White man shoots innocent black teen....

Ah so..when a killer is found over a dead body..the best practice is to let him go until everything is "figured out"?

Gee..I am glad I don't live in Florida. When a person shoots another person in NYC..they generally hold the shooter.

Silly as that sounds.

if i told you i cared, i'd be lying

Sallow now has an open invitation to share a pizza at Santarp's West after a game of softball.



santarp's west would be in everett :)
According to one caller, she is quite hysterical the whole time but she does say on two occasions(at about 21:30 and 23:43 in that link) the two men were wrestling with each other on the ground.

Your response doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with what I posted.

His father adamantly states his son wasn't following this kid ... yet this piece of shit tells the operator that he IS ... and continues after being instructed NOT to do so.

Because I really don't care what the parents of either party has to say, none of them witnessed it.

I was simply pointed out that an actual eye witness stated that the two men were wrestling with each other.

If the kid tried to go for Zimmerman's gun, he had every right to shoot him.

He was instructed to not appoach that kid. He did anyway. If it were me rolling around with that fucking idiot, I would try to take his gun as well.

How can you fucking say Zimmerman was right in any way shape or form?
Your response doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with what I posted.

His father adamantly states his son wasn't following this kid ... yet this piece of shit tells the operator that he IS ... and continues after being instructed NOT to do so.

Because I really don't care what the parents of either party has to say, none of them witnessed it.

I was simply pointed out that an actual eye witness stated that the two men were wrestling with each other.

If the kid tried to go for Zimmerman's gun, he had every right to shoot him.

He was instructed to not appoach that kid. He did anyway. If it were me rolling around with that fucking idiot, I would try to take his gun as well.

How can you fucking say Zimmerman was right in any way shape or form?

thehawk is an idiot.

i thought you knew :confused:
Zimmerman is in no way obligated to listen to a 911 dispatcher. Citizens are allowed to contront and stop crimes if they are happening. Flordia's law, in fact, says that anyone is allowed to hold their ground with deadly force if they feel threatened. There is no obligation to try to run away in order to claim self-defense. It would be very hard to convict him of murder with such a law.

What crime was Trayvon committing?

WWB in a gated community. Duh.
that black kid looks like he'd be on the honor roll at the local school. Sanford PD looks pretty bad just on the available info so far. Not even a manslaughter charge? Must be that NRA- endorsed "stand your ground" vigilante law they passed down there.
Your response doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with what I posted.

His father adamantly states his son wasn't following this kid ... yet this piece of shit tells the operator that he IS ... and continues after being instructed NOT to do so.

Because I really don't care what the parents of either party has to say, none of them witnessed it.

I was simply pointed out that an actual eye witness stated that the two men were wrestling with each other.

If the kid tried to go for Zimmerman's gun, he had every right to shoot him.

He was instructed to not appoach that kid. He did anyway. If it were me rolling around with that fucking idiot, I would try to take his gun as well.

How can you fucking say Zimmerman was right in any way shape or form?

I'm not saying Zimmerman was right in any way shape of form.

Is this the way you batshit crazy liberals debate, you simply lie about what people say?

I said he is not legally obligated to just hide or run away like 911 dispatchers always tell people to do. The operators are just covering their own asses so they can't get blammed for making a situation worse.

If a citizen suspects a crime is happening, it is within his rights to try to stop it. Is that what happened here? Who knows, we should wait until we have the facts before calling for someone to "burn".
without having read much of the story, that small black kid looks harmless.

Yea most school photos make kids look that way. That means he must be innocent of any wrongdoing, because he's photo makes him look harmless. :cuckoo:
Has anyone paid attention to this story lately?

The family of a Florida teen fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer last month is speaking out, saying that the shooting was unprovoked —and racially motivated.

Stories from

Josh Lucas Marries
Dr. Jennifer Arnold and Bill Klein Want to Adopt a Child with Special Needs
Jessica Simpson Expresses Thanks for 'Dream' Baby Shower
Jersey Shore Will Return for Season 6
Hugh Grant Likes Daughter Tabitha 'Very Much'
Trayvon Martin, 17, was killed by George Zimmerman in a Sanford, Fla., gated community on the evening of Feb. 26 as he returned from a trip to a local 7-Eleven. Martin and his father were visiting family friends there. Zimmerman claimed he shot Martin in self defense, and has not been charged with a crime.
Video: Mom: Teen targeted due to of ‘color of his skin’ (on this page)
But Martin's family is pointing to 911 calls released by police on Friday that they say depict a terrified teenager who was being chased by Zimmerman. Martin was found face down, unarmed, with a bag of Skittles and an iced tea.

