White nationalist groups vs. BLM....what is the difference and how do the different groups vote?

The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?
holy crap

Trumpism, 2020

(Watch this folks, watch how paranoid Mac is of the question...He knows he can’t answer it appropriately. He responds with...BIT, BUT, BUT TRUMPISM)

The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?

Try again Mac, this is so easy. Just lie to save face but atleast address the question.
Um, no it is not.

My goodness, you guys are such victims and snowflakes.

Poor you.

There you have it folks...more crazy shit from the Left.
A government telling employers they must hire people whom are not white is not an oppressive policy toward whites.
Hahaha...these dumbmotherfuckers can’t get out of their own way.
The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?
holy crap

Trumpism, 2020

(Watch this folks, watch how paranoid Mac is of the question...He knows he can’t answer it appropriately. He responds with...BIT, BUT, BUT TRUMPISM)

The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?

Try again Mac, this is so easy. Just lie to save face but atleast address the question.
Um, no it is not.

My goodness, you guys are such victims and snowflakes.

Poor you.

There you have it folks...more crazy shit from the Left.
A government telling employers they must hire people whom are not white is not an oppressive policy toward whites.
Hahaha...these dumbmotherfuckers can’t get out of their own way.
Have you ever thought about having a good cry every day, just to get this stuff out of your system?

You actually think you're "oppressed" in a world of so much worse.

Maybe do it every morning before you start your day. Have a good sob and get on with your life.

What a tender flower.
The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?
holy crap

Trumpism, 2020

(Watch this folks, watch how paranoid Mac is of the question...He knows he can’t answer it appropriately. He responds with...BIT, BUT, BUT TRUMPISM)

The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?

Try again Mac, this is so easy. Just lie to save face but atleast address the question.
Um, no it is not.

My goodness, you guys are such victims and snowflakes.

Poor you.

There you have it folks...more crazy shit from the Left.
A government telling employers they must hire people whom are not white is not an oppressive policy toward whites.
Hahaha...these dumbmotherfuckers can’t get out of their own way.
Have you ever thought about having a good cry every day, just to get this stuff out of your system?

You actually think you're "oppressed" in a world of so much worse.

Maybe do it every morning before you start your day. Have a good sob and get on with your life.

What a tender flower.
Go back and read the thread bud...I’m not oppressed by any stretch...Just like Kaepernick is not oppressed...The two groups, BLM and White Nationalists believe they are fighting against oppression. Sorry it’s too simple for your complex mind bud.
The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?
holy crap

Trumpism, 2020

(Watch this folks, watch how paranoid Mac is of the question...He knows he can’t answer it appropriately. He responds with...BIT, BUT, BUT TRUMPISM)

The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?

Try again Mac, this is so easy. Just lie to save face but atleast address the question.
Um, no it is not.

My goodness, you guys are such victims and snowflakes.

Poor you.

There you have it folks...more crazy shit from the Left.
A government telling employers they must hire people whom are not white is not an oppressive policy toward whites.
Hahaha...these dumbmotherfuckers can’t get out of their own way.
Have you ever thought about having a good cry every day, just to get this stuff out of your system?

You actually think you're "oppressed" in a world of so much worse.

Maybe do it every morning before you start your day. Have a good sob and get on with your life.

What a tender flower.
Go back and read the thread bud...I’m not oppressed by any stretch...Just like Kaepernick is not oppressed...The two groups, BLM and White Nationalists believe they are fighting against oppression. Sorry it’s too simple for your complex mind bud.
And you're not a white nationalist / supremacist / separatist.


Go have a good cry.
What do YOU think OP, how are these groups similar?

I'm curious to know.
White nationalists are FAR less violent, for one. For two, they dont destroy cities. Its pretty pathetic that Nazis are more well behaved than democrats.
The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?
holy crap

Trumpism, 2020

(Watch this folks, watch how paranoid Mac is of the question...He knows he can’t answer it appropriately. He responds with...BIT, BUT, BUT TRUMPISM)

The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?

Try again Mac, this is so easy. Just lie to save face but atleast address the question.
Um, no it is not.

My goodness, you guys are such victims and snowflakes.

Poor you.

There you have it folks...more crazy shit from the Left.
A government telling employers they must hire people whom are not white is not an oppressive policy toward whites.
Hahaha...these dumbmotherfuckers can’t get out of their own way.
Have you ever thought about having a good cry every day, just to get this stuff out of your system?

You actually think you're "oppressed" in a world of so much worse.

Maybe do it every morning before you start your day. Have a good sob and get on with your life.

What a tender flower.
Go back and read the thread bud...I’m not oppressed by any stretch...Just like Kaepernick is not oppressed...The two groups, BLM and White Nationalists believe they are fighting against oppression. Sorry it’s too simple for your complex mind bud.
And you're not a white nationalist / supremacist / separatist.


Go have a good cry.

I am 100% full blown white nationalist
The point of the thread is; the Democrat Party openly supports and endorses BLM because they vote Democrat....Whereas the Republican Party does not support or endorse the White Nationalist movement as they should.
The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?
holy crap

Trumpism, 2020

(Watch this folks, watch how paranoid Mac is of the question...He knows he can’t answer it appropriately. He responds with...BIT, BUT, BUT TRUMPISM)

The U.S. government has their “knee on whiteys neck” by way of affirmative action and the like. Is that not oppression in its purest form?

Try again Mac, this is so easy. Just lie to save face but atleast address the question.
Um, no it is not.

My goodness, you guys are such victims and snowflakes.

Poor you.

There you have it folks...more crazy shit from the Left.
A government telling employers they must hire people whom are not white is not an oppressive policy toward whites.
Hahaha...these dumbmotherfuckers can’t get out of their own way.
Have you ever thought about having a good cry every day, just to get this stuff out of your system?

You actually think you're "oppressed" in a world of so much worse.

Maybe do it every morning before you start your day. Have a good sob and get on with your life.

What a tender flower.
Go back and read the thread bud...I’m not oppressed by any stretch...Just like Kaepernick is not oppressed...The two groups, BLM and White Nationalists believe they are fighting against oppression. Sorry it’s too simple for your complex mind bud.
And you're not a white nationalist / supremacist / separatist.


Go have a good cry.

I am 100% full blown white nationalist
The point of the thread is; the Democrat Party openly supports and endorses BLM because they vote Democrat....Whereas the Republican Party does not support or endorse the White Nationalist movement as they should.
Hey, we can agree.

I think the GOP, and especially Trump, should clearly and officially support the White Nationalist movement.

There ya go.

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