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White House, Dems blaming insurance companies for policy cancellations

so what you're telling us when a insurance company decides to eliminate the policy that you bought for that year, its obama's fault ... becasue the insurance company decided they could make more money off you by making you buy a new plan ... that too is obamam fault ??? really??? you are whack jobs

Wow, I'd love to see a schematic of the thought process that took you from what I said to what you're pretending I said. On the other hand, perhaps not.

What I'm actually saying is this: An individual health insurance plan has many moving parts: Deductible, co-pays, co-insurance, formulary, provider contracts, individual benefits, on and on.

So when a new feature must be added or changed (not to mention several of them, not to mention significant additions or changes), it has a domino effect on the rest of the policy. See, you can't just slap new stuff in there.

So, when a new law requires significant additions or changes to a health care policy, an insurance company will cancel the policy effective the beginning of the new regulations. This really isn't rocket science, and anyone who isn't blinded by their partisan ideology can see this without too much effort.

Surely they knew this. No doubt. Play whatever games you'd like, submit as many personal insults as you'd like.

so what you're telling us when a insurance company decides to eliminate the policy that you bought for that year, its obama's fault ... becasue the insurance company decided they could make more money off you by making you buy a new plan ... that too is obamam fault ??? really??? you are whack jobs

Wow, I'd love to see a schematic of the thought process that took you from what I said to what you're pretending I said. On the other hand, perhaps not.

What I'm actually saying is this: An individual health insurance plan has many moving parts: Deductible, co-pays, co-insurance, formulary, provider contracts, individual benefits, on and on.

So when a new feature must be added or changed (not to mention several of them, not to mention significant additions or changes), it has a domino effect on the rest of the policy. See, you can't just slap new stuff in there.

So, when a new law requires significant additions or changes to a health care policy, an insurance company will cancel the policy effective the beginning of the new regulations. This really isn't rocket science, and anyone who isn't blinded by their partisan ideology can see this without too much effort.

Surely they knew this. No doubt. Play whatever games you'd like, submit as many personal insults as you'd like.


you're wasting your time...Obamabots will NEVER admit all these cancelations are due to Oslavecare...they can't it would be like committing a sin
but good explanation
so what you're telling us when a insurance company decides to eliminate the policy that you ??

Insurance company must eliminate the policy because it does not conform to Obama's new laws.

Yup. Thats it in a nutshell.

Of course none of the idiots who passed this POS were concerned with that.

They all wanted to be part of the "Historic Moment."

Seems Barry's "Signature Legislation" is the POS we all thought it would be. Well most of us who aren't supporters of the Jackass in chief anyway.
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It's amazing to sit back and watch the leftist hacks on this board defend this man.
Obama repeatedly promised to all Americans, that if they liked their plan, they would be able to keep their plan. He did so AFTER fully well knowing this was not going to be true.

How much more plain can we make it for you ? He lied to the American people, and if you care anything at all about your credibility as a member here you will acknowledge the fact.
It's amazing to sit back and watch the leftist hacks on this board defend this man.
Obama repeatedly promised to all Americans, that if they liked their plan, they would be able to keep their plan. He did so AFTER fully well knowing this was not going to be true.

How much more plain can we make it for you ? He lied to the American people, and if you care anything at all about your credibility as a member here you will acknowledge the fact.

it's more than amazing, it's sickening
Obama said quote:

"We will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your healthcare plan, you'll be able to keep your healthcare plan, period."
It's amazing to sit back and watch the leftist hacks on this board defend this man.
Obama repeatedly promised to all Americans, that if they liked their plan, they would be able to keep their plan. He did so AFTER fully well knowing this was not going to be true.

How much more plain can we make it for you ? He lied to the American people, and if you care anything at all about your credibility as a member here you will acknowledge the fact.

it's more than amazing, it's sickening

You would think they would value their credibility on the board. Guess not.
Franco you would make a great cheerleader for 0bama.

"Would Make"???

