White Privilege Is When......

A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

Link to how whites created the concept of slavery?
Link to your GED proving you actually passed a test that says you can read.
I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

Link to how whites created the concept of slavery?
Link to your GED proving you actually passed a test that says you can read.

I call shenanigans. Slavery has existed for millennia. The estimates are that 21 to 36 million people live as slaves today. Most humans throughout history lived as either slaves or serfs. The U.S. system of LIBERTY is sadly a rarity, and it exists because of the philosophy and values of WHITE Western Civilization. But you can't get over the fact that slavery once existed in the U.S. and forget that millions of WHITE people died to end slavery.

Your (or perhaps you would better understand "youre") energy would be better spent on freeing slaves today than in moaning about the 19th century and earlier.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

Link to how whites created the concept of slavery?
Link to your GED proving you actually passed a test that says you can read.

I call shenanigans. Slavery has existed for millennia. The estimates are that 21 to 36 million people live as slaves today. Most humans throughout history lived as either slaves or serfs. The U.S. system of LIBERTY is sadly a rarity, and it exists because of the philosophy and values of WHITE Western Civilization. But you can't get over the fact that slavery once existed in the U.S. and forget that millions of WHITE people died to end slavery.

Your (or perhaps you would better understand "youre") energy would be better spent on freeing slaves today than in moaning about the 19th century and earlier.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
You lack credibility so you could call it the gospel truth and no one would care.
Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

Link to how whites created the concept of slavery?
Link to your GED proving you actually passed a test that says you can read.

I call shenanigans. Slavery has existed for millennia. The estimates are that 21 to 36 million people live as slaves today. Most humans throughout history lived as either slaves or serfs. The U.S. system of LIBERTY is sadly a rarity, and it exists because of the philosophy and values of WHITE Western Civilization. But you can't get over the fact that slavery once existed in the U.S. and forget that millions of WHITE people died to end slavery.

Your (or perhaps you would better understand "youre") energy would be better spent on freeing slaves today than in moaning about the 19th century and earlier.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
You lack credibility so you could call it the gospel truth and no one would care.

You lack integrity and knowledge, as well as credibility, you pathetic racist race-baiting hack.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

Link to how whites created the concept of slavery?
Link to your GED proving you actually passed a test that says you can read.

I call shenanigans. Slavery has existed for millennia. The estimates are that 21 to 36 million people live as slaves today. Most humans throughout history lived as either slaves or serfs. The U.S. system of LIBERTY is sadly a rarity, and it exists because of the philosophy and values of WHITE Western Civilization. But you can't get over the fact that slavery once existed in the U.S. and forget that millions of WHITE people died to end slavery.

Your (or perhaps you would better understand "youre") energy would be better spent on freeing slaves today than in moaning about the 19th century and earlier.

Slavery Today « Free the Slaves
You lack credibility so you could call it the gospel truth and no one would care.

You lack integrity and knowledge, as well as credibility, you pathetic racial hack.
I think youre just mad because I consider you valueless.
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

NO, Asclepias
I'm saying to address the Black/White relations you are complaining
about in historical CONTEXT with American slavery and history
of segregation and the current prison/welfare system compared to Jim Crow.

I did not say ANYTHING about "what was better or worse"
I was saying that slavery DOES have a place in all cultures.
Slavery is still going on today.

Please DO NOT put words in my mouth,
jump to conclusions and blame that on me.

You don't have to insinuate that anyone's GENOCIDE
is better or worse than any other's. Each cultural lineage
has to go through its OWN healing from its OWN history
of wars and genocide.

I'm sure there are people who will say the mass killings,
deformed and still born children after Hiroshima was
worse. There are people who will say the Holocaust was
the worst. There are people who will say the mass genocide
and stripping of native lands and rights from native tribes was worse.


I'm saying that IF you are going to talk about
Black/White relations, then EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT.
EXPLAIN why there is a such a disdain and aversion
to "owning property and trusting govt" BEFORE blaming
why Black communities struggle so much with laws and police.

EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT of the property laws and problems
inherited and what the solutions depend on.

It does NOT help "just to blame whites for slavery"
because that does NOT explain the full context,
the problems over property laws, ownership,
knowledge of the laws and how to manage business
and govt that is lost to the Black populations stuck in
jail who can't get jobs once they are stuck in this system.

This is not about comparing one race to another.
It is about explaining the context so the problems
can be addressed and resolved, not just blamed on
this racial group or that one. You can't compare the
groups that way. Sorry this wasn't clear Asclepias!
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

NO, Asclepias
I'm saying to address the Black/White relations you are complaining
about in historical CONTEXT with American slavery and history
of segregation and the current prison/welfare system compared to Jim Crow.

I did not say ANYTHING about "what was better or worse"
I was saying that slavery DOES have a place in all cultures.
Slavery is still going on today.

Please DO NOT put words in my mouth,
jump to conclusions and blame that on me.

