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White privilege does not mean you've had a privileged life

guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

When you say White Privilege, you are A. dismissing my accomplishments/difficulties and B. preparing to fuck me in some way, for money or resources.
This is what one person says about white supremacy:

If you're a white person in America, social justice educator Robin DiAngelo has a message for you: You're a racist, pure and simple, and without a lifetime of conscious effort you always will be.

[Me: I think that's bullshit.]

You just can't help it, you see, because you've been swaddled in the cocoon of white privilege since you came sputtering out of your mother's womb, protesting the indignity of it all.
You may be indignantly sputtering right now at this insult to your humanity -- for how can you be a racist? You have black colleagues you consider friends; you don't see skin color; you never owned slaves; you marched in the 60s; you even protest today against the uniformed "bad apples" that use the power of their authority to smother minority lives and minority rights.

"How dare you say I am anything like them?" you grumble, as you pull the cloak of your bruised and fragile feelings around you.

And there -- with that simple act -- you personify the theme of DiAngelo's best selling 2018 book, "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism."


Q: The theme of your book "White Fragility" is how white people are perpetuating racism by being too fragile to discuss the subject openly and honestly.

How can white people be fragile If we have white privilege?

That's precisely why we're fragile. We live a very insular experience. We have rarely ever been challenged in our racial worldview. We move through a society in which racial inequality is the very bedrock in racial comfort as white people and we are rarely ever out of our racial comfort zones.

Most white people go cradle to grave in racial segregation. Most white people do not have authentic sustained relationships across race, particularly with black people. I'm not talking about acquaintances. Show me your wedding album. That is a truer measure of who is in your friendship circle and sitting at your table.

Most of us go through our lives in segregation without seeing anything of value lost. That is the most profound message of all -- that we could go cradle to grave and not see anything of value lost in not having authentic relationships with black people.

Instead, we use their absence as the value-measure of our space. What is a good neighborhood? What is a good school? We measure whether a school is good in large part by the absence of African Americans in that school.

I think there are a lot of people with her mindset. News flash for Ms DiAngelo: I don't think there are that many white people who are that fragile about race, maybe she is but I dunno. Fragility to me equates to guilt, and I don't feel guilty at all. It's not my fault I was born with this color of skin, any more than anyone else for the color of their's. The world has always been a place of privilege for some but not others and it's not always about race either. Jews have been discriminated against for a couple of thousand years, and women longer than that. Look at how native Americans have been treated almost from the time white people first set foot in the Americas. So, am I to be held responsible for all that? I don't think so, I am responsible for my actions, not yours or your fathers or ancestors going back as for as you want to go. Was it fair then, or now? NO.

So here's a thought: why don't black people do something productive and effective about it? Hint: burning, looting, and rioting is not productive or effective way to institute lasting change.
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guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

A lot of white people have been sent to the end of the line by affirmative action. In fact even our military academies are now 50% set aside for minorities and women.
Since quotas are illegal, how are they managing that?

Since they are not illegal ill let you contact them and ask. While you are dodging Iranian missiles.

What does Dell's employment goal have to do with US Military Academies?

You got a link? Because the last I heard, quotas are unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court. Their record on Affirmative Action has been chequered.

If the Military would like their work force to reflect the population (50% of the population is female; 40% of America is nonwhite) there is nothing wrong with that goal. But to say they've set aside 50% of seats for women? I'd like a link from the military, not Dell, on that.

Oh that’s “what you heard”? Read this article then you lazy old bat. Won’t do any good....but what else have you got to do?
You don’t know who Professor Fleming is of course. No matter. Just know that article and this one precipitated a court battle which has now been in court for a decade. Professor Fleming was reinstated August 2019 by court order which the US Naval Academy has appealed.
What does Dell's employment goal have to do with US Military Academies?

You got a link? Because the last I heard, quotas are unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court. Their record on Affirmative Action has been chequered.

If the Military would like their work force to reflect the population (50% of the population is female; 40% of America is nonwhite) there is nothing wrong with that goal. But to say they've set aside 50% of seats for women? I'd like a link from the military, not Dell, on that.

It would be nice to let merit alone be the factor on getting a job wouldn't it?

