White nationalists are a political force in the US.

White nationalists are a political force in the US. President Trump has been a dog whistler to the white nationalists. Trump appears to scared to call out white nationalists as exemplified in Charlottesville.
Trump talks to the white nationalists with his description of Hispanic illegals and asylum seekers as rapists and criminals.
There are enough white nationalists that if Trump cannot keep their support he will lose the election in 2020.
The Republicans are just average mainstream middle class people and they are who the radical and racist Democrats hate so much.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
You prove my point. If you think the Republican party is mainstream middle class then you feel mainstream middle class is substantially more white than the majority of the US, substantially more male than the majority of the US, substantially less educated than the majority party of the US.
That is not the US, that is the Republican party and who Trump wants to dominate the US.
White nationalists are a political force in the US. President Trump has been a dog whistler to the white nationalists. Trump appears to scared to call out white nationalists as exemplified in Charlottesville.
Trump talks to the white nationalists with his description of Hispanic illegals and asylum seekers as rapists and criminals.
There are enough white nationalists that if Trump cannot keep their support he will lose the election in 2020.
The Republicans are just average mainstream middle class people and they are who the radical and racist Democrats hate so much.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
You prove my point. If you think the Republican party is mainstream middle class then you feel mainstream middle class is substantially more white than the majority of the US, substantially more male than the majority of the US, substantially less educated than the majority party of the US.
That is not the US, that is the Republican party and who Trump wants to dominate the US.
6 more years dumfuk.
I don't like muslims because they despise America and Americans. Therefore, I'm a racist.
I don't like the normalization of men performing butt sex on each other. Therefore, I'm a homophobe.
And proud of it. And I don't give a shit what you pansy ass leftist socialist society sucking turds think about it either.

Muslim isn't a race, but thanks for sharing.
It is absolutely amazing how stupid the majority of Trump supporters are.
That's because you're a worthless leftist traitor. It seems you've contacted "Maddow On The Brain Disease". It happens to government worshippers that are too stupid to think and do for themselves.
That is the top of irony that a Trump supporter is talking about not thinking for themselves.
The Trump supporters are a cult led by Trump.
I don't like muslims because they despise America and Americans. Therefore, I'm a racist.
I don't like the normalization of men performing butt sex on each other. Therefore, I'm a homophobe.
And proud of it. And I don't give a shit what you pansy ass leftist socialist society sucking turds think about it either.

Muslim isn't a race, but thanks for sharing.
It is absolutely amazing how stupid the majority of Trump supporters are.
That's because you're a worthless leftist traitor. It seems you've contacted "Maddow On The Brain Disease". It happens to government worshippers that are too stupid to think and do for themselves.
That is the top of irony that a Trump supporter is talking about not thinking for themselves.
The Trump supporters are a cult led by Trump.
Lol you worthless leftist traitors cry about Trump on a daily basis. I don't need a politician to live my life. You apparently do.
Everything you just said is a lie. White nationalists are considered to be neo-nazis, and they account for less than .5% of the population.
Then why is Trump going out of his way not to call them out?
Because you're an idiot.
That is a logical answer. And completely explains why Trump will not call out white nationalist.
Perhaps O'Biden should call out the leftist Dayton shooter.
I don't like muslims because they despise America and Americans. Therefore, I'm a racist.
I don't like the normalization of men performing butt sex on each other. Therefore, I'm a homophobe.
And proud of it. And I don't give a shit what you pansy ass leftist socialist society sucking turds think about it either.
At least you understand who you are. I can tell you why you are who you are. If you have a brain at all, it is the size of a pea. In language you may understand you are an absolute dumb shit. God help you.
I don't like muslims because they despise America and Americans. Therefore, I'm a racist.
I don't like the normalization of men performing butt sex on each other. Therefore, I'm a homophobe.
And proud of it. And I don't give a shit what you pansy ass leftist socialist society sucking turds think about it either.
At least you understand who you are. I can tell you why you are who you are. If you have a brain at all, it is the size of a pea. In language you may understand you are an absolute dumb shit. God help you.
What do you know about God? You're a leftist.
He was having a do-over a day or two later, because his original remarks sucked out loud.

I'm not following your 1970 question. If I feel like answering it, I will. Personally, 1970 was olive drab to me.

You want to talk about his first press conference on the rally? I'm happy to do so.

But you made it about the second press conference when you lied about what he said then.

Choose. Which one you want to attack him on, first or second?

You want to pretend Trump isn't a lying bigot, that's up to you. Given his past month or so of tweets, only an idiot or fellow-traveler could believe it.

I asked a simple question, which of his press positions do you want to attack him on.

If you were serious, and honest, you would answer and I would cut and paste his statements and prove that your vile lies are vile lies, and you are a race baiting hate monger.

Which is why you did not answer and instead just spouted off shit.

