White House Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front

Quick question American Jackass...........................

Can you provide a credible link that proves Obama is in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood?

If you can, I'll state that you tell the truth.
Quick question American Jackass...........................

Can you provide a credible link that proves Obama is in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood?

If you can, I'll state that you tell the truth.

BikerBoiy, how about you proving he's NOT. You'll state...rolmao...you don't carry any fn weight...:eusa_angel:

U.S. Move to Give Egypt $450 Million in Aid Meets Resistance

Published: September 28, 2012

The Obama administration notified Congress on Friday that it would provide Egypt’s new government an emergency cash infusion of $450 million, but the aid immediately encountered resistance from a prominent lawmaker wary of foreign aid and Egypt’s new course under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The aid is part of the $1 billion in assistance that the Obama administration has pledged to Egypt to bolster its transition to democracy after the overthrow last year of the former president, Hosni Mubarak. Its fate, however, was clouded by concerns over the new government’s policies and, more recently, the protests that damaged the American Embassy in Cairo.



[I know, the source is questionable...:eusa_liar:]
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Quick question American Jackass...........................

Can you provide a credible link that proves Obama is in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood?

If you can, I'll state that you tell the truth.

BikerBoiy, how about you proving he's NOT. You'll state...rolmao...you don't carry any fn weight...:eusa_angel:

U.S. Move to Give Egypt $450 Million in Aid Meets Resistance

Published: September 28, 2012

The Obama administration notified Congress on Friday that it would provide Egypt’s new government an emergency cash infusion of $450 million, but the aid immediately encountered resistance from a prominent lawmaker wary of foreign aid and Egypt’s new course under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The aid is part of the $1 billion in assistance that the Obama administration has pledged to Egypt to bolster its transition to democracy after the overthrow last year of the former president, Hosni Mubarak. Its fate, however, was clouded by concerns over the new government’s policies and, more recently, the protests that damaged the American Embassy in Cairo.



[I know, the source is questionable...:eusa_liar:]

I guess you can't.

Good to know that you have nothing American Jackass.
Obama’s Disasters in the Middle East

June 10, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


As the Obama administration quietly transferred $1.3 billion in U.S. military aid to the Islamist government of Egypt, Syria is burning and totalitarian Islam continues its march in the Middle East and North Africa.

President Obama’s manmade disasters continue to mount.

It turns out Secretary of State John Kerry surreptitiously gave Egypt U.S. military aid last month, rewarding that country’s Islamofascist dictatorship for its increasingly vicious assaults on foreign workers, religious minorities, and civil society.

Kerry authorized aid to the violent, totalitarian, anti-American regime despite finding in a May 9 memo that “we are not satisfied with the extent of Egypt’s progress and are pressing for a more inclusive democratic process and the strengthening of key democratic institutions.”


Obama?s Disasters in the Middle East | FrontPage Magazine
Go ahead American Jackass.......................prove that Obama has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I'm guessing you can't, because all of your links are to far right wing idiot sites.

Tell us when you have something real, and not something that you (or your compatriots) have pulled out of your ass.

Go ahead......................we can wait.......................
Go ahead American Jackass.......................prove that Obama has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I'm guessing you can't, because all of your links are to far right wing idiot sites.

Tell us when you have something real, and not something that you (or your compatriots) have pulled out of your ass.

Go ahead......................we can wait.......................

The far left won't talk about it because they are protecting the Kenyon Obongo...:eusa_shhh:


Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference
Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser –founder Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar – Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

The foxes are now living in the hen house...​

Hey bikerboiy, take that fn mouse out of your pocket before I call peta on yo ass...

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Go ahead American Jackass.......................prove that Obama has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I'm guessing you can't, because all of your links are to far right wing idiot sites.

Tell us when you have something real, and not something that you (or your compatriots) have pulled out of your ass.

Go ahead......................we can wait.......................

The far left won't talk about it because they are protecting the Kenyon Obongo...:eusa_shhh:


Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference
Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser –founder Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar – Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

The foxes are now living in the hen house...​

Hey bikerboiy, take that fn mouse out of your pocket before I call peta on yo ass...


Actually, maybe I should call PETA on you..................................

Seems that you keep it stuck up your ass until you need some moronic talking point.

Keep trying American Jackass..................................nice to see stupid has an outlet.
Go ahead American Jackass.......................prove that Obama has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I'm guessing you can't, because all of your links are to far right wing idiot sites.

