White House turns to making threats as Obamacare enrollments stall

Bingo! For many its like not having insurance at all. First you have to pay the premiums which is money down the drain. Then the deductible is so sky high you end up paying all your healthcare costs out of pocket. The so called insurance never kicks in so its no surprise people are avoiding going to the doctor at all.

These half baked stupid ass liberal ideas frequently blow up in their face, this is the latest example.
You are exceedingly ignorant.

You can still get individual family plans from medical insurers without going through the healthcare exchange, and the benefits on those plans are no different than Obamacare plans, and have the same provider networks.

The only differences that may have affected premiums and benefits, are that underwriting cannot turn you down for a policy, and the 10 essential benefits need to be on all plans, direct from insurers, or through Obamacare

I love Obamacare, Democrats own 100% of that turd and we'll keep using it to destroy Democrats for as long as we can milk this gift. So far it has cost the Democratic party over 1,200 seats nationally :eusa_dance:

from the "lefties" at forbes:

Goldman Sachs estimates that total coverage under the ACA increased by 13 to 14 million last year and may have increased by another 4 million during the first five months of 2015, for a total coverage increase of 17 to 18 million combined. At a top line, this coincides with the figure from RAND, which estimated that there were 22.8 million newly insured people since the launch of the ACA. At the same time, 5.9 million people lost coverage. This comes out to a net gain of 16.9 million lives.

How Many People Has Obamacare Really Insured?

damn, you're stupid... the only people who find the idea of all of us having insurance coverage offensive are wingers who wouldn't vote for a dem under any circumstances. perhaps you idiots should have worked with dems to make the law better instead of 50 impotent votes and multiple court cases to get rid of it.... but why would you do that? it would mean that your nutcases are actually working....

good luck telling people they're going to lose their coverage.

but please do... I look forward to laughing at you all the day after the election.
Remember the people who said "Romney by a lnadslide"?....that's who RWers are listening to again

You know jack shit lib, conservatives called Romney's loss long before the election.

Prove it.
Democrats: Sure we gave you a law we didn't read and now it sucks moose cock, but your only hope is to let us write more laws we won't read that will suck even worse!

You tell me America still has anything resembling a future
Every major carrier that I've spoke to has quoted increased premiums due to healthcare policy changes. I never saw any decreases in premiums for my employees.
Again, if they said you increase is less with Obamacare than without, they did not lie

Admittedly, I wasn't dumb enough to believe that employee premiums would be 2500 a year cheaper but that is the lizard oil that the admin trotted out.
Oh bulloney, you never believed such.... if you had, you would have supported it from the beginning!!! All of you on the right would have, if you believed it. I wasn't in to listening to Obama back then so I never heard him say it....I was a Hillary fan so I followed what she said, and did not pay attention to his campaign.
That's crap. You touted the ACA as one that would result in a savings for all on this board. We, on the right argued that there is NO WAY that it would result in a savings on premiums and you and others like you continually told us we were naïve and Obama haters and not willing to understand the nuances of the law that would show how it would result in savings for everyone.

Now, of course, you and others like you are saying "I never heard anyone say anything about savings..."

You are a fraud.
Back up your claim.....should be easy PEASY.....we have lots of threads on this site before obamacare passed....who was touting $2500 in savings on this board?

Eventual savings, yes.....$2500, no.

Obama did not get HIS health care plan passed, he got A health care plan filled with republican amendments and democratic amendments passed....and it did not even start his first term, and is still not fully implemented, so of course the savings would not show up his first term as he touted during his campaign in 2008.... crud happens.....
LMAO....so now you blame the faults of the ACA on the republican ammendments.
Go away, fraud.
You know jack shit lib, conservatives called Romney's loss long before the election.


USMB Topic:With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial

USMB Topic:Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

USMB Topic:At What Point will USMB libs admit Obama will lose?

USMB Topic:How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

How was it?