“(Zimmerman) was reacting to the color of his skin,’’ Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, told Matt Lauer on Monday. “He committed no crime. My son wasn’t doing anything but walking on the sidewalk, and I just don’t understand why this situation got out of control.’’

Mom: Trayvon Martin was killed because of 'the color of his skin' - TODAY People - TODAY.com

According to the person who shot the teen, he'd seen him walking through the neighborhood and thought he was acting "suspiciously". He then calls 911 to report the teen and the police asked him if he was following the kid. He replied "yes" and the police then told him to quit.

A bit later, another 911 call is made and the caller tells police that she hears someone yelling for help (the teen), and it's shortly after that when a gunshot is heard.

The teen was found face down, dead, with an ice tea and a bag of Skittles in his hand.

To date? The person who shot the teen, a man named Zimmerman is STILL walking free, and no charges have been filed.

Do you think that if a black adult had shot a white teen, that the result would have been the same?

Possibly. What the Kids Family really needs is a Witness. That said, I think the Shooting was unprovoked and the Kid was Murdered.

You know? You're right........the family DOES need a witness.

Wanna know where they can probably get one? The place was a gated community (meaning very rich) which means they probably also have video cameras all over the place.

Hopefully, if they check the security tapes, they'll be able to find some that showed what actually happened.

And, like I've said before, this Zimmerman dude is someone who wanted to be on the police force but was rejected, which is why he decided to self appoint himself as part of the neighborhood watch.

However..............when the police told him (on his OWN 911 call) to stop following him, and he continued? That doesn't really pass the smell test for him being "threatened", because as another poster brought up, he should have kept his ass in his car and NOT FOLLOWED THE TEEN.

Then...................there's also the record of bogus 911 calls that Zimmerman made which didn't go anywhere, and he made them at the rate of 1 every 3 days for SIX FUCKING MONTHS.

This dude needs to be locked up pending investigation.
that black kid looks like he'd be on the honor roll at the local school. Sanford PD looks pretty bad just on the available info so far. Not even a manslaughter charge? Must be that NRA- endorsed "stand your ground" vigilante law they passed down there.

You know..........based on all the news coverage that this story has gotten, not much has been said in a negative light on the youth, he was a decent student who participated in sports (football) and didn't appear to have any real behavior problems going on.

Zimmerman? Well.........there's his obsession with calling the police, as well as his failed dreams of being a police officer combined with his self appointment to the neighborhood watch.

I think Zimmerman was hoping to be a hero, but ended up being a chump in the worst sort of way.
that black kid looks like he'd be on the honor roll at the local school. Sanford PD looks pretty bad just on the available info so far. Not even a manslaughter charge? Must be that NRA- endorsed "stand your ground" vigilante law they passed down there.

You know..........based on all the news coverage that this story has gotten, not much has been said in a negative light on the youth, he was a decent student who participated in sports (football) and didn't appear to have any real behavior problems going on.

Zimmerman? Well.........there's his obsession with calling the police, as well as his failed dreams of being a police officer combined with his self appointment to the neighborhood watch.

I think Zimmerman was hoping to be a hero, but ended up being a chump in the worst sort of way.
He's a fucking Jew. What part of "superiority complex" and "delusions of grandeur" don't you get ?
They're chosen ( self chosen).:cuckoo:
Guess what the judge and prosecutor will be ? Yeah. Australians.
Im more than a little taken back by the assumption Zimmerman "murdered" the teen.

the cops were clear that there was a fight.

Zimmerman was bleeding from his nose and had grass stains on the back of his shirt.

Seems to me he shot the teen in self defense.


raise your kids better
don't let them run around at night alone
teach them to show respect to other adults
that black kid looks like he'd be on the honor roll at the local school. Sanford PD looks pretty bad just on the available info so far. Not even a manslaughter charge? Must be that NRA- endorsed "stand your ground" vigilante law they passed down there.

You know..........based on all the news coverage that this story has gotten, not much has been said in a negative light on the youth, he was a decent student who participated in sports (football) and didn't appear to have any real behavior problems going on.

