White Nationalists Are Changing The Political Landscape Under Trump


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Nationalism is in the air since Trump took office and the silent White majority is scoring political victories one after another with special election wins. The motto America First is taking America by storm promoted by the silent White majority who are nationalists at heart. Doesn't it feel wonderful and patriotic? Why yes it does. We are taking our country back......one election VICTORY at a time.

Well it sure beats globalist this and globalist that. Frankly, you can have the globe, I don't know another place I'd want to move to. What a novel thing to be nationalistic! Put your own country first! And White is great. The White races are what built civilization. It is where all the rest of the world keeps trying to come. Most of your great inventions were by white people. Maybe we deserve a White TV channel and a White Pride Month? Oh, and to organize marches on every campus that White Lives Matter. (Spoken above by dint of my White Privilege).

Donald Trump discovered what the GOP has ignored for years, that the vast untapped group of people out there have been their own angry, ignored base!
Probably true but it started with the internet.

White supremacists are cowards. Its their very nature. The anonymity of the internet gives them the courage they lack in real life. They're also failures. If there were strong and successful, they wouldn't have to spend their lives blaming others for what they lack.

All of that is simply fact.

But, intelligent, decent people will always fight against the ignorance and outright stupidity of kkk, Westboro, child molesters etc.

The problem is, that will just drive them back into the slime.

Waste of skin, yes. But like the cockroaches they are, they've always existed and always will and we will always step on them.

Anybody you know?


Well it sure beats globalist this and globalist that. Frankly, you can have the globe, I don't know another place I'd want to move to. What a novel thing to be nationalistic! Put your own country first! And White is great. The White races are what built civilization. It is where all the rest of the world keeps trying to come. Most of your great inventions were by white people. Maybe we deserve a White TV channel and a White Pride Month? Oh, and to organize marches on every campus that White Lives Matter. (Spoken above by dint of my White Privilege).

Donald Trump discovered what the GOP has ignored for years, that the vast untapped group of people out there have been their own angry, ignored base!

All of that is BS and you voted for the biggest gloBULList of all.

Why do you idiots keep saying you hate globalists? You obviously have no idea what it means or what you're talking about.

Sick of stupid.^^^

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Probably true but it started with the internet.

White supremacists are cowards. Its their very nature. The anonymity of the internet gives them the courage they lack in real life. They're also failures. If there were strong and successful, they wouldn't have to spend their lives blaming others for what they lack.

All of that is simply fact.

But, intelligent, decent people will always fight against the ignorance and outright stupidity of kkk, Westboro, child molesters etc.

The problem is, that will just drive them back into the slime.

Waste of skin, yes. But like the cockroaches they are, they've always existed and always will and we will always step on them.

Anybody you know?


I see my thread has you 'Triggered'. Excellent......most excellent!
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It's SM farting in the wind again, no one cares except an extremely few "white nationalists"..........
Well it sure beats globalist this and globalist that. Frankly, you can have the globe, I don't know another place I'd want to move to. What a novel thing to be nationalistic! Put your own country first! And White is great. The White races are what built civilization. It is where all the rest of the world keeps trying to come. Most of your great inventions were by white people. Maybe we deserve a White TV channel and a White Pride Month? Oh, and to organize marches on every campus that White Lives Matter. (Spoken above by dint of my White Privilege).

Donald Trump discovered what the GOP has ignored for years, that the vast untapped group of people out there have been their own angry, ignored base!

It's always instructive when this element ^^ self-identifies.
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.
Nationalism is in the air since Trump took office and the silent White majority is scoring political victories one after another with special election wins. The motto America First is taking America by storm promoted by the silent White majority who are nationalists at heart. Doesn't it feel wonderful and patriotic? Why yes it does. We are taking our country back......one election VICTORY at a time.


The funny thing is that "getting your country back" usually means you haven't got you country at all, and you're not getting it back.

The way people vote in the US is simply not about the people, the voters, or anyone else but the rich who control it. They'll use Nationalism to keep people happy.

For example in China in 2012 people were allowed to protest against the Japanese. The Chinese govt was happy for them to go off being silly and blaming the Japanese for things, which diverted the attention away from the reality of the situation.

Another example is the military Junta in Argentina which was suffering badly, so they invaded the Falkland Islands, the resulting ass kicking not only cost the lives of British and Argentinian soldiers, but they lost and the Junta got kicked out because the people then could see through their nonsense.

I could go on and on showing you examples of where Nationalism was used to divert attention away from the growing problems of governments who don't really know what they're doing.

The problem is people like their politics to be nice and easy. Why? Because they're idiots. So Nationalism is great for them. They get the feel good factor of being told there's hope just around the corner, so close you can almost touch but... oh... but.. oh... no, it didn't quite arrive.

It's hardly surprising that it's the poorly educated, or those who are easily taken in, who are often the ones who love Trump. They wet their pants every time they see Trump because he's like Brad Pitt, or some famous actor, they love it, it's entertaining. What more do you want (except good governance, cheaper stuff, and less monopolies and handing out free money to rich people)?
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.
The Russians
The weather
It was a day of the week with a 'y' in it

The snowflakes join Hillary on her 'BLAME' tour after their Ga loss.


They are in a nose-dive, and can't pull up...

Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

Projection is a horrible thing.

The DNC's own emails exposed them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites, but they are still trying to convince people that it's the GOP, not them.

The party whose President declared they had to give minorities something but not enough to make a difference, who declared they would have 'ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years', claiming 'the other guys' are racist is simultaneouly hilarious and pathetic.
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

Projection is a horrible thing.

The DNC's own emails exposed them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites, but they are still trying to convince people that it's the GOP, not them.

The party whose President declared they had to give minorities something but not enough to make a difference, who declared they would have 'ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years', claiming 'the other guys' are racist is simultaneouly hilarious and pathetic.
Good post exposing the truth! Steve McGarrett approves.
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

Projection is a horrible thing.

The DNC's own emails exposed them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites, but they are still trying to convince people that it's the GOP, not them.

The party whose President declared they had to give minorities something but not enough to make a difference, who declared they would have 'ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years', claiming 'the other guys' are racist is simultaneouly hilarious and pathetic.
Good post exposing the truth! Steve McGarrett approves.

^^ a/k/a The Kiss of Death.

If I ever got approval for anything from Steve McRacist I'd do some serious soul-searching.
Nationalism is in the air since Trump took office and the silent White majority is scoring political victories one after another with special election wins. The motto America First is taking America by storm promoted by the silent White majority who are nationalists at heart. Doesn't it feel wonderful and patriotic? Why yes it does. We are taking our country back......one election VICTORY at a time.

We shall not be infringed

Mississippi Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

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