Maybe. Read "The Meritocracy" and "Winner Take ALL". Never hurts to have another opinion.
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

What you are saying is that white people raise their kids the right way which gives them privilege.
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

Is it ok for police to look for "symptoms of poverty"" when dealing with blacks?
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

What you are saying is that white people raise their kids the right way which gives them privilege.
What I was saying to TN had nothing to do with privilege. It was about the destructive cycle of generational poverty. White privilege is actually very simple, exactly what Frank said. Yes, white folks can be poor, too. Have hard lives. BUT IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.
What I was saying to TN had nothing to do with privilege. It was about the destructive cycle of generational poverty. White privilege is actually very simple, exactly what Frank said. Yes, white folks can be poor, too. Have hard lives. BUT IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.
FALSE! It most certainly IS BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR. It is EXACTLY because of that. Even after everything that has been said to you in this thread about AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, you still don't get it. Are you dense ?

Elderly white people like myself (I'm 74) have had our whole lives reduced immensely because of racist AA discrimination. I got taken out of a professional career that I should have been in, which would have paid me 3 times what I earned in all the lower paying jobs I did. Even now in retirement, my Social Security is 1/3 what it would/should have been.
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

What you are saying is that white people raise their kids the right way which gives them privilege.
What I was saying to TN had nothing to do with privilege. It was about the destructive cycle of generational poverty. White privilege is actually very simple, exactly what Frank said. Yes, white folks can be poor, too. Have hard lives. BUT IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

Hes just another elite liar..which you follow. Wherever the power is then you can be found following.
guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

A lot of white people have been sent to the end of the line by affirmative action. In fact even our military academies are now 50% set aside for minorities and women.
Since quotas are illegal, how are they managing that?

Since they are not illegal ill let you contact them and ask. While you are dodging Iranian missiles.

What does Dell's employment goal have to do with US Military Academies?

You got a link? Because the last I heard, quotas are unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court. Their record on Affirmative Action has been chequered.

If the Military would like their work force to reflect the population (50% of the population is female; 40% of America is nonwhite) there is nothing wrong with that goal. But to say they've set aside 50% of seats for women? I'd like a link from the military, not Dell, on that.

Oh that’s “what you heard”? Read this article then you lazy old bat. Won’t do any good....but what else have you got to do?
You don’t know who Professor Fleming is of course. No matter. Just know that article and this one precipitated a court battle which has now been in court for a decade. Professor Fleming was reinstated August 2019 by court order which the US Naval Academy has appealed.
He got fired, right? Not only for blabbing about a policy they weren't supposed to put in writing, but for being pretty darned scathingly critical of half their students. Who just happen to be minorities. Huh.

I am aware of the educational deficiencies of some minority students. I hope the picture he paints is greatly exaggerrated.

The post of yours that I challenged said that the Military Academy is setting aside 50% of its seats to minorities and women. First, that is a quota, which IS unconstitutional, and that is stated in your own articles. Second, your own articles don't say that 50% of seats are held for minorities and women. There is nothing in either article about gender. The article states that 15-20% are athletes who didn't have to meet the same entrance criteria. Their race is not mentioned. And the Navy mentions a 35% minority inclusion rate. Not 50%. And when I asked you for some proof of that, you gave me an article on Dell!

If all you've got is a fired English professor who doesn't agree with Affirmative Action policies, I'm going to pass on having a heart attack over this. Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and women all need to be given leadership opportunities or the glass ceiling will never break. Having minorities in those roles IS actually importantf. It will break the preconceived notion that whites are superior (which this Prof. Fleming seems to be a firm believer in). It might take a couple generations for them to catch up, but every single one of these people who rises to a level of achievement and leadership is also going to be raising a family, being role models for others. It makes a difference.

I hear what Prof Fleming is saying. It happens on every college campus. The "stellar" white students who are not admitted can go another excellent school. If the military academy is truly that awash in deserving candidates that can't get in, it sounds to me like they should expand their program.

By the way, remember the incidents involving the USS Decatur and USS Fitzgerald? Not marginally acceptable minority officers that screwed up there. Maybe you and Prof Fleming are worrying a little too much?

