White Privilege Is When......

The Cosby show was one of a few Black shows in a ocean of white shows. The vast majority of the programming was for whites and glorifying white people. Sharpton and JJ didnt have any shows so I have no idea what you are talking about even if what you claim are true. Your POTUS has done nothing but tell Blacks anything is possible if you never quit even in the face of racism.

Keep drinking the BO koolaide. I still have hope because there are some enlightened blacks.

Thanks I will. Anyone that preaches self empowerment despite the odds, makes some great tasting koolaid.

BO's personal accomplishments are outstanding, no doubt. But the message he delivers thru his words and his actions is not consistent with his own life. He accomplished what he did inspite of being black, not because of it. And now he panders to the black community by "sticking up for them" rather than acknowledging why he is where he is. He had a family group, his mother and grandparents for sure set him on a positive path. Why doesn't he acknowledge this. He projects an Us against Them message by getting personally involved in high profile black related issues, and he is quick to point a finger at white establishment.

Seems to me the message is pretty consistent. Basically its the same thing my parents taught me.....

As a Black person I have to work 10x as hard to get to the same place as a white person. No one can stop you from getting to where you want to be because you have the blood and DNA of the strongest people to inhabit the earth. Yes things will get hard but nothing is strong enough to stop you except you.

When people ask you for a reason should you ignore the question or answer it. It makes me laugh when white people ask you questions and you tell them an answer they get upset and say you are making an "excuse". If you think its an excuse then dont ask the question.

Wow, you got that message from BO? Seems like you got another message and that is why you are hyped up about little girls birthday presents. That is focusing on how the little black girl is a victim of white privilege.

Yep thats the message I get. Laughing at the incident isnt being hyped up. The only victim is the white woman that was upset over the reaction. The girl is going to be fine. Her mom is raising her with the same method I raised my girls.
Keep drinking the BO koolaide. I still have hope because there are some enlightened blacks.

Thanks I will. Anyone that preaches self empowerment despite the odds, makes some great tasting koolaid.

BO's personal accomplishments are outstanding, no doubt. But the message he delivers thru his words and his actions is not consistent with his own life. He accomplished what he did inspite of being black, not because of it. And now he panders to the black community by "sticking up for them" rather than acknowledging why he is where he is. He had a family group, his mother and grandparents for sure set him on a positive path. Why doesn't he acknowledge this. He projects an Us against Them message by getting personally involved in high profile black related issues, and he is quick to point a finger at white establishment.

Seems to me the message is pretty consistent. Basically its the same thing my parents taught me.....

As a Black person I have to work 10x as hard to get to the same place as a white person. No one can stop you from getting to where you want to be because you have the blood and DNA of the strongest people to inhabit the earth. Yes things will get hard but nothing is strong enough to stop you except you.

When people ask you for a reason should you ignore the question or answer it. It makes me laugh when white people ask you questions and you tell them an answer they get upset and say you are making an "excuse". If you think its an excuse then dont ask the question.

Wow, you got that message from BO? Seems like you got another message and that is why you are hyped up about little girls birthday presents. That is focusing on how the little black girl is a victim of white privilege.

Yep thats the message I get. Laughing at the incident isnt being hyped up. The only victim is the white woman that was upset over the reaction. The girl is going to be fine. Her mom is raising her with the same method I raised my girls.

My mistake, I assumed you were bothered by a black girl getting a white doll as a present. So you think white privilege is funny?
Thanks I will. Anyone that preaches self empowerment despite the odds, makes some great tasting koolaid.

BO's personal accomplishments are outstanding, no doubt. But the message he delivers thru his words and his actions is not consistent with his own life. He accomplished what he did inspite of being black, not because of it. And now he panders to the black community by "sticking up for them" rather than acknowledging why he is where he is. He had a family group, his mother and grandparents for sure set him on a positive path. Why doesn't he acknowledge this. He projects an Us against Them message by getting personally involved in high profile black related issues, and he is quick to point a finger at white establishment.
Seems to me the message is pretty consistent. Basically its the same thing my parents taught me.....

As a Black person I have to work 10x as hard to get to the same place as a white person. No one can stop you from getting to where you want to be because you have the blood and DNA of the strongest people to inhabit the earth. Yes things will get hard but nothing is strong enough to stop you except you.

