White House Plan: Keep. Obama. Out. Of. Battleground. States.


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
In an election that Republicans want to make all about President Barack Obama, the White House is determined to make him all but disappear in the battleground states that matter.

The White House is putting the finishing touches on a post-Labor Day schedule that will send the president to states where he’s still popular, such as: Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California, Obama officials and Democratic operatives said this week.

But in the red states that will determine control of the Senate, Obama will remain scarce. That means no personal campaign visits to states like Arkansas, Alaska, Louisiana and North Carolina. He may do some targeted outreach through robocalls, digital ads and conference calls, but the campaign plan is clear: Stay away from candidates he’s already hurting.

Obama’s no-fly zone for certain Senate campaigns reflects the deep concern among Democrats about his drag on the national ticket. Obama can’t seem to get his poll numbers out of the low 40s, he’s struggled through an endless stream of foreign policy crises, and he’s the last person that many candidates want to be forced to defend on the campaign trail.

Read more: Obama s campaign no-fly zone - Carrie Budoff Brown and Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

I believe they have the same formula for damage control on the international base. Keep. Obama. Out. Of. The. Oval. Office.
Golf Anyone?
This is the year to definitely nationalize the election. It worked great when Newt did it.
Obama has worn out his welcome..

the people are sick of him... the hate he has spread in his ugly speeches, lecturing us like we are children, acting like a thug if he didn't get his way(shutting off our parks and memorials should of OUTRAGED everyone). never taking responsibility for anything. the corruption, using his power of government to go after not just the states who didn't bow to him but even you the citizens with the IRS, BLM. the EPA was used to destroy our cheapest source of energy...and many more you can add.

He should of never been elected in the first place and I don't know if we'll ever come back from it
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the democraps are making huge mistake by not allowing Obozo into the BG states, he is so well loved by all as we have been told by his minions here at USMB, one would think his presence and influence would sway all voters towards the democrap candidate.., hummmm, something just does not compute.., can i get a little help here from you Obozo minions ?

thank you ! :lmao:
I was just reading this. I think the people realized the BIG MISTAKE they made.


Obama’s Miserable Failure
September 1, 2014byDaniel Greenfield13 Comments
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

It was always obvious what Obama’s supporters wanted. They weren’t willing to settle for a Hillary, just another politician who would punch the clock, deliver tepid speeches and push their leftist agenda.

They wanted someone larger than life. A head made for Mount Rushmore and a body that would be cast in statues across the country. Speeches meant to be studied in classrooms for the next hundred years.

They compared him to JFK and Reagan. He was treated as the icon that his backers wanted him to be. His election was supposed to be a watershed moment in American history.
Instead it ends in miserable failure.

At home, Obama is caught in a desperate tug of war with Republicans. He won the budget battle by sending park rangers to shut down national monuments. His last ditch gamble for holding on to the Senate is using racial tensions in Ferguson to promote black voter turnout.
And if he wins, all he’ll have is what he has now.

This is how shoddy and tawdry the reality of Hope and Change has become. Trapped in a corner, Obama is dragging out the dirtiest Chicago politics. He’s trying to hold off the inevitable by using the same types of tactics that the crooked mayor of his hometown would.
There’s no inspiration here. No words that will resound across time. Just dirty rats on a sinking ship.

Blame Congress has become the new Blame Bush. ObamaCare is a slow motion disaster that requires constant course corrections to keep it from coming apart. It’s not the new Social Security or Medicare. It’s the new HMO; a clumsy construction that most Americans are unhappy with.
Obama’s only power comes from his abuse of his authority, but what one man does, another man can undo. Instead of creating a lasting legislative legacy, Obama’s executive orders and legislation by administration are a house of cards that his successor can topple with the same pen and phone.

They seem intimidating in the way that the actions of tyrants are, but tyranny can be undone with tyranny. What Obama failed to do was build a consensus. He didn’t change the course of American history. He didn’t win the hearts and minds of Americans. Now he’s reduced to vandalizing America.

Obama said that Putin’s actions in Ukraine weren’t a sign of strength, but a sign of weakness. There is some truth to that. Putin’s economic policies have failed and he was unpopular at home. But the Obama tyrannical reign of phone and pen also isn’t a sign of strength. It’s a sign of weakness.

Like Putin, Obama has run out of options.
Unpopular with voters, shunned by his own party in battleground states, he rules by executive order and parties with influential executives while ignoring his responsibilities.

That’s not Reagan. It’s not JFK. It’s not even LBJ.

ALL of it here:
Obama s Miserable Failure FrontPage Magazine
All of the above is true. What's more is that this administration and the election strategists know it.

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