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White privilege does not mean you've had a privileged life

Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

The concept of "white privilege" is complete bullshit...

Lets just be honest about it, its a leftist construct to further division just like the concept of "race" is. We are all human beings, there is not a different species of humans from one to another. So lets just put a fork in this stupid bullshit.

I can't deny that I have seen shit that some blacks had to tolerate that I would not have had to in the same circumstance, specifically interactions with police, but that is not because of something white people did, it's because of shit black people did. Police are not trained to focus on black people, they learn that from black people. There are a lot of black cops who don't hesitate to arrest blacks because they're past the bullshit.

Yep. Im still adding to my thread disproving "systematic racism" and white priviledge. EVERY Fortune 500 company, university and government entity discriminates against whites in favor of blacks.
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?
So you think blacks are being denied jobs solely for being black? Are they being denied HS diplomas for being black as well?
Read my post again, TN. They're in a vicious cycle caused by underlying poverty that has been ongoing. Maybe some of them are not being hired because they dropped out of school, because they're drug addicts, because they've got criminal histories? Because they never got taught what an alarm clock is? Why is this group, as a racial minority, hit with those symptoms of ongoing poverty more than the white population? You think you're going to "fix that" with a lecture about work ethics?

I'm working with a GED student now who will be the first person in her family to get a high school diploma. Her parents were drop outs. Her brothers and sister all dropped out. That's not uncommon. There's an attitude behind it. They learn it at home, where we get most of our values without even knowing it. School is a waste of time. Teachers know who the poor kids are and they can be biased as hell. The other kids give them a hard time. They're born into a family with a "rep." School isn't a place they want to be, and it ain't a big deal to the parents or anyone else the kid knows. That's a good part of why kids don't finish, around here anyway. There's more--like frequently moving and having to change schools because their parents are evicted over and over for not being able to pay the rent. There is a dad at home, but he's thrown in jail for three years for being caught shooting heroin. Mom's too spaced out to give a fuck what her kids are doing, and she's not going to get up at 6:30 a.m. to make sure they get up and get ready for school.

To people who grew up with any or all of the above, I give them huge applause when they try to overcome it and do something right for themselves. A lot of it is about poverty when you get to the bottom of it. Not about defective genes or a lousy attitude. They're not born that way. They're raised that way. It's overwhelming in some communities, and it continues to be MORE of a problem in black communities than others. There IS a reason for that. So yeah, I think not being treated equally has something to do with it.
When I was a long haired leather jacket teen aged pot head socialist dumbfuck, I got hassled by cops all the time. I got caught with weed, and still talked my way out of an arrest.

It wasn't because of "privilege" it was because I had the sort of demeanor and integrity to first of all be respectful, and second of all to own up to whatever I did to get their attention.

Have I run across cops that were pieces of shit? You betcha!!!! It cost me a fuckton of money to resolve it too. That said I harbor no animosity of police because they have a job to do that I have no desire to do in most jurisdictions. The politics and ROE are far too fucked up when you have goddamned liberals running a city.


The last time I had a run in with a cop was when i was in my early 20's. I had a beer on a subway in a bag, and was with a friend of mine. A uniformed cop came on, we hid the bags, and when he left, laughed a bit and had a sip, we were then face to face with a black undercover cop who popped his badge in our face. He was dressed like a late 90's early 2000's gangbanger, perfect cover. Both of us at that instance just admitted "he got us", and what he wanted us to do. He told us to get out at the next stop and throw out the drinks. We did, he told us to have a nice day, and that was it.
guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

A lot of white people have been sent to the end of the line by affirmative action. In fact even our military academies are now 50% set aside for minorities and women.
Since quotas are illegal, how are they managing that?
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?

Yeah, I gotcha. BUT - maybe it depends on the path you chose and what your goals are and how you define success and a good life. You don't have to be rich and famous IMHO, it shouldn't be all about who won and who didn't but instead the content of your character. I've always loved that line, and we should all be striving for that as individuals and a society.