Romney holds a seven-point edge among early voters (50% to 43%)

Washington Post

Fat lady is warming her vocal chords

Let's see if all of the liberals can cry in unison..1 - 2 - 3.. Boooooooooooohoooooooooo

USMB Topic: Shock to Obama Camp: Gallup finds early voters favor Romney 52-47%

USMB Topic:Gallup has Romney ahead 52% to 45% nationwide

October 30:

It's Over.

USMB Topic:~ 9 days left and here's how it actually looks

Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.

Thank you!

USMB Topic:In Iowa, disappointment with Obama runs deep

Obama won Iowa.

I'm not the one on television crying over losing Ohio! LOL

Counted her chickens too early.

A lot of Republicans cried over Ohio.

I voted for Rep. Dale Folwell for Lt. Governor- he's a Tea Party candidate
Barbara Howe- the Libertarian candidate for our next Governor

The next President and Vice President of the United States of America!

All five of those people lost. A LadyGunSlinger endorsement is the kiss of death!

Hahahahahaha.. Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha

It's sooo good and only going to get better as this day goes on!!

That had to hurt.

USMB Topic:A serious question for conservatives re: Election Night

Im just kind of curious..........for conservatives on here, once the election results roll in and the far left ideology gets mothballed for generations, which 5 liberals are going to take it the hardest in your opinion. I realize choosing just 5 is tough on this forum, but gun to your head, which 5 will be the most miserable and nobody is going to be within 500 miles of them come the morning after election??

I'll start.........my 5 after just a little deliberation.........in no specific order........

1) Lakhota
2) Dick
3) Franco
5) MarcATL

OK.......I know some will disagree and say I left out a number of them that can leave the reservation just as readily, but nobody can quibble with the one's I identified.

How'd that work out?

USMB Topic:It's in the air~

You can just tell. Go tripping around the blogs and read the desperation coming from liberal precincts. Obama is going to lose. Liberal's are already gearing up for full on "revenge" politics. They are going to be more venomous and contentious then ever.

My hope is that Romney, if elected, govern from the center... That he really can find a way to work with liberals that can offer healing and a direction for this country that both parties are able to find agreement on. Compromising where he can- standing firm where it's necessary.

Obama is winning Ohio and probably going win VA and probably FL.

I can't wait to throw all of these posts in your face.. :lol:

Well...you've earned it, I guess. Fire away.

USMB Topic:Early Voting Points to Romney Victory

Polling Data, Early Voting Point to Romney Victory

It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney. He maintains a small but persistent polling edge. As of yesterday afternoon, there had been 31 national surveys in the previous seven days. Mr. Romney led in 19, President Obama in seven, and five were tied. Mr. Romney averaged 48.4%; Mr. Obama, 47.2%. The GOP challenger was at or above 50% in 10 polls, Mr. Obama in none.

Your next President Mitt Romney:clap2::clap2::clap2:

USMB Topic:Top excuses for an Obama loss...

1. The GOP cheated
2. The GOP cheated
3. The GOP cheated
4. The GOP cheated
5. The GOP cheated

And in that vein:

USMB Topic:How many noncitizens are registered to vote?

USMB Topic:Oh yeah!

The beginning of the end of the Age of Obama.

USMB Topic:Romney’s slipping into the presidency

USMB Topic:President elect Mitt Romney

Only 2 more days until you start to hear this on all the news channels. Get used to it. Obama and all of his sheep will be put out to pasture. I can hardly wait.

USMB Topic:Romney Wins! Obama defeated.

Just wanted to help y'all get used to the idea, so it isn't such a shock for ya on Tuesday.

USMB Topic:Poll: Brown up +2 in massachusetts senate race

Brown loses.

USMB Topic:Romney has solid lead among early voters. Obama supporters grasping at straws

USMB Topic:WOW! New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge!

BUH-BYE president Oloser!

The latest Pennsylvania absentee ballot returns are in and show Republicans opening up a 19-point lead over the Democrats — a 17-point swing from the 2008 absentee results.

Romney continues to demonstrate momentum in Ohio, with the latest absentee returns showing a nine-point swing to Republicans compared to 2008.

