White Is Beautiful

I don't know. No question blacks value lighter skin color but then, whites want darker skin. That's why they lay out in the sun. Everybody, in america anyway, wants that copper color.

Nothing looks worse on a white girl than untanned legs.
The terms white and black when referring to caucasians and negroes are loosely figurative descriptions. Except for albinos, caucasians are not white but are varying shades of pink and yellowish tan, and with very few exceptions negroes are not black but varying shades of brown and yellowish tan. And while exposure to sunlight will impart a darkening effect to most and a burning effect to some it does absolutely nothing to alter one's ethnic physical characteristics.

There were a few summers when I spent all day every day on a beach and by September my skin was as dark as some negroes and darker than some, yet I was never mistaken for a negro. During those times I was much more successful with girls than in my natural state.

If we examine literature and common parlance for insight into this phenomenon we find that women are referred to as fair maidens and their preference is for men who are tall, dark, and handsome. So it seems men prefer light-skinned women and women like dark-skinned men. Perhaps this is the reason, or one reason, why we see far more White women in the company of Black men than the reverse.

I think that may indeed be a part of it. Never considered that phrasing but can definitely see the effects it would have at least on white people. I know some Black guys that want a white woman just because she is white and will not date a black woman. Some Black women will only date lighter skinned black guys or whites. Most of these types suffer from self hate I have found when they exclude anything else. I find my dark brown coloring to be a big bonus with women from all ethnicities and the ones that are not black seem to really get turned on by it.
As someone that has traveled all over the world I personally have to say there is something akin to a religious experience about being with a black or brown woman.

What the hell does your preference in women (if we are to believe you are really so inclined) have to do with "traveled all over the world"?

i was able to meet women from a lot of different ethnicities and shades of color. You need to keep up.
Oh, I love chocolate. Nothing is sexier than a dark skinned man. At least, to me.
Take for example...those pasty white underbellies on fish new vogue "vampires" that have arms like sticks and no muscle at all. None. Just wimpy looking nerdy guys that happen to have fangs. Ewww. Just....ewwww. Gimme a vamp with some UMPH. And color. ;)
btw...I am "caucasian". Hubby is native american. Oh yes. Gimme some chocolate. Or creme color coffee or some such. Anything but fishbelly white.
As someone that has traveled all over the world I personally have to say there is something akin to a religious experience about being with a black or brown woman.

What the hell does your preference in women (if we are to believe you are really so inclined) have to do with "traveled all over the world"?

i was able to meet women from a lot of different ethnicities [sic] and shades of color.

You can do that right here in the good ol' US of A.
Oh, I love chocolate. Nothing is sexier than a dark skinned man. At least, to me.
Take for example...those pasty white underbellies on fish new vogue "vampires" that have arms like sticks and no muscle at all. None. Just wimpy looking nerdy guys that happen to have fangs. Ewww. Just....ewwww. Gimme a vamp with some UMPH. And color. ;)

You should not have said that. Tank is going to kill himself now.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88-y-BbMuP4]BLEACHING EPIDEMIC IN JAMAICA - YouTube[/ame]
It is so weird how some of you get so upset and insulting to white folks because millions of colored folks want to be white.

Why so much hate?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_F8ILNUqXw]Asia's Skin Whitening Fascination - YouTube[/ame]
Ya see, I'm Irish, but I'm not a leprechaun
You wanna fight, then step up and we'll get it on
You gotta right to the grill, I'm white and I ill
A descendant of Dublin with titanic skill

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWDrTwq5K-4]Top O' The Morning To Ya - House Of Pain - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbH-G-VvBuM]Black Women Bleaching Their Skin to Be White - YouTube[/ame]
Holy shit!!! LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!


HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?????????????????????????????????
All over the world people of color prefer to be lighter

I wonder if it's an effect of being colonized and ruled by people with lighter skin? White was the color of the "ruling/conquering" class in some of those countries, so it's natural for some people to want to emulate them. I often wondered if many of the slaves that lived in the slave owner's house were of a lighter hue because they were the offspring of the slave owner or a male relative of his.

I also know plenty of white people who want to be darker, just check your local tanning salon and beach....................

You are absolutely right. Part of the dehumanizing/brainwashing process of implementing slavery was to create a psychosis of self hate and a Godlike worship of the slavemaster. It was also typical for lighter complexioned offspring of slavemasters to "pass" for white and become slave owners themselves.

Even after slavery was abolished, the marketing of products designed to make one "look less black" was common. The demand for hair straightening and skin bleaching items continued through the 20th century.

Check out this link which illustrates advertising the "black is ugly" message. Some of the more recent ads are not as blatant, but you can certainly see it very clearly in the earlier ones. This is just one example of many out there.

Racism in advertising: 50 shocking examples » OWNI.eu, News, Augmented
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The women who do lighten their skin, do look better
Tank - "The family in the range rover was Asian you dumb ass ******."
It is so weird how some of you get so upset and insulting to white folks because millions of colored folks want to be white.

Why so much hate?

Surely you jest. See if you can find a post where anyone here has used a racial slur towards you, then look in the mirror.

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