It doesn't always take money to make money. There's perhaps no better example of that than Barack Obama, he didn't come from money but he took advantage of the system to educate and improve himself and look how he turned out. Never mind the politics, like him or not he took on the so-called white privilege and beat it. And so can anybody else, but it won't be easy. Too many people want the easy road and usually that ain't the way to a good life. There are people on welfare who live good lives because they sacrificed for their kids future and that's called heroism. Content of your character. I think we'd be better off looking inside at our own character instead of looking elsewhere for someone to blame for our decisions. The hard road instead of the easy road.

Racism exists. White privilege exists. Always has, even in places where there weren't any white people. Slavery has been around for a very long time, and so has discrimination in one form or another. And it took a very long time to get rid of slavery, even to this day there are probably slaves somewhere on the planet. Here it took quite awhile to outlaw slavery, but it has taken even longer to eliminate the consequences that continue to this day. But those problems are not as strong or prevalent as they once were, and will lessen even more as time passes. Which doesn't mean we should stop trying to eliminate more injustices than we have now, but you can only do it one step at a time.
When I was a long haired leather jacket teen aged pot head socialist dumbfuck, I got hassled by cops all the time. I got caught with weed, and still talked my way out of an arrest.

It wasn't because of "privilege" it was because I had the sort of demeanor and integrity to first of all be respectful, and second of all to own up to whatever I did to get their attention.

Have I run across cops that were pieces of shit? You betcha!!!! It cost me a fuckton of money to resolve it too. That said I harbor no animosity of police because they have a job to do that I have no desire to do in most jurisdictions. The politics and ROE are far too fucked up when you have goddamned liberals running a city.

It has been my observation that the problems usually occur when those interacting with police do not fully understand the roll of police officers.

Immediately yelling "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT, PIG" when an officer pulls you over or stops you on the street is a good way to get a negative response. Cops are human beings who will react to shit like other humans. They are not the judge. They are certainly not the legislature. Arguing with a cop after a certain point is no only an exercise in futility, but could also escalate well beyond the original issue, even when the interaction does not result in an arrest.

Argue your case to the Judge, not the cop.

Bitch to the legislature about the laws, not the cop.

No matter what happens, I actively give police no reason whatsoever to feel that the situation is unsafe and I never have any trouble. And I do that WHILE being required by Texas law to tell them I am carrying a gun!!!

guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

A lot of white people have been sent to the end of the line by affirmative action. In fact even our military academies are now 50% set aside for minorities and women.
Since quotas are illegal, how are they managing that?
Not reporting or recording their set numbers. (remaining off the record about it)

In Texas, public universities are not allowed to use affirmative action. Instead, all high school students in the top 10% of their high school automatically are accepted to any public university of their choosing, regardless of numbers. (7% for UT Austin because they are bunch of assholes, but they also don't have room to expand like A&M or Tech)

The result?

Even MORE black/Hispanic etc students are going to UT and A&M. Hispanics are especially well represented at A&M, to the point where they held one of the graduation sessions in Spanish for their parents to attend.

There are better ways to solve "diversity" issues. The lazy/unethical/communists just don't want to use them.

If you stand in a 5 gallon bucket, can you pick it up?
I can't deny that I have seen shit that some blacks had to tolerate that I would not have had to in the same circumstance, specifically interactions with police, but that is not because of something white people did, it's because of shit black people did. Police are not trained to focus on black people, they learn that from black people.
, So you've seen it happen. Pete, that is exactly the point. Cops aren't supposed to generalize some black people's behavior to all black people. That is it in a nutshell. I know what you're saying and sure I see how it can happen. But it ISN'T supposed to and as long as we accept it, the problem is just going to keep getting worse. There are blacks who do the same thing, generalizing the bad attitudes of some cops with all cops. Or generalizing some racist asshole's attitude with all white people. That ain't straight, either.
Martin Luther King Jr. said:
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Character is judged about individuals, not stereotypes and generalizations. Generalizing information is how we make sense of our world. But it is a construct of our minds and it can be altered by rethinking the information, being aware of the generalizations we make. Are we being fair to every individual? When a cop sees a white person, he may have a different belief of the threat level. He has probably arrested plenty of violent white guys, but does that color his perception of every white guy he sees? So why is it okay when he does it with black guys?
guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

A lot of white people have been sent to the end of the line by affirmative action. In fact even our military academies are now 50% set aside for minorities and women.
Since quotas are illegal, how are they managing that?