After all Franco is one of many who will when asked "what color is the blue sky right now" he'd say "depends on what the Messiah/Obama says"!

Ask Franco and many.. "why does Obama insist there are 46 million uninsured even when Obama says 10 million of uninsured won't be covered because
they are not citizens" Franco will say because Obama says there are!

Or why does Obama/Franco insist that 14 million people eligible and need only register with Medicaid should NOT be counted as "uninsured"?

Finally why does Franco/Obama continue to count 18 million people under 34 that make over $50k and that pay out of their own pocket their annual
health expenses of less then $1,000 as part of the uninsured?

Franco/Obama don't seem to understand that those 10 million that are not legal, 14 million don't know and 18 million don't want adds up to 42 million!
That leaves 4 million truly that want and need health insurance...

YET Franco/Obama INSIST we need a single payer system for WHAT??? 1% of the population?

Wouldn't it be simpler just to have those people that want, but can't afford to be part of the "Uninsured Health Ins. Co.©"?
Funded by a 10% tax on Lawyers' $270 billion a year that comes mostly from lawsuits that causes as 90% of physicians attest the practice
"defensive medicine" i.e. charging insurance companies/Medicare $850 billion a year MORE in duplicate tests,etc. out of fear of lawsuits?

But again that is NOT what Obama/Franco want!
Extremely small changes in a policies terms since 2010, for example increasing the copay by more than $5, means it can't be grandfathered in and must be cancelled. The ACA itself didn't specify the terms, it only specified that HHS would write the detailed regulations.

This is what happened with me. My policy was fine except for the deductible, it was too high. I got my cancellation letter, I am now forced to pay more in premiums than I want to starting next year and I get to listen to people in Washington who are too stupid to realize that this time their lie is different because this is a huge change to many people's finances. I'm not going to forget about this, ever, because I have to write the check for this new amount every month from now on and guess who I'm going to think about when I do.

For those of you who think this is a trick to bring single-payer, I don't think it is. I want to see a true single-payer system in this country and I think that the single-payer cause has been pushed back 50 years by this PPACA debacle. No one is going to give any serious consideration at all to single-payer after seeing all of the problems which have come with the PPACA.
So our obamabots got a new talking point and the stupidest of them already are running amok with it ? Oh, what's new, except one would think that some have enough brain cells to realize that they (like the WH) look extremely retarded with this particular line of 'defence'
you would have to be the dumbest president in history to assume that 7-10 million young adults are making so much money that paying around 300-500 a month for health-care would be very affordable, and still be able to make those $250.00 a month college loan payments at the same time!! Yes, its 1995 all over again!
Extremely small changes in a policies terms since 2010, for example increasing the copay by more than $5, means it can't be grandfathered in and must be cancelled. The ACA itself didn't specify the terms, it only specified that HHS would write the detailed regulations.

This is what happened with me. My policy was fine except for the deductible, it was too high. I got my cancellation letter, I am now forced to pay more in premiums than I want to starting next year and I get to listen to people in Washington who are too stupid to realize that this time their lie is different because this is a huge change to many people's finances. I'm not going to forget about this, ever, because I have to write the check for this new amount every month from now on and guess who I'm going to think about when I do.

For those of you who think this is a trick to bring single-payer, I don't think it is. I want to see a true single-payer system in this country and I think that the single-payer cause has been pushed back 50 years by this PPACA debacle. No one is going to give any serious consideration at all to single-payer after seeing all of the problems which have come with the PPACA.

I think you got what you voted for, didn't you?
When the law that made all policies illegal that did not cover obama's minimum standards became effective all these policies had to be cancelled and new policies written that cover obama's decrees.

Coal COMPANY insurers do not insure miners for black lung, they insure COMPANIES. Health insurance companies insure miners for lung disease. So another democrat lie!
and like I mentioned in another post, the 2014 SOTU Address will be an interesting one to watch considering all of the scandals and health-care exchange failure. we will all be wondering if Obama will bring up any of the scandals in the speech.

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