White people are always telling us minorities, "you don't like it leave", why don't they leave?

Fascists because we want our laws enforced? We want security in our nation? Because we don't support the true facsist liberals?

It's the 3rd option right? Be honest!

You're either one of the above: A liar, a fool or challenged by reality. Echoing a false meme doesn't exemplify a thoughtful or thought provoking post.

And with what authority and expertise are you to determine which of the three he is, and does he even fit into one of your three categories?

I know people who continue to support Trump because they don't think he has been given a fair shake. I tend to believe the left is over critical and I thought the right was over critical of Obama.

Your second point is disingenuous, Obama was under attack even before he received the nomination of his party - based primarily on his color/ethnicity. We know, notwithstanding the denial from the Right, that racism continues to exist in the US, and that lead to birtherism and other attacks on Obama not of his doing.

Trump's behavior, not color, not even his wealth, has created the on going and vocal outrage of him, behavior which belie any characteristic of leadership or confidence - Mr. Comey is now speaking so I will sign off for now.

It wasn't for the god damn color of his skin. You can say it until your face turns blue, that falacy will still be just that, a falacy. Before the nomination, it was still true he sat in jeramiah writes anti Amrtican hate church for 10 years. But pretended to not be aware, about the vile things he said, in a country that allows him to say it. It was also true, that he was advised by bill ayers. It was also true, that he vowed to transform America.

The left parroted that color of his skin garbage, for 8 long years. He was given a built in immunity. Made him immune to any critique. He could have done anything, and idiots would stand there like petulent children, you just can't stand that a black man is in your precious white house. And he did do a lot of horrible things, and you did give him an unlimited hall pass.

Thank you for an unbiased opinion [SARCASM ALERT]

I gave you facts, if you don't like those facts, thats your problem not mine.
Fascists because we want our laws enforced? We want security in our nation? Because we don't support the true facsist liberals?

It's the 3rd option right? Be honest!

You're either one of the above: A liar, a fool or challenged by reality. Echoing a false meme doesn't exemplify a thoughtful or thought provoking post.

And with what authority and expertise are you to determine which of the three he is, and does he even fit into one of your three categories?

I know people who continue to support Trump because they don't think he has been given a fair shake. I tend to believe the left is over critical and I thought the right was over critical of Obama.

Your second point is disingenuous, Obama was under attack even before he received the nomination of his party - based primarily on his color/ethnicity. We know, notwithstanding the denial from the Right, that racism continues to exist in the US, and that lead to birtherism and other attacks on Obama not of his doing.

Trump's behavior, not color, not even his wealth, has created the on going and vocal outrage of him, behavior which belie any characteristic of leadership or confidence - Mr. Comey is now speaking so I will sign off for now.

Trump was under attack the day he announced his run for office, so no it is not disingenuous, sorry that is your perception.

Trump was under attack, and attacked those who attacked him: Bush, Rubio, in fact most of those who also sought the GOP nomination. He was also under the press' microscope, as were Christie, and several others seeking the nomination.

Do you believe the business practices of Trump were a matter the press should have avoided, or would not have been part of vetting any other person seeking the Presidency? Were the alleged sexual peccadilloes - or worse - not to be investigated?

Vetting was fine, the left went and continues to attack every move Trump makes and even after "vetting" the left, just like the far right did Obama could not let anything go and magnifying whatever he does.
Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant......Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant | HuffPost

Considering in my local Polish bar - restaurant, they were harassing people as "Too Polish to know better" or that the "Polish owner was an illegal immigrant"

I don't think this is uniquely an anti-Muslim phenomenon.

The difference is I don't think the press would take anti-Polish sentiments very seriously.

After-all, Poles aren't one of the special protected groups.

Both northern and southern poles are protected. No suv's or coal fired plants allowed.
I'm white - French, German, Italian and Romanian (yeah, a mutt) and the only set I would like to see leave are the neo fascists who voted for and continue to support Trump. I judge people by their character, not their color, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

I married a very white German - Welch cheese head, and she and I have been together since 1974; we have two sons, also mutts, who are gainfully employed and are not bigots, racists, misogynist or Republicans.

Fascists because we want our laws enforced? We want security in our nation? Because we don't support the true facsist liberals?

It's the 3rd option right? Be honest!

You're either one of the above: A liar, a fool or challenged by reality. Echoing a false meme doesn't exemplify a thoughtful or thought provoking post.

And with what authority and expertise are you to determine which of the three he is, and does he even fit into one of your three categories?

I know people who continue to support Trump because they don't think he has been given a fair shake. I tend to believe the left is over critical and I thought the right was over critical of Obama.

