White man shoots innocent black teen....

In self-defense cases after a charge is brought up the burden of proof IS actually on the accused to prove self-defense.

Self-defense is an affirmative defense. Zimmerman would affirm he actually shot Trayvon Martin and that shot led to Martin's death. However his defense would be self-defense, thus if he's charged he has to prove that he was acting in self-defense. At least... this is how I understand it.
Uptown, with many self-defense statutes, that's how it works. This particular Florida law looks different, in that all Zimmerman has to show is that he acted lawfully, up until the moment he drew the gun and fired. That's a CRUCIAL distinction. With most old-style (common law) self defense statutes, Zimmerman would have to show that he (1) did not initiate the confrontation unreasonably, (2) that he did not further aggravate the situation unreasonably, (3) that his fear of death or serious bodily injury was reasonable, and (4) that he was unable to flee without unreasonably exposing himself to threat of death or serious bodily injury. The standard for "reasonable" is normally ordinary common sense. That's how the law we have here in SC works. Now it appears, that under the applicable Florida law, Zimmerman only has to show one of those things (number 3, above) and that he was where he was lawfully, and was not in violation of another criminal statute. Not only is that a lower burden of proof; on top of it, the "lawfully present" and not acting "unlawfully" language seems to put the burden of proving that part back on the state, as a person is normally PRESUMED to be acting lawfully, absent a showing of a violation of (another) statute. By that standard , an act may be stupid, or even reckless, without being "unlawful". That part of it may well be why the State Attorney who initially reviewed the case refused to charge it, and if I understand correctly that this is a fairly new statute, may also account for some confusion on the part of the Sanford police as to whether they thought Zimmerman's actions appeared to be self-defense. To put it another way, under the law in SC, he likely would NOT be able to make an affirmative showing of self defense; where under the Florida law, as written, the prosecution has a FAR more difficult case. I really think, from a lot of comments I've seen here, that not quite fully appreciating the difference has created considerable misunderstanding of why the case wasn't charged in the beginning, and why it's not a given that it will (or even should be) charged now, unless new evidence comes to light. To further complicate matters, the more recent the statute, the less guidance there is, in the way of established judicial precedent in interpreting it. This whole thing may be less about race, or recklessness, than about confusion over a law that looks extremely loose in its wording. Ever heard of making something so simple it becomes confusing and complicated? That may be the case here; not so much what the law says, as what it DOESN'T say.

Okay, thank you.

That's really interesting, and extremely strange. I was under the impression that only number 4 of the listed criteria is no longer necessary under Florida Law. I had assumed 1-3 were still in order, that he would have to prove that:

(1) did not initiate the confrontation unreasonably, (2) that he did not further aggravate the situation unreasonably, (3) that his fear of death or serious bodily injury was reasonable,

If Zimmerman started the confrontation unreasonably that would fall under #1. If he did pull out his gun and Trayvon began beating on him because of that that's #2. But then Trayvon would be able to claim self-defense too because #3 is all that applies, either party could have started the fight, aggravated it, and then killed the other and claimed self-defense... if what you're saying is correct. *ouch my brain hurts*:eusa_drool:

