White Lives Matter

Haha, ok then. Well thank you for trying to observe my feelings despite your lack of care. Maybe try a little harder next time so you can get it right.
I got it right already. Tell everyone how much you care some more, pajamaboy.
I was asked a question and I answered. Don’t know what you’re looking for
The correct answer?
What’s the correct answer?

Same as the answer you gave for black lives matter.
True about all lives mattering? Yes, no shit. That’s why I said it was a stupid question obviously meant to antagonize and minimize the BLM movement.

Well. Do black lives matter? We can ask this same question many different ways. If Black Lives Matter wasn't a faggot advocacy group then we could probably take them seriously. Otherwise Black Lives Matter makes black people look full blown retarded for agreeing to be pawns for disgusting filthy rotten homosexual sodomite filth. Black people who promote the Black Lives Matter movement are mostly unaware of what Black Lives Matter is. These ignorant behaviors of black people act as confirmation to many white supremacists in this country who already believes black people have a lesser intelligence. Should I mock the Black Lives Matter movement? Yes I should. It is spreading racism on both sides and the queers are loving it. It takes the heat off of them.

The Black Lives Matter movement is destroying the reputation of average black people.
Did you expect anybody to read past the first line of that garbage?! What a waste of space.

I certainly didn't expect you to read it.
But you expected others to read it?! Ha. Total waste

I expected some to read it. Why do you ask?
Just wanted to see how delusional you were and if you actually expected to be taken seriously
All Lives Matter or No Lives Matter. Simple. Stop the divisive talk. IM2 is stupid so abashed he blocked me after calling me a “white supremacist Jew”...yes he is that stupid.
Someone should have told George Carlin that you don't have to believe in God to know that life is sacred. It's pretty much hardwired into us.
Yeah even those slave owning, cross burning Christians that are so rich in our country’s history?
You misspelled Democrats. Those cross burning Christians were Democrats. They were stopped by Republican Christians.
I misspell a lot of things... and I don’t really care which party did what. Has nothing to do with my post. I think both parties are worthless and corrupt.
But it does because Christians oppressed blacks and Christians ended the oppression of blacks. It was Democrats who were responsible for 150 years of slavery, racism, oppression, bigotry and segregation.
No, it was white people and it was bi partissn. The overt oppression has stopped but todays white christian nationalism wants to take us back.
they come over and tell you that they are dying and you reply “well a lot of people get cancer and die” you are speaking the truth, right?
I'd say "A lot of people get cancer and live". That's far more akin to saying an equally positive thing like "All lives matter".
Haha, no it’s not. BLM is addressing blacks being oppressed. How is responding with white lives matter or all lives matter adding equal positivity to the message of BLM?
Nope. You're wrong. If BLM addressed that I would support BLM. But BLMs sole focus is white cops profiling blacks. That to me is myopic and counterproductive.
You may not agree with their cause. I’ve lived in a bubble for most my life so I haven’t personally experienced any of it but obviously those who have were about to hold meetings and organize in a way that lead to millions hitting the streets to give voice to the cause. Just because you or I don’t see it in our own lives doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. This is a bit off topic though. We can argue the validity of the cause another time. But to imply that responding to BLM with White lives matter... you know that is provocative and minimizing by design, right? Please don’t tell me you’re going to defend that as just stating the truth... you’re better than that
It is provocative of course as is Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. Why? Black Lives Matter is a divisive statement more so than a unifying statement to many. Keep in mind that black persons are only 13% of the population. Jews like myself are 2%. You don’t see Jew Lives Matter movements. Why? It would be more divisive than inclusive. Stating All Lives Matter would encompass black lives and that movement would garner more support. How many times have black persons on this site dehumanized me for being white or for being a Jew or both? Then call me ignorant for having an opinion that America isn’t systematically racist in my view. It’s counterproductive and borderline highly divisive.
Ok well that’s an honest assessment. This whole thread is full of other tards pretending like the retort isn’t provocative and is just speaking the truth.
It is 100% meant to offend but I believe so is BLM it is meant to offend and or guilt people. Counterproductive and divisive. I would never allow my kids to attend a Black Lives Matter protest but an All Lives Matter protest, I 100% would with the message being all human beings should be treated fairly and equally despite the color of their skin. To me that is more inclusive.
I’m not a fan of the BLM organization as their fringe elements have done some very offensive and ugly things. They have a faction that push to disrupt and make white people feel uncomfortable. I think many believe that is what’s necessary to be effective and push change. Like them or not you can’t say they weren’t successful in growing their cause into a national conversation.
Some white people need to feel uncomfortable. That what they can learn what it's like not to be white.
What does that even mean?
Excuse the typo, let me post the statement as it was meant.

