White Privilege CRT vs. The Great Replacement

If CRT is taught then racist whites feel threatened. They wont be seen as the god like creatures they fancy themselves to be.
Yep. They are scared to let the real history be taught because it shows nearly 246 years of white government dependency. They try gaslighting now, but the goal is to return to free handouts only to whites.
Aren't you glad you are in a zone 1 forum where some of rhe people here are not allowed to indulge in personal attacks?

It's made easy for us all, because all we need to do is check our skin color to know how we can respond.
Laws are being made to stop teaching complete history and a fake version of CRT is being pushed as the actual theory in an attempt to stop it from being taught in the only place it's taught in-universities. Meanwhile, the same people push the Great Replacement as a reality. This is an example of white privilege.

I never heard of "The Great Replacement Theory" until a couple weeks ago. You guys just make up new shit all the time. Just like "Critical Race Theory" was concocted by some Libtard named Crenshaw and all of academia has to bow down to this nonsense. Our kids have been dumbed down enough with Covid, there is a lot of ground to make up in reading, math, writing and science. The average school kid is now 2 years behind where he/she/they need to be. We got no time to waste on some Libtard Race theory.
Considering the huge amounti of anti black postings and threads you have contributed to, I think you really have nothing to say about what I post. I talk about whites who are racist. That's supposed not to be all whites according to those like you. But when I point out whites who are racists, those like you are telling me I am talking about all whites. Are all whites racists Mike?

You run your mouth with that racist blackds are victims gaslightijng, well guess what Mike, blacks and every other non white group HAVE and ARE been the victims of white racism.

I saw systemic racism as a kid in the 60's. I see it as and adult right now. It has never ended and whites like you practice systemic and individual racism. Stop being white telling me how systemic racism ended. You ass has see in every day on your job.

You post up a name of a dead child, and you can't see how systemic racism creates the conditions in that community that causes people to turn to violence. You right wing whites are dumb. I mean just stump stupid. Your answer to gun killings is arm more people with guns and your answer to systemic racism is to deny it happens and only think of racism as individual acts. People like Lisa work in admissions offices and as professors, then when it is shown that blacks quit college, whites like you make the swo instead of taking a deep look at the attitudes/policies of the university.

You see blacks being put in prison for things whites get probation for and whites like you make the swo about black families instead of looking a policies made by various departments and laws passed by states. It's real easy to make the simple white opinion when you never face the problems, but the simple white opinion is never right.

Systemic racism has never ended. That's the way it is, not the way you wish it to be.
You make lots of accusations but never produce ONE SINGLE POST that proves your claim that I am a racist. That is because I am not and never have been a racist. You by contrast are the most devout racist on USMB. I can produce hundreds of posts supporting that fact. You are stuck on a spin cycle of anger-hate-denial. You never want to discuss anything you just want to spew your racist lectures and point fingers at Whitey and me in particular.
I never heard of "The Great Replacement Theory" until a couple weeks ago. You guys just make up new shit all the time. Just like "Critical Race Theory" was concocted by some Libtard named Crenshaw and all of academia has to bow down to this nonsense. Our kids have been dumbed down enough with Covid, there is a lot of ground to make up in reading, math, writing and science. The average school kid is now 2 years behind where he/she/they need to be. We got no time to waste on some Libtard Race theory.
I'm sure you only just recently learned about replacement. You've been stating replacement all while making claims about immigration. Critical Race Theory was developed over 40 years ago by several people and it's correct. The dumbing down has been the way we all have been half educated by CWST. You want to continue teaching the Critical White Supremacist lie,
I'm sure you only just recently learned about replacement. You've been stating replacement all while making claims about immigration. Critical Race Theory was developed over 40 years ago by several people and it's correct. The dumbing down has been the way we all have been half educated by CWST. You want to continue teaching the Critical White Supremacist lie,
Tsk Tsk Tsk lying again IM2. You just hate me because I am an advocate for innocent young Black children like SERENITY BROUGHTON who were murdered by drug/gang violence. You want so badly to ignore it, but there is Serenity's face looking at you. She deserved to live like all the other forgotten Black kids murdered by drug/gangs.
You make lots of accusations but never produce ONE SINGLE POST that proves your claim that I am a racist. That is because I am not and never have been a racist. You by contrast are the most devout racist on USMB. I can produce hundreds of posts supporting that fact. You are stuck on a spin cycle of anger-hate-denial. You never want to discuss anything you just want to spew your racist lectures and point fingers at Whitey and me in particular.
Anger-hate-denial my ass. You seem to think you are an authority on a life you've never lived, a community you've never lived in, or issues you have never faced. Mike you are a racist. Plain and simple. You can't produce jack squat. You call racism my response to the racists here or even the fact that I mention racism. I can show you the type of racism you practice.

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”
Tsk Tsk Tsk lying again IM2. You just hate me because I am an advocate for innocent young Black children like SERENITY BROUGHTON who were murdered by drug/gang violence. You want so badly to ignore it, but there is Serenity's face looking at you. She deserved to live like all the other forgotten Black kids murdered by drug/gangs.
You are no advocate. Posting that childs name up in bold in a mostly white forum while posting your opinions about blacks is not advocacy. Serenity was murdered by systemic white racism that allows communities like the one she lived in to not have the necessary community and economic development necessary to provide alternatives to selling drugs and violence. Like I said, you're dumb and you offer the simple white opinion on these matters when the simple white opinion is wrong as it pertains to complex macro level problems.