There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

What you are saying is that white people raise their kids the right way which gives them privilege.
What I was saying to TN had nothing to do with privilege. It was about the destructive cycle of generational poverty. White privilege is actually very simple, exactly what Frank said. Yes, white folks can be poor, too. Have hard lives. BUT IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

Hes just another elite liar..which you follow. Wherever the power is then you can be found following.
Makes no difference how much money he makes. He defined it simply and accurately.
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

What you are saying is that white people raise their kids the right way which gives them privilege.
Pretty sure I was talking about any kids. Most of the poor families I know are white.
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

What you are saying is that white people raise their kids the right way which gives them privilege.
Pretty sure I was talking about any kids. Most of the poor families I know are white.

pretty sure you were exercising typical liberal cognitive dissonance. Blacks are different because they are poor. Blacks are no different!

Liberalism is a severe mental
Illness. Did it effect your ability to form and sustain a family?
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

What you are saying is that white people raise their kids the right way which gives them privilege.
What I was saying to TN had nothing to do with privilege. It was about the destructive cycle of generational poverty. White privilege is actually very simple, exactly what Frank said. Yes, white folks can be poor, too. Have hard lives. BUT IT IS NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

Hes just another elite liar..which you follow. Wherever the power is then you can be found following.
Makes no difference how much money he makes. He defined it simply and accurately.

Well it makes some difference. But you Post-Americans are too ignorant to realize that class and money are not synonymous.
But if being wealthy makes no difference why do we have to out up with wealthy elites lecturing us all the time about how bad trump is?
guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

A lot of white people have been sent to the end of the line by affirmative action. In fact even our military academies are now 50% set aside for minorities and women.
Since quotas are illegal, how are they managing that?

Since they are not illegal ill let you contact them and ask. While you are dodging Iranian missiles.

What does Dell's employment goal have to do with US Military Academies?

You got a link? Because the last I heard, quotas are unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court. Their record on Affirmative Action has been chequered.

If the Military would like their work force to reflect the population (50% of the population is female; 40% of America is nonwhite) there is nothing wrong with that goal. But to say they've set aside 50% of seats for women? I'd like a link from the military, not Dell, on that.

Oh that’s “what you heard”? Read this article then you lazy old bat. Won’t do any good....but what else have you got to do?
You don’t know who Professor Fleming is of course. No matter. Just know that article and this one precipitated a court battle which has now been in court for a decade. Professor Fleming was reinstated August 2019 by court order which the US Naval Academy has appealed.
He got fired, right? Not only for blabbing about a policy they weren't supposed to put in writing, but for being pretty darned scathingly critical of half their students. Who just happen to be minorities. Huh.

I am aware of the educational deficiencies of some minority students. I hope the picture he paints is greatly exaggerrated.

The post of yours that I challenged said that the Military Academy is setting aside 50% of its seats to minorities and women. First, that is a quota, which IS unconstitutional, and that is stated in your own articles. Second, your own articles don't say that 50% of seats are held for minorities and women. There is nothing in either article about gender. The article states that 15-20% are athletes who didn't have to meet the same entrance criteria. Their race is not mentioned. And the Navy mentions a 35% minority inclusion rate. Not 50%. And when I asked you for some proof of that, you gave me an article on Dell!

If all you've got is a fired English professor who doesn't agree with Affirmative Action policies, I'm going to pass on having a heart attack over this. Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and women all need to be given leadership opportunities or the glass ceiling will never break. Having minorities in those roles IS actually importantf. It will break the preconceived notion that whites are superior (which this Prof. Fleming seems to be a firm believer in). It might take a couple generations for them to catch up, but every single one of these people who rises to a level of achievement and leadership is also going to be raising a family, being role models for others. It makes a difference.

I hear what Prof Fleming is saying. It happens on every college campus. The "stellar" white students who are not admitted can go another excellent school. If the military academy is truly that awash in deserving candidates that can't get in, it sounds to me like they should expand their program.

By the way, remember the incidents involving the USS Decatur and USS Fitzgerald? Not marginally acceptable minority officers that screwed up there. Maybe you and Prof Fleming are worrying a little too much?

