White House Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front


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White House Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front

March 20, 2013
By Ryan Mauro


On March 8, ISNA President Mohamed Magid joined 10 other religious leaders in a 90-minute conversation with President Obama about immigration reform. Also present was senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, who spoke at ISNA’s 2009 convention. Three days later, Magid took part in a meeting with President Obama where he got “recommendations” in preparation for his Middle East trip, including some from groups with a history of defending Hezbollah.

“Over the past two years, I-along with my White House colleagues-have benefited from the advice of many of your [Magid’s] organizations through our Office of Public Engagement,” said Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough on March 6, 2011 during a speech at the mosque that Magid leads.

ISNA’s White House tour included spending time with George Selim, the White House Director for Community Partnerships, who is an annual speaker at ISNA’s conventions. Selim previously admitted that “hundreds” of meetings have taken place between government officials and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, another group with Brotherhood origins that was designated an unindicted co-conspirator.


Instead of working with anti-Islamist Muslim groups like the American Islamic Leadership Coalition or the LibForAll Foundation, the Obama administration is embracing the larger Muslim Brotherhood legacy groups. The way to engage in the Muslim-American community is by discrediting the Islamist theme, not by giving a platform to those broadcasting it.

White House Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front

Long live the Brotherhood!!!!!

Why would you support the mother of most terrorist organizations?
the answer is very simple... Lakhota blames his personal failures on America . he hates anyone that has worked hard and built a better life for themselves .

Oh, you mean like those nice Christians who murdered Native Americans, stole their land, and then used slaves to do their work?
Why would you support the mother of most terrorist organizations?
the answer is very simple... Lakhota blames his personal failures on America . he hates anyone that has worked hard and built a better life for themselves .

Oh, you mean like those nice Christians who murdered Native Americans, stole their land, and then used slaves to do their work?
native Americans were fighting and slaughtering rival tribes thousands of yrs before Europeans arrived !! war and conquest was was an age old practice long before the white man came to the Americas !!
the answer is very simple... Lakhota blames his personal failures on America . he hates anyone that has worked hard and built a better life for themselves .

Oh, you mean like those nice Christians who murdered Native Americans, stole their land, and then used slaves to do their work?
native Americans were fighting and slaughtering rival tribes thousands of yrs before Europeans arrived !! war and conquest was was an age old practice long before the white man came to the Americas !!

And slavery was common among First Nations.

White House Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front

March 20, 2013
By Ryan Mauro


On March 8, ISNA President Mohamed Magid joined 10 other religious leaders in a 90-minute conversation with President Obama about immigration reform. Also present was senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, who spoke at ISNA’s 2009 convention. Three days later, Magid took part in a meeting with President Obama where he got “recommendations” in preparation for his Middle East trip, including some from groups with a history of defending Hezbollah.

“Over the past two years, I-along with my White House colleagues-have benefited from the advice of many of your [Magid’s] organizations through our Office of Public Engagement,” said Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough on March 6, 2011 during a speech at the mosque that Magid leads.

ISNA’s White House tour included spending time with George Selim, the White House Director for Community Partnerships, who is an annual speaker at ISNA’s conventions. Selim previously admitted that “hundreds” of meetings have taken place between government officials and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, another group with Brotherhood origins that was designated an unindicted co-conspirator.


Instead of working with anti-Islamist Muslim groups like the American Islamic Leadership Coalition or the LibForAll Foundation, the Obama administration is embracing the larger Muslim Brotherhood legacy groups. The way to engage in the Muslim-American community is by discrediting the Islamist theme, not by giving a platform to those broadcasting it.

White House Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front


It's troubling.
Why would you support the mother of most terrorist organizations?
the answer is very simple... Lakhota blames his personal failures on America . he hates anyone that has worked hard and built a better life for themselves .

Oh, you mean like those nice Christians who murdered Native Americans, stole their land, and then used slaves to do their work?

Name one person you personally know that did that.

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