Zimmerman? Well.........there's his obsession with calling the police, as well as his failed dreams of being a police officer combined with his self appointment to the neighborhood watch.

I think Zimmerman was hoping to be a hero, but ended up being a chump in the worst sort of way.
He's a fucking Jew. What part of "superiority complex" and "delusions of grandeur" don't you get ?
They're chosen ( self chosen).:cuckoo:
Guess what the judge and prosecutor will be ? Yeah. Australians.

CHUMP? The killer left his vehicle ARMED to follow a teenager walking who looked suspicious to HIM. 9/11 advised him not to, as police were on the way. Killer is found standing over the victim, and claims self defense. Victim did not respond to "questioning" by the killer. Killer is not arrested; WHEREABOUTS unknown. Killer had possible grass stains, and bloody nose after shooting unarmed victim. Police do not arrest, do not bring killer in for questioning. This part is unusual; police generally bring those who kill someone in for an "explanation". While I am unsure if bringing DOJ in was appropriate, FDLE would be SOP I think from past experience.
Has anyone paid attention to this story lately?

The family of a Florida teen fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer last month is speaking out, saying that the shooting was unprovoked —and racially motivated.

Stories from

Josh Lucas Marries
Dr. Jennifer Arnold and Bill Klein Want to Adopt a Child with Special Needs
Jessica Simpson Expresses Thanks for 'Dream' Baby Shower
Jersey Shore Will Return for Season 6
Hugh Grant Likes Daughter Tabitha 'Very Much'
Trayvon Martin, 17, was killed by George Zimmerman in a Sanford, Fla., gated community on the evening of Feb. 26 as he returned from a trip to a local 7-Eleven. Martin and his father were visiting family friends there. Zimmerman claimed he shot Martin in self defense, and has not been charged with a crime.
Video: Mom: Teen targeted due to of ‘color of his skin’ (on this page)
But Martin's family is pointing to 911 calls released by police on Friday that they say depict a terrified teenager who was being chased by Zimmerman. Martin was found face down, unarmed, with a bag of Skittles and an iced tea.

“(Zimmerman) was reacting to the color of his skin,’’ Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, told Matt Lauer on Monday. “He committed no crime. My son wasn’t doing anything but walking on the sidewalk, and I just don’t understand why this situation got out of control.’’

Mom: Trayvon Martin was killed because of 'the color of his skin' - TODAY People - TODAY.com

According to the person who shot the teen, he'd seen him walking through the neighborhood and thought he was acting "suspiciously". He then calls 911 to report the teen and the police asked him if he was following the kid. He replied "yes" and the police then told him to quit.

A bit later, another 911 call is made and the caller tells police that she hears someone yelling for help (the teen), and it's shortly after that when a gunshot is heard.

The teen was found face down, dead, with an ice tea and a bag of Skittles in his hand.

To date? The person who shot the teen, a man named Zimmerman is STILL walking free, and no charges have been filed.

Do you think that if a black adult had shot a white teen, that the result would have been the same?

Zimmerman is a psycho, I don't know if he'd have been different with someone of another race. I cry for the poor kid who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They will go after Zimmerman for hate crime and I only hope no other innocent person will ever have the misfortune to face him again.
Absolutely false. People have the right to use deadly force in any situation where they are threatened. If someone is attacking with their fists, you have the right to shoot them.
Here in the United States a person is not legally justified shooting a person without being put in fear of death or severe bodily injury, not just "any situation where they are threatened."

And you've got to be kidding, you don't think someone trying to grab a gun away from someone doesn't merit lethal force in response? Try walking up to a police officer and grabbing his gun from him, see what that gets ya. :cuckoo:
George Zimmerman ≠ police officer.

:cuckoo: indeed.

LOL, wow you are clueless.

In the Republic of Texas you can shoot an intruder on your property, whether you "feel" threatened or not.

I never said Zimmerman was on officer, but the same standard would apply. If someone is trying to grab a gun out of your hand in a confrontation, you have every right to blow them away.

Unless of course you're going to argue that just because someone is "unarmed", that means they cannot be a danger to anyone. With that kind of logic a 250 pound man could threaten an 80 year old woman, and if she pulls out a gun and he tries to grab it and she blows him away, you'd have her hauled off to jail. :eusa_shifty:

The 80 year old woman got out of her CAR & followed the 250 lb man AFTER calling 9/11 and being advised not to do so? WHY?

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