White House Diversity Hire Press Sec Now Afraid To Talk About Trump

They ordered it and are now trying to maintain "implausible deniability".
Have you one once of proof of that...

You are saying that the White house ordered Merrick Garland, a guy who is known on both sides for his independence, to order a Trump appointed FBI Director to illegally invent evidence for a Search Warrant to present in front of Trump Appointed Federal Judge...

And you want us to all believe that without one once of proof...

Some world you live in...
Again more remedial shit needed to be explained...

The WH appoints the AG but stays out of individual investigations...

I know this is new stuff to the Trumpster world as the Asswipe could keep himself out of investigations, thus why he should have been convicted on obstruction of justice... President don't want to know because anything they say as a superior could be termed as an order and thus interferring with the investigation, that could very well be viewed as obstruction of justice.

Proper Press Officers know this and say nothing..
Trump Republicans looked at the AG as working for the President and demanded personal loyalty

That is why they kept firing them
Damn Lisa
You can’t hide your racism for a minute

You going to report me again?
Pointing out the unfairness of hiring unqualified people because of skin color is the very opposite of racist. You, otoh, are defending making hiring decisions based on race, which makes YOU the racist.

And if I’ve ever reported your nasty butt, it’s because you were launching personal and false insults at me in a Zone 1 thread. We are not there now.
No easy feat, but they are pulling it off.

In order for a Democrat/Liberal to think that they can cheer for this happening to someone else in America, but that America for them will always be the shining example of fair elections, free speech, due process, and unbiased justice that it was before the Deepstate got so powerful and arrogant, he or she has to be confident of two things:

1) I will always support the beliefs and goals of the Democratic Party without deviation, and with complete loyalty, in thought, word, and deed, so they will never use their methods on me.

2) The Party will always be in power, or if ever they are not, the other party will not use the same methods on me that was used on their supporters.

The problem is that the Democrat Cult is so deranged that its members cannot think or behave rationally in any way.

Yet you fell in the trap.

Nowhere in your comment the poster was responding to, did you say anything about the Press Secretary's incompetence
being the result of the fact, she is a woman or black ... And you said nothing about Affirmative Action.

You had to come back and make sure he understood his assumptions were correct.
It's like you just cannot help yourself ... :auiqs.jpg:

I have no idea what you are talking about.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course you don't ... :auiqs.jpg:
I was about to make the point the other poster was mistaken and was lucky enough to read what you posted in response before doing so.

They're staying out of it. That's what the SEPARATION between branches is all about.
That's how it's supposed to work.
It is not a separation between branches but a separation between the White House and the DOJ...

There is separation, something he Trump Whitehouse was pretty disrespectful of and now their supporters think is some kind of norm...

The DOJ despite what Trump thought while in office and still thinks today is not a private police force under the command of the President (either it the Military too)... The President doesn't just order the DOJ to investigate people...
Pointing out the unfairness of hiring unqualified people because of skin color is the very opposite of racist. You, otoh, are defending making hiring decisions based on race, which makes YOU the racist.

And if I’ve ever reported your nasty butt, it’s because you were launching personal and false insults at me in a Zone 1 thread. We are not there now.

As one of USMBs most prolific racists, you never fail to disappoint

Can you point to any black Democrats that you don’t demean as “affirmative action”?

Of course you don't ... :auiqs.jpg:

Oh wait.….I get it! i pointed out that the Press Secretary is unqualified, not mentioning her race, and that leftist came out and accused me of being a racist because I criticized a black woman.

You’re right. That’s the ledtist MO - no criticism of anyone who is black will be allowed. It is how they will defend that idiot Harris if and when she is installed as president:

Harris: I hereby declare that all student loans are wiped out!

Republican: That is unfair, and will simply increase inflation by pumping more money into the economy, while forcing high-school educated blue-color workers to subsidize the financial obligations of professionals earning much more

Liberal: Raaaaaacist!

So I get it now, and won’t fall into the nasty Lib trap again. But no need to laugh at me.
Come on Lisa….you can do it

Name a black Democrat that you don’t taunt as affirmative action
A fellow conservative alerted me to the fact that I fall into your trap, and I’m not playing any more.

Find another non-racist Republican to taunt. I have moved beyond you. Good luck.
Oh wait.….I get it! i pointed out that the Press Secretary is unqualified, not mentioning her race, and that leftist came out and accused me of being a racist because I criticized a black woman.

You’re right. That’s the ledtist MO - no criticism of anyone who is black will be allowed. It is how they will defend that idiot Harris if and when she is installed as president:

Harris: I hereby declare that all student loans are wiped out!

Republican: That is unfair, and will simply increase inflation by pumping more money into the economy, while forcing high-school educated blue-color workers to subsidize the financial obligations of professionals earning much more

Liberal: Raaaaaacist!

So I get it now, and won’t fall into the nasty Lib trap again. But no need to laugh at me.

It won't be until both sides figure out how to stop chasing the ball (triggers) ...
And try to establish a better understanding of the principles involved, that anything will ever have a chance of getting better.

It's not even a matter of validity of the points you are making.
You are focused on the wrong thing, and it will never serve a greater purpose.

In case you haven’t noticed, The Biden Administration avoids saying Trump by name

He is not worth it.

Now, Dooceys question deserved a response of…..Fuck off Peter

But she tactfully put him in his place and moved on

Biden's new WH press secretary claimed Trump, Ga. Gov. Kemp 'stole' elections​

Does the phrase "SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES" seem
familiar to anyone? That phrase was BANGED into my head
as a ten year old in public grammar school----USA
Fucking right... She is the Press Officer, she is not running the country..

You are so used to a guy sitting in front of a camera half arsing it like Trump, you are shocked to see a professional doing the normal stuff... Normal is boring, they are not in the entertainment business...

This Press Officer hasn't told anyone to inject bleach yet....
Did you just refer to the current Press Secretary as a "professional", Ted? I'm curious...how long do you think she'd last taking questions without her talking points? She's almost as clueless as Joe Biden but at least with Joe he's got the excuse of being senile!
Have you one once of proof of that...

You are saying that the White house ordered Merrick Garland, a guy who is known on both sides for his independence, to order a Trump appointed FBI Director to illegally invent evidence for a Search Warrant to present in front of Trump Appointed Federal Judge...

And you want us to all believe that without one once of proof...

Some world you live in...
Oh, you're on a roll, Cowboy! You do know that was pretty much standard operating proceedure during the Obama Justice Department under Eric Holder?
Does the phrase "SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES" seem
familiar to anyone? That phrase was BANGED into my head
as a ten year old in public grammar school----USA
They don’t teach that any longer. They are too busy teaching children that it is OK to switch genders, that whites are oppressors and blacks victims, and pornographic books that are so graphic they can’t be read out loud at School Board meetings.
Well, the FBI is part of the Executive Branch. But there is zero evidence of any White House involvement in the raid on Mara-Lard-Ass. It is hilarious that the blobbers here still pretend that he is as innocent as a new snowfall when his entire campaign staff high command was found guilty of felonies.

Hey Cornpop, exactly who would that be?

White House Diversity Hire Press Sec Now Afraid To Talk About Trump​

Black, female, and lesbian

A lib three-fer

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