGahn is a very widely-respected lawyer, who thoroughly understands the difference between legal and illegal behavior – and he was in the room for virtually all of President Trump’s activities.

It couldn’t be more clear: The Trump White House was comfortable talking for 30 hours with a pack of high-powered, very tough-minded investigators, because the president has done nothing wrong."

The only reason to keep the investigation now, having ZERO evidence to back any allegation of Trump involvement in Russian Interference, would be 1) in hopes of catching the President in a Perjury Trap if he indeed does agree to an interview with Muller, which is proven to be unnecessary after the WH Counsel's grilling for 30 hours, and/or 2) to keep the Witch Hunt alive in an attempt to help Democrats win back the House, refusing to close it until after the mid-terms.

Newt Gingrich: Mueller's fatal mistake

I do hope the mods review this thread an place it in the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
Why would they list this under 'Conspiracy'?

It is a news story about Mueller's team of high-priced 'guns' grilling the WH Counsel for 30 hours after the President waived Executive Privilege And Attorney-Client Privilege.

I can see why snowflakes would like to hide the fact that the President did not try to hide anything and provided Mueller's team access to his lawyer, especially since liberals and snowflakes continue to try to claim the President did something wrong without having any evidence to back their claims going on 3 years now.
I do hope the mods review this thread an place it in the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
Why would they list this under 'Conspiracy'?

It is a news story about Mueller's team of high-priced 'guns' grilling the WH Counsel for 30 hours after the President waived Executive Privilege And Attorney-Client Privilege.

I can see why snowflakes would like to hide the fact that the President did not try to hide anything and provided Mueller's team access to his lawyer, especially since liberals and snowflakes continue to try to claim the President did something wrong without having any evidence to back their claims going on 3 years now.

Thanks so much for sharing, I completely enjoyed my Fox News update, it was as usual fair and balanced.

McGahn is one witness, an important one, but not the necessary and primary witness needed for Trump to walk free of suspicion.
I do hope the mods review this thread an place it in the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
Why would they list this under 'Conspiracy'?

It is a news story about Mueller's team of high-priced 'guns' grilling the WH Counsel for 30 hours after the President waived Executive Privilege And Attorney-Client Privilege.

I can see why snowflakes would like to hide the fact that the President did not try to hide anything and provided Mueller's team access to his lawyer, especially since liberals and snowflakes continue to try to claim the President did something wrong without having any evidence to back their claims going on 3 years now.

Well the fact that the POTUS waived his rights speaks volumes to anyone with a brain
I do hope the mods review this thread an place it in the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
Why would they list this under 'Conspiracy'?

It is a news story about Mueller's team of high-priced 'guns' grilling the WH Counsel for 30 hours after the President waived Executive Privilege And Attorney-Client Privilege.

I can see why snowflakes would like to hide the fact that the President did not try to hide anything and provided Mueller's team access to his lawyer, especially since liberals and snowflakes continue to try to claim the President did something wrong without having any evidence to back their claims going on 3 years now.
Thanks so much for sharing, I completely enjoyed my Fox News update, it was as usual fair and balanced

You can stick a fork in Mueller now! He's one well-done baked potato.

McGahn is one witness, an important one, but not the necessary and primary witness needed for Trump to walk free of suspicion.

"free of suspicion"

WTF is that supposed to mean?

The dossier is fake news and junk science.

Fusion GPS met with the Russian spy that met with Trump Jr. the day before the meeting and the day after.

This entire cluster fuck was a set up from the start and it is going to end big time bad for the lieberals who crafted it.

Next up, Ohr, next week where he'll be ripped to shreds and crying like you do all day.
McGahn is one witness, an important one, but not the necessary and primary witness needed for Trump to walk free of suspicion.

"free of suspicion"

WTF is that supposed to mean?

The dossier is fake news and junk science.

Fusion GPS met with the Russian spy that met with Trump Jr. the day before the meeting and the day after.

This entire cluster fuck was a set up from the start and it is going to end big time bad for the lieberals who crafted it.

