White man’s culture in this country has to change

Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

The only "cucked white male demographic" are idiots like you who are terrified of being replaced by black and brown men. Men cannot be replaced. Weak cucks, who are too stupid and too lazy to complete with the ambitious men and women.

All white supremacists are total cucks because their fear makes them weak. They fear evolution, the advancement of society, and basically, everything. No one is more filled with fear and self-loathing that the cucks who claim racial superiority.

Superior people have no need to prove their superiority. They don't have to hold others down to stay ahead of them. Superior people will always rise above lazy, stupid cucks like you.

Cuckoldry is a choice. Nobody is forcing people to get on twitter and publicly humiliate and degrade themselves for being white.

That is the act of a coward. Regurgitating the most politically correct opinion is not brave.

They do it to signal alliance with the mob because they're TERRIFIED of the mob turning against them. ...and rightfully so because history has shown what extremists do to dissidents.
No, I don't believe for a second that white people will be replaced. But I do think that the human race will continue to evolve and change. I don't place much stock in race as a divider of peoples. We are all the same under the skin.

I think that those who get all crazy about race, are the least superior among us. Mouthbreathers and lowlifes who can't compete against the people they consider "inferior races" so they rail against non-whites having rights. I'm waiting for the day when they're driven back under the rocks they crawled out from under.

We are all the same under the skin.
Ridiculous. Black people tend to excel in sports that entail great strength and endurance for a reason. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why. It's not racial discrimination. It's not magic. It's biology.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.

I always wondered the same thing about the Democrat party and whites. Why would any white person support a party that's trying to make them a minority in their own country?
Im touched

Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.

So how are any Republicans stopping women from these from being CEO's?
I am not really one to wade into the treacherous waters of race discussion wielding my own opinions, but I must say this; if there's one thing white people in this country need to stop doing, it's blaming themselves for everything, including things they had no part of. Live your life, contribute to your community and country, and be good and fair to your fellow man, but for God's sake stop taking the dick. It is not helping. It only makes you look like a fool to be disrespected and stepped on.

I am getting real sick of being blamed for things I have absolutely 0 to do with. It needs to stop.

It can't be stopped. The Democrat party has taken the stance to be the anti-white party. They believe their future lies within minorities who they are trying to flood the country with. That will usher in Socialism (which they badly want) and eventually Communism.

Maybe some think that way. It is more of a right-wing conspiracy. I don't think they are that devious. Plus, there are a lot of white people in the democratic party.

John: you seem not too crazy. Blokes like you who are rusted on Dems have to extricate your Party from the bloody loons. Good luck but having said that, you are often quite wrong. There is NO Right wing Conspiracy; just a lot of people who have strong views that Truth, Justice and the American Way actually mean something.

The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

Um: I think you'll find that the Pubs want a system in depth with a wall as a first barrier. Of course ONLY a wall won't do it.

feck ya Beagle , you are pro immigration is what it is and i'm not as i see immigration and its diversity as being harmful to the USA and Future young Americans and thats REAL Americans Beagle .
Yep you got me, because I'm pro-life - pro-immigration within reason - pro-christianity - pro-humankind (love all God's creation) - pro-law enforcement - pro-conservative - pro-flat tax - pro-home ownership - pro-workplace saftey - pro-clean water - clean air - clean-living for humankind - pro-gun ownership for those who are responsible citizens (back ground checks and mental health back ground checks) - pro-regulated health care insurance - pro-Americanism, and much, much more.

Many things I'm not for, but legal immigration is not one of them. The country is of course made up of people from all over the world, but we have a standard set that most have always agreed with, and abided by until recently. We need to bring the country back in line MAGA, and for those whom hate this country, and want to destroy it from within, then they should pay a price for their treason and traitorous activities.

Heck if we removed the traitorous people from our midst these days (sent them home to their anti-American countries in which they so desire to be in instead of being here), then we would have to continue immigration for those who would want to come here and be the Americans that we would want for them to be (those for whom love America), instead of us harboring those whom hate America, as it seems to be a big problem these days more and more for sure.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

Um: I think you'll find that the Pubs want a system in depth with a wall as a first barrier. Of course ONLY a wall won't do it.

Trump's recent call for Mexico to stop illegal crossings into our country is getting on the right track. Cut the head of the snake off first is always the right approach. Finally we hear talk that goes straight to the heart of the problem. Mexico has been aiding and abetting the illegal border crossings for way to long now. They are the first and best line of defense for ours and their border.
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

Um: I think you'll find that the Pubs want a system in depth with a wall as a first barrier. Of course ONLY a wall won't do it.