This spells trouble for the Obama campaign, even if Obama is leading the early voting in Ohio (which isn’t necessarily true). In 2008, Obama trailed McCain by 1.9 percent among the 295,000 absentee voters in Pennsylvania. In 2012, Obama trails Governor Romney by 18.8 percent among the 115,000 absentee voters (assuming Democrats vote for Obama, Republicans vote for Romney). Obama won the state by 10 percent overall in 2008.

Read more: New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge | The Daily Caller

Don't cut your throat on the Daily Caller's edge!

USMB Topic:Independents breaking HEAVY for Romney

Don't let the Liberal Media fool you.. Obama CANNOT win with Indpendents breaking in this big of an advantage for Romney.

Yeah. Don't be fooled!
Last edited:
Democrats: Sure we gave you a law we didn't read and now it sucks moose cock, but your only hope is to let us write more laws we won't read that will suck even worse!

You tell me America still has anything resembling a future

Since that isn't what happened, your version of America will never exist.
You know jack shit lib, conservatives called Romney's loss long before the election.


Let's see if all of the liberals can cry in unison..1 - 2 - 3.. Boooooooooooohoooooooooo

USMB Topic: Shock to Obama Camp: Gallup finds early voters favor Romney 52-47%

USMB Topic:Gallup has Romney ahead 52% to 45% nationwide

October 30:

It's Over.

USMB Topic:With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial

USMB Topic:~ 9 days left and here's how it actually looks

Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.

Thank you!

USMB Topic:In Iowa, disappointment with Obama runs deep

Obama won Iowa.

USMB Topic:At What Point will USMB libs admit Obama will lose?


I'm not the one on television crying over losing Ohio! LOL

A lot of Republicans cried over Ohio.

I voted for Rep. Dale Folwell for Lt. Governor- he's a Tea Party candidate
Barbara Howe- the Libertarian candidate for our next Governor

The next President and Vice President of the United States of America!

All five of those people lost. A LadyGunSlinger endorsement is the kiss of death!

Hahahahahaha.. Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha

It's sooo good and only going to get better as this day goes on!!

That had to hurt.

USMB Topic:A serious question for conservatives re: Election Night

Im just kind of curious..........for conservatives on here, once the election results roll in and the far left ideology gets mothballed for generations, which 5 liberals are going to take it the hardest in your opinion. I realize choosing just 5 is tough on this forum, but gun to your head, which 5 will be the most miserable and nobody is going to be within 500 miles of them come the morning after election??

I'll start.........my 5 after just a little deliberation.........in no specific order........

1) Lakhota
2) Dick
3) Franco
5) MarcATL

OK.......I know some will disagree and say I left out a number of them that can leave the reservation just as readily, but nobody can quibble with the one's I identified.

How'd that work out?

USMB Topic:How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

How was it?

USMB Topic:Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

USMB Topic:It's in the air~

You can just tell. Go tripping around the blogs and read the desperation coming from liberal precincts. Obama is going to lose. Liberal's are already gearing up for full on "revenge" politics. They are going to be more venomous and contentious then ever.

My hope is that Romney, if elected, govern from the center... That he really can find a way to work with liberals that can offer healing and a direction for this country that both parties are able to find agreement on. Compromising where he can- standing firm where it's necessary.

Obama is winning Ohio and probably going win VA and probably FL.

I can't wait to throw all of these posts in your face.. :lol:

Well...you've earned it, I guess. Fire away.

USMB Topic:Early Voting Points to Romney Victory

Polling Data, Early Voting Point to Romney Victory

It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney. He maintains a small but persistent polling edge. As of yesterday afternoon, there had been 31 national surveys in the previous seven days. Mr. Romney led in 19, President Obama in seven, and five were tied. Mr. Romney averaged 48.4%; Mr. Obama, 47.2%. The GOP challenger was at or above 50% in 10 polls, Mr. Obama in none.

Your next President Mitt Romney:clap2::clap2::clap2:

USMB Topic:Top excuses for an Obama loss...

1. The GOP cheated
2. The GOP cheated
3. The GOP cheated
4. The GOP cheated
5. The GOP cheated

And in that vein:

USMB Topic:How many noncitizens are registered to vote?