Some white people need to feel uncomfortable. That way they can learn what it's like not to be white.
It is 100% meant to offend but I believe so is BLM it is meant to offend and or guilt people. Counterproductive and divisive. I would never allow my kids to attend a Black Lives Matter protest but an All Lives Matter protest, I 100% would with the message being all human beings should be treated fairly and equally despite the color of their skin. To me that is more inclusive.

No it's not and only white racists have a problem with the message. The reason black lives matter exists is that all human beings are not being treated fairly and equally despite the color of their skin.

You really need help for that aversive racism.
Haha, ok then. Well thank you for trying to observe my feelings despite your lack of care. Maybe try a little harder next time so you can get it right.
I got it right already. Tell everyone how much you care some more, pajamaboy.
I was asked a question and I answered. Don’t know what you’re looking for
The correct answer?
What’s the correct answer?

Same as the answer you gave for black lives matter.
True about all lives mattering? Yes, no shit. That’s why I said it was a stupid question obviously meant to antagonize and minimize the BLM movement.
No one can make you do anything, right?

It's always your choice in the end, right?
That’s right
So then there was no need to put an end to someone trying to antagonize you as you controlled whether or not you would be antagonized.
That’s correct, there is no need to really post anything on this board. I do it for entertainment not necessity
Sure but you explanation for your inconsistent responses was to make him stop doing what he was doing when what he was doing had no effect on you. So instead of honestly answering the question, you answered it dishonestly.
I had no intent of influencing what anybody does. I saw a guy being provocative so I called it out what I saw. Pretty simple. I haven’t been inconsistent with anything
I understand your motives. I just don't agree with your method. Cause all you are doing is playing into their game.
Got something against games?
Not at all. I've been playing one with you. But I usually skip the playing and go straight to winning.
Ahh the old Trump tactic... declare victory before the game even gets played and state that should he lose it is because they cheated. Perfect!!

Anglo Saxons have been winning even before they conquered the island of England which was militarily impossible. White people just win. Trump didn't invent that. Some liberal black trash elitists think they can destroy white people by calling them names. Lol Good luck with that. White people always win. They have been doing it for centuries. I repeat. Trump didn't invent winning.
Actually thats not true, but continue on with your delusion of grandeur
Someone should have told George Carlin that you don't have to believe in God to know that life is sacred. It's pretty much hardwired into us.
Yeah even those slave owning, cross burning Christians that are so rich in our country’s history?
You misspelled Democrats. Those cross burning Christians were Democrats. They were stopped by Republican Christians.
I misspell a lot of things... and I don’t really care which party did what. Has nothing to do with my post. I think both parties are worthless and corrupt.
But it does because Christians oppressed blacks and Christians ended the oppression of blacks. It was Democrats who were responsible for 150 years of slavery, racism, oppression, bigotry and segregation.
No, it was white people and it was bi partissn. The overt oppression has stopped but todays white christian nationalism wants to take us back.
Except for the white people that fought against it.