Since they are not illegal ill let you contact them and ask. While you are dodging Iranian missiles.

If you stand in a 5 gallon bucket, can you pick it up?
I can't deny that I have seen shit that some blacks had to tolerate that I would not have had to in the same circumstance, specifically interactions with police, but that is not because of something white people did, it's because of shit black people did. Police are not trained to focus on black people, they learn that from black people.
, So you've seen it happen. Pete, that is exactly the point. Cops aren't supposed to generalize some black people's behavior to all black people. That is it in a nutshell. I know what you're saying and sure I see how it can happen. But it ISN'T supposed to and as long as we accept it, the problem is just going to keep getting worse. There are blacks who do the same thing, generalizing the bad attitudes of some cops with all cops. Or generalizing some racist asshole's attitude with all white people. That ain't straight, either.
Martin Luther King Jr. said:
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Character is judged about individuals, not stereotypes and generalizations. Generalizing information is how we make sense of our world. But it is a construct of our minds and it can be altered by rethinking the information, being aware of the generalizations we make. Are we being fair to every individual? When a cop sees a white person, he may have a different belief of the threat level. He has probably arrested plenty of violent white guys, but does that color his perception of every white guy he sees? So why is it okay when he does it with black guys?

They learn from experience.
If you stand in a 5 gallon bucket, can you pick it up?
I can't deny that I have seen shit that some blacks had to tolerate that I would not have had to in the same circumstance, specifically interactions with police, but that is not because of something white people did, it's because of shit black people did. Police are not trained to focus on black people, they learn that from black people.
, So you've seen it happen. Pete, that is exactly the point. Cops aren't supposed to generalize some black people's behavior to all black people. That is it in a nutshell. I know what you're saying and sure I see how it can happen. But it ISN'T supposed to and as long as we accept it, the problem is just going to keep getting worse. There are blacks who do the same thing, generalizing the bad attitudes of some cops with all cops. Or generalizing some racist asshole's attitude with all white people. That ain't straight, either.
Martin Luther King Jr. said:
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Character is judged about individuals, not stereotypes and generalizations. Generalizing information is how we make sense of our world. But it is a construct of our minds and it can be altered by rethinking the information, being aware of the generalizations we make. Are we being fair to every individual? When a cop sees a white person, he may have a different belief of the threat level. He has probably arrested plenty of violent white guys, but does that color his perception of every white guy he sees? So why is it okay when he does it with black guys?

I can only attest to my experience and conversations.

I was Corrections Officer briefly. I did not view any of the inmates by skin color. They were pretty much all pieces of shit. Unfortunately so were many of the other CO's. I had a chance to talk to a lot of inmates and as individuals, man to man, some of them come off as decent dudes, but when you get into their rap sheet....

Holy fuck....

You took kittens out on a boat and used them for shark bait???

You put ice cream on your pecker and let your trailer trash girlfriend's 2 year old lick it???

I read a jacket on a sweet little old lady when I did overtime at a female prison, and she wasn't there for writing bad checks...

She stuffed her daughter in a dryer 40 years ago and stayed in prison for a series of staff assaults!!!

I came out of that job LOATHING inmates. There isn't a one that I can say I would not shoot in the face. That's what happens to cops. They deal with these pieces of shit in our society and get to a point where they only look at other cops as human beings, and even they know some cops are shitbags too.

Maybe we need to defund and stop having police for a while. Let America cannibalize itself in a good long purge for a few years. After everything settles down those who survive can dust off the COTUS and restore order.

At this point I don't see anything liberals are doing that is directed towards a different path, and I don't see anything done by the "right" that is reversing it. All I can do is teach my kids to shoot and stock up on ammo for them because I will be dead pretty quick when the bottom does fall out.

guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.

A lot of white people have been sent to the end of the line by affirmative action. In fact even our military academies are now 50% set aside for minorities and women.
Since quotas are illegal, how are they managing that?

Since they are not illegal ill let you contact them and ask. While you are dodging Iranian missiles.

What does Dell's employment goal have to do with US Military Academies?

