White Nationalist and Racist are now empowered to hate

Racism, black or white or whatever, is not going to get a new foot hold.


I hope not... but it's going to be a long time before a lot of the people that hold some of these archaic ideals die off. Sadly I'll probably be dead before I see it happen.
Racism, black or white or whatever, is not going to get a new foot hold.


I hope not... but it's going to be a long time before a lot of the people that hold some of these archaic ideals die off. Sadly I'll probably be dead before I see it happen.
That's why we keep holding up the theowl32 and 2aguy and S. J. and the rest and keep mocking them publicly.
And you must be proud of cop killers, rapists and child molesters.


Uh? What? I'd like to see how this relates to the topic.
That is because you are stupid. Most liberals are. Go back and read the OP moron. Jim, clearly a mentally challenged individual, claimed Trump and Bannon are proud of vandalism and racism. Using his broken logic, that means you losers are proud of murdering cops, raping children, etc.

Liberals support dangerous racist movements and support the release of dangerous illegals into society. Sick little turds.
Racism, black or white or whatever, is not going to get a new foot hold.


I hope not... but it's going to be a long time before a lot of the people that hold some of these archaic ideals die off. Sadly I'll probably be dead before I see it happen.
That's why we keep holding up the theowl32 and 2aguy and S. J. and the rest and keep mocking them publicly.

But to be quite honest, all that does is feed their hate and empower them even more. Like I said in another thread, racism is ingrained in people, and it isn't an easy thing to change. The first thing is, people have to want to change, and when you see people like Trump, Pence, and Sessions in power, that isn't helping to change anything.
And you must be proud of cop killers, rapists and child molesters.


Uh? What? I'd like to see how this relates to the topic.
That is because you are stupid. Most liberals are. Go back and read the OP moron. Jim, clearly a mentally challenged individual, claimed Trump and Bannon are proud of vandalism and racism. Using his broken logic, that means you losers are proud of murdering cops, raping children, etc. Liberals support dangerous racist movements and support the release of dangerous illegals into society. Sick little turds.
So you want to act like like liberals and let theowl32s and S. J.s and the rest run loose. You creampuffs are to weak to do it. Watch.
That is because you are stupid. Most liberals are. Go back and read the OP moron. Jim, clearly a mentally challenged individual, claimed Trump and Bannon are proud of vandalism and racism. Using his broken logic, that means you losers are proud of murdering cops, raping children, etc.

Liberals support dangerous racist movements and support the release of dangerous illegals into society. Sick little turds.

Well......that's kind of to be expected. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives mostly side with good. It's just the nature of our parties.

So they are supplanting Black Lives Matters?

If Trump is so proud of it why is he telling people to stop doing it, as opposed to Hillary Clinton who hasn't told protesters to stop vandalizing property, shutting down traffic, and assaulting people?

You do also realize that several of these incidents have turned out to be hoaxes perpetrated by the anti-Trump crowd, right?

WRONG! Black Lives Matter is a peaceful protest about repression and oppression against blacks and other minorities. Trump is a covert member of the KKK. Why else would they endorse him? I'll bet his closet is full of white sheets and wooden crosses soaked in gasoline. #liberal logic
Idiot alert! Are you really this stupid or are you being paid to post this crap?
That is because you are stupid. Most liberals are. Go back and read the OP moron. Jim, clearly a mentally challenged individual, claimed Trump and Bannon are proud of vandalism and racism. Using his broken logic, that means you losers are proud of murdering cops, raping children, etc.

Liberals support dangerous racist movements and support the release of dangerous illegals into society. Sick little turds.

Well......that's kind of to be expected. Liberals always side with evil and conservatives mostly side with good. It's just the nature of our parties.
So you want to follow in the footsteps of and act like the liberals. That won't be permitted.
And you must be proud of cop killers, rapists and child molesters.


Uh? What? I'd like to see how this relates to the topic.
That is because you are stupid. Most liberals are. Go back and read the OP moron. Jim, clearly a mentally challenged individual, claimed Trump and Bannon are proud of vandalism and racism. Using his broken logic, that means you losers are proud of murdering cops, raping children, etc. Liberals support dangerous racist movements and support the release of dangerous illegals into society. Sick little turds.
So you want to act like like liberals and let theowl32s and S. J.s and the rest run loose. You creampuffs are to weak to do it. Watch.
Whatever cop killer supporter.
And you must be proud of cop killers, rapists and child molesters.


Uh? What? I'd like to see how this relates to the topic.
That is because you are stupid. Most liberals are. Go back and read the OP moron. Jim, clearly a mentally challenged individual, claimed Trump and Bannon are proud of vandalism and racism. Using his broken logic, that means you losers are proud of murdering cops, raping children, etc.

Liberals support dangerous racist movements and support the release of dangerous illegals into society. Sick little turds.

I'm not a liberal. I'm also a Criminal Justice major with a Minor in Police Studies. Do you realize that more cops have been killed by white people this year than by Blacks?

Raping Children? How does that fit in? Show me how my logic is broken. How about me showing how your logic is broken by believing there is only two groups of people, Liberals and Conservatives. You're wrong.
The point is simple: if Trump and Pence do not crush the leftists right and left, the American people will.
And you must be proud of cop killers, rapists and child molesters.


Uh? What? I'd like to see how this relates to the topic.
That is because you are stupid. Most liberals are. Go back and read the OP moron. Jim, clearly a mentally challenged individual, claimed Trump and Bannon are proud of vandalism and racism. Using his broken logic, that means you losers are proud of murdering cops, raping children, etc. Liberals support dangerous racist movements and support the release of dangerous illegals into society. Sick little turds.
So you want to act like like liberals and let theowl32s and S. J.s and the rest run loose. You creampuffs are to weak to do it. Watch.
Whatever cop killer supporter.
You are the one who support the cop killers. I support law and order, and that includes putting down racists when they act out.
Racism, black or white or whatever, is not going to get a new foot hold.


Bannon and his Alt Right movement now have a seat at the table. The wall, racist attacks, and internment camps are not far behind.

The American people are very proud. You, however, are extremely butt hurt.

Actually, the majority of the American people are NOT proud. But we will put up with an Orange Clown for four years.

If he last four years.
He will last four years unless he is impeached or dies in office.

The American people are very proud. You, however, are extremely butt hurt.

Actually, the majority of the American people are NOT proud. But we will put up with an Orange Clown for four years.

Make that EIGHT years Jim. Then after the next election the Republicans will gain even more seats in Congress and will then sweep the next Presidential election as well. The Democratic Party is finished. It committed suicide.

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