White House Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front


Reagan & Iran-Contra

Then google

Reagan & Hussein

The google

Bush & Carlye Group

Then google


Then ask yourself: how far will the party of big oil go to suppress its business relationships with terrorist petrol-states?
Morsi Supporters Wave Al Qaeda Flags — on The Glazov Gang

July 16, 2013 By Frontpagemag.com



The Gang members gathered to discuss Morsi Supporters Wave Al Qaeda Flags, analyzing why Obama and Islamist terrorists both back the Brotherhood.

The episode also featured The Brotherhood-Benghazi Connection, focusing on Morsi’s fall and the revelations it may yield.

To watch both parts of this two part series, see below:


Morsi Supporters Wave Al Qaeda Flags ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine

Al Qaeda doesn't really have a flag, if used, they are usually general Islamist / jihadi flags which are used by many different groups internationally. The closest you'd come to would be the flag in the picture would be of the ISI in Iraq, but it is used by other groups as well.
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Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Claims Jews are Assassinating Anti-Brotherhood Activists

July 31, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


“Uh yeah. It wasn’t us who killed our critics. It was the Jews. Because they wanted to frame us for killing people whose murder we supported, but never actually carried out.”

These are the people whom Obama wants to see in power in Egypt and Syria.

Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie accused Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of carrying out massacres “only likened by those carried out by enemy Zionists and their treacherous agents.”

In a message addressed to Sisi on Sunday, Badie said that Sisi is even worse than the Pharaoh who used to kill the children of the believers and let the women live. “You and your soldiers are worse, you kill everybody,” he said.

How many children did the Egyptian military just kill? And if Badie wants to discuss killing everyone, let’s talk about Morsi freeing Islamic Group members who played a role in the Luxor Massacre. A literal case of everyone everybody.


So instead of assassinating Islamists, the Zionists, who apparently freely roam Benghazi, are assassinating anti-Islamists to frame the Islamists. Sure they could just kill the Islamists, but this is so much more convoluted.

And surely it can’t be the Islamists who kill their critics. It’s not like they call for the murder of their critics and have a history of carrying out such acts.

It must be the Jews. :lol:

Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Claims Jews are Assassinating Anti-Brotherhood Activists | FrontPage Magazine

Wiesenthal Center Calls on Obama to Recognize Muslim Brotherhood as a Hate Group

August 15, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

I’m not sure Hate Group really sufficiently covers an international organization with terrorist wings, control of entire territories and a plan to take over the world. It’s like calling the Nazis a hate group or a bunch of criminals.

It’s not inaccurate, but it’s also quite an understatement.

Still it’s good to see a mainstream Jewish organization speak up and state the obvious. The Muslim Brotherhood responded to a government crackdown on its terror camps by burning as many churches as it could.

That’s what a hate group acts like.

Secretary of State Kerry is to be commended for declaring that the Egyptian military was “restoring democracy” by deposing Morsi. Now the U.S. should drop its flawed Muslim Brotherhood policy. Never a force for moderation, it should be recognized for what it is: An enemy of freedom and tolerance– a hate group with a long enemies list.

There should be no more grants and no more White House visits for bigots.


Wiesenthal Center Calls on Obama to Recognize Muslim Brotherhood as a Hate Group | FrontPage Magazine
Hugging the Brotherhood to Death

August 27, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield



Obama’s embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood made them fair game in the Muslim world.

The military and the opposition understood immediately that the only way the overthrow of Morsi could be made palatable to most Egyptians was by portraying it as a fight not merely against the Brotherhood, but against a conspiracy between Washington and the Brotherhood. The Egyptian people might be divided on Morsi, but they could be united against Obama.


While Obama played checkers with the region, its power players had gotten out their chessboards and deftly checkmated yet another Western regime change project. With the typical slowness of the obtuse, Obama still doesn’t understand that he lost or what the game even was.

Obama and Kerry believe that they are men of nuance, but they are crude, loud and obvious compared to the men that they are up against who have outplayed them in Egypt and are ready to begin burying the rotting corpse of the Arab Spring beneath the Sinai sands.

Hugging the Brotherhood to Death | FrontPage Magazine

“My Administration is Proud to be Your Partner”, Obama Tells Muslim Brotherhood Pro-Hamas Group

September 3, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

Finally, something we can believe.