Tell us when you have something real, and not something that you (or your compatriots) have pulled out of your ass.

Go ahead......................we can wait.......................

The far left won't talk about it because they are protecting the Kenyon Obongo...:eusa_shhh:


Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference
Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser –founder Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar – Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

The foxes are now living in the hen house...​

Hey bikerboiy, take that fn mouse out of your pocket before I call peta on yo ass...


Actually, maybe I should call PETA on you..................................

Seems that you keep it stuck up your ass until you need some moronic talking point.

Keep trying American Jackass..................................nice to see stupid has an outlet.

man you've got your head in the sand....

Obama even appointed a convert to Islam to be his CIA director.....a muslim operative who thinks jihad is a legitimate tenent of Islam....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=972RW7PzYN4]John Brennan (Counter-terrorism Advisor) Says Jihad is Legitimate - YouTube[/ame]
Yanno...................ya gotta quit listening to FAUX Nooze.....................they're rotting your brain and giving you only 60 percent of the story.

They play to your fears.....................are you really that stupid?
Go ahead American Jackass.......................prove that Obama has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I'm guessing you can't, because all of your links are to far right wing idiot sites.

Tell us when you have something real, and not something that you (or your compatriots) have pulled out of your ass.

Go ahead......................we can wait.......................

The far left won't talk about it because they are protecting the Kenyon Obongo...:eusa_shhh:


Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the (OIC) Organization of the Islamic Conference
Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser –founder Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar – Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships

The foxes are now living in the hen house...​

Hey bikerboiy, take that fn mouse out of your pocket before I call peta on yo ass...


Actually, maybe I should call PETA on you..................................

Seems that you keep it stuck up your ass until you need some moronic talking point.

Keep trying American Jackass..................................nice to see stupid has an outlet.

BikerBoiy, now your just babbling........ why.........because you got nothing, by the way if anyone has something stuck in their ass it would be a progressive/liberal...:eek:

Giddy up


If that is so, then why are the various scandals failing so miserably?

It seems that you keep SOMETHING up your ass that tends to tickle your vocal cords, and tell you all the wrong stuff you could possibly follow.

When the GOP comes up with a REAL scandal tied to the White House, call me..............................
If that is so, then why are the various scandals failing so miserably?

It seems that you keep SOMETHING up your ass that tends to tickle your vocal cords, and tell you all the wrong stuff you could possibly follow.

When the GOP comes up with a REAL scandal tied to the White House, call me..............................


BikieBoiy, can you prove the failings, when it comes to SOMETHING in yo ass will have to yield to the left being their experts on the subject, just ask Swallow...:eek:

lol...2 4 1
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Obama Sends U.S. Troops to Prop Up Morsi

June 26, 2013
By Arnold Ahlert


In yet another remarkable display of Obama’s determination to secure the Middle East for Islamofascists, 400 U.S. troops will reportedly be deployed to Egypt to augment the police force of Islamist President Mohamed Morsi. They will be part of a 13-country force stationed in Egypt in anticipation of protests, scheduled for June 30th, calling for the removal of Morsi. Curiously, whereas Obama readily threw former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak under the bus in 2011, the White House is now eager to defend the regime of Morsi, who, like his Muslim Brotherhood sponsors, is well on his way to imposing the Saudi Arabian model of governance on Egypt.

The so-called “peacekeeping mission” on which the U.S. troops will serve is expected to last nine months. It follows six months of training by troops at both Fort Hood, Texas and Fort Irwin, California. That training reportedly included crowd control measures as well as Molotov cocktail attack response. ”Soldiers encountered Molotov cocktails and other dangerous items in the training,” reported a local TV news station out of Killeen, TX that broke the story.


In 2009, one of the few genuine spasms of resistance to Islamofacism broke out in Iran. Obama chose not to “meddle,” and thousands of pro-democracy Iranians were subsequently brutalized into submission. History is on the cusp of repeating itself in Egypt, with perhaps millions of Egyptian ready to stand up for democracy. This time Obama has “upped his game.” He now stands with the Islamists in no uncertain terms.

