White House Tweet makes ridiculous claims about historical “firsts”


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

The only claims made here that make any sense is about the West and the moon landing. No one else could have done the Native American genocide I guess lol. Of course, Russia was the first to space...

We definitely weren’t the ones that split the atom or were the first to harness electricity. I mean I get that republicans like to delude themselves into thinking the US is superior in every way, but reality is what it is.

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

The only claims made here that make any sense is about the West and the moon landing. No one else could have done the Native American genocide I guess lol. Of course, Russia was the first to space...

We definitely weren’t the ones that split the atom or were the first to harness electricity. I mean I get that republicans like to delude themselves into thinking the US is superior in every way, but reality is what it is.

Face it, bub, you ain't no American. If you ever lived in America, hell—even if you still do, you are not an American and never were. I get it, you're trying to stir up a hornet's nest worth of aggravation, irritation, ire and perhaps rage in the hearts and minds of real Americans. Face it, you're really bad at doing that.

This OP is a great example of a (person?) attempting to lend aid and comfort to enemies of the United States of America, and to somehow harm American morale. Of course it's laughable on its surface, but the attempt in and of itself represents something much more sinister.

This guy can't even properly troll a conservative let alone demoralize a house fly from sucking honey.

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

The only claims made here that make any sense is about the West and the moon landing. No one else could have done the Native American genocide I guess lol. Of course, Russia was the first to space...

We definitely weren’t the ones that split the atom or were the first to harness electricity. I mean I get that republicans like to delude themselves into thinking the US is superior in every way, but reality is what it is.
Do you deny we won two world wars?...and settled western disputes?....do you see war parties on Indian land that I don't see?....we did put electricity into homes first and same for the telephone...so what in the world are you talking about?....and Ernest Rutherford split the atom while living in Manchester New Hampshire...that makes it an American accomplishment....
Hilarious stuff that the people so invested in hanging on to symbols of history are so willing to ignore the historical facts.

American has been responsible for many wonderful and inspiring things. Just not most of what your president stated in that tweet.
Hilarious stuff that the people so invested in hanging on to symbols of history are so willing to ignore the historical facts.

American has been responsible for many wonderful and inspiring things. Just not most of what your president stated in that tweet.
Enlighten us then....this ought to be good...:popcorn:

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

The only claims made here that make any sense is about the West and the moon landing. No one else could have done the Native American genocide I guess lol. Of course, Russia was the first to space...

We definitely weren’t the ones that split the atom or were the first to harness electricity. I mean I get that republicans like to delude themselves into thinking the US is superior in every way, but reality is what it is.

Face it, bub, you ain't no American. If you ever lived in America, hell—even if you still do, you are not an American and never were. I get it, you're trying to stir up a hornet's nest worth of aggravation, irritation, ire and perhaps rage in the hearts and minds of real Americans. Face it, you're really bad at doing that.

This OP is a great example of a (person?) attempting to lend aid and comfort to enemies of the United States of America, and to somehow harm American morale. Of course it's laughable on its surface, but the attempt in and of itself represents something much more sinister.

This guy can't even properly troll a conservative let alone demoralize a house fly from sucking honey.
I can see you can't handle the truth since it is true that what was said about innovations is correct. The indians were killed to take the west and the Soviets were first in space.

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

The only claims made here that make any sense is about the West and the moon landing. No one else could have done the Native American genocide I guess lol. Of course, Russia was the first to space...

We definitely weren’t the ones that split the atom or were the first to harness electricity. I mean I get that republicans like to delude themselves into thinking the US is superior in every way, but reality is what it is.

yeah----actually all of those claim are true enough---an arguement could be made

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

The only claims made here that make any sense is about the West and the moon landing. No one else could have done the Native American genocide I guess lol. Of course, Russia was the first to space...

We definitely weren’t the ones that split the atom or were the first to harness electricity. I mean I get that republicans like to delude themselves into thinking the US is superior in every way, but reality is what it is.

Face it, bub, you ain't no American. If you ever lived in America, hell—even if you still do, you are not an American and never were. I get it, you're trying to stir up a hornet's nest worth of aggravation, irritation, ire and perhaps rage in the hearts and minds of real Americans. Face it, you're really bad at doing that.

This OP is a great example of a (person?) attempting to lend aid and comfort to enemies of the United States of America, and to somehow harm American morale. Of course it's laughable on its surface, but the attempt in and of itself represents something much more sinister.

This guy can't even properly troll a conservative let alone demoralize a house fly from sucking honey.
Are you saying the the OP was incorrect with the fact check on the White House tweet? Or would you say that they got some historical facts wrong?
Do you deny we won two world wars?...and settled western disputes?....do you see war parties on Indian land that I don't see?....we did put electricity into homes first and same for the telephone...so what in the world are you talking about?....and Ernest Rutherford split the atom while living in Manchester New Hampshire...that makes it an American accomplishment....
I know america rates low in the world in math and science, and now you want to throw in history as well.

Walton, working jointly at the Cavendish Laboratory, were the first to split the atom when they bombarded lithium with protons generated by a type of particle accelerator (dubbed a "Cockcroft-Walton machine") and changed the resulting lithium nucleus into two helium nuclei.
What was the quote usually mis-attributed to Mark Twain?

A lie will race around the world before the truth is finished putting it's boots on.
What was the quote usually mis-attributed to Mark Twain?

A lie will race around the world before the truth is finished putting it's boots on.
“As Churchill said: 'A lie gets halfway around the world before truth puts on its boots.'”

Mark Twain said, “never let the truth get in the way of a good story”
What was the quote usually mis-attributed to Mark Twain?

A lie will race around the world before the truth is finished putting it's boots on.
“As Churchill said: 'A lie gets halfway around the world before truth puts on its boots.'”

Mark Twain said, “never let the truth get in the way of a good story”

Hmm, I can't find anything that definitively ties the quote to Churchill, but I'll take your word on it as etymology isn't my strong suit.

I also like "Falsehood flies, the truth comes limping after it", which I know to be the work of Johnathon Swift. At least he was comfortable with acknowledging the realities. I'm sure his head would explode with the level of current public discourse.

"Americans harnessed electricity, split the atom, and gave the world the telephone and the internet. We settled the Wild West, won two World Wars, landed American Astronauts on the Moon—and one day soon, we will plant our flag on Mars!"

The only claims made here that make any sense is about the West and the moon landing. No one else could have done the Native American genocide I guess lol. Of course, Russia was the first to space...

We definitely weren’t the ones that split the atom or were the first to harness electricity. I mean I get that republicans like to delude themselves into thinking the US is superior in every way, but reality is what it is.

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