White People making a comeback in 2016

This is why you should stay off drugs. ^^^^^^

No drugs used.

Pure bloods are doomed!
Humanity will become one race!
The cosmic race of mixed blood from different races.

Have someone drive you to the ER.
You can deny the future of the races all you want,
But no one has control of your descendants choice of mate!

Just realizing that is enough to accept the fact the races will mix.
You can't refute it, eh? I didn't think so! heh heh heh!

How does one refute something somebody made up?

Casper the Friendly Ghose lives next door to me. Now prove I'm wrong. :ack-1::ack-1:
I have no desire to prove or disprove that. How silly of you to ask?

Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."

Does anyone else remember that one of the prime causes of the Great Recession was that politicians pressured banks to lend to people, often minorities, that would not normally have been approved?

Because they were crappy candidates for repayment.
You can't refute it, eh? I didn't think so! heh heh heh!

How does one refute something somebody made up?

Casper the Friendly Ghose lives next door to me. Now prove I'm wrong. :ack-1::ack-1:
I have no desire to prove or disprove that. How silly of you to ask?

Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."

Does anyone else remember that one of the prime causes of the Great Recession was that politicians pressured banks to lend to people, often minorities, that would not normally have been approved?

Because they were crappy candidates for repayment.

Of course we remember the subprime lending scandal. But that's not the kind of blacks I was talking about. I'm talking about blacks with high credit scores and good or impeccable credit ratings. when those kind of people are turned down, there's something nefarious going on. Some right-winger with a hard-on for blacks just doesn't want to see them get the loan. And to make things harder they're going to call other banks and tell them not to give him/her a loan either.

Mmm, yeah, that's not the way right wingers work.

I've heard LEFT WINGERS talk about doing that kind of stuff, so you're probably projecting.

I have known right wingers that DO work that way. Even as we speak right wingers are denying Obama a congressional "bank loan." So what 's new, business aS USUAL.
How does one refute something somebody made up?

Casper the Friendly Ghose lives next door to me. Now prove I'm wrong. :ack-1::ack-1:
I have no desire to prove or disprove that. How silly of you to ask?

Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."

Does anyone else remember that one of the prime causes of the Great Recession was that politicians pressured banks to lend to people, often minorities, that would not normally have been approved?

Because they were crappy candidates for repayment.
How does one refute something somebody made up?

Casper the Friendly Ghose lives next door to me. Now prove I'm wrong. :ack-1::ack-1:
I have no desire to prove or disprove that. How silly of you to ask?

Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."

Does anyone else remember that one of the prime causes of the Great Recession was that politicians pressured banks to lend to people, often minorities, that would not normally have been approved?

Because they were crappy candidates for repayment.

Of course we remember the subprime lending scandal. But that's not the kind of blacks I was talking about. I'm talking about blacks with high credit scores and good or impeccable credit ratings. when those kind of people are turned down, there's something nefarious going on. Some right-winger with a hard-on for blacks just doesn't want to see them get the loan. And to make things harder they're going to call other banks and tell them not to give him/her a loan either.

Mmm, yeah, that's not the way right wingers work.

I've heard LEFT WINGERS talk about doing that kind of stuff, so you're probably projecting.

I have known right wingers that DO work that way. Even as we speak right wingers are denying Obama a congressional "bank loan." So what 's new, business aS USUAL.
The Washington Post did a story are it was discovered that Blacks with high credit scores would get pushed into loans that Whites with much lower credit scores would normally get.

I'll post the article after I find it.
Toasting your mind first thing in the morning helps you focus... yeah, it shows.

You do not see me supporting some Orange skinned goon who insults women and minorities and has been accused of rape in Court like Trump has been accused.. I can handle the likes of you "after being wet by the rains or driven by snow" even if I am drunk stoned and dirty :badgrin:
I have no desire to prove or disprove that. How silly of you to ask?

Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."

Does anyone else remember that one of the prime causes of the Great Recession was that politicians pressured banks to lend to people, often minorities, that would not normally have been approved?

Because they were crappy candidates for repayment.
I have no desire to prove or disprove that. How silly of you to ask?

Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."

Does anyone else remember that one of the prime causes of the Great Recession was that politicians pressured banks to lend to people, often minorities, that would not normally have been approved?

Because they were crappy candidates for repayment.

Of course we remember the subprime lending scandal. But that's not the kind of blacks I was talking about. I'm talking about blacks with high credit scores and good or impeccable credit ratings. when those kind of people are turned down, there's something nefarious going on. Some right-winger with a hard-on for blacks just doesn't want to see them get the loan. And to make things harder they're going to call other banks and tell them not to give him/her a loan either.

Mmm, yeah, that's not the way right wingers work.