Your second point is disingenuous, Obama was under attack even before he received the nomination of his party - based primarily on his color/ethnicity. We know, notwithstanding the denial from the Right, that racism continues to exist in the US, and that lead to birtherism and other attacks on Obama not of his doing.

Trump's behavior, not color, not even his wealth, has created the on going and vocal outrage of him, behavior which belie any characteristic of leadership or confidence - Mr. Comey is now speaking so I will sign off for now.

Color? President Trump is referred to as "ORANGE" and far more derisively than the half white half black mongrel was ever referred to by skin color.

People like you judge others by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.
I'm white - French, German, Italian and Romanian (yeah, a mutt) and the only set I would like to see leave are the neo fascists who voted for and continue to support Trump. I judge people by their character, not their color, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

I married a very white German - Welch cheese head, and she and I have been together since 1974; we have two sons, also mutts, who are gainfully employed and are not bigots, racists, misogynist or Republicans.

Fascists because we want our laws enforced? We want security in our nation? Because we don't support the true facsist liberals?

It's the 3rd option right? Be honest!
Ha if the French could think like you !
Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant......Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant | HuffPost

There is this underlining implication, that this is "their"country and if we don't like, than we should leave. First off, if anyone is guilty of undermining and destroying this country, guess who tops the list? White selfish, racist, ignorant americans, who supports a president that supports our enemies, ie Saudia Arabia and Russia. Who then should leave?? Also, if you look back in history, every stain on this nations fiber, was and in fact sanctioned by whites, created by whites and ultimately stained with white hand prints, every dark legacy of failure this country has endured...all at the hands of white america....and any light of hope given to us, was at the hands of minorities, ie jews, blacks, asians, etc....that resurrected this country and put us on the map of humanity and that is FACT!!
I think you need to step back and open your eyes the white people are beginning to be the minority
I'm white - French, German, Italian and Romanian (yeah, a mutt) and the only set I would like to see leave are the neo fascists who voted for and continue to support Trump. I judge people by their character, not their color, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

I married a very white German - Welch cheese head, and she and I have been together since 1974; we have two sons, also mutts, who are gainfully employed and are not bigots, racists, misogynist or Republicans.
Hey anybody who doesn't like Trump is racist
I'm white - French, German, Italian and Romanian (yeah, a mutt) and the only set I would like to see leave are the neo fascists who voted for and continue to support Trump. I judge people by their character, not their color, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.

I married a very white German - Welch cheese head, and she and I have been together since 1974; we have two sons, also mutts, who are gainfully employed and are not bigots, racists, misogynist or Republicans.

Fascists because we want our laws enforced? We want security in our nation? Because we don't support the true facsist liberals?

It's the 3rd option right? Be honest!

You're either one of the above: A liar, a fool or challenged by reality. Echoing a false meme doesn't exemplify a thoughtful or thought provoking post.

And with what authority and expertise are you to determine which of the three he is, and does he even fit into one of your three categories?

I know people who continue to support Trump because they don't think he has been given a fair shake. I tend to believe the left is over critical and I thought the right was over critical of Obama.

Your second point is disingenuous, Obama was under attack even before he received the nomination of his party - based primarily on his color/ethnicity. We know, notwithstanding the denial from the Right, that racism continues to exist in the US, and that lead to birtherism and other attacks on Obama not of his doing.

Trump's behavior, not color, not even his wealth, has created the on going and vocal outrage of him, behavior which belie any characteristic of leadership or confidence - Mr. Comey is now speaking so I will sign off for now.

Color? President Trump is referred to as "ORANGE" and far more derisively than the half white half black mongrel was ever referred to by skin color.

People like you judge others by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.
It is not the color that actually counts but the behavior of a race and culture some color race like spitting on others openly it is a sign of inferiority or jealousy.
As for the Muslims who play the victims after each attack, they like to be spoken about them and their misfortunes. And not a word about the Muslim traitors, strange no?
Another racist thread by a racist troll. If you got nothing, you got nothing and tig has nothing.
They are very racist towards the whites and they do not like to be told what we think of them

I think there are great black people and I enjoy their company. Ones on this board are cranky trolls and just like to vent because their lives are empty. There are also a lot of white people on this board that do the same.
Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant......Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant | HuffPost