"Trump: "...you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."
I doubt you've ever been close enough to a woman to do such a thing.
Whoa, that is a great come back. You have quite the wit.
White nationalists are a political force in the US. President Trump has been a dog whistler to the white nationalists. Trump appears to scared to call out white nationalists as exemplified in Charlottesville.
Trump talks to the white nationalists with his description of Hispanic illegals and asylum seekers as rapists and criminals.
There are enough white nationalists that if Trump cannot keep their support he will lose the election in 2020.
The Republicans are just average mainstream middle class people and they are who the radical and racist Democrats hate so much.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
You prove my point. If you think the Republican party is mainstream middle class then you feel mainstream middle class is substantially more white than the majority of the US, substantially more male than the majority of the US, substantially less educated than the majority party of the US.
That is not the US, that is the Republican party and who Trump wants to dominate the US.
Identity politics has backfired on the Dems, it's a dull tool, it's a loser tool
I don't like muslims because they despise America and Americans. Therefore, I'm a racist.
I don't like the normalization of men performing butt sex on each other. Therefore, I'm a homophobe.
And proud of it. And I don't give a shit what you pansy ass leftist socialist society sucking turds think about it either.
At least you understand who you are. I can tell you why you are who you are. If you have a brain at all, it is the size of a pea. In language you may understand you are an absolute dumb shit. God help you.
What do you know about God? You're a leftist.
I believe in God and feel he can do many great things that seem impossible including helping you.
i feel bad for baltimore's isolated suburban kids, who wont get to vote for their hero trump because they're not old enough
the voting age should be lowered significantly, my friends!
White nationalists are a political force in the US. President Trump has been a dog whistler to the white nationalists. Trump appears to scared to call out white nationalists as exemplified in Charlottesville.
Trump talks to the white nationalists with his description of Hispanic illegals and asylum seekers as rapists and criminals.
There are enough white nationalists that if Trump cannot keep their support he will lose the election in 2020.
The Republicans are just average mainstream middle class people and they are who the radical and racist Democrats hate so much.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
You prove my point. If you think the Republican party is mainstream middle class then you feel mainstream middle class is substantially more white than the majority of the US, substantially more male than the majority of the US, substantially less educated than the majority party of the US.
That is not the US, that is the Republican party and who Trump wants to dominate the US.
Identity politics has backfired on the Dems, it's a dull tool, it's a loser tool
The facts are the facts. Those are the demographics of the Republican party. A party dominated by dumb, old, white men and women who feel a woman's place is to support their man.
I don't like muslims because they despise America and Americans. Therefore, I'm a racist.
I don't like the normalization of men performing butt sex on each other. Therefore, I'm a homophobe.
And proud of it. And I don't give a shit what you pansy ass leftist socialist society sucking turds think about it either.
At least you understand who you are. I can tell you why you are who you are. If you have a brain at all, it is the size of a pea. In language you may understand you are an absolute dumb shit. God help you.
What do you know about God? You're a leftist.
I believe in God and feel he can do many great things that seem impossible including helping you.
Bullshit. You believe in men in women's bathrooms and killing unborn babies.
As to what I called his "gratuitous" reference to Obama, it was just that - gratuitous. There was no reason to mention him. Trump knew his hate-mongering would lead to criticism of him after the Charlottesville, so he tried to share the wealth.

His only comment on Obama, was that this problem predated Obama.

If anything, it looked like a preemptive DEFENSE of Obama, not an attempt to shift criticism.

And as for your lie about his "hate mongering", here is what he actually said in the press conference you are lying about.

"Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America."

Worst hate monger ever.
Not at all. I'm trying to correct the false claim from people like you, that he gave the neo-nazis a pass or any type of support.

I don't want to get sidetracked into a discussion on Antifa or other groups that he might have been including as violent in that statement.

I'm certainly willing to discuss that, my primary intent is to call you lying libs out on your lie about his calling neo-nazis "very fine people".

It is important that that lie be debunked.

Because that is fucking important.

If the President of the United States is a neo-nazi sympathizer, that would be something that people would need to know.

If he is NOT, then what type of piece of shit would spread the lie that he was?

Yeah, yeah. Sell that bullshit walking. You edited out half the paragraph, including Trump's gratuitous reference to Obama (in a low-brow deflection).

Then Trump walked back, before doubling down, because he's a whiny c*nt.

He specified that this problem has been a problem BEFORE Obama, so it is not Obama's fault.

Are you really attacking him for THAT?

Or me, for not including it, in a post about what Trump did NOT say about neo-nazis?

How the hell would it help to clarify what Trump did not say about neo-nazis, to know that Trump was NOT blaming neo-nazis on Obama?

I cut and pasted the important part(s) of the transcripts, ie Trump specifying that he was NOT talking about neo-nazis, when he said, "Very fine people".

That was the point I was making. I made it. You are refusing to admit it, even though I have proved it.

You are just stonewalling and trying to deflect from the fact you are stone cold busted.

You edited out the "on many sides" part. The reason I posted the entire text is so you can see he didn't mention race, racism, antisemitism, or white nationalists.

After a lot of criticism, he came back with a prepared, insincere statement. After that didn't go over well, he reverted to "both sides".

Dude, he called some of the white nationalists and anti-semites "very fine people", then calls black American football players "sons-of-bitches" for exercising their fucking rights. Even a troglodyte out to be able to see the inherent prejudice in that.

