White man’s culture in this country has to change

Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.

I always wondered the same thing about the Democrat party and whites. Why would any white person support a party that's trying to make them a minority in their own country?
Because it’s equality and what’s right.

Put it this way ray. You don’t like the greedy rich and how the guys like bob craft and Jussie get off because they have money and connections and better lawyers.

You don’t realize it but those rich white guys don’t give a shit about you. The people with the power and the system they corrupted and control it for their personal greed. This way doesn’t benefit the best and brightest. This benefits the rich, who just happen to be mostly white for obvious reasons.

Do you prefer white privilege or the best and brightest getting the privilege? I want a society where the best shine not where old money controls the system.

The CEOs now are the ones who send their kids to Harvard and use their influence to get them jobs too after college. This isn’t white privilege so much as it’s rich privilege.

They use race to divide us and you’re falling for it
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed
I am a middle class person. You either put up or shut up on the top. I love NASA. I see the political correctness and quotas and the rest that is destroying it. Its bad enough of the political crap of each administration and the corruption to make parts for its spacecraft in every state by the politicians who make the prices much higher then they have to be and even may put astronauts in danger. That is America today. Emasculating the best to bring in winners of quotas.
Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.

I always wondered the same thing about the Democrat party and whites. Why would any white person support a party that's trying to make them a minority in their own country?
Because it’s equality and what’s right.

Put it this way ray. You don’t like the greedy rich and how the guys like bob craft and Jussie get off because they have money and connections and better lawyers.

You don’t realize it but those rich white guys don’t give a shit about you. The people with the power and the system they corrupted and control it for their personal greed. This way doesn’t benefit the best and brightest. This benefits the rich, who just happen to be mostly white for obvious reasons.

Do you prefer white privilege or the best and brightest getting the privilege? I want a society where the best shine not where old money controls the system.

The CEOs now are the ones who send their kids to Harvard and use their influence to get them jobs too after college. This isn’t white privilege so much as it’s rich privilege.

They use race to divide us and you’re falling for it

There is nothing "equal" or "right" about the policy of making whites a minority.
Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.

I always wondered the same thing about the Democrat party and whites. Why would any white person support a party that's trying to make them a minority in their own country?
Because it’s equality and what’s right.

Put it this way ray. You don’t like the greedy rich and how the guys like bob craft and Jussie get off because they have money and connections and better lawyers.

You don’t realize it but those rich white guys don’t give a shit about you. The people with the power and the system they corrupted and control it for their personal greed. This way doesn’t benefit the best and brightest. This benefits the rich, who just happen to be mostly white for obvious reasons.

Do you prefer white privilege or the best and brightest getting the privilege? I want a society where the best shine not where old money controls the system.

The CEOs now are the ones who send their kids to Harvard and use their influence to get them jobs too after college. This isn’t white privilege so much as it’s rich privilege.

They use race to divide us and you’re falling for it

I am? Can you name me one country or society that is stupid enough to support leaders that are trying to wipe them out? Only liberals do that because it makes them feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Their leaders BS their followers by saying they act on empathy and kindness, and then want to kill babies even after they are born.

Let me explain something to you: Every other group outside of whites votes a majority Democrat. Whites are a problem for Democrats, and that's why they want to get rid of us. That's their only goal. You can put lipstick on a pig.........

How Groups Voted in 2016 | Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.

There is nothing insulting to women, in pointing out that women, generally speaking, are more likely "to put their family first".

And it is kind of crazy to assume that women who vote differently than you, must think the same as you, ie "women don't have what it takes".

A more likely scenario, is that women that vote differently than you, DISAGREE with you.

Which is WHY they vote differently than you.

It’s insulting when you use this lame excuse for why less than 5% of CEOs are women.

It may be true for the subservient women all around the country who did indeed put their families first but they don’t get it. If they didn’t put their family first they would be met by a glass ceiling and a guy like you who has a bias towards women. You just admitted you do. You believe they put their family first. And all the old retiring white male ceos have that same bias my brother. This is what we must stop doing.

I hope you get it please tell me you get the points.?
Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
That’s the thing. None of these conservative policies hurt me. So as a white man why can’t I get myself to sellout my people and vote republican now that I’ve made it?

I just can’t. Not after Reagan and the Bush’s. And Mitch McConnell Paul Ryan, newt, trump. They all suck. Ben Carson? Really? That’s the best black they have?

