White House: "We won't coddle rioters" - it's about damn time!

Again. Violent crime in the US is at an all time low.
According to the FBI, violent offenses went up in 2015. From 366 per 100K to 372
Shit man 6 more! They already called out the Guard...
well actually it is six per 100k, and there are 300,000,000 or it's six times 3000 or 18,000 more. But shit, never let math get in the way of fake posting.
There can always be a radial variable in the mix....

Radial? Like in a tire?
Well it does circulate in a circular fashion...
Way to dispute a fact with a completely irrelevant fact. It's like spin has become the default communication setting for the orange morons. Sad.

They don't even know how to debate anymore.

They willfully dumb themselves down, and respond to any sort of criticism or fact with stupid one-liners like "butthurt" or "snowflake" or the beloved old one that I rarely hear anymore... "libtard".

Shit. I think I double-posted that because my laptop freaked out a bit. If so, sorry forum, rookie mistake.

I agree it's a bit unsettling right now, and it's only gonna get worse. Brave the storm of bullshit for the moment. It'll eventually get better. I think it will come from a place we least think of. But, it will be... better somehow.

2018 will be here before you know it.

Subtract all the government employees from the 2009 photo and you get the 2017 photo.

Subtract the 28k from the law enforcement that was assigned to this inauguration.................... Those white dotted space will be totally white without a single soul.
Way to dispute a fact with a completely irrelevant fact. It's like spin has become the default communication setting for the orange morons. Sad.

They don't even know how to debate anymore.

They willfully dumb themselves down, and respond to any sort of criticism or fact with stupid one-liners like "butthurt" or "snowflake" or the beloved old one that I rarely hear anymore... "libtard".
That's how we respond to butthurt idiocies. There's no point in debating them. That would just lend them a credibility that they don't deserve.
Way to dispute a fact with a completely irrelevant fact. It's like spin has become the default communication setting for the orange morons. Sad.

They don't even know how to debate anymore.

They willfully dumb themselves down, and respond to any sort of criticism or fact with stupid one-liners like "butthurt" or "snowflake" or the beloved old one that I rarely hear anymore... "libtard".
That's how we respond to butthurt idiocies. There's no point in debating them. That would just lend them a credibility that they don't deserve.

So what exactly do you gain from a discussion forum then, when you shut down discussion every time without prejudice?

Do you use this forum for masturbation material?
Way to dispute a fact with a completely irrelevant fact. It's like spin has become the default communication setting for the orange morons. Sad.

They don't even know how to debate anymore.

They willfully dumb themselves down, and respond to any sort of criticism or fact with stupid one-liners like "butthurt" or "snowflake" or the beloved old one that I rarely hear anymore... "libtard".

We know the feeling, kind of like when we hear Alt-Right or Fake News all the time.
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.

So what the fuck has the deduction in violent crime have to do with violent rioters/looters destroying innocent people's property? Don't bother answering. SWEET FUCK ALL!
And you know it!
Negro on negro murders in Chicagoland are up 67% from this time last year.
Every major city in the US has an inner city awash in negro gangbanger thugs.
Those are the subhuman scum President Trump is going to eliminate.
Over 200 FELONY looting charges were laid against violent scum yesterday.
That's right. FELONY looting!
That means the next time one of these subhumans gets caught they WILL be going to prison for an 'extended stay'.
The limousine these subhumans destroyed yesterday was owned by a LEGAL immigrant. It was his entire business future. He worked and saved for YEARS! to buy the limo!
He'll NEVER be able to replace it. He keep the limo in showroom condition even though it was 12 years old.
The insurance will never allow him to buy another limo in that condition.
The LEGAL immigrant fed and clothed his family with his limo. business.
Tell the innocent victims of these fucking subhumans how the 'violent crime rates' have gone down.
The violent crime rates are going UP in the negro inner city shits holes run by fucking negro city administrations.
Yesterday on MSNBC the human scum Eugene Robinson was actually LAUGHING at the scenes of subhumans burning everything they could find.
That's right he and Chrissy Matthews were having a 'chuckle' watching the subhumans starting fires in the street in Washington.
Last edited:
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.

ROFLMMFAO... I live on the SW side of Chicago...
Were we excluded from the tally?

Violence is down, employment is up, the economy is strong,
Hillary is ahead in the polls, Trump doesn't stand a chance,
and Obama is leaving office with a 60% approval rating...

