White man shoots innocent black teen....

No you didn't. You are talking out of your ample butt once again.

George Zimmerman's father on Trayvon Martin: My son is not racist, did not confront Trayvon Martin - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

George Zimmerman is Hispanic and grew up in a multiracial family, the statement says.

"He would be the last to discriminate for any reason whatsoever ...," the letter says. "The media portrayal of George as a racist could not be further from the truth."

Before an officer arrived, Trayvon and Zimmerman got into a fight, according to police, and witnesses heard one or both calling for help, and Zimmerman shot Trayvon once with a 9 mm handgun.

Zimmerman told police he acted in self-defense. Police found blood on his face and the back of his head as well as grass on the back of his shirt.

That jibes with what Cheryl Brown's teenage son witnessed while walking his dog that night. Thirteen-year-old Austin stepped out his front door and heard people fighting, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday.

"I heard screaming and crying for help," he said. "I heard, 'Help me.' "

It was dark, and the boy did not see how the fight started, in fact, he only saw one person, a man in a red shirt — Zimmerman — who was on the ground.

you stand corrected.

Would you like to learn more?

Nearly half a million people have signed an online petition on change.org urging law enforcement officials to step in and arrest Zimmerman. Protest have played out in the Florida town all week with a large gathering expected Thursday.

Zimmerman blatantly violated major principles of the Neighborhood Watch manual, ABC News has learned. The manual from the Neighborhood Watch program states: "It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers. And they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles."

According to Chris Tutko, the director of the National Neighborhood Watch program, there are about 22,000 registered watch groups nationwide, and Zimmerman was not part of a registered group, another fact the police were not aware of at the time of the incident.

Trayvon Martin Exclusive: Friend on Phone with Teen Before Death Recalls Final Moments - ABC News

You're making a fool of yourself, thumbs..


You can't comprehend english.

In other words, since you can't comprehend; He can carry a gun, and he is allowed to talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime for any reason.

fucking liberals.

assume the kids is innocent, even when there's a witness that that saw Zimmerman on the ground.

Class dismissed. since you can't admit you were wrong and I will move along w/o bothering with you again.
One more thing, if it was Zimmerman calling for help, why did the yelling stop after the shot was fired?

Holy shit.

that's so dumb, I have to break my word.

He just shot his attacker and that stopped him from being attacked some more.

Only a crazy person would keep yelling for help.

thus whacking your "he's crazy" bit.
If the kid tried to go for Zimmerman's gun, he had every right to shoot him.

If someone with a gun was running after you and caught up to you, and you had the chance to grab or deflect it away, they'd be within their rights to shoot you?

This is hilarious.

Cananyone imagine what the libtards would be saying if the story were reversed, if it was a black man who shot a white guy in cold blood?

Oh, we do know BECAUSE IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME and the libtards and media ignore it.

This sniffs like another bullshit libtard show trial in the media.

Anyone remember the Duke case in its early stages? Everyone knew those racist white boys raped that black girl. Why would she lie?

The libtards are against ANYONE using deadly force in self-defense or anything else.

A 17 year old male can get pretty big, but are these the latest phoitoes of Trayvon? He sure as hell does not look like he is 17, but none of the libtards are asking about that or addressing it.

No one knows if Trayvon what Travon was doing. Why was he wandering around in the rain if he was returning candy to his daddy who was too lazy to go himself or drive the kid?

Why does the hispanic guy not have the right to walk around in HIS OWN NEIGHBORHOOD?

How do libtards know the hispanic guy was running after him with a visible gun?

No one knows jack shit except for the cops who are investigating, and all the racist presumptions of a white gun nut out to kill a random black teen ager is stupid, disgusting racism itself, but libtards are too stupid to see it.
Zimmerman was in his vehicle, got out to follow the teenager, Martin. WHY wasn't Zimmerman taken in for questioning? WAS HE? I am reading his current whereabouts are UNKOWN.

I hate repeating myself, especially to the same person.


he can't be found by you and me b/c of DEATH THREATS.

I do hope that sunk in.

FDLE will be asking the "cops", thank God.

Hopefully to charge the parents with disturbing the peace with their racist bullshit.
One more thing, if it was Zimmerman calling for help, why did the yelling stop after the shot was fired?

Kind of stupid to yell for help once your attacker has been shot and killed. Also, realizing what just happened tends to cause shock to set in.