You don't have to insinuate that anyone's GENOCIDE
is better or worse than any other's. Each cultural lineage
has to go through its OWN healing from its OWN history
of wars and genocide.

I'm sure there are people who will say the mass killings,
deformed and still born children after Hiroshima was
worse. There are people who will say the Holocaust was
the worst. There are people who will say the mass genocide
and stripping of native lands and rights from native tribes was worse.


I'm saying that IF you are going to talk about
Black/White relations, then EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT.
EXPLAIN why there is a such a disdain and aversion
to "owning property and trusting govt" BEFORE blaming
why Black communities struggle so much with laws and police.

EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT of the property laws and problems
inherited and what the solutions depend on.

It does NOT help "just to blame whites for slavery"
because that does NOT explain the full context,
the problems over property laws, ownership,
knowledge of the laws and how to manage business
and govt that is lost to the Black populations stuck in
jail who can't get jobs once they are stuck in this system.

This is not about comparing one race to another.
It is about explaining the context so the problems
can be addressed and resolved, not just blamed on
this racial group or that one. You can't compare the
groups that way. Sorry this wasn't clear Asclepias!
I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out that it is necessary to think in terms of race due to the actions of white people. Not only did they invent the concept, they used it to support white supremacy. Its silly for a white person to tell me its wrong to think in terms of race when I cant afford to not think in terms of race. Doing so would require me to pretend the status of Blacks in the ghettos and elsewhere are not the result of systematic racism by whites. In effect I would be lending my support to and being bamboozled by white privilege.
White privilege is when you rape an unconscious girl by a dumpster, and the judge only gives you 6 months in prison because you're a star athlete and a nice kid.
How about the Cosby show? They seemed pretty happy, normal and full of self-esteem.
What about the Cosby show?

mainstream media and imagery in America promotes low self-esteem for children of color/darker hues.'
Cosby kids didn't seem to suffer from low self-esteem, and the show was on a major network. How is that mainstream media/imagery promoting low self-esteem. The low self- esteem is promoted by people like Sharpton and J. Jackson. Their stock and trade is telling blacks they can't make it without intervention and help, they promote racism because without it they would not have a job that makes them rich. BO has done the same thing. Clearly racism exist, but you can't institute laws to end racism, some people are just ignorant racist. Move up and on, and prove them wrong. Why don't the black leaders deliver that message, tell young blacks to get an education, be responsible for your family and step over the bigots on your way up. Where is that message? The Jews and the Asians are minorities, but they don't have leaders who tell them they are victims. Their cultures promotes education and family.

The Cosby show was one of a few Black shows in a ocean of white shows. The vast majority of the programming was for whites and glorifying white people. Sharpton and JJ didnt have any shows so I have no idea what you are talking about even if what you claim are true. Your POTUS has done nothing but tell Blacks anything is possible if you never quit even in the face of racism.

Keep drinking the BO koolaide. I still have hope because there are some enlightened blacks.

Thanks I will. Anyone that preaches self empowerment despite the odds, makes some great tasting koolaid.

Hey, I'm watching a pbs piece on Newark, NJ. Come on bro how can you say white neighborhoods are even close as far as crime. Maybe there are poor white neighborhoods that compare but not any metro Detroit white neighborhoods that are anywhere near as bad as Detroit proper.

It's amazing the cops in Newark can stop and frisk anyone for no reason whatsoever.

They approached this innocent guy and just because he said don't touch me and backed up, they tackled him. The guy doing the piece showed the video to the seargent and he said, "the guy shouldn't have got defensive and just complied.

Im torn on this. I wouldn't want cops acting like this in my neighborhood but Detroit and Newark aren't safe neighborhoods. They got criminals running around.
I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

NO, Asclepias
I'm saying to address the Black/White relations you are complaining
about in historical CONTEXT with American slavery and history
of segregation and the current prison/welfare system compared to Jim Crow.

I did not say ANYTHING about "what was better or worse"
I was saying that slavery DOES have a place in all cultures.
Slavery is still going on today.

Please DO NOT put words in my mouth,
jump to conclusions and blame that on me.

You don't have to insinuate that anyone's GENOCIDE
is better or worse than any other's. Each cultural lineage
has to go through its OWN healing from its OWN history
of wars and genocide.

I'm sure there are people who will say the mass killings,
deformed and still born children after Hiroshima was
worse. There are people who will say the Holocaust was
the worst. There are people who will say the mass genocide
and stripping of native lands and rights from native tribes was worse.


I'm saying that IF you are going to talk about
Black/White relations, then EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT.
EXPLAIN why there is a such a disdain and aversion
to "owning property and trusting govt" BEFORE blaming
why Black communities struggle so much with laws and police.

EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT of the property laws and problems
inherited and what the solutions depend on.

It does NOT help "just to blame whites for slavery"
because that does NOT explain the full context,
the problems over property laws, ownership,
knowledge of the laws and how to manage business
and govt that is lost to the Black populations stuck in
jail who can't get jobs once they are stuck in this system.