When people ask you for a reason should you ignore the question or answer it. It makes me laugh when white people ask you questions and you tell them an answer they get upset and say you are making an "excuse". If you think its an excuse then dont ask the question.

Wow, you got that message from BO? Seems like you got another message and that is why you are hyped up about little girls birthday presents. That is focusing on how the little black girl is a victim of white privilege.
Yep thats the message I get. Laughing at the incident isnt being hyped up. The only victim is the white woman that was upset over the reaction. The girl is going to be fine. Her mom is raising her with the same method I raised my girls.

My mistake, I assumed you were bothered by a black girl getting a white doll as a present. So you think white privilege is funny?
No. I thought it was funny she got upset. I thought she was ignorant for getting a white doll to give a Black girl. What kind of mindset does one have to possess to assume a white doll would be the best thing to get a Black child? One of white privilege. Yes white privlege is pretty hilarious because its different forms all point back to one thing. A white inferiority complex that has brought us to this point in history.
BO's personal accomplishments are outstanding, no doubt. But the message he delivers thru his words and his actions is not consistent with his own life. He accomplished what he did inspite of being black, not because of it. And now he panders to the black community by "sticking up for them" rather than acknowledging why he is where he is. He had a family group, his mother and grandparents for sure set him on a positive path. Why doesn't he acknowledge this. He projects an Us against Them message by getting personally involved in high profile black related issues, and he is quick to point a finger at white establishment.
Seems to me the message is pretty consistent. Basically its the same thing my parents taught me.....

As a Black person I have to work 10x as hard to get to the same place as a white person. No one can stop you from getting to where you want to be because you have the blood and DNA of the strongest people to inhabit the earth. Yes things will get hard but nothing is strong enough to stop you except you.

When people ask you for a reason should you ignore the question or answer it. It makes me laugh when white people ask you questions and you tell them an answer they get upset and say you are making an "excuse". If you think its an excuse then dont ask the question.

Wow, you got that message from BO? Seems like you got another message and that is why you are hyped up about little girls birthday presents. That is focusing on how the little black girl is a victim of white privilege.
Yep thats the message I get. Laughing at the incident isnt being hyped up. The only victim is the white woman that was upset over the reaction. The girl is going to be fine. Her mom is raising her with the same method I raised my girls.

My mistake, I assumed you were bothered by a black girl getting a white doll as a present. So you think white privilege is funny?
No. I thought it was funny she got upset. I thought she was ignorant for getting a white doll to give a Black girl. What kind of mindset does one have to possess to assume a white doll would be the best thing to get a Black child? One of white privilege. Yes white privlege is pretty hilarious because its different forms all point back to one thing. A white inferiority complex that has brought us to this point in history.

Ok, good luck.
The Cosby show was one of a few Black shows in a ocean of white shows. The vast majority of the programming was for whites and glorifying white people. Sharpton and JJ didnt have any shows so I have no idea what you are talking about even if what you claim are true. Your POTUS has done nothing but tell Blacks anything is possible if you never quit even in the face of racism.

A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.
When I played with dolls (late 60's) all of the dolls were White. It didn't bother me. As a good little Asian, I ended up blowing up everything, including the Barbie Camper, with firecrackers.

I don't know how diverse the selection of dolls is now, but I know firecrackers work as good as they did in the 60's.
Black Girls With White Dolls: Does Race Matter When Buying Toys?

"As long as I am buying their toys, my daughters will not play with white dolls."

"At the time of The Clark’s study, in the 1940’s, Black dolls did not even exist. They were forced to paint white dolls Black in order to conduct the experiment. Nearly 60 years later, there are Black dolls available, but the results are still the same: mainstream media and imagery in America promotes low self-esteem for children of color/darker hues.'

How about the Cosby show? They seemed pretty happy, normal and full of self-esteem.
What about the Cosby show?

mainstream media and imagery in America promotes low self-esteem for children of color/darker hues.'
Cosby kids didn't seem to suffer from low self-esteem, and the show was on a major network. How is that mainstream media/imagery promoting low self-esteem. The low self- esteem is promoted by people like Sharpton and J. Jackson. Their stock and trade is telling blacks they can't make it without intervention and help, they promote racism because without it they would not have a job that makes them rich. BO has done the same thing. Clearly racism exist, but you can't institute laws to end racism, some people are just ignorant racist. Move up and on, and prove them wrong. Why don't the black leaders deliver that message, tell young blacks to get an education, be responsible for your family and step over the bigots on your way up. Where is that message? The Jews and the Asians are minorities, but they don't have leaders who tell them they are victims. Their cultures promotes education and family.

