White House: "We won't coddle rioters" - it's about damn time!

Tell that to the almost 4500 people that got shot in Democrat controlled Chicago in 2016. Of course almost 800 of them are dead so you may have difficultly getting an answer out of them.

Again. Violent crime in the US is at an all time low.
According to the FBI, violent offenses went up in 2015. From 366 per 100K to 372
Shit man 6 more! They already called out the Guard...
well actually it is six per 100k, and there are 300,000,000 or it's six times 3000 or 18,000 more. But shit, never let math get in the way of fake posting.
There can always be a radial variable in the mix....

Radial? Like in a tire?

2018 will be here before you know it.
I think what is important is that violent crime has had a downward trend since the 90's (and maybe longer) - there was a slight increase between 04-06, and a slight increase in 2015 - but the over all trend has been very positive - HUGELY (or shall I say YUGELY) down from the 90's. That's a fact.

The individual areas that still have high rates of crime do so for differing reasons and without addressing some of the underlying causes it will be hard to get them down.
well doing nothing for those areas for eight years certainly didn't help matters did it? But you loved the job obummer did. He did fking nothing

Again - he reduced the crime rate by almost half, looking at that chart.

WHY is is it so hard for you to credit him with anything?

He probably did sell more guns than any president in history.
And before you know it, it will be 2018.

Since only 13% of manufacturing jobs left the country and the rest were automated, how do you think Trump is going to explain he won't be bringing jobs back? How long will his minions listen to his BS until they had enough?

Politicians nor government can create or bring jobs back; industry creates jobs or brings jobs back. All government can to is make it more or less inviting for industry to do so.

DumBama is the most anti-business President of our lifetime. Now that he's gone, it doesn't matter what Trump does. Anything is better than DumBama when it comes to jobs and industry.
As I previously linked to, independent jobs are growing at a rate 5 times more than factory jobs and they pay more. The sad part is that was able to happen because of Obamacare. If that gets taken away, independent workers and contractors are one hospital visit away from bankruptcy. We will be right back where we were under Bush.
I think what is important is that violent crime has had a downward trend since the 90's (and maybe longer) - there was a slight increase between 04-06, and a slight increase in 2015 - but the over all trend has been very positive - HUGELY (or shall I say YUGELY) down from the 90's. That's a fact.

The individual areas that still have high rates of crime do so for differing reasons and without addressing some of the underlying causes it will be hard to get them down.
well doing nothing for those areas for eight years certainly didn't help matters did it? But you loved the job obummer did. He did fking nothing

Again - he reduced the crime rate by almost half, looking at that chart.

WHY is is it so hard for you to credit him with anything?

He probably did sell more guns than any president in history.
Probably, considering how he cut gun regulations.


And we know Major Garret was no friend of Obama's.
And before you know it, it will be 2018.

Since only 13% of manufacturing jobs left the country and the rest were automated, how do you think Trump is going to explain he won't be bringing jobs back? How long will his minions listen to his BS until they had enough?

Politicians nor government can create or bring jobs back; industry creates jobs or brings jobs back. All government can to is make it more or less inviting for industry to do so.

DumBama is the most anti-business President of our lifetime. Now that he's gone, it doesn't matter what Trump does. Anything is better than DumBama when it comes to jobs and industry.
As I previously linked to, independent jobs are growing at a rate 5 times more than factory jobs and they pay more. The sad part is that was able to happen because of Obamacare. If that gets taken away, independent workers and contractors are one hospital visit away from bankruptcy. We will be right back where we were under Bush.
What are "independent jobs?" Are those the same as temp jobs?
And before you know it, it will be 2018.

Since only 13% of manufacturing jobs left the country and the rest were automated, how do you think Trump is going to explain he won't be bringing jobs back? How long will his minions listen to his BS until they had enough?

Politicians nor government can create or bring jobs back; industry creates jobs or brings jobs back. All government can to is make it more or less inviting for industry to do so.