This is not about comparing one race to another.
It is about explaining the context so the problems
can be addressed and resolved, not just blamed on
this racial group or that one. You can't compare the
groups that way. Sorry this wasn't clear Asclepias!
I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out that it is necessary to think in terms of race due to the actions of white people. Not only did they invent the concept, they used it to support white supremacy. Its silly for a white person to tell me its wrong to think in terms of race when I cant afford to not think in terms of race. Doing so would require me to pretend the status of Blacks in the ghettos and elsewhere are not the result of systematic racism by whites. In effect I would be lending my support to and being bamboozled by white privilege.
There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism.

There are BLACKS who will never leave the hood won't finish highschool will have baby mamas and kids they won't raise right won't have good jobs or any jobs at all will commit crimes and you're going to blame whites?

There's so much poor blacks are doing to themselves and we can't do anything about.

But instead of agreeing and making a push for the black community to change you'll tell me to worry about my community.

Then why are black documentaries showing us the scary situation that is happening in the hoods of America if not to get us to care and want change? Don't ask us to look and see how unfairly you're being treated and then get offended when we tell you we notice some things you need to change first. For example the whole world saw cops basically run around Newark NJ and tackle anyone who looks suspecious then frisk them. That would never fly in my neighborhood but should this practice be stopped in Newark? A part of me says yes but these cops find on average 1 gun a night. They know who the gang members are. But obviously they've searched a lot of young men who don't have anything on them. The adults let the kids carry the guns because theyre only minors.

Are you suggesting the cops should do something differently? I value your thoughts
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

NO, Asclepias
I'm saying to address the Black/White relations you are complaining
about in historical CONTEXT with American slavery and history
of segregation and the current prison/welfare system compared to Jim Crow.

I did not say ANYTHING about "what was better or worse"
I was saying that slavery DOES have a place in all cultures.
Slavery is still going on today.

Please DO NOT put words in my mouth,
jump to conclusions and blame that on me.

You don't have to insinuate that anyone's GENOCIDE
is better or worse than any other's. Each cultural lineage
has to go through its OWN healing from its OWN history
of wars and genocide.

I'm sure there are people who will say the mass killings,
deformed and still born children after Hiroshima was
worse. There are people who will say the Holocaust was
the worst. There are people who will say the mass genocide
and stripping of native lands and rights from native tribes was worse.


I'm saying that IF you are going to talk about
Black/White relations, then EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT.
EXPLAIN why there is a such a disdain and aversion
to "owning property and trusting govt" BEFORE blaming
why Black communities struggle so much with laws and police.

EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT of the property laws and problems
inherited and what the solutions depend on.

It does NOT help "just to blame whites for slavery"
because that does NOT explain the full context,
the problems over property laws, ownership,
knowledge of the laws and how to manage business
and govt that is lost to the Black populations stuck in
jail who can't get jobs once they are stuck in this system.

This is not about comparing one race to another.
It is about explaining the context so the problems
can be addressed and resolved, not just blamed on
this racial group or that one. You can't compare the
groups that way. Sorry this wasn't clear Asclepias!
I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out that it is necessary to think in terms of race due to the actions of white people. Not only did they invent the concept, they used it to support white supremacy. Its silly for a white person to tell me its wrong to think in terms of race when I cant afford to not think in terms of race. Doing so would require me to pretend the status of Blacks in the ghettos and elsewhere are not the result of systematic racism by whites. In effect I would be lending my support to and being bamboozled by white privilege.
There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism.

There are BLACKS who will never leave the hood won't finish highschool will have baby mamas and kids they won't raise right won't have good jobs or any jobs at all will commit crimes and you're going to blame whites?

There's so much poor blacks are doing to themselves and we can't do anything about.

But instead of agreeing and making a push for the black community to change you'll tell me to worry about my community.

Then why are black documentaries showing us the scary situation that is happening in the hoods of America if not to get us to care and want change? Don't ask us to look and see how unfairly you're being treated and then get offended when we tell you we notice some things you need to change first. For example the whole world saw cops basically run around Newark NJ and tackle anyone who looks suspecious then frisk them. That would never fly in my neighborhood but should this practice be stopped in Newark? A part of me says yes but these cops find on average 1 gun a night. They know who the gang members are. But obviously they've searched a lot of young men who don't have anything on them. The adults let the kids carry the guns because theyre only minors.

Are you suggesting the cops should do something differently? I value your thoughts

"There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism."


Too late. Theyve already seen and heard it dude.

I dont blame just your average everyday joe of a white person. I blame the whole white group from the small number of elite whites that consciously maintain this racist system to the passive whites that unconsciously support it by believing its not racism thats keeping the vast majority of Blacks from out competing whites. Its actually kind of monotonous telling you what the issues are. I've already told you so the information is there for you to convince yourself.
Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

NO, Asclepias
I'm saying to address the Black/White relations you are complaining
about in historical CONTEXT with American slavery and history
of segregation and the current prison/welfare system compared to Jim Crow.

