White man’s culture in this country has to change

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Maybe they should help by not clubing their ownselves over the head, so there is that as well. This feeling sorry for genders is rediculous, because in America there is more opportunity than anywhere in the world for both genders male and female if truly want it. Using gender for political arguments has become the norm in this country now, just like using race is the same bullcrap that is being used by political parties that are attempting to bring in groups, even if it is all bullcrap in the end game with these tactics used.... It's for the purpose of pure power grab now.

It is a ridiculous argument. It's like saying the NFL is racist because most of their players are black, or that the American baseball league is anti-American because many of their players are foreign born.

And again we have right wing white men, who refuse to acknowledge their own racism or misogyny, telling us that there is a level playing field, even as they keep complaining that they’re being discriminated against.

And here we have another lefty claiming that results are the actions of discrimination instead of personal choice.

The playing field is level. We have more female college graduates than men and have for some time now. They succeed at nearly any career they desire.
Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.

Thank you so much for telling us what women want. Like you would have the first clue.

More of a clue than people that make unproven accusations like discrimination. To a liberal, assumptions are evidence.
Im touched
Notice how her hands are on top of Joe's. That's a non verbal. meaning stop right there!
I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Its not a secret it is overwhelmingly visible.

Many women start out as lethal competitors in any number of businesses. Then they hit their thirties and realize the rat race is simply not making them happy. Yes some want kids or a family some simply wish to stop the dog eat dog competition and enjoy life. Either way they drop out of the race in large numbers and pursue other things and as a result very few are left in the race and competition to the top.

What is ironic is that this is a matter of self determination and personal freedom which women exercise and the feminazis hate it because they cannot control these women.

It is strange how most men learn sooner or later ( usually sooner ) that a woman cannot be controlled and you are fooling yourself if you think you can do so. Yet feminists think they can and grow indignant when women ignore them and do the opposite of what feminists expect or desire.

Perhaps I just don't know enough people, but I've never met a woman that wanted to be a CEO. I have several educated females in my family, and not one of them even went in that direction.

They went for accounting, for business, for medical, and my sister went into nutrition. In fact before her promotion, she was the supervisor in a world renown hospital. Being a CEO never crossed her mind. She has too much work as it is.

It's just like the police or fire departments. It's work that simply doesn't attract females. Are there some? Yes, but they are not the standard, they are anomalies.

I'm a truck driver. I can tell you that there are very few female drivers out there, and even less that have the talent to do the job. Most of the female drivers only do so to be with their husband because they got lonely sitting at home two weeks at a time without their man. So they went on the road for companionship and not because of this haunting desire to handle a big rig. I don't know any females who ever said their dream was to drive a truck.
It is much like the false claim that lack of female senators or presidents equals a bias.

Not only are their fewer women running for high political office but women in general are a huge percentage of the voting population

In other words it is women and not a bias who choose not to become or to elect women to high office.

I am sure many women and men think it would be great to be a CEO and make lots of money. The problem is that when one starts on a career path towards such a goal it becomes apparent to most that the work needed to achieve said goal is far worse than the reward. Contrary to what far leftists claim CEOs do not just lounge around exploiting others while doing nothing. They live very stressful and difficult lives.

The question is not why far fewer women want or work to obtain such goals the question should be why are so many men stupid enough to make the necessary sacrifices for such a meaningless achievement?

You are correct. Many a shrink couches are loaded with CEO''s who are not only stressed, but depressed because they reached the top of the hill and there is little more to accomplish in life.

What the left never understands is that women and men are different in spite of what they've been told. It's like when I go to a family doing. Generally, women go to one side of the house or yard and men on the other. We have different things to talk about. Our kind of conversations are boring to women and their conversations are boring to men. It's not a sexist thing, it's a nature thing.

Most women don't want to hear conversations about Trump, Hillary or the newest cars, and men don't care about floral arrangements or best recipes. Leftists simply can't accept this concept.
Lets see....I want to run for the highest office in the land and the first thing I do is to alienate 70% of the nation....Joe is too stupid to beat anyone...hasn't he lost three times now?.....
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Its not a secret it is overwhelmingly visible.

Many women start out as lethal competitors in any number of businesses. Then they hit their thirties and realize the rat race is simply not making them happy. Yes some want kids or a family some simply wish to stop the dog eat dog competition and enjoy life. Either way they drop out of the race in large numbers and pursue other things and as a result very few are left in the race and competition to the top.

What is ironic is that this is a matter of self determination and personal freedom which women exercise and the feminazis hate it because they cannot control these women.