The killer seldom yells for help after the VICTIM is dead. Zimmerman is reported to have stood over the body however. And of course VICTIMS like Zimmerman FOLLOW the person that has put them in fear of their lives Med. :cuckoo:
George Zimmerman's father on Trayvon Martin: My son is not racist, did not confront Trayvon Martin - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

George Zimmerman is Hispanic and grew up in a multiracial family, the statement says.

"He would be the last to discriminate for any reason whatsoever ...," the letter says. "The media portrayal of George as a racist could not be further from the truth."

Before an officer arrived, Trayvon and Zimmerman got into a fight, according to police, and witnesses heard one or both calling for help, and Zimmerman shot Trayvon once with a 9 mm handgun.

Zimmerman told police he acted in self-defense. Police found blood on his face and the back of his head as well as grass on the back of his shirt.

That jibes with what Cheryl Brown's teenage son witnessed while walking his dog that night. Thirteen-year-old Austin stepped out his front door and heard people fighting, he told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday.

"I heard screaming and crying for help," he said. "I heard, 'Help me.' "

It was dark, and the boy did not see how the fight started, in fact, he only saw one person, a man in a red shirt — Zimmerman — who was on the ground.

you stand corrected.

Would you like to learn more?

Nearly half a million people have signed an online petition on change.org urging law enforcement officials to step in and arrest Zimmerman. Protest have played out in the Florida town all week with a large gathering expected Thursday.

Zimmerman blatantly violated major principles of the Neighborhood Watch manual, ABC News has learned. The manual from the Neighborhood Watch program states: "It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers. And they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles."

According to Chris Tutko, the director of the National Neighborhood Watch program, there are about 22,000 registered watch groups nationwide, and Zimmerman was not part of a registered group, another fact the police were not aware of at the time of the incident.

Trayvon Martin Exclusive: Friend on Phone with Teen Before Death Recalls Final Moments - ABC News

You're making a fool of yourself, thumbs..

I've read now the killer was taken into custody, briefly, then released. Whereabouts unknown.

Oh goody.

These cops sound as smart as the cops that when a young asian man in underpants begged them for help..and identified someone who was assaulting him..they took the guy back to the apartment. When the alledged perp opened the door, he told the cops that the asian man was his boyfriend and they had a tiff. The cops drop the asian man off with the perp and left. On the way back..they are heard on tapes saying they needed to de-louse the car.

The perp's name?

Jeffery Dahmer. And he killed the kid after the cops left.

So now what they have in Florida..is a guy on the loose..who really did kill a kid..and it's not known where he is.

Good stuff.
One more thing, if it was Zimmerman calling for help, why did the yelling stop after the shot was fired?

Holy shit.

that's so dumb, I have to break my word.

He just shot his attacker and that stopped him from being attacked some more.

Only a crazy person would keep yelling for help.

thus whacking your "he's crazy" bit.

Yeah... He is going to prison.
Uh, no. One only has the right to use lethal force in response to lethal force. Grabbing at a person's firearm does not equal lethal force.

in that state, I think people have the right to use lethal force if their life is in danger. somebody reaching for your gun puts your life in danger.
Florida changed their standard for justifiable use of deadly force in 2005. As it stands now, they have a "stand your ground" standard, which means one has no duty to retreat, but one must reasonably believe that using deadly force is necessary to prevent "imminent" use of deadly force against herself or others.

And some prowler trying to grab your gun would be reasonable belief among the sane.

But not for a libtard, apparently.

Cant wait to see what the Holder DoJ will do about this.

Anyone care to bet this guy gets tried in federal court?
in that state, I think people have the right to use lethal force if their life is in danger. somebody reaching for your gun puts your life in danger.
Florida changed their standard for justifiable use of deadly force in 2005. As it stands now, they have a "stand your ground" standard, which means one has no duty to retreat, but one must reasonably believe that using deadly force is necessary to prevent "imminent" use of deadly force against herself or others.

And some prowler trying to grab your gun would be reasonable belief among the sane.

But not for a libtard, apparently.

Cant wait to see what the Holder DoJ will do about this.

Anyone care to bet this guy gets tried in federal court?

Why oh why do Republicants want a world where anyone can just shoot anyone anytime? They must be psychotic.
in that state, I think people have the right to use lethal force if their life is in danger. somebody reaching for your gun puts your life in danger.
Florida changed their standard for justifiable use of deadly force in 2005. As it stands now, they have a "stand your ground" standard, which means one has no duty to retreat, but one must reasonably believe that using deadly force is necessary to prevent "imminent" use of deadly force against herself or others.

And some prowler trying to grab your gun would be reasonable belief among the sane.