Obama taped a statement congratulating ISNA, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas Holy Land funding case, on its anniversary, telling the Muslim Brotherhood terror-linked front group, “My administration is proud to be your partner.”


?My Administration is Proud to be Your Partner?, Obama Tells Muslim Brotherhood Pro-Hamas Group | FrontPage Magazine

Clinton Muslim Brotherhood Operative Arrested in Egypt

September 19, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


A fugitive Muslim Brotherhood leader and Clinton operative has been arrested by Egyptian authorities in an ongoing roundup of seditious Islamist militants.

The arrest of Gehad el-Haddad for inciting violence is a sobering reminder not just of how close Hillary Clinton’s network is to the brutal Muslim Brotherhood, the Left’s favorite Islamofascist cell, but also of the extent to which Islamist enemies of the United States have infiltrated the American political establishment.

And it is yet another vindication for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) who has been viciously attacked by left-wingers and leaders of her own party for having the courage to sound the alarm about radical Islam’s penetration of the U.S. government.


Frank Gaffney has written a full-length pamphlet for the David Horowitz Freedom Center about the Muslim Brotherhood’s connections to Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration. After the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11 last year, David Horowitz previewed the pamphlet, writing:

“If anyone needed evidence that Hillary Clinton is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood, the events of the last few days should be more than sufficient. On the anniversary of 9/11, on what should be a day of shame for the Muslim world, the US Embassy in Cairo issued a statement condemning critics of Islamofascism in language appropriate to the office of propaganda for the Muslim Brotherhood. Islamofascists launched violent attacks on Americans, repeating the outrages in miniature of the World Trade Center attacks 11 years ago. In the face of these outrages the posture of the U.S. government is one that would make Neville Chamberlain blush.”

It’s unlikely that Hillary Clinton will blush. After all, she’s shameless.

But then again, what difference does it make?

Clinton Muslim Brotherhood Operative Arrested in Egypt | FrontPage Magazine
Those are the ones Assad is fighting with help from Russia.

If there is some reason we should be anti Assad or Putin, it's not visible.
Hillary’s Secret Deal With Morsi — on The Glazov Gang

October 4, 2013


This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Steven Emerson, the Executive Director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism.

He discusses Hillary’s Secret Deal With Morsi [starts at the 12:00 mark]. The discussion was preceded by a spotlight on Who Is Eric Holder? and The Sordid World of CAIR.


Hillary?s Secret Deal With Morsi ? on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine
New Extremist Foxes Welcomed into U.S. Chicken Coop

October 15, 2013 By Douglas Murray


And say hello again to two of the most appallingly over-promoted and sinister figures involved with the current U.S. government: Mohamed Elibiary and Dalia Mogahed.

Of course, you may not want to: as the terror goes on worldwide, and the situation around the globe slips continuously in the Islamists’ general direction, there is a growing and terrific ennui among much of the West. Among much of the Western world, terrorists’ marauding is another case of, “Oh, just that Islamism again.” You say a person is not good? Well, we can’t be bothered to find out. The very condition that so few people can raise themselves to be bothered is part of the problem: “The trouble with all the nice people I knew in Germany,” the British author Stephen Spender wrote in his Berlin diary in the 1930s, “is that they were either tired or weak.”

Thankfully there are a number of people who can still rouse themselves to point out how outrageous Western governments’ hiring policies are these days – as when Mohamed Elibiary was promoted to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council. Yet despite these heroic individuals pointing out Elibiary’s track record of support for Islamists worldwide, the appointment held — and so it was that the U.S. government welcomed another fox into its chicken coop.


New Extremist Foxes Welcomed into U.S. Chicken Coop | FrontPage Magazine
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Written by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.



Writing for Human Events in 2011, Robert Spencer reveals a few of President Obama’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

President Obama, Spencer writes:

made sure to invite Brotherhood leaders to attend his notorious speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, Egypt, in June 4, 2009. Starting in the earliest days of his administration, he showed an intense desire to establish friendly ties with Brotherhood-linked organizations—despite the Brotherhood’s stated goal of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Obama first reached out to the Brotherhood when he chose the leader of a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group that had been named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case to give a prayer during his inauguration ceremonies. Ingrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), offered this prayer at the National Cathedral on Obama’s Inauguration Day—despite the fact that the ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from the ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status.

Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain the ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. On the contrary: He sent his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, to be the keynote speaker at the ISNA’s national convention in 2009.

Even worse, in April 2009, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, as assistant secretary for policy development at the Department of Homeland Security. Just two weeks before he received this appointment, Alikhan (who once called the jihad terror group Hezbollah a “liberation movement”) participated in a fund-raiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

Like the ISNA, MPAC has links to the Muslim Brotherhood. In a book titled In Fraternity: A Message to Muslims in America, co-author Hassan Hathout, a former MPAC president, is identified as “a close disciple of the late Hassan al-Banna of Egypt. “The MPAC-linked magazine The Minaret spoke of Hathout’s closeness to al-Banna in a 1997 article: “My father would tell me that Hassan Hathout was a companion of Hassan al-Banna. … Hassan Hathout would speak of al-Banna with such love and adoration; he would speak of a relationship not guided by politics or law but by a basic sense of human decency.”

The late al-Banna, of course, was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Apart from those ties, Spencer chronicles the ties between members of the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood:

The Muslim Brotherhood is a pro-Sharia group. Obama’s chief adviser on Islamic affairs, Dalia Mogahed, is a pro-Sharia Muslim. In their Gallup survey published under the hubristic title “Who Speaks for Islam? What A Billion Muslims Really Think,” Mogahed and Saudi-funded dhimmi, or non-Muslim, pseudo-academic John Esposito cooked their data to increase the number of Muslim “moderates,” counting as “moderate” Muslims who wanted Sharia rule, hated America, supported jihad-martyrdom suicide bombing, and opposed equality of rights for women. Mogahed also defended Sharia on a British TV show.

Last month, The New American listed similar links to the group present in the White House:

Links between the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood may not come as a complete surprise. InvestigativeProject.org reports, “Six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.”

Front Page Magazine identified the six operatives:

Arif Alikhan — assistant secretary for policy development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Mohammed Elibiary — homeland security advisor.

Rashad Hussain — special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

Salam al-Marayati — Obama advisor, founder of Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director.

Imam Mohamed Magid — Obama’s sharia czar, Islamic Society of North America.

Eboo Patel — advisory council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.


Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Written by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.



Writing for Human Events in 2011, Robert Spencer reveals a few of President Obama’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

President Obama, Spencer writes:

made sure to invite Brotherhood leaders to attend his notorious speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, Egypt, in June 4, 2009. Starting in the earliest days of his administration, he showed an intense desire to establish friendly ties with Brotherhood-linked organizations—despite the Brotherhood’s stated goal of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Obama first reached out to the Brotherhood when he chose the leader of a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group that had been named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case to give a prayer during his inauguration ceremonies. Ingrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), offered this prayer at the National Cathedral on Obama’s Inauguration Day—despite the fact that the ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from the ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status.

Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain the ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. On the contrary: He sent his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, to be the keynote speaker at the ISNA’s national convention in 2009.

Even worse, in April 2009, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, as assistant secretary for policy development at the Department of Homeland Security. Just two weeks before he received this appointment, Alikhan (who once called the jihad terror group Hezbollah a “liberation movement”) participated in a fund-raiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

Like the ISNA, MPAC has links to the Muslim Brotherhood. In a book titled In Fraternity: A Message to Muslims in America, co-author Hassan Hathout, a former MPAC president, is identified as “a close disciple of the late Hassan al-Banna of Egypt. “The MPAC-linked magazine The Minaret spoke of Hathout’s closeness to al-Banna in a 1997 article: “My father would tell me that Hassan Hathout was a companion of Hassan al-Banna. … Hassan Hathout would speak of al-Banna with such love and adoration; he would speak of a relationship not guided by politics or law but by a basic sense of human decency.”

The late al-Banna, of course, was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Apart from those ties, Spencer chronicles the ties between members of the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood:

The Muslim Brotherhood is a pro-Sharia group. Obama’s chief adviser on Islamic affairs, Dalia Mogahed, is a pro-Sharia Muslim. In their Gallup survey published under the hubristic title “Who Speaks for Islam? What A Billion Muslims Really Think,” Mogahed and Saudi-funded dhimmi, or non-Muslim, pseudo-academic John Esposito cooked their data to increase the number of Muslim “moderates,” counting as “moderate” Muslims who wanted Sharia rule, hated America, supported jihad-martyrdom suicide bombing, and opposed equality of rights for women. Mogahed also defended Sharia on a British TV show.