It is strange how most men learn sooner or later ( usually sooner ) that a woman cannot be controlled and you are fooling yourself if you think you can do so. Yet feminists think they can and grow indignant when women ignore them and do the opposite of what feminists expect or desire.

Perhaps I just don't know enough people, but I've never met a woman that wanted to be a CEO. I have several educated females in my family, and not one of them even went in that direction.

They went for accounting, for business, for medical, and my sister went into nutrition. In fact before her promotion, she was the supervisor in a world renown hospital. Being a CEO never crossed her mind. She has too much work as it is.

It's just like the police or fire departments. It's work that simply doesn't attract females. Are there some? Yes, but they are not the standard, they are anomalies.

I'm a truck driver. I can tell you that there are very few female drivers out there, and even less that have the talent to do the job. Most of the female drivers only do so to be with their husband because they got lonely sitting at home two weeks at a time without their man. So they went on the road for companionship and not because of this haunting desire to handle a big rig. I don't know any females who ever said their dream was to drive a truck.
It is much like the false claim that lack of female senators or presidents equals a bias.

Not only are their fewer women running for high political office but women in general are a huge percentage of the voting population

In other words it is women and not a bias who choose not to become or to elect women to high office.

I am sure many women and men think it would be great to be a CEO and make lots of money. The problem is that when one starts on a career path towards such a goal it becomes apparent to most that the work needed to achieve said goal is far worse than the reward. Contrary to what far leftists claim CEOs do not just lounge around exploiting others while doing nothing. They live very stressful and difficult lives.

The question is not why far fewer women want or work to obtain such goals the question should be why are so many men stupid enough to make the necessary sacrifices for such a meaningless achievement?

You are correct. Many a shrink couches are loaded with CEO''s who are not only stressed, but depressed because they reached the top of the hill and there is little more to accomplish in life.

What the left never understands is that women and men are different in spite of what they've been told. It's like when I go to a family doing. Generally, women go to one side of the house or yard and men on the other. We have different things to talk about. Our kind of conversations are boring to women and their conversations are boring to men. It's not a sexist thing, it's a nature thing.

Most women don't want to hear conversations about Trump, Hillary or the newest cars, and men don't care about floral arrangements or best recipes. Leftists simply can't accept this concept.
It is true and reflected in many occupations

How many people sacrifice and work themselves to death to become a partner in a law firm only to find more responsibility and not much more pay when they make it there?

Women tend to see these consequences and avoid them more than men do.

It is known that the number of women in med school is much larger than the number of men. However in terms of careers medicine is not one field. Females go into specialties like pediatrics or geriatrics or family practice more than men while the male students steer more towards medical research and surgery .

All worthwhile and important Fields of medicine but with different representation of men and women based on individual choices. Yet some idiotic feminists are still complaining about bias because males who are heart surgeons usually get paid more than the geriatric doctors more of whom are female.
Biden reaching out to the cucked white male demographic

Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??
--------------------------------- well , lets keep it as it is for a few more years eh Sealy .

Hey guys. There is a lot of truth to what is said about women and even blacks but you also have to admit that in a country as diverse as the USA, bias does exist. No other explanation why over 90% of CEOs are all white men..

But don’t think this benefits our broke asses. These same rich white dudes are paying a lot of money to make sure their kid is your boss one day no matter how smart or good of a worker you are. You will be his sons best employee. And maybe that’s good enough for y’all. Maybe you think you’ll do better if whites are privileged not talent.

Is bias also to blame for blacks being over-represented in American sports leagues? What explains the nursing field being 90% women? Oh, and there's the elephant in the room...Jews, who make up less than 3% of the total US population are disproportionately represented in the investment banking sector, in intellectual think-tanks, in media empires and yes, as corporate CEOs. What the fuck is up with that?!!!
It is known that the number of women in med school is much larger than the number of men. However in terms of careers medicine is not one field. Females go into specialties like pediatrics or geriatrics or family practice more than men while the male students steer more towards medical research and surgery .

Yes, but there are always exceptions to the rule. For instance my cousin was a doctor and went into lab work. She was the supervisor actually. That's how she met her wife.
Any man who even uses the word 'cuck' - you can almost guarantee he is a chauvinist at best, a misogynist at worst.


Because they believe COMPLETELY in their superiority over women (even though they usually don't have the guts to admit it).

They see any man who defends women's right to complete equality as a 'cuck' statement.

Almost all of these men seem to be stupid and/or old...so they are of little consequence.

Kinda like most Trumpbots seem to be.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.

Thank you so much for telling us what women want. Like you would have the first clue.

