White House Sends Abortion Supporter To Thumb His Nose At The Pope

Then you would support a purge of pedophile and homosexual priests? Yes, so would I and I'm not a Catholic either.

I'd support a purge of the whole perverted Catholic Clergy... The ones who didn't do the abuse were at least aware of what was going on.

True. They all must know the priesthood is a nest of pedophiles. I'd support a Catholic purge of their own clergy. It's not really the business of the rest of us until they come to the attention of the police, now that FINALLY the criminals are being outed.

This business of Catholics having an entirely separate legal system (which of course whitewashes crimes by clergy) goes back all the way to the 13th century. It is high time and past time for this to stop.
For abortion, or for excluding government from controlling a woman's decision about herself?

By the way, what does child molesting in schools have to do with Roman Catholic representatives molesting children?

He is also comparing accusations (priests) vs. revokeations (teachers), which may have two biases, one being the revokeation is actual proof something happened, while an accusation is not proven, and two, a revokeation is one person for sure being found guilty of something, out of your 4400 accusations stated Joe, are the individual priests being accused, or are some of the accusations multiple accusations against a single priest?

No, a revokation just means they got fired. If they went to jail, it meant they did something.

Also, I was using Muddy's numbers. he claimed that there were 4400 pedophile priests out of 110,000 priests. (The actual number of US Catholic Priests is currently 41,000, and dropping like a stone.)
Also, I was using Muddy's numbers. he claimed that there were 4400 pedophile priests out of 110,000 priests. (The actual number of US Catholic Priests is currently 41,000, and dropping like a stone.)

Yeah, well, it's hard work being a priest and not much fun if you can't even molest little boys any longer!! Darn, might as well go to work for the Boy Scouts.
Also, I was using Muddy's numbers. he claimed that there were 4400 pedophile priests out of 110,000 priests. (The actual number of US Catholic Priests is currently 41,000, and dropping like a stone.)

Yeah, well, it's hard work being a priest and not much fun if you can't even molest little boys any longer!! Darn, might as well go to work for the Boy Scouts.

Reminds me of a joke.

A troop of boy scouts is on a boat with a lawyer and a priest. The boat starts sinking and the scout leaders says, "Save the children".

The Lawyer says, "Screw them!"

The Priest says, "Do you think we have time?"

Don't forget to tip your waitress.

Anyway, on a more serious note, the real big change was back in oldy-day Catholicism before you even said words like "homosexual" and "Lesbian" out loud, if you were of that sexual orientation and couldn't be bullied into a sham marriage, then the place for you was the Holy Orders. Once it became acceptable to be gay, the number of priests and nuns and Christian brothers all started to drop.

One theory I've heard about why the Catholic Church has such a problem here is that they essentially arrest sexual development. Think about it, when you were 14, you were attracted to other 14 year olds. A 30 year old was an "old lady". And when you were 30, you were attracted to 30 year olds and you see 14 year olds as children.

So the problem here is that the Church gets these kids when they are just hitting puberty, arresting their sexual development, and in sexual maturity, you have guys who are still 14 years old even into their 30's.

Not saying I entirely agree, but I think that this theory is interesting, at the very least.
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How do you know Biden ‘supports’ abortion.

Accepting settled and accepted Constitutional case law with regard to privacy rights isn’t ‘supporting’ abortion, it’s obeying the Constitution.

Indeed, opponents of abortion are opposed to laws banning abortion not only because such laws violate the Constitution, but because such measures won’t end the practice of abortion. Claiming someone who supports privacy rights ‘supports’ abortion is as idiotic as saying someone who opposes a Band-Aide for a brain tumor ‘supports’ cancer.

A good catholic can obey his faith’s dogma by respecting the privacy rights of other citizens. There are many different, more effective ways to advocate for the end of abortion that don’t include ‘banning’ abortion.

This is yet another failed thread by a tedious partisan hack, attempting again to contrive a controversy where none exists.

Abortion laws may violate consitutional CASE LAW, but there is no mention of abortion in the constitution, and to me there is no consitutional right to it.

Meanwhile arms are specifically listed as a right, and progressives seem to have no problem trampling all over that right.

There are more guns in the US than there are people. There are more guns in this country than in any other country.

The preamble of the constitution assures citizens with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Seems to me..that people with guns are trampling on the rights of other citizens..not the other way around.

So out of all those guns, what percentage are involved in crimes? More importantly how many of those guns are LEGALLY owned guns and involved in crimes?

You have an exponentially greater chance of dying on your morning commute from a car accident then of dying at the hands of a law abiding legal gun owner.
So out of all those guns, what percentage are involved in crimes? More importantly how many of those guns are LEGALLY owned guns and involved in crimes?

You have an exponentially greater chance of dying on your morning commute from a car accident then of dying at the hands of a law abiding legal gun owner.

Wait, isn't this a thread about whether Biden should represent the USA at the Pope's inauguration?
So out of all those guns, what percentage are involved in crimes? More importantly how many of those guns are LEGALLY owned guns and involved in crimes?

You have an exponentially greater chance of dying on your morning commute from a car accident then of dying at the hands of a law abiding legal gun owner.

Wait, isn't this a thread about whether Biden should represent the USA at the Pope's inauguration?

Yeah, my bad, sorry bout that.


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