White house vows emergency stay of judicial order thwarting Presidents immigration order

Wrong. It's a ban of ALL citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries—Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen—from entering the U.S. on any visa category.

Well your dumkopf Drumpf soiled his own EO when he went public with this.

Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 201

What an idiot. He told the courts it was a Muslim Ban after trying to make it look like it was not.

Morons support this idiot.
Wrong. It's a ban of ALL citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries—Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen—from entering the U.S. on any visa category.

Well your dumkopf Drumpf soiled his own EO when he went public with this.

Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 201

What an idiot. He told the courts it was a Muslim Ban after trying to make it look like it was not.

Morons support this idiot.

Fuck you.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16506875

Don't like reality do you? Gonna have to learn.

Trump messed up. You tried to say it was not a Muslim Ban. Your own idiot fucked you over.

Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 20

Why don't you say fuck trump? He fucked up. Not me.
I was saying earlier that the Globalists would shop around for a manipulable federal judge in the 9th circuit jurisdiction and wait for the appeal to the 9th, who would hand down a leftwing ideological decision against Trump, regardless of how clear the law is that Trump can do this.

There is little chance that the Trump administration will be able to get an emergency stay from a 4-4 split SCOTUS, but they should give it a shot anyway.

What I think is most likely to happen is that the appeal of the decision will work its way up to SCOTUS months from now and there will be a conservative majority on the court by that time, and the appeal will be not only decided in Trumps favor, but I think the POTUS' authority is likely to expand with the decision.

The Globalists are digging their own graves with their childish bullshit.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16506875

Don't like reality do you? Gonna have to learn.

Trump messed up. You tried to say it was not a Muslim Ban. Your own idiot fucked you over.

Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 20

Why don't you say fuck trump? He fucked up. Not me.

He didn't fuck anything over, other than not adding a few other countries to the list.
Bottom line though, it wasn't specifically a Muslim ban, although obviously around the world today, Muslim's are the people to be most concerned about.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16501265
If it's a Muslim ban, why does the ban only involve seven nations?

Remember Trump has business interests in many of those other Muslim Countries.

Billionaire business comes before security.

It's a Muslim Ban because Trump said it was a Muslim ban where Christians are in the front if the bus. It's called religious discrimination.

Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 2017

So if something happens from any county where 1.7 billion Muslims live it's apparently now solely and totally on Trump. The vetting process must be perfect in all those countries.

Or else Trump is admitting he is not up to the task of protecting the US Homeland.

Trump: Blame Judge If 'Something Happens' Due To Immigration Order Hold

Trump: Blame Judge If 'Something Happens' Due To Immigration Order Hold

Those seven nations were picked for Trump's publicity stunt.
JimBowie1958, post: 1650714
I was saying earlier that the Globalists would shop around for a manipulable federal judge in the 9th circuit jurisdiction and wait for the appeal to the 9th, who would hand down a leftwing ideological decision against Trump, regardless of how clear the law is that Trump can do this.

It's time to take your tinfoil hat to a recycler. Maybe you can get enough to save yourself a beer.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16507260
He didn't fuck anything over, other than not adding a few other countries to the list.

Bottom line though, it wasn't specifically a Muslim ban, although obviously around the world today, Muslim's are the people to be most concerned about.

Muslims are, or terrorists are?

Trump made it public that his intent was to discriminate against Muslims.

NotfooledbyW, post: 16506661
Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 201

That makes it a Muslim ban.

You don't think what Trump said will be brought into Federal Courts by the plaintiffs?

Why not?

Trumps lips are too loose.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16507260
He didn't fuck anything over, other than not adding a few other countries to the list.

Bottom line though, it wasn't specifically a Muslim ban, although obviously around the world today, Muslim's are the people to be most concerned about.

Muslims are, or terrorists are?

Trump made it public that his intent was to discriminate against Muslims.

NotfooledbyW, post: 16506661
Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 201

That makes it a Muslim ban.

You don't think what Trump said will be brought into Federal Courts by the plaintiffs?

Why not?

Trumps lips are too loose.

Doesn't matter what he says, the official policy as of now ALL citizens of the seven countries are banned temporarily.
JimBowie1958, post: 16507143
What I think is most likely to happen is that the appeal of the decision will work its way up to SCOTUS months from now and there will be a conservative majority on the court by that time, and the appeal will be not only decided in Trumps favor, but I think the POTUS' authority is likely to expand with the decision.

Months from now. This temporary Muslim ban was supposed to be over 3 months from now,

Now you suggest Trump can't figure out proper vetting from those seven countries as he says.

Was that another ruse by the con man.
....,on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Sorry Drifter. One of the minority religions in those countries are Christians.

DigitalDrifter, post: 16507564
Doesn't matter what he says, the official policy as of now ALL citizens of the seven countries are banned temporarily.

You are a fool. A Trump duped fool.