You are the weakest link...good bye


Violent clime has showed a steady downward decline for the past 25 years, with a slight upward spike in 2015: True
Hillary was ahead in the Polls: True
The fact that the polls got their PREDICTIONS wrong is also True.
Obama is leaving office with a 60% approval rating: True
Unemployment is down, employment is up: True (and compare it to what Obama inherited when he came into office).
The economy is strong: True
Ya right!
Take your head out of Obama's ass and look around you!
Despite the Recovery, the Most Distressed Communities in the U.S. Are Not Improving
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.


And quite a big amount of the crime still around is in the big city black ghettos and latino barrios we have in places like Los Angeles. You know, the barrios where latinos congregate and form gangs after jumping our out of control southern border.

Yes. Poverty has a big influence on crime.
Take a race of people with an average IQ in the low eighties and expect those people to compete with other races with average IQs of 110-120 and the results any child can predict.
THATS the REAL elephant in the room NO ONE DARES acknowledge.
Until they do they'll sit around and PRETEND if only the negro dominated teacher's unions would be given more money to pay their semi-literate teachers 'things' would get better.
Or better yet blame the cops for attempting to keep the shitholes safe.
The number one reason Obama NEVER said a fucking word and didn't do SFA to help things get better in the inner city shitholes was because he was shit scared of pissing off his negro base.
Some fucking 'Quadruple A' President'!
'African American Affirmative Action' President.
According to the FBI, violent offenses went up in 2015. From 366 per 100K to 372
Shit man 6 more! They already called out the Guard...
well actually it is six per 100k, and there are 300,000,000 or it's six times 3000 or 18,000 more. But shit, never let math get in the way of fake posting.
There can always be a radial variable in the mix....
yep, it could go up or could go down, it's an average figure. you make light of people being unnecessarily attacked. You are a low form of shit.

No one is making light of individual people being attacked. But it's not very relevant in a discussion about crime rates.
What you are failing to comprehend or acknowledge is those 'statistics' are based on INDIVIDUAL human VICTIMS.
You insist on 'looking at the big picture'. You ought to be looking at violent crime from the viewpoint of each individual and how the violence has impacted their life.
I can 100% guarantee you if YOU or a family member was ever victimised by a violent subhuman YOU wouldn't be posting bullshit about 'violent crime stats.'
There's a saying that "All politics is local". The SAME applies to violent crimes."All violent crimes are personal".
What Caused the Two-Decade Dip in Crime Rates? Not ‘Good Guys with Guns.’

Defensive gun use is too rare for “good guys with guns” to significantly lower crime rates.
The first mechanism through which permit holders and concealed carry laws could be reducing crime is through direct deterrence, which occurs when an armed civilian uses a gun in self-defense, thereby stopping a crime. The NRA and gun advocates frequently tout surveys conducted by criminologist Gary Kleck indicating that there are around 2.5 million defensive gun uses every year, which would mean millions of criminals being directly deterred from crime.

However, widespread defensive gun use is a myth. The survey results used to extrapolate millions of DGUs suffer from a severe false positive problem and present crime prevention numbers that are mathematically impossible. In fact, as we have detailed in previous articles, not only is defensive gun use no more effective at preventing injury than taking no action at all during a crime, but the best empirical evidence to date from the Gun Violence Archive could also only find 1,600 verified DGUs in 2014. This means that 99.936 percent of Kleck’s claimed DGUs are nowhere to be found, despite those very surveys stating that more than 50 percent of DGUs are reported to the police (meaning there should be a record of them). With so few DGUs, it is not possible for permit holders and concealed carry laws to be reducing crime through direct deterrence.

People’s estimates of concealed carry rates are wildly off — so concealed carry can’t be indirectly deterring criminals, either.
The second way permit holders and concealed carry laws could be reducing crime is through indirect deterrence — when criminals are deterred by the mere threat of confronting an armed civilian. As Lott states, “By the very nature of these guns being concealed, criminals are unable to tell whether the victim is armed before they strike, thus raising criminals’ expected costs for committing many types of crimes.” If criminals perceive that the risk of encountering an armed civilian has increased, they will likely avoid that jurisdiction and choose a different venue for their illegal activities, or not commit the act at all. This requires that criminals are actually sensitive to the prevalence of guns in their environment, and are particularly aware of changes made to state legislation that could potentially influence the quantity of concealed carriers. Until recently, no studies had challenged these assumptions.