I did not say ANYTHING about "what was better or worse"
I was saying that slavery DOES have a place in all cultures.
Slavery is still going on today.

Please DO NOT put words in my mouth,
jump to conclusions and blame that on me.

You don't have to insinuate that anyone's GENOCIDE
is better or worse than any other's. Each cultural lineage
has to go through its OWN healing from its OWN history
of wars and genocide.

I'm sure there are people who will say the mass killings,
deformed and still born children after Hiroshima was
worse. There are people who will say the Holocaust was
the worst. There are people who will say the mass genocide
and stripping of native lands and rights from native tribes was worse.


I'm saying that IF you are going to talk about
Black/White relations, then EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT.
EXPLAIN why there is a such a disdain and aversion
to "owning property and trusting govt" BEFORE blaming
why Black communities struggle so much with laws and police.

EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT of the property laws and problems
inherited and what the solutions depend on.

It does NOT help "just to blame whites for slavery"
because that does NOT explain the full context,
the problems over property laws, ownership,
knowledge of the laws and how to manage business
and govt that is lost to the Black populations stuck in
jail who can't get jobs once they are stuck in this system.

This is not about comparing one race to another.
It is about explaining the context so the problems
can be addressed and resolved, not just blamed on
this racial group or that one. You can't compare the
groups that way. Sorry this wasn't clear Asclepias!
I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out that it is necessary to think in terms of race due to the actions of white people. Not only did they invent the concept, they used it to support white supremacy. Its silly for a white person to tell me its wrong to think in terms of race when I cant afford to not think in terms of race. Doing so would require me to pretend the status of Blacks in the ghettos and elsewhere are not the result of systematic racism by whites. In effect I would be lending my support to and being bamboozled by white privilege.
There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism.

There are BLACKS who will never leave the hood won't finish highschool will have baby mamas and kids they won't raise right won't have good jobs or any jobs at all will commit crimes and you're going to blame whites?

There's so much poor blacks are doing to themselves and we can't do anything about.

But instead of agreeing and making a push for the black community to change you'll tell me to worry about my community.

Then why are black documentaries showing us the scary situation that is happening in the hoods of America if not to get us to care and want change? Don't ask us to look and see how unfairly you're being treated and then get offended when we tell you we notice some things you need to change first. For example the whole world saw cops basically run around Newark NJ and tackle anyone who looks suspecious then frisk them. That would never fly in my neighborhood but should this practice be stopped in Newark? A part of me says yes but these cops find on average 1 gun a night. They know who the gang members are. But obviously they've searched a lot of young men who don't have anything on them. The adults let the kids carry the guns because theyre only minors.

Are you suggesting the cops should do something differently? I value your thoughts

"There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism."


Too late. Theyve already seen and heard it dude.

I dont blame just your average everyday joe of a white person. I blame the whole white group from the small number of elite whites that consciously maintain this racist system to the passive whites that unconsciously support it by believing its not racism thats keeping the vast majority of Blacks from out competing whites. Its actually kind of monotonous telling you what the issues are. I've already told you so the information is there for you to convince yourself.
I get what you are saying. I always say about them that to them we are all n$%&ers.

And all those white middle class blue collar factory workers who's jobs went overseas they should see I'm right but instead of blaming the elites they've been convinced the problem is brown people.

I'll give you that poverty disproportionately negatively affects black people.
White privilege is when you rape an unconscious girl by a dumpster, and the judge only gives you 6 months in prison because you're a star athlete and a nice kid.

pillars that's called MALE privilege,
or in the case of OJ Simpson RICH MALE privilege to afford top defense lawyers. Remember how many ppl saw OJs case as historic, in that a rich black man could get away with murder that rich white men got away with, as long as money talks justice walks.

It's called Creating DOUBT which is on the side of defense. Since the burden of proof is on the accuser, the legal system and especially criminal justice system had been gamed and bought out. Yes it's more obvious with white vs. black, but the common factor is too often money.

And with rape and murder victims, trying to prove it based on faith beyond reasonable doubt, good luck, it's a complete gamble with judges and lawyers all playing the game.

The only way to justice is not commit crimes and violations in the first place, or we will never see equality after the fact. The system is not perfect and lawyers get paid to throw it.

So yes pillars ppl will use money, race, jury sympathy, tearing down the rape victim for being drunk or wearing provocative clothes, anything they can use to win. Anything to sway ppl EMOTIONALLY to CREATE DOUBT.

Obvious there are more white rich ppl who can buy lawyers to get their way in court, but the root problem is being able to buy justice and swing a decision in the first place.

Because THAT FLAW exists in the legal system, that's why Race becomes an issue because of human subjectivity. And money and privilege .

Look how many rich corporate crooks get away with crimes, then look at the corruption blamed on Hillary Clinton as a woman and Obama as a black man. The common factor is they both have MONEY and LEGAL connections with lawyers and judges buying into politics to play the system. Money even trumps race when you get into the game.
Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

NO, Asclepias
I'm saying to address the Black/White relations you are complaining
about in historical CONTEXT with American slavery and history
of segregation and the current prison/welfare system compared to Jim Crow.

