White House lies are now annoying FOX News....Trouble in the Trump Kingdom?

Fox News’ Shepard Smith Slams White House for ‘Lie After Lie After Lie’ About Russia (Video)

Yup, the curtain in beginning to fall on the Comrade Trump- FOX lovefest. Yes, some will never call the Liar a Liar, like the mindless Hannity. But the truth is coming closer to the top. Does ANYONE really believe Junior heard the Ruskies had damning information on Hillary and did't call Daddy and tell him? I mean, they lie so much they think they are actually telling the truth.
Your Messiah was a serial liar and no one seemed to care.
Fox News’ Shepard Smith Slams White House for ‘Lie After Lie After Lie’ About Russia (Video)

Yup, the curtain in beginning to fall on the Comrade Trump- FOX lovefest. Yes, some will never call the Liar a Liar, like the mindless Hannity. But the truth is coming closer to the top. Does ANYONE really believe Junior heard the Ruskies had damning information on Hillary and did't call Daddy and tell him? I mean, they lie so much they think they are actually telling the truth.
Your Messiah was a serial liar and no one seemed to care.

The entire criminal WH , including the Comrade and his children, NEVER met with any Russians until the media found out they. Suddenly that lie turned into an "oversight."

But we all know a Lie is a Lie. Mueller is finding some very rotten stuff.
Fox News’ Shepard Smith Slams White House for ‘Lie After Lie After Lie’ About Russia (Video)

Yup, the curtain in beginning to fall on the Comrade Trump- FOX lovefest. Yes, some will never call the Liar a Liar, like the mindless Hannity. But the truth is coming closer to the top. Does ANYONE really believe Junior heard the Ruskies had damning information on Hillary and did't call Daddy and tell him? I mean, they lie so much they think they are actually telling the truth.
Your Messiah was a serial liar and no one seemed to care.

The entire criminal WH , including the Comrade and his children, NEVER met with any Russians until the media found out they. Suddenly that lie turned into an "oversight."

But we all know a Lie is a Lie. Mueller is finding some very rotten stuff.

IS he? :laugh:

You've talked to him lately?
Fox News’ Shepard Smith Slams White House for ‘Lie After Lie After Lie’ About Russia (Video)

Yup, the curtain in beginning to fall on the Comrade Trump- FOX lovefest. Yes, some will never call the Liar a Liar, like the mindless Hannity. But the truth is coming closer to the top. Does ANYONE really believe Junior heard the Ruskies had damning information on Hillary and did't call Daddy and tell him? I mean, they lie so much they think they are actually telling the truth.

You should stop watching FOX news, that shit will rot what little brain you have.

According to Harvard Fox news is the only unbiased MSM network all other networks and most major publications were shown to have an 80%+ negative reporting rate of the Trump administration, Fox was the only outlier with only 52% negative reporting. Furthermore" WaPo, the NYTs, CNN, MSNBC, etc were all shown by the wikileaks Podesta emails of having actively colluded with the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

I don't watch FOX, but I'm not surprised. Plus, I only posted that because I knew it would irritate the lefty.
Has the Republican party put the communist-thing on hold for now, or does it no longer register? It was the Republican bread and issue for so long that I miss it and Trump's tweets just don't have it,
Just heard the Comrade said.this is the last Russian meeting he is aware of. Do yoi think that lie will last one week?

Putin is laughing his gonads off! He has the Comrade by the short hairs now. Either he does what his Ussian master wants or he begins leaking info to the press.


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