And Betsy DeVos? She’s pure greed and evil.

Trump is the worst asshole in the world. Forget about President I’m talking person. The other side loves him because he’s their asshole. The ends justify the means.
Pure political bullcrap.
Too much to wrap your brain around don’t derail. If you don’t have a good response don’t respond loser.
Go muddy the water somewhere else. Try staying on one topic at a time if you can. Good grief. No, no that don't fit with your political agenda does it ??
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
--------------------------------- well , lets keep it as it is for a few more years eh Sealy .

Hey guys. There is a lot of truth to what is said about women and even blacks but you also have to admit that in a country as diverse as the USA, bias does exist. No other explanation why over 90% of CEOs are all white men..

But don’t think this benefits our broke asses. These same rich white dudes are paying a lot of money to make sure their kid is your boss one day no matter how smart or good of a worker you are. You will be his sons best employee. And maybe that’s good enough for y’all. Maybe you think you’ll do better if whites are privileged not talent.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.

You Tards are such ignorant bigots.....
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.

I always wondered the same thing about the Democrat party and whites. Why would any white person support a party that's trying to make them a minority in their own country?
Because it’s equality and what’s right.

Put it this way ray. You don’t like the greedy rich and how the guys like bob craft and Jussie get off because they have money and connections and better lawyers.

You don’t realize it but those rich white guys don’t give a shit about you. The people with the power and the system they corrupted and control it for their personal greed. This way doesn’t benefit the best and brightest. This benefits the rich, who just happen to be mostly white for obvious reasons.

Do you prefer white privilege or the best and brightest getting the privilege? I want a society where the best shine not where old money controls the system.

The CEOs now are the ones who send their kids to Harvard and use their influence to get them jobs too after college. This isn’t white privilege so much as it’s rich privilege.

They use race to divide us and you’re falling for it

I am? Can you name me one country or society that is stupid enough to support leaders that are trying to wipe them out? Only liberals do that because it makes them feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Their leaders BS their followers by saying they act on empathy and kindness, and then want to kill babies even after they are born.

Let me explain something to you: Every other group outside of whites votes a majority Democrat. Whites are a problem for Democrats, and that's why they want to get rid of us. That's their only goal. You can put lipstick on a pig.........

How Groups Voted in 2016 | Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
Ray, you just lost the argument when you brought up killing babies. I thought you were better than that. Now I know you are just a right wing nut job.

You’re a racist. I’m talking about fairness in a country as diverse as ours. I’ll be fine. I get ahead because I’m good not white.

And we just need to get the diversity crowd to start showing up to vote.

I don’t expect a republican to understand. 99% of your politicians are white men.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
That’s the thing. None of these conservative policies hurt me. So as a white man why can’t I get myself to sellout my people and vote republican now that I’ve made it?

I just can’t. Not after Reagan and the Bush’s. And Mitch McConnell Paul Ryan, newt, trump. They all suck. Ben Carson? Really? That’s the best black they have?

And Betsy DeVos? She’s pure greed and evil.

Trump is the worst asshole in the world. Forget about President I’m talking person. The other side loves him because he’s their asshole. The ends justify the means.
Pure political bullcrap.
Too much to wrap your brain around don’t derail. If you don’t have a good response don’t respond loser.
Go muddy the water somewhere else. Try staying on one topic at a time if you can. Good grief. No, no that don't fit with your political agenda does it ??
Again not a bit of substance or a counter argument. Thread derailer
Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Maybe they should help by not clubing their ownselves over the head, so there is that as well. This feeling sorry for genders is rediculous, because in America there is more opportunity than anywhere in the world for both genders male and female if truly want it. Using gender for political arguments has become the norm in this country now, just like using race is the same bullcrap that is being used by political parties that are attempting to bring in groups, even if it is all bullcrap in the end game with these tactics used.... It's for the purpose of pure power grab now.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
--------------------------------- well , lets keep it as it is for a few more years eh Sealy .

Hey guys. There is a lot of truth to what is said about women and even blacks but you also have to admit that in a country as diverse as the USA, bias does exist. No other explanation why over 90% of CEOs are all white men..