He specifically did NOT call the white nationalists, "very fine people".

Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue?

"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly."

If you read the entire transcript, it is obvious that one of the "Sides" he is talking about, is the neo-nazis.

He does specify neo nazis and/or white supremacists multiple times in the transcripts, as you can see in the excerpt right above.

Guess that won't fly. Here it is AGAIN.

"...you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally....."

I'm happy to discuss other issues, but not at the cost of your using them to dodge the important point here.

Read it? It's right there, dummy. It was his first statement on the subject. Then came the walk-back and the double-down - you know, the parts you like, instead of his first reaction.

I like it all. HIs first statement where he condemned the violence and hatred from all those that were committing it, and his later statements where he specified that he was talking about, among others, the neo-nazis, as "violent...bad people".

Show me the part where he supposedly walks anything back.

I challenge you.

Cut and past the exact part. Or admit that you are just throwing shit against a wall like a monkey.

And not one of the smarter monkeys.
Bullfucking shit.

I call you out on your lies.

Trump: ".... And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."

"Very fine people on both sides." There's a fig leaf, stupid.

No, it was not. He was making a perfectly fine point about the people there, who did not fit into the media's narrative of the event.

ANYONE that claims that he was referring to neo nazis, when he specifically and explicitly stated that he was not,

is a vile lying piece of shit.

Do you consider the America of 1970 a white culture? As you define it?
The culture of the 1950's was definitely a white culture. Trump is trying to roll our economy and culture back to the 1950's.
But it is not 1950, it is almost 70 years later and the US and the world has changed substantially.

As defined by you, it was a "White culture".

So, any attempt to turn back the clock, whether on manufacturing jobs, or political culture, or marriage rates or crime rates, for a few examples, as part of "Making America Great Again"

would be, tying to bring back a "white culture"


Query: Does saying that make YOU a racist?
I would like to have the manufacturing jobs of the 1950's but it is not going to happen automation and a global economy has made that impossible. There many new high tech jobs that did not exist in the 1950's. You need to get real with the world today.
I would like the political culture of yesteryear. ....
You need to get real.

The point is, you made the claim that the culture that people want to bring back, is "white".

NOw you have admitted that YOU define it as white.

Are you a racist for saying that?

Here is the two issues that you people are conflating.

IN the past, when America was vast majority white, it made sense to conflate White CUlture, and American culture.

So, if someone is harkening back to such a time, it is really just a matter of spin whether they are discussing Traditional American culture, or "White Culture".

I dont' think you are a racist for defining the culture of America of the 70s as White.

SO, show US the same respect, and drop the fucking asshole race baiting.
No, it was not. He was making a perfectly fine point about the people there, who did not fit into the media's narrative of the event.

ANYONE that claims that he was referring to neo nazis, when he specifically and explicitly stated that he was not,

is a vile lying piece of shit.

Do you consider the America of 1970 a white culture? As you define it?

He was having a do-over a day or two later, because his original remarks sucked out loud.

I'm not following your 1970 question. If I feel like answering it, I will. Personally, 1970 was olive drab to me.

You want to talk about his first press conference on the rally? I'm happy to do so.

But you made it about the second press conference when you lied about what he said then.

Choose. Which one you want to attack him on, first or second?

You want to pretend Trump isn't a lying bigot, that's up to you. Given his past month or so of tweets, only an idiot or fellow-traveler could believe it.

I asked a simple question, which of his press positions do you want to attack him on.

If you were serious, and honest, you would answer and I would cut and paste his statements and prove that your vile lies are vile lies, and you are a race baiting hate monger.

Which is why you did not answer and instead just spouted off shit.

"Trump: "...you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."

A lib get called out on one lie, and instead of coming clean, they just throw out another lie.


Also, try to be less of a beta cuck.
White nationalists are a political force in the US. President Trump has been a dog whistler to the white nationalists. Trump appears to scared to call out white nationalists as exemplified in Charlottesville.
Trump talks to the white nationalists with his description of Hispanic illegals and asylum seekers as rapists and criminals.
There are enough white nationalists that if Trump cannot keep their support he will lose the election in 2020.
Less of a force than Antifa...
White nationalists are a political force in the US. President Trump has been a dog whistler to the white nationalists. Trump appears to scared to call out white nationalists as exemplified in Charlottesville.
Trump talks to the white nationalists with his description of Hispanic illegals and asylum seekers as rapists and criminals.
There are enough white nationalists that if Trump cannot keep their support he will lose the election in 2020.
The Republicans are just average mainstream middle class people and they are who the radical and racist Democrats hate so much.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
You prove my point. If you think the Republican party is mainstream middle class then you feel mainstream middle class is substantially more white than the majority of the US, substantially more male than the majority of the US, substantially less educated than the majority party of the US.
That is not the US, that is the Republican party and who Trump wants to dominate the US.
Identity politics has backfired on the Dems, it's a dull tool, it's a loser tool
The facts are the facts. Those are the demographics of the Republican party. A party dominated by dumb, old, white men and women who feel a woman's place is to support their man.

YOur hate has made you weak.

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