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“Who just happen to be minorities”? Huh? That is the central reason he was discussing them. Minorities don’t have to meet the same standards as whites. In other words they have privilege over white skin.
guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

When you say White Privilege, you are A. dismissing my accomplishments/difficulties and B. preparing to fuck me in some way, for money or resources.

These elites are quick to tell you that everything has been handed to you.
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.

or blacks could keep their privates in their pants until they finish school, get a job?
The concept of "white privilege" is complete bullshit...

Lets just be honest about it, its a leftist construct to further division just like the concept of "race" is. We are all human beings, there is not a different species of humans from one to another. So lets just put a fork in this stupid bullshit.

I can't deny that I have seen shit that some blacks had to tolerate that I would not have had to in the same circumstance, specifically interactions with police, but that is not because of something white people did, it's because of shit black people did. Police are not trained to focus on black people, they learn that from black people. There are a lot of black cops who don't hesitate to arrest blacks because they're past the bullshit.
Almost everything in your comment is inaccurate starting with ".... complete bullshit" but "particularly the part where you "...it's not because of something white people did, it's because of shit black people did".

There are white people who have admitted that it's been ingrained in them their entire lives that they are superior to black people, even those who are not overtly racist. They deep down inside subscribe to the beliefs of many of the founders of our country that it was decreed by God that the black race is inferior and was created in order to be subservient to the white race (this is recorded in many historical documents). They understand that there is very much a benefit to being white (as opposed to being of African descent) and this contributes to their tolerance and refusal to acknowledge their own tacit racism let alone address the racism in other whites when they encounter it because they don't want to lose their privilege. If they ever acknowlege it or that racism still exists and is not acceptable then suddenly something will have to be done about it. As long as everyone keeps quiet about the racism in their midst they can deny it's existence and escape ever being held accountable for it, let alone having to address something that makes them feel really, really uncomfortable.

In other words, a lot of white people, and not just racists get very defensive when the topic of their privilege comes up. We understand that you all don't like the term and that it makes people defensive, however if we stopped calling it white privilege, the privilege would still exist irrespective of what it's called or not called.

In fact "privilege" is defined as " a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group". What you all attribute as defects of black people are not naturally occuring issues, they were for the most part manufactured by white people based on their white supremacists beliefs in order to give themselves every possible advantage while marginalizing the lives of black people by violating their basic human rights. The very same rights that they themselves have screamed to high heaven about in protest whenever they felt that their rights were being violated.

So these advantages, privileges and immunities [from negative repercussions) were created when the founders declared the white race was superior to the black race and the only role that blacks could fulfill in their world is as a subservient race. This belief indisputably created an advantage/privilege for the white race that was not available to blacks because they built upon this belief a whole cadre of laws that were adverse to the black race and advantageous to the white race (advantage/right due to privilege of being white not available to blacks). In addition to the special rights and privileges, the immunity provided is that whites could not lawfully be placed into captivity as chattel, as were the black slaves and sometimes even freedman.

More problems were created when additional laws were passed restricting the rights of blacks or excluding blacks in favor of whites (Jim Crow, Black Codes, etc.) once again with the advantage/privilege going to members of the white race while excluding blacks or causing harm to their lives.

These problems were then firmly cemented into the collective psyche of white society when the Supreme Court of the United states ruled that "the black man is so far beneath the white man that he has no rights that the white man is bound to respect" (more advantage/privilege due to being white while blacks were excluded from U.S. Constitional protection). Many of the vagrancy laws were passed so the newly freed slaves could be returned back into captivity via the criminal justice system and the whites would then have a new source of free labor since their previous source had just been abolished via the 13th Amendment often. The convicts often labored under harsh and inhumane conditions through the convict leasing system. It's almost as if these laws were crafted specifically with the 13th amendment in mind in order to circumvent it since it stipulated that slavery or involuntary servitude was prohibited, except as a punishment for a crime.

I realize that this is a greatly condensed and simplistic account of the situation but it's late and I already have this all written out in greater detail and really just didn't feel like locating it.
guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

When you say White Privilege, you are A. dismissing my accomplishments/difficulties and B. preparing to fuck me in some way, for money or resources.

These elites are quick to tell you that everything has been handed to you.

And then they wonder why you are "Defensive" or why you don't vote for them.

FUcking assholes.

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