Last month, The New American listed similar links to the group present in the White House:

Links between the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood may not come as a complete surprise. InvestigativeProject.org reports, “Six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.”

Front Page Magazine identified the six operatives:

Arif Alikhan — assistant secretary for policy development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Mohammed Elibiary — homeland security advisor.

Rashad Hussain — special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

Salam al-Marayati — Obama advisor, founder of Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director.

Imam Mohamed Magid — Obama’s sharia czar, Islamic Society of North America.

Eboo Patel — advisory council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.


Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?
Wow, the John Birch Society, forerunner of the Tea Party.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Man in the White House

October 23, 2013 By Robert Spencer


When the State Department announced early in October that it was cutting hundreds of millions in military and other aid to Egypt, it was yet another manifestation of Barack Obama’s unstinting support for the Muslim Brotherhood, a support that has already thrown Egypt back into the Russian orbit. The aid cut was essentially giving the Egyptian people a choice between Muslim Brotherhood rule and economic collapse. Nothing else could have been expected from Obama, who has been a Brotherhood man from the beginning.

Obama’s support for the Brotherhood goes back to the beginning of his presidency. He even invited Ingrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), to offer a prayer at the National Cathedral on his first Inauguration Day – despite the fact that ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status. Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. On the contrary: he sent his Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett to be the keynote speaker at ISNA’s national convention in 2009.


And early in 2009, when the Muslim Brotherhood was still outlawed in Egypt, Obama met with its leaders. He made sure to invite Brotherhood leaders to attend his notorious speech to the Islamic world in Cairo in June 4, 2009, making it impossible for then-President Hosni Mubarak to attend the speech, since he would not appear with the leaders of the outlawed group.


Meanwhile, Obama’s foreign policy displayed a decided pro-Brotherhood orientation. Former U.S. prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy has listed a great many strange collaborations between Obama’s State Department and Muslim Brotherhood organizations, including:

• Secretary Clinton personally intervened to reverse a Bush-administration ruling that barred Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the Brotherhood’s founder and son of one of its most influential early leaders, from entering the United States.

• The State Department collaborated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a bloc of governments heavily influenced by the Brotherhood, in seeking to restrict American free-speech rights in deference to sharia proscriptions against negative criticism of Islam.

• The State Department excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from its “Global Counterterrorism Forum,” a group that brings the United States together with several Islamist governments, prominently including its co-chair, Turkey — which now finances Hamas and avidly supports the flotillas that seek to break Israel’s blockade of Hamas. At the forum’s kickoff, Secretary Clinton decried various terrorist attacks and groups; but she did not mention Hamas or attacks against Israel — in transparent deference to the Islamist governments, which echo the Brotherhood’s position that Hamas is not a terrorist organization and that attacks against Israel are not terrorism.

• The State Department and the Obama administration waived congressional restrictions in order to transfer $1.5 billion dollars in aid to Egypt after the Muslim Brotherhood’s victory in the parliamentary elections.

• The State Department and the Obama administration waived congressional restrictions in order to transfer millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinian territories notwithstanding that Gaza is ruled by the terrorist organization Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch.

• The State Department and the administration hosted a contingent from Egypt’s newly elected parliament that included not only Muslim Brotherhood members but a member of the Islamic Group (Gamaa al-Islamiyya), which is formally designated as a foreign terrorist organization. The State Department refused to provide Americans with information about the process by which it issued a visa to a member of a designated terrorist organization, about how the members of the Egyptian delegation were selected, or about what security procedures were followed before the delegation was allowed to enter our country.


All that is gone now. Egypt is on the way to renewing its alliance with Russia, which led it to mount two wars against Israel, in 1967 and 1973. Obama has alienated America’s allies and emboldened her enemies, all in a vain attempt to appease a group that was never going to be a friend of the U.S. in the first place. If he didn’t have so many other blots on his record, this could be the most dangerous aspect of his legacy.

