White Power: Donald Trump Hold's 40 Point Advantage Over Hillary Clinton With White Men

They are scared Trump will re-open the 911 investigation and put W to death, hopefully by waiving the cruel and unusual.

My favorite - put the 911 traitors on top of the next steel framed tower to be demo-ed with thermite, and let them have the same chance those on the Towers did on 911 - death by heat, or death by gravity and concrete
Watch out for votes from dead people and illegals and people voting twice.
Yup stay home on election day. We've already locked it up.

No. I live in a heavy liberal democrat district. My fuck you vote means everything. Plus, I show my ID and the Election Officials shit themselves.
That's fine. They'll just toss your ballot or change it in the machine anyways. Standard procedure.

You people emulate third world fascism so well.
Just like the OP, Drumpf is the opposite of a "strong alpha male". Just like the OP, any man who has to brag about the size of his HANDS is a whiny little bitch.

OP - grow a pair.
Watch out for votes from dead people and illegals and people voting twice.
Yup stay home on election day. We've already locked it up.

No. I live in a heavy liberal democrat district. My fuck you vote means everything. Plus, I show my ID and the Election Officials shit themselves.
That's fine. They'll just toss your ballot or change it in the machine anyways. Standard procedure.

You people emulate third world fascism so well.
O ya?
Watch out for votes from dead people and illegals and people voting twice.
Yup stay home on election day. We've already locked it up.

No. I live in a heavy liberal democrat district. My fuck you vote means everything. Plus, I show my ID and the Election Officials shit themselves.
That's fine. They'll just toss your ballot or change it in the machine anyways. Standard procedure.

You people emulate third world fascism so well.
O ya?

Che loves you people.
its gonna be the white males who will be racing to the polls on November 8 !!! a life and death dilemma! Hillary is world war three in the making!
Steve is a fraud because he claims to be a big supporter of David Duke but didn't know Duke was a 911 truther, proving he's never paid any attention to Duke or visited his website. Duke has been a truther since he fled to Russia to avoid another income tax prosecution. What is really bizarre is that Holder appears to have cut a deal with Duke, allowing him to come back and be a Democratic Party punching bad. If you "search for 911 truth" online, you inevitably get links to Duke's site....

Steve is a Hillary campaign "worker," a BLM bigot, and someone who hates whites as much as Duke hates Blacks...
Well no surprise, for years the regressives have claimed that white males are evil merely for being white. That they are racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic... for their sin of whiteness. That they oppress everyone even though there is no evidence thereof at all... because they are white. The reality is, white men have built the western values that feed the large asses of these moronic racists... the values they want to see destroyed and replaced with their totalitarian lunacies.

It's time to put a stop to it.
Well no surprise, for years the regressives have claimed that white males are evil merely for being white. That they are racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic... for their sin of whiteness. That they oppress everyone even though there is no evidence thereof at all... because they are white. The reality is, white men have built the western values that feed the large asses of these moronic racists... the values they want to see destroyed and replaced with their totalitarian lunacies.

It's time to put a stop to it.
What are you going to personally do to put a stop to it? We are looking to you for leadership. Put your money where your mouth is.
Well no surprise, for years the regressives have claimed that white males are evil merely for being white. That they are racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic... for their sin of whiteness. That they oppress everyone even though there is no evidence thereof at all... because they are white. The reality is, white men have built the western values that feed the large asses of these moronic racists... the values they want to see destroyed and replaced with their totalitarian lunacies.

It's time to put a stop to it.
What are you going to personally do to put a stop to it? We are looking to you for leadership. Put your money where your mouth is.

Did I somewhere say I am personally going to put a stop to it?

No, it takes all the supporters of Trump... of sanity... of anti-racism... to do that. This doesn't include you, obviously, you are the problem.
Well no surprise, for years the regressives have claimed that white males are evil merely for being white. That they are racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic... for their sin of whiteness. That they oppress everyone even though there is no evidence thereof at all... because they are white. The reality is, white men have built the western values that feed the large asses of these moronic racists... the values they want to see destroyed and replaced with their totalitarian lunacies.

It's time to put a stop to it.
What are you going to personally do to put a stop to it? We are looking to you for leadership. Put your money where your mouth is.

Did I somewhere say I am personally going to put a stop to it?

No, it takes all the supporters of Trump... of sanity... of anti-racism... to do that. This doesn't include you, obviously, you are the problem.
i was just doing a gut check. I see you have no guts and you are a follower.

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