I did not say ANYTHING about "what was better or worse"
I was saying that slavery DOES have a place in all cultures.
Slavery is still going on today.

Please DO NOT put words in my mouth,
jump to conclusions and blame that on me.

You don't have to insinuate that anyone's GENOCIDE
is better or worse than any other's. Each cultural lineage
has to go through its OWN healing from its OWN history
of wars and genocide.

I'm sure there are people who will say the mass killings,
deformed and still born children after Hiroshima was
worse. There are people who will say the Holocaust was
the worst. There are people who will say the mass genocide
and stripping of native lands and rights from native tribes was worse.


I'm saying that IF you are going to talk about
Black/White relations, then EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT.
EXPLAIN why there is a such a disdain and aversion
to "owning property and trusting govt" BEFORE blaming
why Black communities struggle so much with laws and police.

EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT of the property laws and problems
inherited and what the solutions depend on.

It does NOT help "just to blame whites for slavery"
because that does NOT explain the full context,
the problems over property laws, ownership,
knowledge of the laws and how to manage business
and govt that is lost to the Black populations stuck in
jail who can't get jobs once they are stuck in this system.

This is not about comparing one race to another.
It is about explaining the context so the problems
can be addressed and resolved, not just blamed on
this racial group or that one. You can't compare the
groups that way. Sorry this wasn't clear Asclepias!
I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out that it is necessary to think in terms of race due to the actions of white people. Not only did they invent the concept, they used it to support white supremacy. Its silly for a white person to tell me its wrong to think in terms of race when I cant afford to not think in terms of race. Doing so would require me to pretend the status of Blacks in the ghettos and elsewhere are not the result of systematic racism by whites. In effect I would be lending my support to and being bamboozled by white privilege.
There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism.

There are BLACKS who will never leave the hood won't finish highschool will have baby mamas and kids they won't raise right won't have good jobs or any jobs at all will commit crimes and you're going to blame whites?

There's so much poor blacks are doing to themselves and we can't do anything about.

But instead of agreeing and making a push for the black community to change you'll tell me to worry about my community.

Then why are black documentaries showing us the scary situation that is happening in the hoods of America if not to get us to care and want change? Don't ask us to look and see how unfairly you're being treated and then get offended when we tell you we notice some things you need to change first. For example the whole world saw cops basically run around Newark NJ and tackle anyone who looks suspecious then frisk them. That would never fly in my neighborhood but should this practice be stopped in Newark? A part of me says yes but these cops find on average 1 gun a night. They know who the gang members are. But obviously they've searched a lot of young men who don't have anything on them. The adults let the kids carry the guns because theyre only minors.

Are you suggesting the cops should do something differently? I value your thoughts

"There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism."


Too late. Theyve already seen and heard it dude.

I dont blame just your average everyday joe of a white person. I blame the whole white group from the small number of elite whites that consciously maintain this racist system to the passive whites that unconsciously support it by believing its not racism thats keeping the vast majority of Blacks from out competing whites. Its actually kind of monotonous telling you what the issues are. I've already told you so the information is there for you to convince yourself.
Dear Asclepias the elephant in the room is business and property ownership. Ppl who have a sense of ownership don't get as caught in the victim blame game. And yes, too many Blacks have a disadvantage or even a phobia against owning property and business because they know the system is gamed , set up to lose property and money to govt abused to grab it. And the Black generations initially brought to the US as property started off on the losing end of that learning curve toward equal justice, and cannot just magically be expected to suddenly flip to the winning side, when some ppl have centuries more experience with controlling property and laws governing property, while other ppl never had rights to own their own bodies much less real property for generations later, this is not equal. The more that liberals keep putting more and more power over management and money in the hands of federal govt, and that system is gamed because the Constitution isnt enforced but sold to the highest bidders, this robs everyone of equality not just blacks. We all become slaves to govt . The problems with class privilege that affect blacks most visibly affect all of us. When will we team up and fight together, instead of fighting each other as dark skin field slaves vs white skin house slaves. While those pulling the master card get away with games enslaving both rich and poor taxpayers stuck with the bill for all those abuses at our expense. Where is the WE in We the people. When are we going to fight for US.
Last edited:
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

NO, Asclepias
I'm saying to address the Black/White relations you are complaining
about in historical CONTEXT with American slavery and history
of segregation and the current prison/welfare system compared to Jim Crow.

I did not say ANYTHING about "what was better or worse"
I was saying that slavery DOES have a place in all cultures.
Slavery is still going on today.

Please DO NOT put words in my mouth,
jump to conclusions and blame that on me.

You don't have to insinuate that anyone's GENOCIDE
is better or worse than any other's. Each cultural lineage
has to go through its OWN healing from its OWN history
of wars and genocide.