The Muslim Brotherhood?s Man in the White House | FrontPage Magazine
Egypt Buries the Brotherhood

December 19, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield


It’s not unusual for the United States and a Muslim country to be on the opposite sides of the War on Terror. It is unusual for a Muslim country to take a stand against terrorism while the United States backs the right of a terrorist group to burn churches, torture opposition members and maintain control of a country with its own nuclear program.

But that’s the strange situation in what Egypt’s public prosecutor has declared “the biggest case of conspiracy in the country’s history.”


Obama assumed that cuts to military aid would force Egypt to restore the Muslim Brotherhood to power. He was wrong and the latest round of criminal charges show just how wrong he was.


Egypt Buries the Brotherhood | FrontPage Magazine
Egypt Declares Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group

December 26, 2013 by Ryan Mauro


The Egyptian government formally labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group on Christmas, banning all of its activities including protests. The Obama Administration, advised by Brotherhood-friendly groups in the U.S., is unlikely to follow in Egypt’s footsteps in calling a spade a spade.

The announcement came after the government blamed the Brotherhood for the suicide bombing of a police station in Mansoura. No proof was offered of Brotherhood involvement. A pro-Al-Qaeda group named Ansar Jerusalem, based in the Sinai Peninsula, took credit.


Egypt Declares Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group | FrontPage Magazine
Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?

Written by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.



Writing for Human Events in 2011, Robert Spencer reveals a few of President Obama’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

President Obama, Spencer writes:

made sure to invite Brotherhood leaders to attend his notorious speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, Egypt, in June 4, 2009. Starting in the earliest days of his administration, he showed an intense desire to establish friendly ties with Brotherhood-linked organizations—despite the Brotherhood’s stated goal of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Obama first reached out to the Brotherhood when he chose the leader of a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group that had been named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case to give a prayer during his inauguration ceremonies. Ingrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), offered this prayer at the National Cathedral on Obama’s Inauguration Day—despite the fact that the ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from the ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status.

Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain the ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. On the contrary: He sent his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, to be the keynote speaker at the ISNA’s national convention in 2009.

Even worse, in April 2009, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, as assistant secretary for policy development at the Department of Homeland Security. Just two weeks before he received this appointment, Alikhan (who once called the jihad terror group Hezbollah a “liberation movement”) participated in a fund-raiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

Like the ISNA, MPAC has links to the Muslim Brotherhood. In a book titled In Fraternity: A Message to Muslims in America, co-author Hassan Hathout, a former MPAC president, is identified as “a close disciple of the late Hassan al-Banna of Egypt. “The MPAC-linked magazine The Minaret spoke of Hathout’s closeness to al-Banna in a 1997 article: “My father would tell me that Hassan Hathout was a companion of Hassan al-Banna. … Hassan Hathout would speak of al-Banna with such love and adoration; he would speak of a relationship not guided by politics or law but by a basic sense of human decency.”

The late al-Banna, of course, was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Apart from those ties, Spencer chronicles the ties between members of the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood:

The Muslim Brotherhood is a pro-Sharia group. Obama’s chief adviser on Islamic affairs, Dalia Mogahed, is a pro-Sharia Muslim. In their Gallup survey published under the hubristic title “Who Speaks for Islam? What A Billion Muslims Really Think,” Mogahed and Saudi-funded dhimmi, or non-Muslim, pseudo-academic John Esposito cooked their data to increase the number of Muslim “moderates,” counting as “moderate” Muslims who wanted Sharia rule, hated America, supported jihad-martyrdom suicide bombing, and opposed equality of rights for women. Mogahed also defended Sharia on a British TV show.

Last month, The New American listed similar links to the group present in the White House:

Links between the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood may not come as a complete surprise. InvestigativeProject.org reports, “Six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.”

Front Page Magazine identified the six operatives:

Arif Alikhan — assistant secretary for policy development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Mohammed Elibiary — homeland security advisor.

Rashad Hussain — special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

Salam al-Marayati — Obama advisor, founder of Muslim Public Affairs Council and its current executive director.

Imam Mohamed Magid — Obama’s sharia czar, Islamic Society of North America.

Eboo Patel — advisory council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.


Cut in Egyptian Aid Linked to White House Ties to Muslim Brotherhood?
Wow, the John Birch Society, forerunner of the Tea Party.


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