USMB Topic:Oh yeah!

The beginning of the end of the Age of Obama.

USMB Topic:Romney’s slipping into the presidency

USMB Topic:President elect Mitt Romney

Only 2 more days until you start to hear this on all the news channels. Get used to it. Obama and all of his sheep will be put out to pasture. I can hardly wait.

USMB Topic:Romney Wins! Obama defeated.

Just wanted to help y'all get used to the idea, so it isn't such a shock for ya on Tuesday.

USMB Topic:Poll: Brown up +2 in massachusetts senate race

Brown loses.

USMB Topic:Romney has solid lead among early voters. Obama supporters grasping at straws

Romney holds a seven-point edge among early voters (50% to 43%)

Washington Post

Fat lady is warming her vocal chords


USMB Topic:WOW! New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge!

BUH-BYE president Oloser!

The latest Pennsylvania absentee ballot returns are in and show Republicans opening up a 19-point lead over the Democrats — a 17-point swing from the 2008 absentee results.

Romney continues to demonstrate momentum in Ohio, with the latest absentee returns showing a nine-point swing to Republicans compared to 2008.

This spells trouble for the Obama campaign, even if Obama is leading the early voting in Ohio (which isn’t necessarily true). In 2008, Obama trailed McCain by 1.9 percent among the 295,000 absentee voters in Pennsylvania. In 2012, Obama trails Governor Romney by 18.8 percent among the 115,000 absentee voters (assuming Democrats vote for Obama, Republicans vote for Romney). Obama won the state by 10 percent overall in 2008.

Read more: New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge | The Daily Caller

Don't cut your throat on the Daily Caller's edge!

USMB Topic:Independents breaking HEAVY for Romney

Don't let the Liberal Media fool you.. Obama CANNOT win with Indpendents breaking in this big of an advantage for Romney.

Yeah. Don't be fooled!
I admitted I was wrong. You've never admitted you're a liberal. You lose
You know jack shit lib, conservatives called Romney's loss long before the election.


Let's see if all of the liberals can cry in unison..1 - 2 - 3.. Boooooooooooohoooooooooo

USMB Topic: Shock to Obama Camp: Gallup finds early voters favor Romney 52-47%

USMB Topic:Gallup has Romney ahead 52% to 45% nationwide

October 30:

It's Over.

USMB Topic:With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial

USMB Topic:~ 9 days left and here's how it actually looks

Romney will end up with around 301 Electoral College Votes OR MORE and the poor incumbent will end up with ~239 or fewer.

A thread headline to correct leftwhiner's silly thread headline seemed appropriate.


Consider it a public service correction effort. Can't have libs like leftwhiner spreading their disinformation like that unchallenged.

Thank me.

Thank you!

USMB Topic:In Iowa, disappointment with Obama runs deep

Obama won Iowa.

USMB Topic:At What Point will USMB libs admit Obama will lose?


I'm not the one on television crying over losing Ohio! LOL

A lot of Republicans cried over Ohio.

I voted for Rep. Dale Folwell for Lt. Governor- he's a Tea Party candidate
Barbara Howe- the Libertarian candidate for our next Governor

The next President and Vice President of the United States of America!

All five of those people lost. A LadyGunSlinger endorsement is the kiss of death!

Hahahahahaha.. Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha

It's sooo good and only going to get better as this day goes on!!

That had to hurt.

USMB Topic:A serious question for conservatives re: Election Night

Im just kind of curious..........for conservatives on here, once the election results roll in and the far left ideology gets mothballed for generations, which 5 liberals are going to take it the hardest in your opinion. I realize choosing just 5 is tough on this forum, but gun to your head, which 5 will be the most miserable and nobody is going to be within 500 miles of them come the morning after election??

I'll start.........my 5 after just a little deliberation.........in no specific order........

1) Lakhota
2) Dick
3) Franco
5) MarcATL

OK.......I know some will disagree and say I left out a number of them that can leave the reservation just as readily, but nobody can quibble with the one's I identified.

How'd that work out?

