White House Petition: Fire Jeff Sessions

I created a petition on the White House website. It's called "Fire Jeff Sessions." Please go there and sign it.

Fire Jeff Sessions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
I hope it's not a complete failure like your last petition. Sessions is an evil prick and needs to get out of our government as soon as possible. I will praise Trump for firing him.
If Sessions is fired, you know his replacement is going to appoint a special council to investigate Hillary, Comey and their entire evil gang of co-conspirators, don't you?
There are theories Sessions is carefully formulating cases against Mueller and other similar piece of shit swamp rats attacking our democracy, but this insanity has gone on way too long. Fire Sessions!
There are theories Sessions is carefully formulating cases against Mueller and other similar piece of shit swamp rats attacking our democracy, but this insanity has gone on way too long. Fire Sessions!
My theory is that he's being blackmailed. There is simply no good reason for him not to appoint a special prosecutor.
I created a petition on the White House website. It's called "Fire Jeff Sessions." Please go there and sign it.

Fire Jeff Sessions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Yep, let's get rid of another Trump appointed incompetent. Sessions will be what, the 45 or 46? When Trump said he would drain the swamp, I never thought he would be talking about his own people.
It appears Sessions is part of the swamp. Otherwise he would appoint a special counsel to investigate the swamp.
Jeff Sessions is not your problem, fire Trump instead if you want Hillary Clinton investigated!

Yes, Trump is your issue and not those he hired for their jobs!
I actually think Sessions is going to get the job done.

There is no excuse for it to take so long...unless it is necessary to take the time to do it right...considering the Democrats and their Media are not going down without a fight. Look at the Hell that got raised over the firing of this lying Clinton-Bought Pussy---McCabe. His own comments all but convict him.....Something like he didn't mean to lie to the FBI, but he got confused amid the chaos that surrounded him. Just that excuse ought to get him three to five in a penitentiary where I'm sure he will make a good wife for some lonely sole.

What if Strzok, Page, Ohr....are singing like nightingales? (Every indication I have seen, makes me believe they are.)

What if this dude appointed by Sessions is effectively a Special Prosecutor but without the independence, and what if he has been on the job for months, working with Horowitz? (Looks that way.)

What if the material the DOJ has not handed over to Congress is being withheld only because it is derived from a Grand Jury already in place and because it is part of an ongoing investigation? (I believe that.)

I see slow progress in the firing of McCabe and the release of the damning e-mails between the lover co-conspirators--Strzok and Page. I don't think we get either if one big Cover-Up is ongoing. The people who would be involved in a Cover-Up are no longer in control.

These Cocksucking Democrats started off saying Trump colluded with the Russians to get elected and now they are down to claiming he slept with a Porn Star a decade or so before he even started his run for the Presidency. That's called a "retrenchment". (Look it up up you Bolshevik Shits educated in rotting cities in the North.)

Time is no longer on the side of these guilty Obama/Clinton Turds. This...the corruption of the DOJ/FBI...and the attempted Coup by the Obama/Clinton Crime Syndicate...is not going away.

I actually think Sessions is going to get the job done.

There is no excuse for it to take so long...unless it is necessary to take the time to do it right...considering the Democrats and their Media are not going down without a fight. Look at the Hell that got raised over the firing of this lying Clinton-Bought Pussy---McCabe. His own comments all but convict him.....Something like he didn't mean to lie to the FBI, but he got confused amid the chaos that surrounded him. Just that excuse ought to get him three to five in a penitentiary where I'm sure he will make a good wife for some lonely sole.

What if Strzok, Page, Ohr....are singing like nightingales? (Every indication I have seen, makes me believe they are.)

What if this dude appointed by Sessions is effectively a Special Prosecutor but without the independence, and what if he has been on the job for months, working with Horowitz? (Looks that way.)

What if the material the DOJ has not handed over to Congress is being withheld only because it is derived from a Grand Jury already in place and because it is part of an ongoing investigation? (I believe that.)

I see slow progress in the firing of McCabe and the release of the damning e-mails between the lover co-conspirators--Strzok and Page. I don't think we get either if one big Cover-Up is ongoing. The people who would be involved in a Cover-Up are no longer in control.

These Cocksucking Democrats started off saying Trump colluded with the Russians to get elected and now they are down to claiming he slept with a Porn Star a decade or so before he even started his run for the Presidency. That's called a "retrenchment". (Look it up up you Bolshevik Shits educated in rotting cities in the North.)

Time is no longer on the side of these guilty Obama/Clinton Turds. This...the corruption of the DOJ/FBI...and the attempted Coup by the Obama/Clinton Crime Syndicate...is not going away.

Sessions is dragging his feet. He obviously doesn't want to get in the middle of this shit storm. He's a coward who needs to get the boot.
I created a petition on the White House website. It's called "Fire Jeff Sessions." Please go there and sign it.

Fire Jeff Sessions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Well lets see if Jeff Sessions gets sent on a mission to Africa or Asia- we can pretty much expect that Donald- the ballless wonder- will tweet the firing out while Sessions is safely far away.

Since the ball-less wonder can't say 'Your fired' himself to his cabinet members.
I created a petition on the White House website. It's called "Fire Jeff Sessions." Please go there and sign it.

Fire Jeff Sessions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Well lets see if Jeff Sessions gets sent on a mission to Africa or Asia- we can pretty much expect that Donald- the ballless wonder- will tweet the firing out while Sessions is safely far away.

Since the ball-less wonder can't say 'Your fired' himself to his cabinet members.
What makes you believe I give a crap how he does it?
I created a petition on the White House website. It's called "Fire Jeff Sessions." Please go there and sign it.

Fire Jeff Sessions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Given that only a small minority of message board participants here are true progressives, isn't it a waste of time posting a petition that seeks to rid the nation of one of the idiot trump's corrupt cronies?

The idiot trump always has someone equally incompetent and corrupt waiting eagerly in line. Another criminal whose coming corrupt actions conservatives will adore, defend, and/or justify.

I created a petition on the White House website. It's called "Fire Jeff Sessions." Please go there and sign it.

Fire Jeff Sessions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Only after Mueller completes his investigation, prosecutions, and publishes his final report. Then you can hang Sessions for all I care.
Why do you imagine anyone cares what you want? Herr Mewler will probably be one of the targets of the new special counsel.
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I created a petition on the White House website. It's called "Fire Jeff Sessions." Please go there and sign it.

Fire Jeff Sessions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Given that only a small minority of message board participants here are true progressives, isn't it a waste of time posting a petition that seeks to rid the nation of one of the idiot trump's corrupt cronies?

The idiot trump always has someone equally incompetent and corrupt waiting eagerly in line. Another criminal whose coming corrupt actions conservatives will adore, defend, and/or justify.

I'm asking rightwingers to sign the petition, not progressives. The latter can go hang.

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