Research published last year by Dr. Fortunato of the University of California examined the feasibility of indirect deterrence by conducting a survey asking 1,000 citizens to estimate how many people (out of 1,000) carry a gun in their state. These responses were then cross-referenced with their state’s concealed carry policy (“may issue”, “shall issue”, or “no policy”) and the number of active permits in the state. The paper also controlled for other factors that may influence a population’s belief about the concentration of perceived concealed carriers, such as the depth of legal and illegal firearm market, measurements of state ideology, and rates of firearm violence.

The paper found no statistically significant relationship between a states’ concealed carry policy and people’s perception of the number of firearm carriers in their state. As Fortunato states: “Because beliefs over the distribution of firearm carriers are impervious to permitting policies and do not respond positively to the true distribution of carriers,” increasing the number of concealed carry permits in a state “cannot deter crime.” In other words, people cannot be deterred by the number of permit holders if, on average, people have no clue how prevalent those permits actually are. The paper goes on to concluded that by passing concealed carry laws — which likely increased gun ownership nationwide — “at best, we increase the probability of accidental discharge. At worst, these policies open the door for more violent, potentially deadly, escalations of altercations — altercations that may have ended peacefully if not for the presence of a firearm.”....

We don’t know what caused the big two decade drop in crime rates. We do know it wasn’t concealed carry.
So if concealed carry cannot be responsible for the significant, two decade drop in crime rates, what is? A report from the Brennan Center for Justice published earlier this year sought to tackle that question. Analyzing 40 years of data from all 50 states, the report examined a number of potential causal factors, including RTC laws, and found that the most likely causes were various demographic and socioeconomic factors, the end of the crack cocaine epidemic, and superior policing techniques. However, even these factors were insufficient to explain the entire crime decrease, and the authors concluded that we still don’t fully know why crime dropped precipitously.

But what we do know is that rigorous studies on RTC laws and permit holders, combined with empirical data on defensive gun use and studies of people’s perception of gun prevalence, provide powerful evidence that concealed carry does not reduce crime.
I thought any post had to contain some actual original thoughts by the poster.
Simply C&Ping an obviously biased inaccurate article from an anti-gun website is a bit lazy don't you think?
Tell that bullshit that CC does not reduce crimes to someone thinking of holding up a bar in Waco.
Cracking down on protests....are the rightwing THAT thinskinned they have to silence dissent?

No violence is acceptable. But free speech and protesting are an American right.

Cracking down on rioters, looters and violent "disrupters" ... not cracking down on free speech or protesting. Where did you get "cracking down on protests?"

I think it could very easily cross the line into cracking down on protests.
based on what? gives some fking precedence rather than your opinion of hate.

Based on what has happened before, for example under Nixon. Based on protests that have turned violent because of implanted agitators. Maintaining free speech is a very delicate balance because it means having to tolerate offensive stuff rather than shut it down. That's why I oppose actual government censorship of "fake news", and why I support the rights of groups like the Westboro Baptists to do their thing.

What does my "opinion of hate" have to do with anything?
The fact you support what the WB does explains a lot.
Mostly because firearm ownership has skyrocketed, more firearms less crime… Fact

I'm sure the people of Chicago are enjoying the effects of the reduced crime there.....or not.

Having a gun is one thing, but a gun is useless unless you have a government willing to back you up if you need to use deadly force.

I don't know if I can use my license in Illinois or not, but I would be scared to unless it was without a doubt a life or death situation. The same for California or New York.

In my state, no problem. Our laws were written to protect the innocent and especially armed victims.

If Illinois would do the same as my state, you would probably see a reduction in violent crime.
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.

as firearm ownership went up

crime went down



Correlation does not necessarily mean causation.

As obesity rates have gone up, crime rates have gone down.

Think there's a link there? Criminals to fat to go criming?
Obesity rates have gone up and violent crimes have gone up............both in inner city negro shitholes.
I guess 'MO's school lunch idea didn't take off in S. Chicago schools.
exactly ever watch obamas forgotten people

eye opener
again, I live in the Chicago area and all I hear in the news is about the shootings and the killings, never what can be done to help those areas. It's sad. It's even sadder these people feel obligated to vote for libturds. It defies logic I tell you.
Simple, shoot the criminals.
Problem solved, no more criminal.

Or at the very least, a ten year minimum sentence for anybody convicted of rioting or destroying property during a protest. You'll see how fast that shit stops in a hurry. Soros couldn't pay enough money for people to attend.
i have to believe there was an arrangement for no punishment between obummer and soros.

