White Is Beautiful

Hey Huey, I hope you're not waiting for anyone to come by and support your idiotic comments or asshole attitude.
And whats up with black girls hair?
I don't know. No question blacks value lighter skin color but then, whites want darker skin. That's why they lay out in the sun. Everybody, in america anyway, wants that copper color.

Nothing looks worse on a white girl than untanned legs.

I don't tan because I burn easily, and I don't want cancer. So take my lily white legs and shove it.
White women are beautiful.

True, some are. There are beautiful women in every shade. I have seen them all over the world, on every continent that I have been to.

Interesting though, as the debate over how beauty is defined rages on, chances are that in most cases, even a woman who based on our individual preferences may be very unattractive, somewhere, there is probably a man who will think she is beautiful.

It is really in the eye of the beholder.
every summer, white people are desperate to darken their skin.

case closed.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf97DO1n1W0]Self Hating Black Women - YouTube[/ame]

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