Actuall, you don't have a clue. As usual. Wo tells women what they want and what they need to do? The Democrat Party that's who. Your convenient omission of Hillary, and a host of other liberal women telling women that if they vote for Trump the have betrayed their gender is telling. This may be a shock to you, but most women can think for themselves. They don't want you telling them they have to vote for a woman.
A lot of white men believe blacks and women are under represented in the executive board room because they aren’t smart enough and don’t work as hard. They completely deny there is a bias that exists still.

Too many blacks and women eithe4 don’t vote or vote republican. Women vote for the party that says it’s ok that less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. The women who vote republican must agree that women just don’t have what it takes. That must be it.

Oh sure they’ll tell you that “women” put their family first not their careers but that’s an insult to all the women out there working and getting masters at places like Harvard and then they hit the glass ceiling? Less than 5%?

But blame women for either not voting or voting for republicans. They deserve to be the second class subservient citizens they are.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.

Thank you so much for telling us what women want. Like you would have the first clue.

Actuall, you don't have a clue. As usual. Wo tells women what they want and what they need to do? The Democrat Party that's who. Your convenient omission of Hillary, and a host of other liberal women telling women that if they vote for Trump the have betrayed their gender is telling. This may be a shock to you, but most women can think for themselves. They don't want you telling them they have to vote for a woman.

The Democratic Party doesn't tell women jack shit. Dems give women CHOICES and women make their own decisions based on their own lives, their beliefs and what is right for them. Republicans tell women what they can and cannot do. They cannot decide for themselves whether to have a baby. They cannot demand that their employer funded health care cover THEIR medical choices. They cannot even have job security when they're pregnant. And they cannot be equal under the Constitution.

Women are now telling Republicans that they're done with them.
They cannot decide for themselves whether to have a baby.

Sure they can. Republicans only said killing the baby should not be constitutionally protected since the document mentions nothing about birth or marriage.

They cannot demand that their employer funded health care cover THEIR medical choices.

That goes for men and women. Companies offer plans, and you either accept them or not. What Republicans say is that GOVERNMENT SHOUD NOT FORCE a business to provide coverage they don't wish to provide.......for anybody.

They cannot even have job security when they're pregnant.

Why not? It's against the law to fire somebody for medical absence.

And they cannot be equal under the Constitution.

Care to give us an example of that?
Many women internally must feel they have been sold a hill of beans. The ones forced to work in mundane jobs now because extreme feminism told them "I am women hear me proud". They know what many men go through. Unfortunately they reach a certain age and are not very good at many things like taking care of a house or apartment or putting a meal on the table and other things. I know it sounds sexist. But being a self centered slob while aging is no virtue.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Maybe they should help by not clubing their ownselves over the head, so there is that as well. This feeling sorry for genders is rediculous, because in America there is more opportunity than anywhere in the world for both genders male and female if truly want it. Using gender for political arguments has become the norm in this country now, just like using race is the same bullcrap that is being used by political parties that are attempting to bring in groups, even if it is all bullcrap in the end game with these tactics used.... It's for the purpose of pure power grab now.

It is a ridiculous argument. It's like saying the NFL is racist because most of their players are black, or that the American baseball league is anti-American because many of their players are foreign born.

And again we have right wing white men, who refuse to acknowledge their own racism or misogyny, telling us that there is a level playing field, even as they keep complaining that they’re being discriminated against.
Being white and male does not make one racist or misogynist. The vast majority of accusations of misogyny and racism are simply false PC labels

Unlike left wing claims which are simply based on feelings there really is a system of discrimination against white men called affirmative action

There is no such identifiable legal discrimination against any minority. Only repeated claims based on feels which are not valid evidence.

Being white and male isn't why I called these men out on their these racism and their misogynism. I called them out because of their posts - their utter ignorance and biases.

The benefitting class is always oblivious to the disparities and biases built into the system to benefit them.
When you emasculate one group to achieve what you want then you are lowering the standards. Hence a reason for our nation's decline.
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed
I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.

Thank you so much for telling us what women want. Like you would have the first clue.

Actuall, you don't have a clue. As usual. Wo tells women what they want and what they need to do? The Democrat Party that's who. Your convenient omission of Hillary, and a host of other liberal women telling women that if they vote for Trump the have betrayed their gender is telling. This may be a shock to you, but most women can think for themselves. They don't want you telling them they have to vote for a woman.