There is this underlining implication, that this is "their"country and if we don't like, than we should leave. First off, if anyone is guilty of undermining and destroying this country, guess who tops the list? White selfish, racist, ignorant americans, who supports a president that supports our enemies, ie Saudia Arabia and Russia. Who then should leave?? Also, if you look back in history, every stain on this nations fiber, was and in fact sanctioned by whites, created by whites and ultimately stained with white hand prints, every dark legacy of failure this country has endured...all at the hands of white america....and any light of hope given to us, was at the hands of minorities, ie jews, blacks, asians, etc....that resurrected this country and put us on the map of humanity and that is FACT!!
Most Muslims are here for one purpose and one purpose only...to perform a hijrah (migrating with the intent to change a non-believer/infidel nation to an Islamic nation). Asking them to leave and demanding that they leave won't work. Some clown harassing a couple of Muslim girls won't change a thing. They are here to stay and they have a mission and the infidel harassing them, along with people like Tigerred59, you and myself are nothing more than eventual targets.
Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant......Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant | HuffPost

There is this underlining implication, that this is "their"country and if we don't like, than we should leave. First off, if anyone is guilty of undermining and destroying this country, guess who tops the list? White selfish, racist, ignorant americans, who supports a president that supports our enemies, ie Saudia Arabia and Russia. Who then should leave?? Also, if you look back in history, every stain on this nations fiber, was and in fact sanctioned by whites, created by whites and ultimately stained with white hand prints, every dark legacy of failure this country has endured...all at the hands of white america....and any light of hope given to us, was at the hands of minorities, ie jews, blacks, asians, etc....that resurrected this country and put us on the map of humanity and that is FACT!!
Most Muslims are here for one purpose and one purpose only...to perform a hijrah (migrating with the intent to change a non-believer/infidel nation to an Islamic nation). Asking them to leave and demanding that they leave won't work. Some clown harassing a couple of Muslim girls won't change a thing. They are here to stay and they have a mission and the infidel harassing them, along with people like Tigerred59, you and myself are nothing more than eventual targets.

Well, we know you're illogical. Are you scared?
Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant......Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant | HuffPost

There is this underlining implication, that this is "their"country and if we don't like, than we should leave. First off, if anyone is guilty of undermining and destroying this country, guess who tops the list? White selfish, racist, ignorant americans, who supports a president that supports our enemies, ie Saudia Arabia and Russia. Who then should leave?? Also, if you look back in history, every stain on this nations fiber, was and in fact sanctioned by whites, created by whites and ultimately stained with white hand prints, every dark legacy of failure this country has endured...all at the hands of white america....and any light of hope given to us, was at the hands of minorities, ie jews, blacks, asians, etc....that resurrected this country and put us on the map of humanity and that is FACT!!
I don't believe I have ever used the phase "like it or leave it:" those that do are almost always referring to people who gripe about how bad it is in the US. Myself I believe it is the Constitutional right of all US citizens to bitch about anything they want , but any detractors of such bitching citizens also have the right to make fun of said bitching or tell them to leave the country if they don't like the scenery.

The OP should also know that white people paid in blood and death to rid the country of your so called dark legacy.
I will now exercise my Constitutional right and tell you to get over yourself.
If I went to a concert and didn't like the kind of music that was being played, I would have to be the one who left because what goes on up there on the stage wouldn't be up to me.

God bless you always!!!

CVS closed early and you couldn't get your meds? Poor thing, I feel for ya. :itsok:

His parents still haven't found the right med that will bring him to understand he is just one fucked up little 15 year old white boy and not the 50 something retarded black woman he pretends to be here.
Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant......Video Shows Man Harassing Muslim Girls At Chicago-Area Restaurant | HuffPost

There is this underlining implication, that this is "their"country and if we don't like, than we should leave. First off, if anyone is guilty of undermining and destroying this country, guess who tops the list? White selfish, racist, ignorant americans, who supports a president that supports our enemies, ie Saudia Arabia and Russia. Who then should leave?? Also, if you look back in history, every stain on this nations fiber, was and in fact sanctioned by whites, created by whites and ultimately stained with white hand prints, every dark legacy of failure this country has endured...all at the hands of white america....and any light of hope given to us, was at the hands of minorities, ie jews, blacks, asians, etc....that resurrected this country and put us on the map of humanity and that is FACT!!
Most Muslims are here for one purpose and one purpose only...to perform a hijrah (migrating with the intent to change a non-believer/infidel nation to an Islamic nation). Asking them to leave and demanding that they leave won't work. Some clown harassing a couple of Muslim girls won't change a thing. They are here to stay and they have a mission and the infidel harassing them, along with people like Tigerred59, you and myself are nothing more than eventual targets.

Well, we know you're illogical. Are you scared?
stop talking to the mirror.

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