USMB Topic:How will you celebrate Obama's election loss?

I don't know if I'll show up to an election day party. I'll likely watch it by myself; but who knows maybe I'll search out a view party.

When he loses, I'm going to Famous Dave's BBQ | Legendary Pit Bar-B-Que Restaurants and Catering the next day. :redface:

How was it?

USMB Topic:Even Obama Knows The End Is Near

USMB Topic:It's in the air~

You can just tell. Go tripping around the blogs and read the desperation coming from liberal precincts. Obama is going to lose. Liberal's are already gearing up for full on "revenge" politics. They are going to be more venomous and contentious then ever.

My hope is that Romney, if elected, govern from the center... That he really can find a way to work with liberals that can offer healing and a direction for this country that both parties are able to find agreement on. Compromising where he can- standing firm where it's necessary.

Obama is winning Ohio and probably going win VA and probably FL.

I can't wait to throw all of these posts in your face.. :lol:

Well...you've earned it, I guess. Fire away.

USMB Topic:Early Voting Points to Romney Victory

Polling Data, Early Voting Point to Romney Victory

It comes down to numbers. And in the final days of this presidential race, from polling data to early voting, they favor Mitt Romney. He maintains a small but persistent polling edge. As of yesterday afternoon, there had been 31 national surveys in the previous seven days. Mr. Romney led in 19, President Obama in seven, and five were tied. Mr. Romney averaged 48.4%; Mr. Obama, 47.2%. The GOP challenger was at or above 50% in 10 polls, Mr. Obama in none.

Your next President Mitt Romney:clap2::clap2::clap2:

USMB Topic:Top excuses for an Obama loss...

1. The GOP cheated
2. The GOP cheated
3. The GOP cheated
4. The GOP cheated
5. The GOP cheated

And in that vein:

USMB Topic:How many noncitizens are registered to vote?

USMB Topic:Oh yeah!

The beginning of the end of the Age of Obama.

USMB Topic:Romney’s slipping into the presidency

USMB Topic:President elect Mitt Romney

Only 2 more days until you start to hear this on all the news channels. Get used to it. Obama and all of his sheep will be put out to pasture. I can hardly wait.

USMB Topic:Romney Wins! Obama defeated.

Just wanted to help y'all get used to the idea, so it isn't such a shock for ya on Tuesday.

USMB Topic:Poll: Brown up +2 in massachusetts senate race

Brown loses.

USMB Topic:Romney has solid lead among early voters. Obama supporters grasping at straws

Romney holds a seven-point edge among early voters (50% to 43%)

Washington Post

Fat lady is warming her vocal chords


USMB Topic:WOW! New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge!

BUH-BYE president Oloser!

The latest Pennsylvania absentee ballot returns are in and show Republicans opening up a 19-point lead over the Democrats — a 17-point swing from the 2008 absentee results.

Romney continues to demonstrate momentum in Ohio, with the latest absentee returns showing a nine-point swing to Republicans compared to 2008.

This spells trouble for the Obama campaign, even if Obama is leading the early voting in Ohio (which isn’t necessarily true). In 2008, Obama trailed McCain by 1.9 percent among the 295,000 absentee voters in Pennsylvania. In 2012, Obama trails Governor Romney by 18.8 percent among the 115,000 absentee voters (assuming Democrats vote for Obama, Republicans vote for Romney). Obama won the state by 10 percent overall in 2008.

Read more: New absentee ballot numbers in PA, OH show clear Romney edge | The Daily Caller

Don't cut your throat on the Daily Caller's edge!

USMB Topic:Independents breaking HEAVY for Romney

Don't let the Liberal Media fool you.. Obama CANNOT win with Indpendents breaking in this big of an advantage for Romney.

Yeah. Don't be fooled!
I admitted I was wrong. You've never admitted you're a liberal. You lose

So now you are wrong on two counts.


ETA: The point of my post was to demonstrate the utter falsity of BluesLegend's revisionist claim.
Last edited:
Democrats: Sure we gave you a law we didn't read and now it sucks moose cock, but your only hope is to let us write more laws we won't read that will suck even worse!

