White House: Republicans Fabricated Benghazi Email


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
The White House on Tuesday accused congressional Republicans of fabricating emails leaked to two different media organizations that suggested interest in scrubbing the Benghazi, Libya, talking points.

"Republicans who were leaking these emails that have been shared with Congress didn't just do that. They decided to fabricate portions of an email, and make up portions of an email in order to fit a political narrative," Carney said. "I'm not surprised by it because we've seen it again and again."

Both ABC News and The Weekly Standard reported last week that then-Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes wrote an email primarily concerned with the State Department's suggested edits of the Benghazi talking points.

The email appeared to give credence to those who had suggested a greater White House involvement in scrubbing mentions of specific terrorist groups and prior CIA terror warnings from the final talking points distributed to administration officials and congressional leaders.

But a full version of the email, obtained by CNN, suggests that Rhodes never specifically says he wants the concerns of State Department official Victoria Nuland to be addressed at a meeting to work through the talking points. Rather, he wrote that he hoped the concerns of all those involved in the process are considered.

Read more: White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com
I know some of your are looking pretty stupid right about now, so in the spirit of conspiracies and investigating this and investigating that....

How about lets investigate the people responsible for putting out these bullshit emails....:clap2:
and yet we have to believe they have released everything...
The White House on Tuesday accused congressional Republicans of fabricating emails leaked to two different media organizations that suggested interest in scrubbing the Benghazi, Libya, talking points.

"Republicans who were leaking these emails that have been shared with Congress didn't just do that. They decided to fabricate portions of an email, and make up portions of an email in order to fit a political narrative," Carney said. "I'm not surprised by it because we've seen it again and again."

Both ABC News and The Weekly Standard reported last week that then-Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes wrote an email primarily concerned with the State Department's suggested edits of the Benghazi talking points.

The email appeared to give credence to those who had suggested a greater White House involvement in scrubbing mentions of specific terrorist groups and prior CIA terror warnings from the final talking points distributed to administration officials and congressional leaders.

But a full version of the email, obtained by CNN, suggests that Rhodes never specifically says he wants the concerns of State Department official Victoria Nuland to be addressed at a meeting to work through the talking points. Rather, he wrote that he hoped the concerns of all those involved in the process are considered.

Read more: White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Well the CBS is telling lies then,they just reported on national TV just the opposite ,are they in the tank with Republicans??

Face facts for a change joint the ranks of rational people.
....because of that video, right?

I've came to the realization that you can't convince dumb ass people such as yourself. No matter how much proof from various sources it wouldn't change your mind. Because first and foremost you actually have to have one to change in the first place. :eek:

But in the spirit of just putting the icing on the cake:

Jake Tapper blows a hole in Benghazi ?scandal?

CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | National Politics | Idahostatesman.com

When ABC News Claimed It Had "Obtained" The Benghazi Emails | Blog | Media Matters for America

Why Petraeus Didn't Like The Benghazi Talking Points | Blog | Media Matters for America

CNN exclusive: White House email contradicts Benghazi leaks ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - CNN.com Blogs
Didn't mean to rain on the Benghazi Conspiracy Parade..

But it's really time some wise up and recognize that you've been LIED to plenty on this subject alone
Really, does ANYONE believe a word that comes from this administration?

we see the OP and the Obama sheep still do..

This one caught my eye last night..

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
Read more here: CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | National Politics | Idahostatesman.com

How much fucking lying are Conservatives doing?

A whole helluva lot of lying, lies that eventually get put to shame but peeps find it easier to continue to believe the lie rather than wrapping their head around the truth

This one caught my eye last night..

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
Read more here: CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | National Politics | Idahostatesman.com

How much fucking lying are Conservatives doing?

A whole helluva lot of lying, lies that eventually get put to shame but peeps find it easier to continue to believe the lie rather than wrapping their head around the truth

Put your mouth back on Obama's balls and ass and STFU, assfuck.
Ohh so the story is that it was the Ambassador that didn't want more security, after he asked for it repeatedly.

This one caught my eye last night..

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
Read more here: CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | National Politics | Idahostatesman.com

How much fucking lying are Conservatives doing?

The Idahostatesman report is the liar.
actual e mail documents
Stevens requested for more security.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

This one caught my eye last night..

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say
Read more here: CAIRO: Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say | National Politics | Idahostatesman.com

How much fucking lying are Conservatives doing?

The Idahostatesman report is the liar.
actual e mail documents
Stevens requested for more security.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News
Basic rule for this White House to follow:

"When in hole stop digging"
Ohh so the story is that it was the Ambassador that didn't want more security, after he asked for it repeatedly.

Good Gawd. Who the hell is gonna believe that shit??

They had been requesting more security for months. Now all of a sudden according to this link the Ambassador doesn't want more security??

Yeah. I've got some prime land near the Everglades for sale. Comes with man eating gators to boot.

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