The Democratic Party doesn't tell women jack shit. Dems give women CHOICES and women make their own decisions based on their own lives, their beliefs and what is right for them. Republicans tell women what they can and cannot do. They cannot decide for themselves whether to have a baby. They cannot demand that their employer funded health care cover THEIR medical choices. They cannot even have job security when they're pregnant. And they cannot be equal under the Constitution.

Women are now telling Republicans that they're done with them.
--------------------------- Only good thing i see is that its WAR between good women , normal men and feminazis and i don't mind seeing that DLady .
------------------------------------- Works out pretty good for Old White Guys if your thinking is correct eh Sealy ??

I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Its not a secret it is overwhelmingly visible.

Many women start out as lethal competitors in any number of businesses. Then they hit their thirties and realize the rat race is simply not making them happy. Yes some want kids or a family some simply wish to stop the dog eat dog competition and enjoy life. Either way they drop out of the race in large numbers and pursue other things and as a result very few are left in the race and competition to the top.

What is ironic is that this is a matter of self determination and personal freedom which women exercise and the feminazis hate it because they cannot control these women.

It is strange how most men learn sooner or later ( usually sooner ) that a woman cannot be controlled and you are fooling yourself if you think you can do so. Yet feminists think they can and grow indignant when women ignore them and do the opposite of what feminists expect or desire.

Perhaps I just don't know enough people, but I've never met a woman that wanted to be a CEO. I have several educated females in my family, and not one of them even went in that direction.

They went for accounting, for business, for medical, and my sister went into nutrition. In fact before her promotion, she was the supervisor in a world renown hospital. Being a CEO never crossed her mind. She has too much work as it is.

It's just like the police or fire departments. It's work that simply doesn't attract females. Are there some? Yes, but they are not the standard, they are anomalies.

I'm a truck driver. I can tell you that there are very few female drivers out there, and even less that have the talent to do the job. Most of the female drivers only do so to be with their husband because they got lonely sitting at home two weeks at a time without their man. So they went on the road for companionship and not because of this haunting desire to handle a big rig. I don't know any females who ever said their dream was to drive a truck.
There’s a lot of diversity in this country. I’m just using women and blacks as examples. In a country as diverse as ours it’s ridiculous to suggest only white men want to be CEOs. It’s simply not true. It’s proof of a power hold the rich have. It’s not our best and brightest in society that become CEOs. It rich men’s kids. And they all just so happen to be white men. This proves the bias.

Some of these rich people pay a lot of money to get their kids the best education and they use their connections just like Jussie Smollett did to get their jobs. Think George Bush jr. he owned the Texas rangers how? He got into Yale how? Why?
I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Its not a secret it is overwhelmingly visible.

Many women start out as lethal competitors in any number of businesses. Then they hit their thirties and realize the rat race is simply not making them happy. Yes some want kids or a family some simply wish to stop the dog eat dog competition and enjoy life. Either way they drop out of the race in large numbers and pursue other things and as a result very few are left in the race and competition to the top.

What is ironic is that this is a matter of self determination and personal freedom which women exercise and the feminazis hate it because they cannot control these women.

It is strange how most men learn sooner or later ( usually sooner ) that a woman cannot be controlled and you are fooling yourself if you think you can do so. Yet feminists think they can and grow indignant when women ignore them and do the opposite of what feminists expect or desire.

Perhaps I just don't know enough people, but I've never met a woman that wanted to be a CEO. I have several educated females in my family, and not one of them even went in that direction.

They went for accounting, for business, for medical, and my sister went into nutrition. In fact before her promotion, she was the supervisor in a world renown hospital. Being a CEO never crossed her mind. She has too much work as it is.

It's just like the police or fire departments. It's work that simply doesn't attract females. Are there some? Yes, but they are not the standard, they are anomalies.

I'm a truck driver. I can tell you that there are very few female drivers out there, and even less that have the talent to do the job. Most of the female drivers only do so to be with their husband because they got lonely sitting at home two weeks at a time without their man. So they went on the road for companionship and not because of this haunting desire to handle a big rig. I don't know any females who ever said their dream was to drive a truck.
Yes truck driving is yet another of those occupations which proves the bias argument false.

There are many kinds or truck drivers and jobs for them but in general they make a good living but at a cost. Truck drivers generally tend to work terribly long hours on the road for long stretches at a time which is a huge sacrifice to make for the pay.

All one has to do is glance at the drivers on the interstate to realize the vast majority are men

Men are more willing than women are to make that sacrifice for the good pay

When left to their own devices to make choices without interference from others the differences between men and women will grow more apparent.

