White House to Allow Insurers to Continue Canceled Health Plans


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
White House to Allow Insurers to Continue Canceled Health Plans
Wall Street Journal
7 minutes ago Written by
Louise Radnofsky

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama said Thursday that insurers will be able to continue health-insurance coverage next year for current policy holders that otherwise would be canceled under the new health-care law.
Obama letting people keep canceled health plans for another yearCBS NewsObama announces plan to allow insurers to extend healthcare plans

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White House to Allow Insurers to Continue Canceled Health Plans
Wall Street Journal
7 minutes ago Written by
Louise Radnofsky

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama said Thursday that insurers will be able to continue health-insurance coverage next year for current policy holders that otherwise would be canceled under the new health-care law.
Obama letting people keep canceled health plans for another yearCBS NewsObama announces plan to allow insurers to extend healthcare plans

You have another year before you have to board the ObamaCare Titanic and Low InfoProg Duppes are happy like it got fixed
By decree. Lol what a disaster.

Personally, I think this is a mistake to do.

What the Obama administration should have done was put the hammer on the insurance companies.

Many of these policies were issued last year, after ObamaCare was passed and before it went into full effect.

These folks that issued the policies knew they would probably have to cancel them.
How the hell is he going to do that??

The ACA is the law of the land and the insurance companies complied with that law. If they reinstate those polices they will be breaking the law.

If I were them I'd tell that jackass to pound fucking sand.
SCOTUS ruled on it but Obama can keep changing it


I know I must be in a coma and this is a bad dream
Obamacare was supposed to fix the allegedly broken healthcare system. Now the fix needs to be fixed even before it's fully implemented.

You can't make this shit up.
He's going to ALLOW you to keep your plans for another WHOLE YEAR

Your dictator has spoken now we should all bow and the kiss the ground he walks on

what an ass...who does he think he is?

He DOESN'T ALLOW us anything
By decree. Lol what a disaster.

Personally, I think this is a mistake to do.

What the Obama administration should have done was put the hammer on the insurance companies.

Many of these policies were issued last year, after ObamaCare was passed and before it went into full effect.

These folks that issued the policies knew they would probably have to cancel them.

If you like your plan I can change you plan. period
Insurance companies are pretty irate right now that their shitty policies have been placed right back in their laps. They now have to notify policy holders about what they are getting for their money. That's why Obama says to go to the exchanges before making a decision.

They can now keep their plan if they like it, unless the insurance company decides not to offer it anymore.

Now, Landrieu has issued a press release that she is looking forward to working with the president to fix the problems. Are you Rs still so enamored with Landrieu?
This is about around 2 per cent of the population, which after 6 weeks of chicken little BS on Fox and the LSM has convinced people the whole ACA is a mess...So you can keep your crappe if you're one of them.....

They'll be tinkering with the ACA FOREVER...zzzzzzzzzzzz

This also tells insurers they have to inform what things don't come up to standard, which will be eye opening for the dupes lol...

OBAMA HIMSELF DIDN'T WANT ANYTHING TO BE MANDATORY, HE BELIEVED ACA WOULD SELL ITSELF...and he might have been right. Only Pubs are always ''right'', and lead us in to total disaster lol.
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By decree. Lol what a disaster.

Personally, I think this is a mistake to do.

What the Obama administration should have done was put the hammer on the insurance companies.

Many of these policies were issued last year, after ObamaCare was passed and before it went into full effect.

These folks that issued the policies knew they would probably have to cancel them.

And Obama merrily kept on with his "if you like your plan you can keep it promise", straight into this year.

Yeah, it's hammertime. ;)

I'm so glad to hear that Obama has discovered for the 20th time that he feels he has the power to change the law -- like he claimed in September wasn't possible.

Now how the heck is he going to wangle it so that insurers can get around state law and instantaneously recreate policies which no longer exist?

I was asking that question yesterday about the house and senate proposals and I'm now asking it about Obama's decree.

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