I've heard LEFT WINGERS talk about doing that kind of stuff, so you're probably projecting.

I have known right wingers that DO work that way. Even as we speak right wingers are denying Obama a congressional "bank loan." So what 's new, business aS USUAL.
The Washington Post did a story are it was discovered that Blacks with high credit scores would get pushed into loans that Whites with much lower credit scores would normally get.

I'll post the article after I find it.

Here is the article
The nation’s housing recovery is leaving blacks behind
The Democrats have waged a war against white people. With the leadership of DumBama, the goal is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since it's founding.

The problem is that there is no solidarity with white people. The liberals have convinced the white people to vote against themselves and there is little that can be done about it. Brainwashing works, and that's why they use it.

Solidarity is coming. You see it in the fact that Romney won more of the white vote than Reagan.

The future will not be about issues or campaigns, or competence, but ethnic "tribe" vs ethnic "tribe".

Unless something changes radically and quickly.

and whitey is the minority

That is factually incorrect.

BUT your glee and impatience for that time when it is true, demonstrates my analysis of you lefties perfectly.


Even your breitbart sees the handwriting on the wall

Census: More Minority Children Than Whites, More Whites Dying Than Being Born

Census: More Minority Children Than Whites, More Whites Dying Than Being Born - Breitbart

Skin color equates to political affiliation only to certifiable idiot like guno.

In time more blacks, more Hispanics and more of all other minorities will realize that relying on government freeloading when government money has run out is a fool's errand.

And when they reach that inevitable conclusion, more minorities will abandon the Democrats by droves. The normal ones already have.

Demographic Shifts, Political Fears

We’re at a moment in the life of the Republican Party that is in some respects reminiscent of the rise of the Know Nothings, a political movement that gained influence in the aftermath of a massive wave of immigration from Ireland and Germany after 1845 and that led to an outburst of anti-foreign and anti-Catholic sentiment. Nativists tapped into deep-seated antagonisms directed toward The Other, feelings that were amplified by concerns over the changing demographic composition of America.

Donald Trump Exposes a Primal American Fear

The irony.

Decrying fascist sentiments within Trump's voter base while embracing full blown fascist politics from non-white voter blocks....
The Democrats have waged a war against white people. With the leadership of DumBama, the goal is to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since it's founding.

The problem is that there is no solidarity with white people. The liberals have convinced the white people to vote against themselves and there is little that can be done about it. Brainwashing works, and that's why they use it.

Solidarity is coming. You see it in the fact that Romney won more of the white vote than Reagan.

The future will not be about issues or campaigns, or competence, but ethnic "tribe" vs ethnic "tribe".

Unless something changes radically and quickly.

and whitey is the minority

That is factually incorrect.

BUT your glee and impatience for that time when it is true, demonstrates my analysis of you lefties perfectly.


Even your breitbart sees the handwriting on the wall

Census: More Minority Children Than Whites, More Whites Dying Than Being Born

Census: More Minority Children Than Whites, More Whites Dying Than Being Born - Breitbart

Skin color equates to political affiliation only to certifiable idiot like guno.

In time more blacks, more Hispanics and more of all other minorities will realize that relying on government freeloading when government money has run out is a fool's errand.

And when they reach that inevitable conclusion, more minorities will abandon the Democrats by droves. The normal ones already have.
Not really.

What is more likely is that Trump will spark a Hippie-like attitude in younger minorities that will push them away from their Democrat parents and friends and family.

As it stands minorities vote Democrat because they are fascists who use useful idiot white liberals to push their agenda knowing that white liberals are too few and too weak to stop them even if white liberals wanted to.

Far right racist minorities vote nearly 100% Democrat.
Yep. A stable population of white people.

Just think of the environmental implications if we were NOT moving towards a minority majority nation.
The sad thing about people like guno is that they're rejoicing not because minorities are out-performing whites, but simply because they are out-breeding them.

This is just about white people so consumed by White Guilt that payback of any kind is the goal.

As someone who comes from a very mixed-race family background, I can tell you that many of us are insulted by people like him. But all they care about is the payback.

He's going to get what he wants, but it will ultimately come at a significant price to the country. He doesn't care about that either.


A lot of these people have and are promoting the assumption that when this time comes, that Whites can be marginalzed and the Liberal Agenda will be implemented completely and some sort of Socialist Utopia will Dawn.

That's obviously NOT going to happen on a number of points.

And racial animosity will increase drastically, IMO.
Sure. Increasing racial animosity is key to the strategy, and that's why you see only aggressive grievance, no attempts at healing.

The future is going to SUCK.
only for bitter uneducated crackas
Every "cracka" on here is light years ahead of trash like you.

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