I'm sure there are people who will say the mass killings,
deformed and still born children after Hiroshima was
worse. There are people who will say the Holocaust was
the worst. There are people who will say the mass genocide
and stripping of native lands and rights from native tribes was worse.


I'm saying that IF you are going to talk about
Black/White relations, then EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT.
EXPLAIN why there is a such a disdain and aversion
to "owning property and trusting govt" BEFORE blaming
why Black communities struggle so much with laws and police.

EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT of the property laws and problems
inherited and what the solutions depend on.

It does NOT help "just to blame whites for slavery"
because that does NOT explain the full context,
the problems over property laws, ownership,
knowledge of the laws and how to manage business
and govt that is lost to the Black populations stuck in
jail who can't get jobs once they are stuck in this system.

This is not about comparing one race to another.
It is about explaining the context so the problems
can be addressed and resolved, not just blamed on
this racial group or that one. You can't compare the
groups that way. Sorry this wasn't clear Asclepias!
I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out that it is necessary to think in terms of race due to the actions of white people. Not only did they invent the concept, they used it to support white supremacy. Its silly for a white person to tell me its wrong to think in terms of race when I cant afford to not think in terms of race. Doing so would require me to pretend the status of Blacks in the ghettos and elsewhere are not the result of systematic racism by whites. In effect I would be lending my support to and being bamboozled by white privilege.
There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism.

There are BLACKS who will never leave the hood won't finish highschool will have baby mamas and kids they won't raise right won't have good jobs or any jobs at all will commit crimes and you're going to blame whites?

There's so much poor blacks are doing to themselves and we can't do anything about.

But instead of agreeing and making a push for the black community to change you'll tell me to worry about my community.

Then why are black documentaries showing us the scary situation that is happening in the hoods of America if not to get us to care and want change? Don't ask us to look and see how unfairly you're being treated and then get offended when we tell you we notice some things you need to change first. For example the whole world saw cops basically run around Newark NJ and tackle anyone who looks suspecious then frisk them. That would never fly in my neighborhood but should this practice be stopped in Newark? A part of me says yes but these cops find on average 1 gun a night. They know who the gang members are. But obviously they've searched a lot of young men who don't have anything on them. The adults let the kids carry the guns because theyre only minors.

Are you suggesting the cops should do something differently? I value your thoughts

"There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism."


Too late. Theyve already seen and heard it dude.

I dont blame just your average everyday joe of a white person. I blame the whole white group from the small number of elite whites that consciously maintain this racist system to the passive whites that unconsciously support it by believing its not racism thats keeping the vast majority of Blacks from out competing whites. Its actually kind of monotonous telling you what the issues are. I've already told you so the information is there for you to convince yourself.
Dear Asclepias the elephant in the room is business and property ownership. Ppl who have a sense of ownership don't get as caught in the victim blame game. And yes, too many Blacks have a disadvantage or even a phobia against owning property and business because they know the system is gamed , set up to lose property and money to govt abused to grab it. And the Black generations initially brought to the US as property started off on the losing end of that learning curve toward equal justice, and cannot just magically be expected to suddenly flip to the winning side, when some ppl have centuries more experience with controlling property and laws governing property, while other ppl never had rights to own their own bodies much less real property for generations later, this is not equal. The more that liberals keep putting more and more power over management and money in the hands of federal govt, and that system is gamed because the Constitution isnt enforced but sold to the highest bidders, this robs everyone of equality not just blacks. We all become slaves to govt . The problems with class privilege that affect blacks most visibly affect all of us. When will we team up and fight together, instead of fighting each other as dark skin field slaves vs white skin house slaves. While those pulling the master card get away with games enslaving both rich and poor taxpayers stuck with the bill for all those abuses at our expense. Where is the WE in We the people. When are we going to fight for US.
White skinned house slaves have bought into the theory that they are actually the masters while they do exactly what the real masters want them to do. Blame Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, women, etc for their inability to make any progress in life. The only thing they have to fall back on is the assumption of superiority. When they get their stuff together then and only then will I join with them. Until they do they are just cave chimps and trailer trash bent on keeping their social construct of superiority alive to assuage their frustration over being fooled for so many centuries.
NO, Asclepias
I'm saying to address the Black/White relations you are complaining
about in historical CONTEXT with American slavery and history
of segregation and the current prison/welfare system compared to Jim Crow.

I did not say ANYTHING about "what was better or worse"
I was saying that slavery DOES have a place in all cultures.
Slavery is still going on today.

Please DO NOT put words in my mouth,
jump to conclusions and blame that on me.

You don't have to insinuate that anyone's GENOCIDE
is better or worse than any other's. Each cultural lineage
has to go through its OWN healing from its OWN history
of wars and genocide.

I'm sure there are people who will say the mass killings,
deformed and still born children after Hiroshima was
worse. There are people who will say the Holocaust was
the worst. There are people who will say the mass genocide
and stripping of native lands and rights from native tribes was worse.


I'm saying that IF you are going to talk about
Black/White relations, then EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT.
EXPLAIN why there is a such a disdain and aversion
to "owning property and trusting govt" BEFORE blaming
why Black communities struggle so much with laws and police.

EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT of the property laws and problems
inherited and what the solutions depend on.

It does NOT help "just to blame whites for slavery"
because that does NOT explain the full context,
the problems over property laws, ownership,
knowledge of the laws and how to manage business
and govt that is lost to the Black populations stuck in
jail who can't get jobs once they are stuck in this system.

This is not about comparing one race to another.
It is about explaining the context so the problems
can be addressed and resolved, not just blamed on
this racial group or that one. You can't compare the
groups that way. Sorry this wasn't clear Asclepias!
I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out that it is necessary to think in terms of race due to the actions of white people. Not only did they invent the concept, they used it to support white supremacy. Its silly for a white person to tell me its wrong to think in terms of race when I cant afford to not think in terms of race. Doing so would require me to pretend the status of Blacks in the ghettos and elsewhere are not the result of systematic racism by whites. In effect I would be lending my support to and being bamboozled by white privilege.
There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism.

There are BLACKS who will never leave the hood won't finish highschool will have baby mamas and kids they won't raise right won't have good jobs or any jobs at all will commit crimes and you're going to blame whites?

There's so much poor blacks are doing to themselves and we can't do anything about.

But instead of agreeing and making a push for the black community to change you'll tell me to worry about my community.

Then why are black documentaries showing us the scary situation that is happening in the hoods of America if not to get us to care and want change? Don't ask us to look and see how unfairly you're being treated and then get offended when we tell you we notice some things you need to change first. For example the whole world saw cops basically run around Newark NJ and tackle anyone who looks suspecious then frisk them. That would never fly in my neighborhood but should this practice be stopped in Newark? A part of me says yes but these cops find on average 1 gun a night. They know who the gang members are. But obviously they've searched a lot of young men who don't have anything on them. The adults let the kids carry the guns because theyre only minors.

Are you suggesting the cops should do something differently? I value your thoughts

"There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism."


Too late. Theyve already seen and heard it dude.

I dont blame just your average everyday joe of a white person. I blame the whole white group from the small number of elite whites that consciously maintain this racist system to the passive whites that unconsciously support it by believing its not racism thats keeping the vast majority of Blacks from out competing whites. Its actually kind of monotonous telling you what the issues are. I've already told you so the information is there for you to convince yourself.
Dear Asclepias the elephant in the room is business and property ownership. Ppl who have a sense of ownership don't get as caught in the victim blame game. And yes, too many Blacks have a disadvantage or even a phobia against owning property and business because they know the system is gamed , set up to lose property and money to govt abused to grab it. And the Black generations initially brought to the US as property started off on the losing end of that learning curve toward equal justice, and cannot just magically be expected to suddenly flip to the winning side, when some ppl have centuries more experience with controlling property and laws governing property, while other ppl never had rights to own their own bodies much less real property for generations later, this is not equal. The more that liberals keep putting more and more power over management and money in the hands of federal govt, and that system is gamed because the Constitution isnt enforced but sold to the highest bidders, this robs everyone of equality not just blacks. We all become slaves to govt . The problems with class privilege that affect blacks most visibly affect all of us. When will we team up and fight together, instead of fighting each other as dark skin field slaves vs white skin house slaves. While those pulling the master card get away with games enslaving both rich and poor taxpayers stuck with the bill for all those abuses at our expense. Where is the WE in We the people. When are we going to fight for US.
White skinned house slaves have bought into the theory that they are actually the masters while they do exactly what the real masters want them to do. Blame Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, women, etc for their inability to make any progress in life. The only thing they have to fall back on is the assumption of superiority. When they get their stuff together then and only then will I join with them. Until they do they are just cave chimps and trailer trash bent on keeping their social construct of superiority alive to assuage their frustration over being fooled for so many centuries.
Dear Asclepias the day you see that each person group or tribe has areas of superiority over others, and areas of fallibility, then you will see the equality of humanity. Our purpose in life is not the same. When we focus on purpose we are equal contributors and heroes leaders in some areas, and liabilities in others where we rely on the strength of other people or groups.

Like an orchestra there may be some soloists who shine above others, but overall we need every musician and instrument on stage to play their part in tune in harmony and on the right page at the right time to make the Symphony play off the page as written.

We can't get there by insulting bullying and kicking each other off the stage.

We need each other to play our parts in perspective, and support each other in SUCCEEDING not failing. Then we all win.
I'm not complaining about anything. I'm pointing out that it is necessary to think in terms of race due to the actions of white people. Not only did they invent the concept, they used it to support white supremacy. Its silly for a white person to tell me its wrong to think in terms of race when I cant afford to not think in terms of race. Doing so would require me to pretend the status of Blacks in the ghettos and elsewhere are not the result of systematic racism by whites. In effect I would be lending my support to and being bamboozled by white privilege.
There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism.

There are BLACKS who will never leave the hood won't finish highschool will have baby mamas and kids they won't raise right won't have good jobs or any jobs at all will commit crimes and you're going to blame whites?