Who happened to all be Republicans. :lol:
they come over and tell you that they are dying and you reply “well a lot of people get cancer and die” you are speaking the truth, right?
I'd say "A lot of people get cancer and live". That's far more akin to saying an equally positive thing like "All lives matter".
Haha, no it’s not. BLM is addressing blacks being oppressed. How is responding with white lives matter or all lives matter adding equal positivity to the message of BLM?
Nope. You're wrong. If BLM addressed that I would support BLM. But BLMs sole focus is white cops profiling blacks. That to me is myopic and counterproductive.
You may not agree with their cause. I’ve lived in a bubble for most my life so I haven’t personally experienced any of it but obviously those who have were about to hold meetings and organize in a way that lead to millions hitting the streets to give voice to the cause. Just because you or I don’t see it in our own lives doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. This is a bit off topic though. We can argue the validity of the cause another time. But to imply that responding to BLM with White lives matter... you know that is provocative and minimizing by design, right? Please don’t tell me you’re going to defend that as just stating the truth... you’re better than that
It is provocative of course as is Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. Why? Black Lives Matter is a divisive statement more so than a unifying statement to many. Keep in mind that black persons are only 13% of the population. Jews like myself are 2%. You don’t see Jew Lives Matter movements. Why? It would be more divisive than inclusive. Stating All Lives Matter would encompass black lives and that movement would garner more support. How many times have black persons on this site dehumanized me for being white or for being a Jew or both? Then call me ignorant for having an opinion that America isn’t systematically racist in my view. It’s counterproductive and borderline highly divisive.
Ok well that’s an honest assessment. This whole thread is full of other tards pretending like the retort isn’t provocative and is just speaking the truth.
It is 100% meant to offend but I believe so is BLM it is meant to offend and or guilt people. Counterproductive and divisive. I would never allow my kids to attend a Black Lives Matter protest but an All Lives Matter protest, I 100% would with the message being all human beings should be treated fairly and equally despite the color of their skin. To me that is more inclusive.
I’m not a fan of the BLM organization as their fringe elements have done some very offensive and ugly things. They have a faction that push to disrupt and make white people feel uncomfortable. I think many believe that is what’s necessary to be effective and push change. Like them or not you can’t say they weren’t successful in growing their cause into a national conversation.
Some white people need to feel uncomfortable. That what they can learn what it's like not to be white.
What does that even mean?
Excuse the typo, let me post the statement as it was meant.

Some white people need to feel uncomfortable. That way they can learn what it's like not to be white.
I am a Jew...big deal. Being uncomfortable is part of life
I guess I asked too difficult of a question.

The question wasn't so hard. Yes. White lives matter but don't get jealous. Black lives matter too. As a matter of fact all lives matter. Wait. Do black lives matter? Oh my. How about disgusting filthy faggots. Do fag lives matter?

How does this shit work again?
Great. You answered my next question too.

Could you understand then why certain circumstances might make one or the other feel compelled to remind others of that?
Fun is one good reason.
I guess I asked too difficult of a question.

The question wasn't so hard. Yes. White lives matter but don't get jealous. Black lives matter too. As a matter of fact all lives matter. Wait. Do black lives matter? Oh my. How about disgusting filthy faggots. Do fag lives matter?

How does this shit work again?
Great. You answered my next question too.

Could you understand then why certain circumstances might make one or the other feel compelled to remind others of that?
Fun is one good reason.
I see. Are there others? You know... more applicable ones?

Are you going to make me drunk march you t the car?
I guess I asked too difficult of a question.

The question wasn't so hard. Yes. White lives matter but don't get jealous. Black lives matter too. As a matter of fact all lives matter. Wait. Do black lives matter? Oh my. How about disgusting filthy faggots. Do fag lives matter?

How does this shit work again?
Great. You answered my next question too.

Could you understand then why certain circumstances might make one or the other feel compelled to remind others of that?
Fun is one good reason.
I see. Are there others? You know... more applicable ones?

Are you going to make me drunk march you t the car?
I guess I asked too difficult of a question.