DumBama is the most anti-business President of our lifetime. Now that he's gone, it doesn't matter what Trump does. Anything is better than DumBama when it comes to jobs and industry.
As I previously linked to, independent jobs are growing at a rate 5 times more than factory jobs and they pay more. The sad part is that was able to happen because of Obamacare. If that gets taken away, independent workers and contractors are one hospital visit away from bankruptcy. We will be right back where we were under Bush.

That's good because my life was so much better under Bush. At least under Bush, I had healthcare coverage because some commie didn't come messing around with it. In fact, until big-ears got into office, I had coverage my entire adult life.
Simple, shoot the criminals.
Problem solved, no more criminal.

Yeah... let's become a outwardly, brutally corrupt government where we just shoot dissenters and rape women on the streets.

He didn't say dissenters. He said criminals.

Ya'll actively say that everyone is a thug/criminal on the left.

Most thugs/criminals are on the left. Are you expecting me to disagree?
Cracking down on protests....are the rightwing THAT thinskinned they have to silence dissent?

No violence is acceptable. But free speech and protesting are an American right.
Rioting is not protesting. FYI...

You just now realized that? I thought you were brighter than that.
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.

as firearm ownership went up

crime went down



Correlation does not necessarily mean causation.

As obesity rates have gone up, crime rates have gone down.

Think there's a link there? Criminals to fat to go criming?
So your saying that if they don't have enough to eat then they commit crimes to find food. Since they have plenty of food they don't need to commit crimes.

Nope. I'm saying the obesity epidemic has caught up with criminals and a long term diet of Cheetos has led to criminals to fat to commit crimes and caused the reduction in violent crimes!:thup:
How specifically? Given that every president has sought to address poverty....I'd be curious as to what new ideas he actually has.

how many years has the left represented those areas

50 years

and each year it gets worse

it is almost as if the leftist leaders need those people to be desperately poor
Trump nailed it when he said the only time the left talk about them is at election time when they need their vote.

exactly ever watch obamas forgotten people

eye opener
again, I live in the Chicago area and all I hear in the news is about the shootings and the killings, never what can be done to help those areas. It's sad. It's even sadder these people feel obligated to vote for libturds. It defies logic I tell you.
Simple, shoot the criminals.
Problem solved, no more criminal.

Two words: Due Process

If you don't like that, move to the Phillipines.
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.

It's not 2014 any more!

In case you hadn't noticed, 2016 just ended.


Dueling Claims on Crime Trend
Over those 15 years, the number of homicides has dropped from more than 600 a year in the early 2000s to just under 500 in 2015. The yearly number has fluctuated since Obama took office in 2009 and topped 500 once, in 2012.

Chicago has often been singled out for the number of murders, but other cities have a higher murder rate, adjusted for population. As we wrote on this topic earlier this year, the city ranked 35th in 2014 in terms of its murder rate among cities with a population of 100,000 or more. The Pew Research Center reviewed FBI data from 1985 to 2012 and concluded in its headline that Chicago was “nowhere near U.S. ‘murder capital'” after adjusting the raw numbers for population.
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.


Tell that to the almost 4500 people that got shot in Democrat controlled Chicago in 2016. Of course almost 800 of them are dead so you may have difficultly getting an answer out of them.

Again. Violent crime in the US is at an all time low.
According to the FBI, violent offenses went up in 2015. From 366 per 100K to 372

I only found the chart to 2014, so a slight increase, but compared to the prior 25 years it's nothing.

Obama hasn't been President for 25 years.

And that is relevant...how?
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.


Tell that to the almost 4500 people that got shot in Democrat controlled Chicago in 2016. Of course almost 800 of them are dead so you may have difficultly getting an answer out of them.

Way to dispute a fact with a completely irrelevant fact. It's like spin has become the default communication setting for the orange morons. Sad.
Way to dispute a fact with a completely irrelevant fact. It's like spin has become the default communication setting for the orange morons. Sad.

They don't even know how to debate anymore.

They willfully dumb themselves down, and respond to any sort of criticism or fact with stupid one-liners like "butthurt" or "snowflake" or the beloved old one that I rarely hear anymore... "libtard".

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