You got a link? Because the last I heard, quotas are unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court. Their record on Affirmative Action has been chequered.

If the Military would like their work force to reflect the population (50% of the population is female; 40% of America is nonwhite) there is nothing wrong with that goal. But to say they've set aside 50% of seats for women? I'd like a link from the military, not Dell, on that.
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What does Dell's employment goal have to do with US Military Academies?

You got a link? Because the last I heard, quotas are unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court. Their record on Affirmative Action has been chequered.

If the Military would like their work force to reflect the population (50% of the population is female; 40% of America is nonwhite) there is nothing wrong with that goal. But to say they've set aside 50% of seats for women? I'd like a link from the military, not Dell, on that.

It would be nice to let merit alone be the factor on getting a job wouldn't it?
What does Dell's employment goal have to do with US Military Academies?

You got a link? Because the last I heard, quotas are unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court. Their record on Affirmative Action has been chequered.

If the Military would like their work force to reflect the population (50% of the population is female; 40% of America is nonwhite) there is nothing wrong with that goal. But to say they've set aside 50% of seats for women? I'd like a link from the military, not Dell, on that.

It would be nice to let merit alone be the factor on getting a job wouldn't it?
Sure would. And if merit alone were the only factor being taken into account when a person is hired, that would be great, too.

Affirmative action is to thank for so much improving. Yeah, sharing is tough. Maybe with our historically great economy, there will be enough jobs for everyone and we can stop hearing about how unfair it is. But if I'd known this was going to turn into an argument about Affirmative Action, I never would have gotten involved. It is what it is, and when you take any set number of jobs and start ensuring that one group gets some of them, another group is going to lose some. I think it's worth it. I'm white. I don't even bother applying for those jobs in the classifieds saying "Minorities are encouraged to apply" because I figure that's what they're looking for. I have never gone unemployed though. I think the argument against it is terribly overblown.
What does Dell's employment goal have to do with US Military Academies?

You got a link? Because the last I heard, quotas are unconstitutional according to the Supreme Court. Their record on Affirmative Action has been chequered.

If the Military would like their work force to reflect the population (50% of the population is female; 40% of America is nonwhite) there is nothing wrong with that goal. But to say they've set aside 50% of seats for women? I'd like a link from the military, not Dell, on that.

It would be nice to let merit alone be the factor on getting a job wouldn't it?
Sure would. And if merit alone were the only factor being taken into account when a person is hired, that would be great, too.

Affirmative action is to thank for so much improving. Yeah, sharing is tough. Maybe with our historically great economy, there will be enough jobs for everyone and we can stop hearing about how unfair it is. But if I'd known this was going to turn into an argument about Affirmative Action, I never would have gotten involved. It is what it is, and when you take any set number of jobs and start ensuring that one group gets some of them, another group is going to lose some. I think it's worth it. I'm white. I don't even bother applying for those jobs in the classifieds saying "Minorities are encouraged to apply" because I figure that's what they're looking for. I have never gone unemployed though. I think the argument against it is terribly overblown.
The broadcasting to all about those white males who were denied half decent jobs in the 1970's and parts of the 1980's has never been told. Affirmative Action was supposed to help African Americans, specifically males. But there were problems. Many had more opportunities and still blew it. And of course there were guys who were good at their jobs. White women too many jobs. White guys had to find other ways including college at the time which was not infected as it has been the last couple of decades and longer. Many of those women retired with those jobs and have pensions. Privilege is privilege.
That's the best definition of white privilege I've seen yet.

Some--many--of the problems in the black community, like high crime, drug abuse (and the related trafficking), higher unemployment and less education are problems of poverty. As a social worker and teacher in an area which is 97% white, I can attest to that. They're not getting married, either, but having babies without a thought for how to actually care for them. They fill the jails. They stop attending school sometime after junior high. They have piss poor employability skills, like reliability. They're white.