There's so much poor blacks are doing to themselves and we can't do anything about.

But instead of agreeing and making a push for the black community to change you'll tell me to worry about my community.

Then why are black documentaries showing us the scary situation that is happening in the hoods of America if not to get us to care and want change? Don't ask us to look and see how unfairly you're being treated and then get offended when we tell you we notice some things you need to change first. For example the whole world saw cops basically run around Newark NJ and tackle anyone who looks suspecious then frisk them. That would never fly in my neighborhood but should this practice be stopped in Newark? A part of me says yes but these cops find on average 1 gun a night. They know who the gang members are. But obviously they've searched a lot of young men who don't have anything on them. The adults let the kids carry the guns because theyre only minors.

Are you suggesting the cops should do something differently? I value your thoughts

"There are good black kids in my white neighborhood who are going to graduate from college, get a good job raise their children well have white and brown friends and they will never see any serious racism."


Too late. Theyve already seen and heard it dude.

I dont blame just your average everyday joe of a white person. I blame the whole white group from the small number of elite whites that consciously maintain this racist system to the passive whites that unconsciously support it by believing its not racism thats keeping the vast majority of Blacks from out competing whites. Its actually kind of monotonous telling you what the issues are. I've already told you so the information is there for you to convince yourself.
Dear Asclepias the elephant in the room is business and property ownership. Ppl who have a sense of ownership don't get as caught in the victim blame game. And yes, too many Blacks have a disadvantage or even a phobia against owning property and business because they know the system is gamed , set up to lose property and money to govt abused to grab it. And the Black generations initially brought to the US as property started off on the losing end of that learning curve toward equal justice, and cannot just magically be expected to suddenly flip to the winning side, when some ppl have centuries more experience with controlling property and laws governing property, while other ppl never had rights to own their own bodies much less real property for generations later, this is not equal. The more that liberals keep putting more and more power over management and money in the hands of federal govt, and that system is gamed because the Constitution isnt enforced but sold to the highest bidders, this robs everyone of equality not just blacks. We all become slaves to govt . The problems with class privilege that affect blacks most visibly affect all of us. When will we team up and fight together, instead of fighting each other as dark skin field slaves vs white skin house slaves. While those pulling the master card get away with games enslaving both rich and poor taxpayers stuck with the bill for all those abuses at our expense. Where is the WE in We the people. When are we going to fight for US.
White skinned house slaves have bought into the theory that they are actually the masters while they do exactly what the real masters want them to do. Blame Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, women, etc for their inability to make any progress in life. The only thing they have to fall back on is the assumption of superiority. When they get their stuff together then and only then will I join with them. Until they do they are just cave chimps and trailer trash bent on keeping their social construct of superiority alive to assuage their frustration over being fooled for so many centuries.
Dear Asclepias the day you see that each person group or tribe has areas of superiority over others, and areas of fallibility, then you will see the equality of humanity. Our purpose in life is not the same. When we focus on purpose we are equal contributors and heroes leaders in some areas, and liabilities in others where we rely on the strength of other people or groups.

Like an orchestra there may be some soloists who shine above others, but overall we need every musician and instrument on stage to play their part in tune in harmony and on the right page at the right time to make the Symphony play off the page as written.

We can't get there by insulting bullying and kicking each other off the stage.

We need each other to play our parts in perspective, and support each other in SUCCEEDING not failing. Then we all win.
i find that the less relevance I give what white people think the better things turn out for me. I cant describe how liberating it is to learn true history and realize these whites are just running a con game to make up for their inferiority complex. Like I said they can get their minds right and join me or they can get left behind. Either way they better hurry up.

I dont blame just your average everyday joe of a white person. I blame the whole white group from the small number of elite whites that consciously maintain this racist system to the passive whites that unconsciously support it by believing its not racism thats keeping the vast majority of Blacks from out competing whites. Its actually kind of monotonous telling you what the issues are. I've already told you so the information is there for you to convince yourself.[/QUOTE]

not buying it, so since they are small in number then it should be easy to name names and show what they are doing
i find that the less relevance I give what white people think the better things turn out for me. I cant describe how liberating it is to learn true history and realize these whites are just running a con game to make up for their inferiority complex. Like I said they can get their minds right and join me or they can get left behind. Either way they better hurry up.

I have looked at the world really hard. I am the white guy you hate so much, but there isn't a single instance of me holding back any black person. What I have observed is that blacks are constant underperformers with nobody to blame but themselves.

I dont blame just your average everyday joe of a white person. I blame the whole white group from the small number of elite whites that consciously maintain this racist system to the passive whites that unconsciously support it by believing its not racism thats keeping the vast majority of Blacks from out competing whites. Its actually kind of monotonous telling you what the issues are. I've already told you so the information is there for you to convince yourself.

not buying it, so since they are small in number then it should be easy to name names and show what they are doing[/QUOTE]
I wasnt selling anything to you so no harm done.

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