If you are such an advocate, move to that community, meet the people, then develop a program that will stop the problem as you think it is. Because all you're doing is using that dead child to troll blacks online with the simple white opinion that's really a lie about us not caring according to a white man.
I never heard of "The Great Replacement Theory" until a couple weeks ago. You guys just make up new shit all the time. Just like "Critical Race Theory" was concocted by some Libtard named Crenshaw and all of academia has to bow down to this nonsense. Our kids have been dumbed down enough with Covid, there is a lot of ground to make up in reading, math, writing and science. The average school kid is now 2 years behind where he/she/they need to be. We got no time to waste on some Libtard Race theory.
You are not well informed. The UN has been a fan of replacement migration for quite awhile.

As you can see, replacement has been going on in the target countries for years. Replacement gave England Pakistani rape gangs, created Malmo Sweden and is responsible for the French night club massacre and the Charlie Hebdo murders. The Great Replacement isn't a Theory. It's a plan
White people are not your enemy, The Democratic Party is.
I am always surprised that during discussions of racism and white privilege or white supremacy folks so often blame everything negative on the Democratic Party. I have looked at the 2020 Democratic Party Platform and it's full of things like worker's rights, health equity, criminal justice equity, ending poverty, making corporations and wall street accountable for any abuses, consumer's rights, healing the soul of America, ending gun violence and violence against women - all sounds good to me. I don't see it saying anything about immigration, CRT, banning books, etc.

And I don't understand why we are at the point where anyone who disagrees with us or has a different political viewpoint is considered our enemy, instead of just someone with whom we may differ.
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I am always surprised that during discussions of racism and white privilege or white supremacy folks so often blame everything negative on the Democratic Party. I have looked at the 2020 Democratic Party Platform and it's full of things like worker's rights, health equity, criminal justice equity, ending poverty, making corporations and wall street accountable for any abuses, consumer's rights, healing the soul of America, ending gun violence and violence against women - all sounds good to me. I don't see it saying anything about immigration, CRT, banning books, etc.

And I don't understand why we are at the point where anyone who disagrees with us or has a different political viewpoint is considered our enemy, instead of just someone with whom we may differ.
We have one side that considers compromise as weakness. Futhermore, members on that side choose to disagree with evidence and their disagreement is based only on what they believe.
You are not well informed. The UN has been a fan of replacement migration for quite awhile.

As you can see, replacement has been going on in the target countries for years. Replacement gave England Pakistani rape gangs, created Malmo Sweden and is responsible for the French night club massacre and the Charlie Hebdo murders. The Great Replacement isn't a Theory. It's a plan
I don't read the info in that link as the great replacement theory at all. I view it as a possible means of helping countries that have declining and ageing populations. It says nothing of race, ethnicity, gender, etc. It says nothing of getting rid of some people in order to move in others. It says nothing of valuing some people over others, It merely says that as populations age they produce fewer children.

From the article:
"Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates."
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I am always surprised that during discussions of racism and white privilege or white supremacy folks so often blame everything negative on the Democratic Party. I have looked at the 2020 Democratic Party Platform and it's full of things like worker's rights, health equity, criminal justice equity, ending poverty, making corporations and wall street accountable for any abuses, consumer's rights, healing the soul of America, ending gun violence and violence against women - all sounds good to me. I don't see it saying anything about immigration, CRT, banning books, etc.

And I don't understand why we are at the point where anyone who disagrees with us or has a different political viewpoint is considered our enemy, instead of just someone with whom we may differ.
I guess you missed Biden's Buffalo speech where he ignored the obvious mental problems of a deranged kid and turned the massacre into a White Supremacy attack on Black people.
You are not well informed. The UN has been a fan of replacement migration for quite awhile.

As you can see, replacement has been going on in the target countries for years. Replacement gave England Pakistani rape gangs, created Malmo Sweden and is responsible for the French night club massacre and the Charlie Hebdo murders. The Great Replacement isn't a Theory. It's a plan
The United Nations is a joke. I ignore globalist organizations who get together every once in awhile to give flowery speeches and then jerk each other off.
I guess you missed Biden's Buffalo speech where he ignored the obvious mental problems of a deranged kid and turned the massacre into a White Supremacy attack on Black people.
First off, white supremacy is a mental problem, secondly it was a white supremacy attack. The shooter wrote that.
I don't read the info in that link as the great replacement theory at all. I view it as a possible means of helping countries that have declining and ageing populations. It says nothing of race, ethnicity, gender, etc. It says nothing of getting rid of some people in order to move in others. It says nothing of valuing some people over others, It merely says that as populations age they produce fewer children.

From the article:
"Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates."
And they need replacing. Not augmenting. Replacing. Population decline itself is artificial since the decline isn't natural it's the result of another UN policy, abortion. Kill your children then get killed by your own replacements. Replacement migration,

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