Generational poverty is a tough nut to crack whether you live in the south end of Chicago or in rural Maine. The thing we have to ask ourselves is, WHY are blacks poor to a higher degree than other racial groups? Why is their unemployment rate always twice as high as whites? Some will say the answer is that black people are inherently lazy, dumb, violent. That is not the case; they were not born that way. The underlying question has to be, WHY is poverty still so hard to crack in the black community now that they are treated equally? Maybe because they aren't. My gram always said, It takes money to make money. That's pretty much true. You can't pull yourself up by the boot straps if you haven't got boots. See what I mean?

When I was a graduate student I needed and applied for an assistantship. I was denied, as were all the non-blacks who applied. 8 of these were granted - to the only 8 blacks who applied.

Well, these 8 blacks HAD bootstraps that all the others did not. This affirmative action racism against whites has severely reduced the lives of millions of whites for 55 years.
no, those blacks were not treated equally - they were treated with black privilege, at the expense of 2 Asians, 2 Hispanics, and 17 whites.
Sure would. And if merit alone were the only factor being taken into account when a person is hired, that would be great, too.

Affirmative action is to thank for so much improving. Yeah, sharing is tough. Maybe with our historically great economy, there will be enough jobs for everyone and we can stop hearing about how unfair it is. But if I'd known this was going to turn into an argument about Affirmative Action, I never would have gotten involved. It is what it is, and when you take any set number of jobs and start ensuring that one group gets some of them, another group is going to lose some. I think it's worth it. I'm white. I don't even bother applying for those jobs in the classifieds saying "Minorities are encouraged to apply" because I figure that's what they're looking for. I have never gone unemployed though. I think the argument against it is terribly overblown.
So you wouldn't be involved here if you had known this was going to turn into an argument about Affirmative Action. That's because like most liberals, you only want to discuss racism and racial discrimination, when blacks are the victims, but not when whites are the victims. This is why AA supporting liberals like you are the biggest hypocrites in America

You are a full-fledged racist, and you just breeze by it, by saying discriminating against whites is "worth it". If Trump gets re-elected, we might finally see the end of AA, after millions of white lives have been ruined. If he doesn't get re-elected, God help any young white children, coming out of the schools and trying to make their way in this world. They will be in for a tough row to hoe, just as I have been for 55 years, and still am suffering even now in retirement, with severely reduced Social Security monthly payments.

Affirmative Action doesn't just hurt you at the time you're discriminated against. It hurts you FOR LIFE.
Read Frank's definition again. A lot of white people didn't catch a break either BUT IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR.

A lot of people are trying to make white privilege more complicated a concept that it actually is.
There IS NO SUCH THING as white privilege. There is only BLACK PRIVILEGE, aka AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.
Since quotas are illegal, how are they managing that?
Universities, schools, private industry all pay zero attention to any law regarding quotas. They simply issue Affirmative Action forms for applicants to fill out. All those showing white male are discarded. ONLY minorities get a chance to get accepted, along with a small % of white women.

Wanna see the proof result ? Come to the VA hospital in Tampa, FL with 16,000 employees, and walk the long hallways. Go also to the VA clinics. See how many white women you see working there. Maybe they are 5% at best. See how many white males you can spot. They are between 1% and ZERO.
There's a lot of truth in the statement below IMHO. Certainly racism exists, certainly there is such a thing as white privilege where some white people caught a break or got an opportunity that a black person didn't. And that ain't right but guess what, there are a lot of white people that didn't catch a break either or got an opportunity too. So here's what I think you should do about it:

STFU and go about your business. If you're a father, be a father. Teach your kids right from wrong, make sure they stay in school and get and education. You don't have to have the best teachers and the best schools to get a good education, it's more about the individual putting in the work to learn than anything else. Make sure your kids don't put themselves in a position to where the cops are going to arrest them on suspicion of doing something illegal. I know, it happens anyway whether they've actually done anything or not. But a black person can reduce the odds of that happening considerably by not passing a counterfeit $20, or taking something from a store, or selling some illegal substance. Yeah, we got some bad cops but we also got some stupid people too. So change yourself, change your community, make it a better place to live. And blaming somebody else for your problems and stop acting like a victim.

PS: Frank Ragnow is a NFL football player for the Detroit Lions.

View attachment 348325

He has to say shit like this. Or his black teammates will have a hissy fit and ruin his career.

So, does he mean it, or is he jus kowtowing to the mob?

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