You tell me America still has anything resembling a future

Since that isn't what happened, your version of America will never exist.

Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It".

Major Pwnage reporting for duty!
Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It".

Major Pwnage reporting for duty!

If all you've got is that out-of-context sound bite, it's at least honest of you to pwn yourself, but it doesn't exactly advance the narrative. Try harder.
Bingo! For many its like not having insurance at all. First you have to pay the premiums which is money down the drain. Then the deductible is so sky high you end up paying all your healthcare costs out of pocket. The so called insurance never kicks in so its no surprise people are avoiding going to the doctor at all.

These half baked stupid ass liberal ideas frequently blow up in their face, this is the latest example.
You are exceedingly ignorant.

You can still get individual family plans from medical insurers without going through the healthcare exchange, and the benefits on those plans are no different than Obamacare plans, and have the same provider networks.

The only differences that may have affected premiums and benefits, are that underwriting cannot turn you down for a policy, and the 10 essential benefits need to be on all plans, direct from insurers, or through Obamacare

I love Obamacare, Democrats own 100% of that turd and we'll keep using it to destroy Democrats for as long as we can milk this gift. So far it has cost the Democratic party over 1,200 seats nationally :eusa_dance:

from the "lefties" at forbes:

Goldman Sachs estimates that total coverage under the ACA increased by 13 to 14 million last year and may have increased by another 4 million during the first five months of 2015, for a total coverage increase of 17 to 18 million combined. At a top line, this coincides with the figure from RAND, which estimated that there were 22.8 million newly insured people since the launch of the ACA. At the same time, 5.9 million people lost coverage. This comes out to a net gain of 16.9 million lives.

How Many People Has Obamacare Really Insured?

damn, you're stupid... the only people who find the idea of all of us having insurance coverage offensive are wingers who wouldn't vote for a dem under any circumstances. perhaps you idiots should have worked with dems to make the law better instead of 50 impotent votes and multiple court cases to get rid of it.... but why would you do that? it would mean that your nutcases are actually working....

good luck telling people they're going to lose their coverage.

but please do... I look forward to laughing at you all the day after the election.
Remember the people who said "Romney by a lnadslide"?....that's who RWers are listening to again

You know jack shit lib, conservatives called Romney's loss long before the election.
Yeah, change the subject and keep walkin'!
Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?

I thought Republicans kept their promises...

Tic toc! Time's a-wasting!
good one


Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?
What about the millions who don't want "health care" forced on them??
What kind of lunatic would refuse medical help if he was injured or sick? :wtf:
"Obamacare" is forced on millions that want nothing to do with it...
Health care insurance, is no help at all.
Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?

I thought Republicans kept their promises...

Tic toc! Time's a-wasting!
good one


Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?
What about the millions who don't want "health care" forced on them??
What kind of lunatic would refuse medical help if he was injured or sick? :wtf:
"Obamacare" is forced on millions that want nothing to do with it...
Health care insurance, is no help at all.
That's adorable.

And for $695/year for head of household, plus $249/year per dependent.....

After 2016, you only have to pay that much to avoid being insured.

As a bonus, you get to drive up insurance costs for the rest of us, after you get hit by a car, without medical insurance
Get enrolled or get fined and imprisoned. Hard to fathom how the Mandate hasn't been ended. It's truly Un-American.
Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?

I thought Republicans kept their promises...

Tic toc! Time's a-wasting!
good one


Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?
What about the millions who don't want "health care" forced on them??
What kind of lunatic would refuse medical help if he was injured or sick? :wtf:
"Obamacare" is forced on millions that want nothing to do with it...
Health care insurance, is no help at all.
That's adorable.

And for $695/year for head of household, plus $249/year per dependent.....

After 2016, you only have to pay that much to avoid being insured.

As a bonus, you get to drive up insurance costs for the rest of us, after you get hit by a car, without medical insurance
I will pay out of pocket if any medical is needed, and give the federal government the bird and just pay the IRS fine for not having the sh!tbird that is "Obamacare".
Nope. Not through the employer.