But don’t think this benefits our broke asses. These same rich white dudes are paying a lot of money to make sure their kid is your boss one day no matter how smart or good of a worker you are. You will be his sons best employee. And maybe that’s good enough for y’all. Maybe you think you’ll do better if whites are privileged not talent.

What is with you people on the left that constantly put blame where there is none? Did it ever occur to you that the reason there are less female CEO's is because they don't want to be CEO's?

There are few female CEO's. It must be the white mans doing.

People are murdered with guns. It must be the guns because it can't be the individuals.

There are a disproportionate amount of minorities in prison compared to whites. It must be the racist cops and not the fact blacks commit more crime.

We lost an election. It can't be because of anything we did wrong, Republicans just found a way to cheat us out of our vote.

When are you on the left going to put the responsibility where it rightly belongs--on the individual, not on outside sources.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.

I always wondered the same thing about the Democrat party and whites. Why would any white person support a party that's trying to make them a minority in their own country?
Because it’s equality and what’s right.

Put it this way ray. You don’t like the greedy rich and how the guys like bob craft and Jussie get off because they have money and connections and better lawyers.

You don’t realize it but those rich white guys don’t give a shit about you. The people with the power and the system they corrupted and control it for their personal greed. This way doesn’t benefit the best and brightest. This benefits the rich, who just happen to be mostly white for obvious reasons.

Do you prefer white privilege or the best and brightest getting the privilege? I want a society where the best shine not where old money controls the system.

The CEOs now are the ones who send their kids to Harvard and use their influence to get them jobs too after college. This isn’t white privilege so much as it’s rich privilege.

They use race to divide us and you’re falling for it

There is nothing "equal" or "right" about the policy of making whites a minority.
If they are a minority they are. We aren’t going to make them anything.

Greeks are a minority in the USA. Like 1% of the population. Only one thing to do. Get to fucking.

All I’m saying is you shouldn’t be voting for one party or the other because of race. That means ray is a white supremist. A racist who wants CEOs to continue their bias when selecting candidates.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
That’s the thing. None of these conservative policies hurt me. So as a white man why can’t I get myself to sellout my people and vote republican now that I’ve made it?

I just can’t. Not after Reagan and the Bush’s. And Mitch McConnell Paul Ryan, newt, trump. They all suck. Ben Carson? Really? That’s the best black they have?

And Betsy DeVos? She’s pure greed and evil.

Trump is the worst asshole in the world. Forget about President I’m talking person. The other side loves him because he’s their asshole. The ends justify the means.
Pure political bullcrap.
Too much to wrap your brain around don’t derail. If you don’t have a good response don’t respond loser.
Go muddy the water somewhere else. Try staying on one topic at a time if you can. Good grief. No, no that don't fit with your political agenda does it ??
Again not a bit of substance or a counter argument. Thread derailer
Seems the thread is going along just great until you showed up whining about thread derailer. LOL.
Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
--------------------------------- well , lets keep it as it is for a few more years eh Sealy .

Hey guys. There is a lot of truth to what is said about women and even blacks but you also have to admit that in a country as diverse as the USA, bias does exist. No other explanation why over 90% of CEOs are all white men..

But don’t think this benefits our broke asses. These same rich white dudes are paying a lot of money to make sure their kid is your boss one day no matter how smart or good of a worker you are. You will be his sons best employee. And maybe that’s good enough for y’all. Maybe you think you’ll do better if whites are privileged not talent.

What is with you people on the left that constantly put blame where there is none? Did it ever occur to you that the reason there are less female CEO's is because they don't want to be CEO's?

There are few female CEO's. It must be the white mans doing.

People are murdered with guns. It must be the guns because it can't be the individuals.

There are a disproportionate amount of minorities in prison compared to whites. It must be the racist cops and not the fact blacks commit more crime.

We lost an election. It can't be because of anything we did wrong, Republicans just found a way to cheat us out of our vote.

When are you on the left going to put the responsibility where it rightly belongs--on the individual, not on outside sources.
I’m going to stop you right after the first sentence. So you are saying there aren’t women who want to be ceo?
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Maybe they should help by not clubing their ownselves over the head, so there is that as well. This feeling sorry for genders is rediculous, because in America there is more opportunity than anywhere in the world for both genders male and female if truly want it. Using gender for political arguments has become the norm in this country now, just like using race is the same bullcrap that is being used by political parties that are attempting to bring in groups, even if it is all bullcrap in the end game with these tactics used.... It's for the purpose of pure power grab now.