Feminists hate this of course which is why they stopped being about equal rights long ago
I don’t see women disagreeing so I have to assume you and ray are right
I have never understood how ANY woman could vote Republican, or gays or blacks for that matter. How can you vote for a party that doesn't want women to have equal rights under the Constitution, or that would remove the woman's right to reproductive choice? Talk about voting against your own best interests.
And they won’t admit they don’t want women to have equal rights but they say women do have equality and it’s not bias that produces less than 5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are Women

They’ll use every excuse. My favorite is that women often times put family first. Women who put family first and let their husbands go to work can understand this explanation.

But what about all the Harvard mba grads who have no kids but are Vice Presidents at companies now? Even in the vp category women are far too under represented but the point is these white male ceos are not picking women to succeed them. Not nearly enough.

If women were 20% of the CEOs that might make sense but less than 5%? Bias is at play here.

I noticed the other day the ceo of the special Olympics is a woman. But that’s not a Fortune 500.

Women should be offended but they are not.

And women have benefitted more than anyone else from affirmative action yet they vote gop. They should be ashamed or embarrassed

Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Its not a secret it is overwhelmingly visible.

Many women start out as lethal competitors in any number of businesses. Then they hit their thirties and realize the rat race is simply not making them happy. Yes some want kids or a family some simply wish to stop the dog eat dog competition and enjoy life. Either way they drop out of the race in large numbers and pursue other things and as a result very few are left in the race and competition to the top.

What is ironic is that this is a matter of self determination and personal freedom which women exercise and the feminazis hate it because they cannot control these women.

It is strange how most men learn sooner or later ( usually sooner ) that a woman cannot be controlled and you are fooling yourself if you think you can do so. Yet feminists think they can and grow indignant when women ignore them and do the opposite of what feminists expect or desire.

Perhaps I just don't know enough people, but I've never met a woman that wanted to be a CEO. I have several educated females in my family, and not one of them even went in that direction.

They went for accounting, for business, for medical, and my sister went into nutrition. In fact before her promotion, she was the supervisor in a world renown hospital. Being a CEO never crossed her mind. She has too much work as it is.

It's just like the police or fire departments. It's work that simply doesn't attract females. Are there some? Yes, but they are not the standard, they are anomalies.

I'm a truck driver. I can tell you that there are very few female drivers out there, and even less that have the talent to do the job. Most of the female drivers only do so to be with their husband because they got lonely sitting at home two weeks at a time without their man. So they went on the road for companionship and not because of this haunting desire to handle a big rig. I don't know any females who ever said their dream was to drive a truck.
There’s a lot of diversity in this country. I’m just using women and blacks as examples. In a country as diverse as ours it’s ridiculous to suggest only white men want to be CEOs. It’s simply not true. It’s proof of a power hold the rich have. It’s not our best and brightest in society that become CEOs. It rich men’s kids. And they all just so happen to be white men. This proves the bias.

Some of these rich people pay a lot of money to get their kids the best education and they use their connections just like Jussie Smollett did to get their jobs. Think George Bush jr. he owned the Texas rangers how? He got into Yale how? Why?
Nothing but pure jealousy is all this post is.
Good point. Maybe we can club those women on the head and drag them to CEO offices because it's likely many of them don't want to be CEO's for family reasons or otherwise.
Maybe they should help by not clubing their ownselves over the head, so there is that as well. This feeling sorry for genders is rediculous, because in America there is more opportunity than anywhere in the world for both genders male and female if truly want it. Using gender for political arguments has become the norm in this country now, just like using race is the same bullcrap that is being used by political parties that are attempting to bring in groups, even if it is all bullcrap in the end game with these tactics used.... It's for the purpose of pure power grab now.

It is a ridiculous argument. It's like saying the NFL is racist because most of their players are black, or that the American baseball league is anti-American because many of their players are foreign born.

And again we have right wing white men, who refuse to acknowledge their own racism or misogyny, telling us that there is a level playing field, even as they keep complaining that they’re being discriminated against.
Being white and male does not make one racist or misogynist. The vast majority of accusations of misogyny and racism are simply false PC labels

Unlike left wing claims which are simply based on feelings there really is a system of discrimination against white men called affirmative action

There is no such identifiable legal discrimination against any minority. Only repeated claims based on feels which are not valid evidence.

Being white and male isn't why I called these men out on their these racism and their misogynism. I called them out because of their posts - their utter ignorance and biases.

The benefitting class is always oblivious to the disparities and biases built into the system to benefit them.
There is no evidence of racism or misogyny in any of their posts.

Nor is there any evidence of such a system of bias

Disparity is nothing more than the results of individual choices.

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