Obama Sends U.S. Troops to Prop Up Morsi | FrontPage Magazine
Exposed: The Final Conversation Between Morsi and Egyptian Military

July 10, 2013 By Raymond Ibrahim


On July 5, El Watan (“the nation”), one of Egypt’s most popular newspapers, published the final dialogue between General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Dr. Muhammad Morsi, which took place on Tuesday July 2, a few hours before Morsi’s final speech to the Egyptian people. A reporter who was taken to an adjacent room was allowed to witness and transcribe their conversation from a TV screen. I translate the entire speech as it appears on El Watan below:

Exchange Between Morsi and Sisi

Morsi: What’s the military’s position concerning what’s going on? Is it just going to stand by watching? Shouldn’t it protect the legitimacy?

Sisi: What legitimacy? The entire army is with the will of the people, and the overwhelming majority of people, according to documented reports, don’t want you.

Morsi: My supporters are many and they won’t be silent.

Sisi: The army will not allow anyone to destroy the nation, no matter what happens.

Morsi: What if I don’t want to leave?

Sisi: The matter is settled and no longer up to you. Try to leave with your dignity and tell those whom you call supporters to go back to their homes in order to prevent bloodshed, instead of threatening the people through them.

Morsi: But this way it will be a military coup, and America won’t leave you alone.


Exposed: The Final Conversation Between Morsi and Egyptian Military | FrontPage Magazine
Barack’s Plan B for the Brotherhood

July 8, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Tahrir Square may have filled up with fireworks after Morsi’s fall, but it’s far too early to count the Muslim Brotherhood out of the game. Not when its best asset is still in the White House.

As the Anti-Morsi protests grew intense, the White House attempted to sell the Brotherhood president on a plan for early elections and a broader coalition. That plan never went anywhere and when the military rolled out its deadline, the administration was left scrambling to head off the inevitable.

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel got on the phone to the Egyptian military and proved to be about as effective as he had been at his confirmation hearing. Secretary of State John Kerry was last seen aboard his yacht at Nantucket. The only consistent thing about Obama’s foreign policy teams is that they hover somewhere between the incompetent and the ineffectual. But that’s because they really don’t matter.

Kerry has as little to do with foreign policy decision making as his predecessor. Like Hillary, Kerry is a “face” to be kept busy with some make-work, in this case the bankrupt Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The real foreign policy decisions are handled by a close circle of Obama advisers who will never have to dance through a confirmation hearing. Hagel and Kerry are just the clowns who get to take the blame.


Plan A couldn’t keep Morsi in power. Plan B intends to finish what Obama’s Cairo speech started by putting the Muslim Brotherhood back on the throne.

Barack?s Plan B for the Brotherhood | FrontPage Magazine
American Jackass and his fucked up theories........................


Never heard such bullshit, nor have I heard it defended as much as AJ (American Jackass) does.

Keep coming with the conspiracy theories................you may even do as well as Yurt.
American Jackass and his fucked up theories........................


Never heard such bullshit, nor have I heard it defended as much as AJ (American Jackass) does.

Keep coming with the conspiracy theories................you may even do as well as Yurt.

Same ol :lame2: bs boiy...

BikieBoiy, you mimic Lawrence Francis O'Donnell on MSDNC with that slow.........talk............,I..............guess.............you............B................slow................minded................like............he...:eek:


BTW I'M not a writer remember, just c/n/p to aggravate yo ass...
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Obama to Egypt: “Arrest Muslim Brotherhood Leaders and We’ll Cut Off Your Foreign Aid”

July 11, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


The original statements were more subtle. Now the White House and State Department are turning their Brotherhood cards face up. As I wrote in Barack’s Plan B for the Brotherhood, the goal is to get the Brotherhood back into power.

Obama Inc is explicitly emphasizing that the Muslim Brotherhood’s leaders and members must remain free and join a new government. The hypocrisy of Obama’s people claiming that they aren’t taking sides, when they never said one critical word to Morsi despite his abuses, but are now heating up their faxes and blackberries blasting out condemnations of the new Egyptian government in defense of the Brotherhood is astounding.

Even while Muslim Brotherhood leaders incite violence and their followers murder Christians, Obama is using foreign aid as leverage to protect a hate group and terror group.


Obama to Egypt: ?Arrest Muslim Brotherhood Leaders and We?ll Cut Off Your Foreign Aid? | FrontPage Magazine
Anybody who hasn't noticed Obama's affection for radical communists and muslims has their head up their ass. And the more anti-America they are, the more he seems to like them.

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