White House Hosts LGBTQ Event, Trans Model Goes Topless On White House Lawn After Pictures With President Biden

I have lived on Federal property all over the country over the years. According to a neighbor who laid out in just her bikini bottoms at El Toro all the time said there were no nudity laws on federal property. I lived on Wright Patt a few years ago and I heard that again. I really don't know if that is true or not, but I sure did not call the MP's.
Just for the record, I would really like to see everyone dressed in buisness casual or better and behave appropriately when visiting the White House. But I am not sure why you guys are making such a big deal about it. Again, if it were not for conservatives I would probably go days to weeks without thinking about trans people.

That's just not true, apparently you don't watch any tv or use social media, they're everywhere.
That's just not true, apparently you don't watch any tv or use social media, they're everywhere.
Normal people do not think about this stuff 24/7. I do not do social media but no, I almost never see it anywhere besides RWNM.

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