In that case, I don't see what on Earth Zimmerman or Trayvon could have done that was illegal in the state of Florida. If your characterization of the law is correct... that law is absolutely insane, and I'm JUST NOW realizing how insane it actually is.
It is strange, Uptown. You see, what the legislature was TRYING to do, was simply get rid of the "duty to retreat"; the idea was an extension of the "castle doctrine" from the home to the outside. The idea was that the old common law "duty to retreat" could put an unreasonable burden on someone trying to defend himself (primarily against lethal force). Well and good, and in and of itself, there's nothing really wrong with that. The problem comes in because of the way this particular law tried to do that; inadvertently or not, it actually does quite a bit more. Basically it seems to extend the concept of self-defense (to include use of lethal force,yet) to any case where someone is attacked, without having first broken any other law himself! That superficially sounds OK too, UNTIL you consider all the potential ramifications; at which point it's like intending to open a narrow gateway, and instead creating something you could literally drive a semi through! That IS crazy, and the more one looks at it, the crazier it looks. All I can say is, it's not the first time a bad criminal statute was created with good intentions, and a poor choice of words. Do you remember a case in GA a few years back, where the legislature had passed a new child sodomy statute that made oral sex with a minor under 16 child molestation? The problem was, that the law was worded in such a way, that it could also allow another minor who had oral sex with an underage partner to be charged with an offense that carried something like a fifteen year minimum sentence That was clearly not the intent, but that's what the law said, and sure enough, a prosecutor charged a 17 year old with this for getting oral sex from a sixteen year old at a party. He wasn't, as I recall, even chargeable with statutory rape IF he had intercourse with the girl, which he did not (not enough age difference, by law) but the prosecutor used the child molestation statute to throw the book at him over a BJ.. Just to compound that, the legislature fixed the defective language that made that possible the next year, but failed to make it retroactive, so the kid's sentence stood, the prosecutor stood his ground, in spite of the obvious injustice of the thing, and it eventually took a lot of outcry, and the state supreme court, no less, to right the outrageous wrong that had been done. Badly written law, alas, has unforeseen consequences, and I'm afraid that may be the case in this current instance. The problem is, you can fix the statute, but there's no way to make the fix retroactive to this case; it is a good deal easier to revise a law to let someone OUT of jail , than revise one, to put someone IN jail-I don't think the latter would pass constitutional muster, among other things.
Uptown, there's a link to the statute in the earlier portion of one of these Zimmerman/Martin threads. If you can find it, look at the language yourself. C _Clayton_Jones posted a legal analysis of what it says as well, it's either in this thread or the other oldest one. Read those, and see if you agree with me. Yes, in this case, I think either party really could have killed the other, and then claimed self defense, so long as there was no evidence he attacked the other first. Obviously, if that's the case, this law HAS to be changed.
Uptown, there's a link to the statute in the earlier portion of one of these Zimmerman/Martin threads. If you can find it, look at the language yourself. C _Clayton_Jones posted a legal analysis of what it says as well, it's either in this thread or the other oldest one. Read those, and see if you agree with me. Yes, in this case, I think either party really could have killed the other, and then claimed self defense, so long as there was no evidence he attacked the other first. Obviously, if that's the case, this law HAS to be changed.

This is not a loophole big enough to drive a truck through. It is a small glitch that may occasionally come up. People aren't getting away with murder with this law. Criminals are now getting hit instead of the victims.
Add to those nightmare laws mandatory sentencing and you have a heinous nightmare.
Which is exactly what happened in the GA case i mentioned. Any reasonable examination of the facts of that case revealed it for the absolute travesty it was; all the same, it took three years to fix it, as I recall.This is similar, in a different sort of way
And, while the possibility of an illegal action is sufficient for the police to arrest and handcuff somebody, which they did in the case of Zimmerman, there has to be sufficient evidence of a crime to put somebody in jail. In this case, the police obviously thought there was not sufficient evidence that Zimmerman committed an illegal act or that justified him being put in jail. And there is no evidence of 'friendship' etc. being involved here. In fact most police officers take a very skeptical view of and disapprove of neighborhood watch vigilantism and such as that.

There are reports now coming out and witnesses saying that some of the cops actually were pretty skeptical. Including Austin Brown's mother who claimed on MSNBC that the cop that interviewed her son claimed he was convinced Zimmerman wasn't acting in self-defense. I think it probably was an issue where some of the cops may have been skeptical but the DA didn't want to press charges unless they had enough evidence. We'll see if more evidence comes out in the coming days...
Heresy is not generally admissible in court.

Guess what, Perry Mason: You're not in court.
This Florida law works just fine. If Martin's body does not have any damage as some have suggested is the case, it proves Zimmerman did not landed any punches. Then there is no way Zimmerman threw the first punch & started the fight. Zimmerman has injuries consistent with his statements. He was sucker punched by Martin in the nose, went down. Martin jump on top of him, grabbed his head and slammed it against the concrete while Zimmerman screamed "HELP!". Verified by eye-witness & 911 tape.

If Zimmerman intended to take Martin out he would not have called 911 to set himself up as the vigilante stalker & Martin as standing his ground. Timing the finding of Martin, getting him to attack with out someone seeing it & when to shoot Martin between hanging up on 911 & the police arriving would have been extraordinary. If Zimmerman were to set Martin up he would have just made it look like he was suddenly attacked by Martin like a mugging.

If Martin was innocent then why did he run when Zimmerman first approached? Also why did Martin sneak back up on Zimmerman as he was heading back to his vehicle? The reason Martin was there is because he was in the middle of serving his school suspension for transporting drugs. His on-line identity is that of a extremely violent gangster thug rap song. He was in possession of jewelry that was not his & refused to say who's it was. He has tattoos before the age 17. He was not even scared of the gun that was exposed as Zimmerman tried to retreat, but in-fact tried to take it from Zimmerman. Young Martin has been is this violent type of situation before.
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This Florida law works just fine. If Martin's body does not have any damage as some have suggested is the case, it proves Zimmerman did not landed any punches. Then there is no way Zimmerman threw the first punch & started the fight.

you assume any aggressive act or blow leaves a mark ..sounds like you have not done much fighting

Zimmerman has injuries consistent with his statements. He was sucker punched by Martin in the nose, went down. Martin jump on top of him, grabbed his head and slammed it against the concrete while Zimmerman screamed "HELP!". Verified by eye-witness & 911 tape.

there are conflicting accounts and no confirmed injuries

If Zimmerman intended to take Martin out he would not have called 911 to set himself up as the vigilante stalker & Martin as standing his ground

how can you assume this ?