Well DumBama is finally gone and there's a new sheriff in town. Executive order number 36: a ten year minimum sentence for rioters and protestors destroying property public or private.
Watch what happens to the subhuman Soros funded scum when the new AG takes office.
I fondly remember watching a looter leaving a burning store carrying a bagful of drugs from the pharmacy.
An off duty LEO ran after him and caught him. The negro looter never walked again right. He 'gimped' along dragging one leg. The good news was he NEVER took part in another evening of burning and looting.
The days of capitulating to those that hurt the innocent are gone!

The air actually smells sweeter - anyone else notice???

Trump White House vows it won’t coddle ‘the rioter, the looter, or the violent disrupter’

Under the heading, “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community,” the Trump administration promised a reduction in violent crime, a border wall to keep out illegal immigrants and “more law enforcement, more community engagement, and more effective policing.” The administration hinted at a crackdown on protests — “Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the looter, or the violent disrupter,” it said, perhaps taking a subtle swipe at the Black Lives Matter movement.

“It is the first duty of government to keep the innocent safe, and President Donald Trump will fight for the safety of every American, and especially those Americans who have not known safe neighborhoods for a very long time,” the administration said.

Okay, but did he happen to say HOW he's going to accomplish these things?
You won't have to wait for long to see what happens to these Soros funded subhumans.
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.

It's not 2014 any more!

In case you hadn't noticed, 2016 just ended.


Dueling Claims on Crime Trend
Over those 15 years, the number of homicides has dropped from more than 600 a year in the early 2000s to just under 500 in 2015. The yearly number has fluctuated since Obama took office in 2009 and topped 500 once, in 2012.

Chicago has often been singled out for the number of murders, but other cities have a higher murder rate, adjusted for population. As we wrote on this topic earlier this year, the city ranked 35th in 2014 in terms of its murder rate among cities with a population of 100,000 or more. The Pew Research Center reviewed FBI data from 1985 to 2012 and concluded in its headline that Chicago was “nowhere near U.S. ‘murder capital'” after adjusting the raw numbers for population.
While you are "adjusting for population" how about putting up a graph showing the percentage of the negro population in these cities and then showing what percentage of the violent crimes were committed by which races in these cities? I bet you don't have the honesty do put up that graph.
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.

It's not 2014 any more!

In case you hadn't noticed, 2016 just ended.


Dueling Claims on Crime Trend
Over those 15 years, the number of homicides has dropped from more than 600 a year in the early 2000s to just under 500 in 2015. The yearly number has fluctuated since Obama took office in 2009 and topped 500 once, in 2012.

Chicago has often been singled out for the number of murders, but other cities have a higher murder rate, adjusted for population. As we wrote on this topic earlier this year, the city ranked 35th in 2014 in terms of its murder rate among cities with a population of 100,000 or more. The Pew Research Center reviewed FBI data from 1985 to 2012 and concluded in its headline that Chicago was “nowhere near U.S. ‘murder capital'” after adjusting the raw numbers for population.
special pleading, is what the right wing, does best.
And quite a big amount of the crime still around is in the big city black ghettos and latino barrios we have in places like Los Angeles. You know, the barrios where latinos congregate and form gangs after jumping our out of control southern border.

Yes. Poverty has a big influence on crime.
why not work to end poverty rather than keep them locked in an inner city? Trump wants to change that, and you all are against him. I tell you, I don't get you all at all.

1. I think we can all agree on that goal.
2. Trump is no different than every other politician who has sought to end poverty. Just because you support him doesn't mean he has workable ideas on ending poverty. Just because I don't support him doesn't mean I don't want to work to end poverty.
3. Of course you don't get me. You don't try very hard to :lol:
well fk, eight years of a black president and the violence got worse in those areas. So there was no commitment to help them in eight years. and again, John Lewis hasn't done shit and pointed out by president trump. Which the media took as trump taking on John Lewis. Well gd dmn right he should. that is unacceptable from a black man representing blacks. So again, no improvements in inner cities in eight years and you agree with me and bitch at trump. hmmmmm you got a screw loose sweetie.

Eight years of a black president (who represents the entire nation, not just a racial demographic) cut the national crime rate almost in half from the time he took office. Why is it so hard for you to give credit?
Except conservatives, how can you say he included us? You are messed up girlie. Obummer care was done secretly how is that inclusive? I can at least be honest about my side, you live in pretendland

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