White House Diversity Hire Press Sec Now Afraid To Talk About Trump

White House Diversity Hire Press Sec Now Afraid To Talk About Trump​

Black, female, and lesbian

A lib three-fer
Also, they bragged how she was an immigrant, and not a native-born citizen, so there’s that as well. The people the Dems hate the most are white, heterosexual males who were born in this country.
Biden and Dems will LIE their ass off running away from this mess. Dems LIE it's about the only thing they do well.

Seriously, here's a lying Dem Senator pretending to be an outdoorsman in his campaign ad. Oops, turns out he purchased a 24 hour fishing license to shoot the ad. Just another lying Democrat. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Actually I thought it was politically risky for Biden to call out " Ultra MAGA Republicans", I'm sure they did so based on others recommendations, and as I saw, due to a poll pushed on Dem voters.

What they fail to ignore is how popular his policies were and how such comments energize those supportive of Trumps policies. You throw in the 1/6 Hearings and continued full court press and as I've said for a long time, they are building sympathy for a loud billionaire.

Quite a feat really, but also a reflection of how much citizens dislike the direction their nation is going in and why they support such a divisive outsider.

Trump's policies were NOT popular at all. That's WHY he lost the House in the mid-terms. That's why he lost the White House and the Senate in 2020, and why his continued domination of the Republican Party will destroy the GOP this November.

Mitch McConnell is hoist on his own petard. Having "stolen" two Supreme Court picks, and packing with Court with Federalist Society SC ready picks, Roe v Wade has been overturned, and the whole fiasco is not going as intended. McConnell gleefully promising a law to ban abortion nation wide the moment they retake the House and Senate isn't helping the Republican cause given that 80% of Americans didn't want Roe overturned in the first place.

The chaos and misogyny being unleashed on American women of reproductive age is having the entirely unintended consequence for Republicans of driving every woman in America to vote against the Republican Party until the access to abortion is once again encoded in federal law throughout the nation, and women have the right to make their own decisions again.

The majority of the American people are done with the gerrymandering and minority rule the Republican Party is trying to foist on the majority. They're sick of the interests and the needs of the American people being subverted in favour of the interests of the Billionaire Owners of the lying right wing media.
Doocy is showing her to be the two-faced, lying FACE of this administration. Ever notice she cannot answer a question without reading her notes?
I see her repeatedly answering questions without her notes

Who have you been watching ?
Joe’s going down for this banana republic politicalization of our legal system.
Trump already made that happen. He even tried to strongarm a foreign leader to do it for him.
He also threw a temper tantrum when he lost an election and tried to have the results thrown out.

Again, this kind of shit showed up with the Orange Roughy....and you idiots lap it up. Sad. :)
Trump already made that happen. He even tried to strongarm a foreign leader to do it for him.
He also threw a temper tantrum when he lost an election and tried to have the results thrown out.

Again, this kind of shit showed up with the Orange Roughy....and you idiots lap it up. Sad. :)
Seems using an Epstein lawyer to obtain a bogus warrant is going to ignite a lot of changes.

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