It matters that Trump said:

US will prioritize Christian refugees
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 201

DigitalDrifter, post: 16507564

Because his EO says (see red bold) this;

Trump’s executive order officially prefers Christians and Christianity and disfavors Muslims and Islam. The order is sloppy and at times indecipherable—it was apparently signed without any input or reviewby the executive agencies it affects—but whoever wrote it was smart enough to attempt to dress up its animus in pretext. That pretense, however, does nothing to obscure its discriminatory intent and effect. In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the ordersuspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. When that freeze ends, the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.(Emphasis mine.)

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

So surely what Trump said about pioritizing minority Christians in Majority Muslim countries publically will show up in the courtroom.

Trump's EO is doomed. That is why the fired AG would not defend it. She was right and it is for certain that Trump is an utter loose lipped fuckup for his deplorable Muslim haters.
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Athanasius68, post: 16503769
But bungling his executive authority doesn't give a judge authority to overturn it.

Come on. Federal judges are are sworn to defend and protect the Constitution and they have the authority to restrain a bungled or not bungled executive order.

Mike Pence tells you the judge has that authority.

But doesn't this judge have the authority to do what he did as well?" Stephanopoulos pressed.

“He certainly does, and that's why the administration is complying with that order as we speak,” Pence replie

Why can't you accept the truth,
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....,on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.

Sorry Drifter. One of the minority religions in those countries are Christians.

DigitalDrifter, post: 16507564
Doesn't matter what he says, the official policy as of now ALL citizens of the seven countries are banned temporarily.

You are a fool. A Trump duped fool.

It matters that Trump said:

US will prioritize Christian refugees
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor
Updated 11:28 AM EST, Mon January 30, 201

DigitalDrifter, post: 16507564

Because his EO says (see red bold) this;

Trump’s executive order officially prefers Christians and Christianity and disfavors Muslims and Islam. The order is sloppy and at times indecipherable—it was apparently signed without any input or reviewby the executive agencies it affects—but whoever wrote it was smart enough to attempt to dress up its animus in pretext. That pretense, however, does nothing to obscure its discriminatory intent and effect. In addition to targeting seven majority-Muslim countries, the ordersuspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, no matter a refugee’s country of origin. When that freeze ends, the order directs the secretary of state, “in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security,” to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.(Emphasis mine.)

Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

So surely what Trump said about pioritizing minority Christians in Majority Muslim countries publically will show up in the courtroom.

Trump's EO is doomed. That is why the fired AG would not defend it. She was right and it is for certain that Trump is an utter loose lipped fuckup for his deplorable Muslim haters.

Religious persecution can be a qualification for refugee status. In other words, the Trump EO is quite consistent with law and not at all discriminatory.
Athanasius68, post: 16508243
Religious persecution can be a qualification for refugee status. In other words, the Trump EO is quite consistent with law and not at all discriminatory.

There is persecution of Muslims in Syria by the Assad regime. Christians have been aligned with the Assad regime since forever it seems.

So giving preference to the minority religion is discrimination by the Executive Branch.

Trump's EO discriminates against persecuted Muslims in favor of Christians. The Establishment Clause forbids that.
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JimBowie1958, post: 1650714
I was saying earlier that the Globalists would shop around for a manipulable federal judge in the 9th circuit jurisdiction and wait for the appeal to the 9th, who would hand down a leftwing ideological decision against Trump, regardless of how clear the law is that Trump can do this.

It's time to take your tinfoil hat to a recycler. Maybe you can get enough to save yourself a beer.

Oh, get real.

You dont think that the Globalist Oligarchs shopped that court challenge around and cherry picked the judge?

If so you are incredibly naive.
Athanasius68, post: 16508243
Religious persecution can be a qualification for refugee status. In other words, the Trump EO is quite consistent with law and not at all discriminatory.

There is persecution of Muslims in Syria by the Assad regime. Christians have been aligned with the Assad regime since forever it seems.

So giving preference to the minority religion is discrimination by the Executive Branch.

Trump's EO discriminates against persecuted Muslims in favor of Christians. The Establishment Clause forbids that.

Evidently, Christians are being wiped out there; specifically targeted.
As far as favoring one religion over the other, it's not at all a violation of the establishment clause
You dont think that the Globalist Oligarchs shopped that court challenge around and cherry picked the judge?

I have no reason to believe that. That you wrote something is no case for your conspiracy theory.

At least tell me the names of the globalists. Is one Rex Tillerson?

Trump's kids hang out with oligarchs. Do you mean them.
I have no reason to believe that. That you wrote something is no case for your conspiracy theory.

At least tell me the names of the globalists. Is one Rex Tillerson?

Trump's kids hang out with oligarchs. Do you mean them.

Tillerson is a successful and wealthy CEO, or was, but he is not in the league of the Bilderberg group, which is a Globalist organization, not to mention the Council on Foreign Relations and the various knightly orders of Europe that act as a sort of global fraternity of billionaires.

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