Next up, Ohr, next week where he'll be ripped to shreds and crying like you do all day.

The dossier was paid for by Hitlery, the DNC and they use Fusion.

Anyone with a working brain cell knows its false.
The left will attack McGhan the same way they attacked the doctor who found Trump in excellent health. They will demand that McGhan be disbarred.
I do hope the mods review this thread an place it in the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
Why would they list this under 'Conspiracy'?

It is a news story about Mueller's team of high-priced 'guns' grilling the WH Counsel for 30 hours after the President waived Executive Privilege And Attorney-Client Privilege.

I can see why snowflakes would like to hide the fact that the President did not try to hide anything and provided Mueller's team access to his lawyer, especially since liberals and snowflakes continue to try to claim the President did something wrong without having any evidence to back their claims going on 3 years now.
Thanks so much for sharing, I completely enjoyed my Fox News update, it was as usual fair and balanced

You can stick a fork in Mueller now! He's one well-done baked potato.

View attachment 211695

Mueller ain't going anywhere (MAGA), you can bet on it.
Mueller ain't going anywhere (MAGA), you can bet on it.

I hope he stays around long enough to see the indictments of Lynch Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, and potentially Rosenstein. His indictment would just be icing on the proverbial cake.
Well first we have easyt65 and then we have Fox and Newt!!! What a great combo.
Easyt bases his entire life on conjecture.
No one knows exactly what Mueller is or is not doing. Mueller’s team does not leak.
And Fox News and Newt are Trump mouth pieces, I mean, what else would they say?
I do hope the mods review this thread an place it in the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
Why would they list this under 'Conspiracy'?

It is a news story about Mueller's team of high-priced 'guns' grilling the WH Counsel for 30 hours after the President waived Executive Privilege And Attorney-Client Privilege.

I can see why snowflakes would like to hide the fact that the President did not try to hide anything and provided Mueller's team access to his lawyer, especially since liberals and snowflakes continue to try to claim the President did something wrong without having any evidence to back their claims going on 3 years now.

Well the fact that the POTUS waived his rights speaks volumes to anyone with a brain

Please explain, "the fact that the POTUS waived his rights speaks volumes to anyone with a brain"? Since you must have a brain, please explain what the volumes say to you.
I do hope the mods review this thread an place it in the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
Why would they list this under 'Conspiracy'?

It is a news story about Mueller's team of high-priced 'guns' grilling the WH Counsel for 30 hours after the President waived Executive Privilege And Attorney-Client Privilege.

I can see why snowflakes would like to hide the fact that the President did not try to hide anything and provided Mueller's team access to his lawyer, especially since liberals and snowflakes continue to try to claim the President did something wrong without having any evidence to back their claims going on 3 years now.

Well the fact that the POTUS waived his rights speaks volumes to anyone with a brain

Please explain, "the fact that the POTUS waived his rights speaks volumes to anyone with a brain"? Since you must have a brain, please explain what the volumes say to you.

Well dumbass. If you have something to hide you sure don't waive your rights. And you sure don't cooperate with an investigator.

I do hope the mods review this thread an place it in the Conspiracy Theory Forum.
Why would they list this under 'Conspiracy'?

It is a news story about Mueller's team of high-priced 'guns' grilling the WH Counsel for 30 hours after the President waived Executive Privilege And Attorney-Client Privilege.

I can see why snowflakes would like to hide the fact that the President did not try to hide anything and provided Mueller's team access to his lawyer, especially since liberals and snowflakes continue to try to claim the President did something wrong without having any evidence to back their claims going on 3 years now.
Thanks so much for sharing, I completely enjoyed my Fox News update, it was as usual fair and balanced

You can stick a fork in Mueller now! He's one well-done baked potato.

View attachment 211695

Mueller ain't going anywhere (MAGA), you can bet on it.

You mean I can bake on it? :abgg2q.jpg: :ack-1: :abgg2q.jpg: :ack-1: :abgg2q.jpg:

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