It is a ridiculous argument. It's like saying the NFL is racist because most of their players are black, or that the American baseball league is anti-American because many of their players are foreign born.
Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
--------------------------------- well , lets keep it as it is for a few more years eh Sealy .

Hey guys. There is a lot of truth to what is said about women and even blacks but you also have to admit that in a country as diverse as the USA, bias does exist. No other explanation why over 90% of CEOs are all white men..

But don’t think this benefits our broke asses. These same rich white dudes are paying a lot of money to make sure their kid is your boss one day no matter how smart or good of a worker you are. You will be his sons best employee. And maybe that’s good enough for y’all. Maybe you think you’ll do better if whites are privileged not talent.

What is with you people on the left that constantly put blame where there is none? Did it ever occur to you that the reason there are less female CEO's is because they don't want to be CEO's?

There are few female CEO's. It must be the white mans doing.

People are murdered with guns. It must be the guns because it can't be the individuals.

There are a disproportionate amount of minorities in prison compared to whites. It must be the racist cops and not the fact blacks commit more crime.

We lost an election. It can't be because of anything we did wrong, Republicans just found a way to cheat us out of our vote.

When are you on the left going to put the responsibility where it rightly belongs--on the individual, not on outside sources.
It is a major problem with the left. They will use anything they can use, and that's exactly what it is USERY. The same with the poor where they accuse whites for that as well.

They won't address the underlying truths in it all. Now why is that ya reckon ?
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Maybe they should help by not clubing their ownselves over the head, so there is that as well. This feeling sorry for genders is rediculous, because in America there is more opportunity than anywhere in the world for both genders male and female if truly want it. Using gender for political arguments has become the norm in this country now, just like using race is the same bullcrap that is being used by political parties that are attempting to bring in groups, even if it is all bullcrap in the end game with these tactics used.... It's for the purpose of pure power grab now.
Just because there is more opportunity for women here in america than anywhere else in the world doesn’t mean we aren’t sexist too, still.

You republicans are saying there are so few minority and women CEOs because they don’t want to be. Don’t bother making other excuses all you are doing is acvoiding the fact you are a bias white man who sees it the way he wants to.

And yes I am trying to get women and minorities to show up and vote for fairness and to get rid of the unfair bias that exists now.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
--------------------------------- well , lets keep it as it is for a few more years eh Sealy .

Hey guys. There is a lot of truth to what is said about women and even blacks but you also have to admit that in a country as diverse as the USA, bias does exist. No other explanation why over 90% of CEOs are all white men..

But don’t think this benefits our broke asses. These same rich white dudes are paying a lot of money to make sure their kid is your boss one day no matter how smart or good of a worker you are. You will be his sons best employee. And maybe that’s good enough for y’all. Maybe you think you’ll do better if whites are privileged not talent.

What is with you people on the left that constantly put blame where there is none? Did it ever occur to you that the reason there are less female CEO's is because they don't want to be CEO's?

There are few female CEO's. It must be the white mans doing.

People are murdered with guns. It must be the guns because it can't be the individuals.

There are a disproportionate amount of minorities in prison compared to whites. It must be the racist cops and not the fact blacks commit more crime.

We lost an election. It can't be because of anything we did wrong, Republicans just found a way to cheat us out of our vote.

When are you on the left going to put the responsibility where it rightly belongs--on the individual, not on outside sources.
I’m going to stop you right after the first sentence. So you are saying there aren’t women who want to be ceo?

Maybe you watch too many Hollywood movies or something. Believe it or not, CEO's are not all rich guys who practice their putts on their office green while flirting with their large breasted secretary all day long. CEO is a tough climb which is why there are no CEO's here in USMB. It often requires a lot of traveling and moving from town to town. It's not something everybody wants to subject themselves or family to. CEO's move from job to job quite frequently. If you ever checked out Crane's Business magazine, you'd see that all the time. I don't even know if they're around anymore.

If you had a survey here, you'd find out that everybody's measure of success is different. Not everybody wants the same thing. So to assume that women are deliberately being kept out of being CEO's is nothing but paranoid speculation with zero evidence to backup your claim. As far as you're concerned, it's a simple situation of cause and effect. I'm sure most women don't want to be CEO's. Hell, I'm sure many men don't either.

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