The question wasn't so hard. Yes. White lives matter but don't get jealous. Black lives matter too. As a matter of fact all lives matter. Wait. Do black lives matter? Oh my. How about disgusting filthy faggots. Do fag lives matter?

How does this shit work again?
Great. You answered my next question too.

Could you understand then why certain circumstances might make one or the other feel compelled to remind others of that?
Fun is one good reason.
I see. Are there others? You know... more applicable ones?

Are you going to make me drunk march you t the car?
they come over and tell you that they are dying and you reply “well a lot of people get cancer and die” you are speaking the truth, right?
I'd say "A lot of people get cancer and live". That's far more akin to saying an equally positive thing like "All lives matter".
Haha, no it’s not. BLM is addressing blacks being oppressed. How is responding with white lives matter or all lives matter adding equal positivity to the message of BLM?
Nope. You're wrong. If BLM addressed that I would support BLM. But BLMs sole focus is white cops profiling blacks. That to me is myopic and counterproductive.
You may not agree with their cause. I’ve lived in a bubble for most my life so I haven’t personally experienced any of it but obviously those who have were about to hold meetings and organize in a way that lead to millions hitting the streets to give voice to the cause. Just because you or I don’t see it in our own lives doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. This is a bit off topic though. We can argue the validity of the cause another time. But to imply that responding to BLM with White lives matter... you know that is provocative and minimizing by design, right? Please don’t tell me you’re going to defend that as just stating the truth... you’re better than that
It is provocative of course as is Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. Why? Black Lives Matter is a divisive statement more so than a unifying statement to many. Keep in mind that black persons are only 13% of the population. Jews like myself are 2%. You don’t see Jew Lives Matter movements. Why? It would be more divisive than inclusive. Stating All Lives Matter would encompass black lives and that movement would garner more support. How many times have black persons on this site dehumanized me for being white or for being a Jew or both? Then call me ignorant for having an opinion that America isn’t systematically racist in my view. It’s counterproductive and borderline highly divisive.
Ok well that’s an honest assessment. This whole thread is full of other tards pretending like the retort isn’t provocative and is just speaking the truth.
It is 100% meant to offend but I believe so is BLM it is meant to offend and or guilt people. Counterproductive and divisive. I would never allow my kids to attend a Black Lives Matter protest but an All Lives Matter protest, I 100% would with the message being all human beings should be treated fairly and equally despite the color of their skin. To me that is more inclusive.
I’m not a fan of the BLM organization as their fringe elements have done some very offensive and ugly things. They have a faction that push to disrupt and make white people feel uncomfortable. I think many believe that is what’s necessary to be effective and push change. Like them or not you can’t say they weren’t successful in growing their cause into a national conversation.
Some white people need to feel uncomfortable. That what they can learn what it's like not to be white.
What does that even mean?
Excuse the typo, let me post the statement as it was meant.

Some white people need to feel uncomfortable. That way they can learn what it's like not to be white.

Yes. That is very important.
I guess I asked too difficult of a question.

The question wasn't so hard. Yes. White lives matter but don't get jealous. Black lives matter too. As a matter of fact all lives matter. Wait. Do black lives matter? Oh my. How about disgusting filthy faggots. Do fag lives matter?

How does this shit work again?
Great. You answered my next question too.

Could you understand then why certain circumstances might make one or the other feel compelled to remind others of that?
Fun is one good reason.
I see. Are there others? You know... more applicable ones?

Are you going to make me drunk march you t the car?
I guess I asked too difficult of a question.

The question wasn't so hard. Yes. White lives matter but don't get jealous. Black lives matter too. As a matter of fact all lives matter. Wait. Do black lives matter? Oh my. How about disgusting filthy faggots. Do fag lives matter?

How does this shit work again?
Great. You answered my next question too.

Could you understand then why certain circumstances might make one or the other feel compelled to remind others of that?
Fun is one good reason.
I see. Are there others? You know... more applicable ones?

Are you going to make me drunk march you t the car?
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Calm down, ma'am.

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