But you said they did. Right there in Post 86 you said "All of whom were LEO. They are all covered by their employer."

So which is it?

Not the exchanges. The ACA on the internet.

“The ACA on the Internet” consists of the federal exchange and the state exchanges. My state is one of those that has its own exchange.

Give it a try. Just don't finalize anything. See what you come up with.

For the third time: I did. I found a Blue Shield plan that fit my needs and I finalized it. I’m very satisfied with the coverage and the deductible.

Do you need me to say that a fourth time?

I can only tell you what they told me. They all ran the numbers through the ACA and those were the numbers they told me about.

Yep all of them are LEO and they are covered by our employer.

They just wanted to know how much they would have to pay through the ACA. The deductables were outrageous for every one of them.

Then either they did it wrong or they're having you on.

You can take what I said or leave it. I could give a shit. If you got a good deal then good for you. I'm sure many out there didn't.

Because you'd rather believe your fantasy than actual RL experience? Not surprising. If you ever come up with some facts that match your fantasy, I'd love to see them.

Oh and BTW. Are you being subsidized by Medicaid, i.e. the American Taxpayer. Is that why you love what you are getting from the ACA???
good one


Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?
What about the millions who don't want "health care" forced on them??
What kind of lunatic would refuse medical help if he was injured or sick? :wtf:
"Obamacare" is forced on millions that want nothing to do with it...
Health care insurance, is no help at all.
That's adorable.

And for $695/year for head of household, plus $249/year per dependent.....

After 2016, you only have to pay that much to avoid being insured.

As a bonus, you get to drive up insurance costs for the rest of us, after you get hit by a car, without medical insurance
I will pay out of pocket if any medical is needed, and give the federal government the bird and just pay the IRS fine for not having the sh!tbird that is "Obamacare".
If you get hit by a car, through no fault of your own, and break your legs, and something else...without insurance, you'll be paying $50,000 for the ER visit, and the resulting inpatient admit, maybe more, and then another $50,000 for Physical Therapy, and who knows what else.

If you have $100,000 lying around to pay for it, why don't you just pay the $2000/year for medical insurance.

My guess is...you don't really have $100K lying around, so you'd have to mortgage your house...and/or cost all of us money for increased insurance premiums and copays.

People talk about personal responsibility, and you have a responsibility to keep your self out of my pocket with your risky behavior.
good one


Where are the 93 million Americans who were supposed to lose their employer-sponsored health insurance you all promised us would happen by the end of 2014 2015?
What about the millions who don't want "health care" forced on them??
What kind of lunatic would refuse medical help if he was injured or sick? :wtf:
"Obamacare" is forced on millions that want nothing to do with it...
Health care insurance, is no help at all.
That's adorable.

And for $695/year for head of household, plus $249/year per dependent.....

After 2016, you only have to pay that much to avoid being insured.

As a bonus, you get to drive up insurance costs for the rest of us, after you get hit by a car, without medical insurance
I will pay out of pocket if any medical is needed, and give the federal government the bird and just pay the IRS fine for not having the sh!tbird that is "Obamacare".
You've got $10,000-20,000 in your pocket to pay for a broken leg? Wow.
What about the millions who don't want "health care" forced on them??
What kind of lunatic would refuse medical help if he was injured or sick? :wtf:
"Obamacare" is forced on millions that want nothing to do with it...
Health care insurance, is no help at all.
That's adorable.

And for $695/year for head of household, plus $249/year per dependent.....

After 2016, you only have to pay that much to avoid being insured.

As a bonus, you get to drive up insurance costs for the rest of us, after you get hit by a car, without medical insurance
I will pay out of pocket if any medical is needed, and give the federal government the bird and just pay the IRS fine for not having the sh!tbird that is "Obamacare".
You've got $10,000-20,000 in your pocket to pay for a broken leg? Wow.
All the sudden the guys who oppose Obamacare on this site are rich...but they can't afford $2000/year for medical insrance....

....Oh..wait!...that's right.......they're just "constitutionally" offended.

Oh brother

They're just too stupid to realize the GOP electioneering effort has them carrying their water

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