Timing the finding of Martin, getting him to attack with out someone seeing it & when to shoot Martin between hanging up on 911 & the police arriving would have been extraordinary.

he was told not to follow but did

If Zimmerman were to set Martin up he would have just made it look like he was suddenly attacked by Martin like a mugging.

thats what he did

If Martin was innocent then why did he run when Zimmerman first approached?

he is not a cop and had no authority to stop anyone

Also why did Martin sneak back up on Zimmerman as he was heading back to his vehicle? The reason Martin was there is because he was in the middle of serving his school suspension for transporting drugs

he had a weed pipe with some residue in it you freak

His on-line identity is that of a extremely violent gangster thug rap song

ya him and a a few million wiggers ..so what ?

He was in possession of jewelry that was not his & refused to say who's it was.

oh well fine execute the child then

He has tattoos before the age 17.

so did I ,my brother, my son ,my daughter, my father you are something else

He was not even scared of the gun that was exposed as Zimmerman tried to retreat, but in-fact tried to take it from Zimmerman.

maybe because he thought he was in danger
Young Martin has been is this violent type of situation before.

when ? we know the perp zimmy has a history of criminal violence but what is Martins ?
This Florida law works just fine. If Martin's body does not have any damage as some have suggested is the case, it proves Zimmerman did not landed any punches. Then there is no way Zimmerman threw the first punch & started the fight.

you assume any aggressive act or blow leaves a mark ..sounds like you have not done much fighting

there are conflicting accounts and no confirmed injuries


how can you assume this ?

he was told not to follow but did

thats what he did

he is not a cop and had no authority to stop anyone


he had a weed pipe with some residue in it you freak

ya him and a a few million wiggers ..so what ?

oh well fine execute the child then

so did I ,my brother, my son ,my daughter, my father you are something else

maybe because he thought he was in danger
Young Martin has been is this violent type of situation before.

when ? we know the perp zimmy has a history of criminal violence but what is Martins ?

The perp? What the fuck are you, a wannabe cop? The Perp! The Perp!

you assume any aggressive act or blow leaves a mark ..sounds like you have not done much fighting

there are conflicting accounts and no confirmed injuries


how can you assume this ?

he was told not to follow but did

thats what he did

he is not a cop and had no authority to stop anyone


he had a weed pipe with some residue in it you freak

ya him and a a few million wiggers ..so what ?

oh well fine execute the child then

so did I ,my brother, my son ,my daughter, my father you are something else

maybe because he thought he was in danger

when ? we know the perp zimmy has a history of criminal violence but what is Martins ?

The perp? What the fuck are you, a wannabe cop? The Perp! The Perp!


The wanna be cop is the one that caused the death of this boy
Blah...Blah...Blah The whole city government is racist Blah...Blah...Blah

Everything is a huge conspiracy with you. Hows that working out for you? Have you ever unraveled or cracked the case on any of those conspiracies? Don't miss that tinfoil sale at the dollar store. :cuckoo: :lol:
Blah...Blah...Blah The whole city government is racist Blah...Blah...Blah


Everything is a huge conspiracy with you. Hows that working out for you? Have you ever unraveled or cracked the case on any of those conspiracies? Don't miss that tinfoil sale at the dollar store.

The wanna be cop is the one that caused the death of this boy

No - The boy caused his own death by attempting to kill Zimmerman & take his gun.

why did Zimmerman approach him with a gun ? how did the kid know he even had a gun ?

Zimmerman had his gun concealed. The gun became exposed as Zimmerman was trying to move away from Martin as Martin was pounding his head onto the sidewalk After Martin sucker punched him.
No - The boy caused his own death by attempting to kill Zimmerman & take his gun.

why did Zimmerman approach him with a gun ? how did the kid know he even had a gun ?

Zimmerman had his gun concealed. The gun became exposed as Zimmerman was trying to move away from Martin as Martin was pounding his head onto the sidewalk.

and you know this how ? why was the gun not holstered...what kind of thug carries a gun without a holster
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