Trump's recent call for Mexico to stop illegal crossings into our country is getting on the right track. Cut the head of the snake off first is always the right approach. Finally we hear talk that goes straight to the heart of the problem. Mexico has been aiding and abetting the illegal border crossings for way to long now. They are the first and best line of defense for ours and their border.
----------------------------------------------------- and its been going on since 1986 started then aided and abetted by 'reagan - bush ' who were both 'repubs . And it will continue under 'repubs' and 'dems' . 'jebito bush' and 'hilary' both would have been disastrous to [especially young public school going kids] who have some sense or feeling for being Americans . Already and in TEXAS the History on the Alamo is being redone . My thinking is that this redoing of Alamo History is to accommodate invading 'mexican' kids by ' mexican parents ' that are on school boards . Shut down the Border , stop aid to 'central america' and 'mexico President Trump . Your point has been made for voters to see for this coming 2020 election but the invaders are infiltrating all throughout the USA President TRUMP and Beagle .
Last edited:
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

Um: I think you'll find that the Pubs want a system in depth with a wall as a first barrier. Of course ONLY a wall won't do it.

Trump's recent call for Mexico to stop illegal crossings into our country is getting on the right track. Cut the head of the snake off first is always the right approach. Finally we hear talk that goes straight to the heart of the problem. Mexico has been aiding and abetting the illegal border crossings for way to long now. They are the first and best line of defense for ours and their border.
------------------------- feck the enemy named 'mexico' as they can't be trusted Beagle !!
feck ya Beagle , you are pro immigration is what it is and i'm not as i see immigration and its diversity as being harmful to the USA and Future young Americans and thats REAL Americans Beagle .
--------------------------------------- for proper handling of probable invaders , watch the news [FOX] at the moment to see the Israelis properly handle 'pali' invaders on the Israeli Border .
The Wall: because the wall is unlikely to be a very effective tool.

Most evidence suggests you are wrong.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.


Kate's Law: I honestly don't know anything about it, or who was responsible for stopping it? It was never on my radar.

Kate's Law was named after the murdered American Kate Steinle. An illegal stole a patrolman's gun out of his car, shot her, and was later found not-guilty. The then Democrat led Senate floored the bill after passed by the Republican Congress.

Sactuary cities: the logic is that refusing to deport illegals enables those same illegals to work with the police to apprehend dangerous people in their community. I don't really agree with the idea that we should ignore law-breaking but it does make some sense, assuming they are actually right and aren't just bullshitting.

Let me ask: how many times have you been a witness to a crime where police needed your input? How about your family members? Your neighbors? Your coworkers?

It very seldom happens. It's as phony as the claim we need immigrants to do the jobs Americans won't do. It was made up by the Democrat party, and I dare you to find a reliable site where they have evidence of illegals assisting authorities in locating criminals.

The Dangerous Myth That Sanctuary City Policies Encourage Victims and Witnesses to Cooperate with Local Law Enforcement | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Trump said he wanted to build a wall across the entire southern border. But the truth is, I don't have anything against border control efforts. Nor am I democratic shill, or in favor of illegal immigration, so we have nothing to argue about in this particular case. There are definitely things that could be done more effective than a giant wall, though ... it's just that, republicans don't want to.

Um: I think you'll find that the Pubs want a system in depth with a wall as a first barrier. Of course ONLY a wall won't do it.

Trump's recent call for Mexico to stop illegal crossings into our country is getting on the right track. Cut the head of the snake off first is always the right approach. Finally we hear talk that goes straight to the heart of the problem. Mexico has been aiding and abetting the illegal border crossings for way to long now. They are the first and best line of defense for ours and their border.

They may be able to put on an act, but they're not kidding anybody who's paying attention.

Why would Mexico object or take action on American dollars crossing into their border? That would be silly on their part. I believe it's one of the reasons Trump is talking about taking action. When their people return home with American dollars, they will not be coming back for more. Plus Mexico relies on tourism which will greatly harm their country if the border is closed down.
well he oughta get moving as everyday a small city of these third worlders moves into the USA . Quite often i hear talk but see no action for these past few months , its getting annoying .
well he oughta get moving as everyday a small city of these third worlders moves into the USA . Quite often i hear talk but see no action for these past few months , its getting annoying .

Everything takes time. Knee jerk reactions are the worst actions to take.

Let's see if Congress does anything. Let's see Mexico's reaction first. If everybody thinks he's just kidding around and does nothing, then close it down.
well he oughta get moving as everyday a small city of these third worlders moves into the USA . Quite often i hear talk but see no action for these past few months , its getting annoying .
Yes, but the Demon-crats are the party of obstruction, and they have allied themselves with Anti-America in a hostile take over bid to totally transform this nation into something that is anti-white Christian / conservative, because such a people whom hold any power in the nation are directly in the way of their ultimate goals in this nation now. The attacks on Trump and Pence have been a testimony of it all.

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