But not for a libtard, apparently.

Cant wait to see what the Holder DoJ will do about this.

Anyone care to bet this guy gets tried in federal court?

That's not what happened. The kid was not involved in any crime. Zimmerman followed him around the streets, got out..and confronted him while armed. He's not the police.

And you don't even know who started the fight.

The facts now are thus:

Zimmerman spotted the kid. Called 911. Followed him. Confronted him. A fight ensued. Then Zimmerman shot the kid. The kid was unarmed. The kid was not engaged in criminal activity. The kid was visiting a friend at the community.

At the very least Zimmerman should be held. He's proven to be a danger. Given that he has an arrest record..for fighting with a cop..this demonstrates, in no uncertain terms..this is a violent person.
I still haven't heard any facts about what Martin was doing in the gated community in the first place.

His mom says he was visiting a friend. Does this friend have a name? Does this friend have a tongue?

And of course the initial assumption was 'black kid gets shot, white racist did it' when in fact the shooter was not white but Hispanic. .

Just a point of ordere here: most hispanics self-identify as 'white', and almost all the rest self-identify as 'other' or 'no race'.

Speaking Spanish does not make you 'not white'.
Turns out the new conservative Hero..and murderer..has an arrest record.

Though there are no enrollment records suggesting Zimmerman has attended a law-enforcement academy, he carried a concealed weapon and expressed his desire to wear a badge. He's currently enrolled in a general education program at Valencia Community College.

"I hold law enforcement officers in the highest regard as I hope to one day become one," Zimmerman wrote in a 2008 application to theSeminole County Sheriff's Officecitizen's law enforcement academy, a class that teaches citizens about policing and how the Sheriff's Office works.

Zimmerman was arrested in 2005 at a bar near the University of Central Florida on charges of assault on a law-enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence. Both charges were ultimately dropped, according to court records.
Trayvon Martin Shooting: Tensions rise in wake of Trayvon Martin shooting - Page 2 - dailyamerican.com

Wannabe copper shoots an innocent kid with no arrest record for nothing..and walks free.


Because we all know that the only people who want to be cops are racist with the secret desire to kill a black teen.

Good God.
I still haven't heard any facts about what Martin was doing in the gated community in the first place.

His mom says he was visiting a friend. Does this friend have a name? Does this friend have a tongue?

He was at his father's fiance's house. He went to 711 to get a snack. He was talking to a friend on the phone when the nutbar started following him. The friend on the phone told him to run. He said he wouldn't run but he started walking faster.

He eventually ran.
Why oh why do Republicants want a world where anyone can just shoot anyone anytime? They must be psychotic.

1. I am not a Republican.

2. Your argument is so weak you have to make shit up. I am obviously not for people shooting people whenever they want.

Please take a critical thinking class, or try 'Analytical Thought for Dummies'
Turns out the new conservative Hero..and murderer..has an arrest record.

Though there are no enrollment records suggesting Zimmerman has attended a law-enforcement academy, he carried a concealed weapon and expressed his desire to wear a badge. He's currently enrolled in a general education program at Valencia Community College.

"I hold law enforcement officers in the highest regard as I hope to one day become one," Zimmerman wrote in a 2008 application to theSeminole County Sheriff's Officecitizen's law enforcement academy, a class that teaches citizens about policing and how the Sheriff's Office works.

Zimmerman was arrested in 2005 at a bar near the University of Central Florida on charges of assault on a law-enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence. Both charges were ultimately dropped, according to court records.
Trayvon Martin Shooting: Tensions rise in wake of Trayvon Martin shooting - Page 2 - dailyamerican.com

Wannabe copper shoots an innocent kid with no arrest record for nothing..and walks free.


Because we all know that the only people who want to be cops are racist with the secret desire to kill a black teen.

Good God.

You derive this, how, exactly?
The kid didn't have a weapon. Shouldn't he deserve the same "innocent until proven guilty" as everyone else does?

Of course, but he isnt the one being accused of murder.

Generally..when one man kills another...in this country..they are incarcerated..processed and a bail is set.

Then they have a trial to determine guilt or innocence.

That is bullshit and you know it.

Very often these things never go to trial or even h ave charges pressed if the wieght of the evidence shows reasonable use of force.

But you have already tried and convicted this man for murder simply because he is 'white' and the dead man 'black'.

BTW it is so funny how libtards regard hispanics as a seperate race from 'whites' unless they shoot a black man, then hispanics are definately white all over.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Libtard.

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