The Cosby show was one of a few Black shows in a ocean of white shows. The vast majority of the programming was for whites and glorifying white people. Sharpton and JJ didnt have any shows so I have no idea what you are talking about even if what you claim are true. Your POTUS has done nothing but tell Blacks anything is possible if you never quit even in the face of racism.

The solution is letting people write and produce their own music, shows and media.
Let each person and group represent themselves and their message as they relate to that media and audience.

If your audience or market is white, or women, or whatever demographic you are targeting as customers,
then you produce a message that appeals to THAT audience.

The best way to vote and influence what images or messages you want to see out there,
is to vote with your money and patronage, and produce things yourself.

The people successfully producing their own music and movies
aren't going to waste time dictating to someone else what they should or shouldn't do

If you really want to see equal empowerment,
look to people who master their own businesses, media, even schools,
and generate revenue and jobs that way. That's way more empowering
than sitting around criticizing marketing and media decisions that other people make.
If you don't like it, don't give them your money.
If you don't see it out there, go create it yourself.
"White privilege" is yet another in a long litany of excuses America's "Blacks" are given for their general failure to assimilate and succeed.

But many "Blacks" see through it and succeed in spite of the pointless negativism. The opportunities in our society for "Blacks" who are intelligent, hard-working, dress appropriately, and speak the King's English are almost infinite. EVERY KNOWLEDGEABLE employer is constantly seeking such "people of color," and are promoting them as rapidly as possible. But for those "Blacks" who want to remain "real," not so much. Ebonics doesn't have much market value. Nor do college degrees in "Ethnic/Urban Studies."

The real and imaginary slights that are portrayed as evidence of "White privilege" are no more oppressive than the petty setbacks that all humans endure when they are slighted or rejected because they are too short, too fat, too ugly, too "ethnic," Catholic, poorly dressed, have an odd surname, or speak with a regional accent.

Some people are born rich, some poor. Some are born intelligent and some slow. Some are destined to be tall, some short. Some people have good "bone structure," some not so much. Some people are raised to be industrious and some to be lazy and dependent. Race has nothing to do with it.

A "Black" child who raised in an intact household with a full-time father and mother present is only 1/3 as likely to grow up poor as a "white" child who is raised by a single parent. How's that "white privilege" working out for the white bastard? Can he take it to he bank?

People who graduate from high school are dramatically less likely to be unemployed, incarcerated, or permanently poor than those who graduate - even with the miniscule demands that high school has. People who refrain from committing crimes are way less likely to be incarcerated than those who do. People for whom "...a job, any job..." is of more value than remaining "cool" tend to do a lot better in life, even if Government freebies may have a financial value that exceeds the pay of a lousy job. Race has nothing to do with any of this.

Intelligent Black people (I know there are lots of them out there) should be capable of seeing through the idiocy of a $15 minimum wage, and how it will devastate the economic prospects for "Black Yoots" for a whole generation, but will they wake up before November 11th?
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.
White privilege is when... you're not a nignag. And I am VERY privileged. :D
"White privilege" is yet another in a long litany of excuses America's "Blacks" are given for their general failure to assimilate and succeed.

But many "Blacks" see through it and succeed in spite of the pointless negativism. The opportunities in our society for "Blacks" who are intelligent, hard-working, dress appropriately, and speak the King's English are almost infinite. EVERY KNOWLEDGEABLE employer is constantly seeking such "people of color," and are promoting them as rapidly as possible. But for those "Blacks" who want to remain "real," not so much. Ebonics doesn't have much market value. Nor do college degrees in "Ethnic/Urban Studies."

The real and imaginary slights that are portrayed as evidence of "White privilege" are no more oppressive than the petty setbacks that all humans endure when they are slighted or rejected because they are too short, too fat, too ugly, too "ethnic," Catholic, poorly dressed, have an odd surname, or speak with a regional accent.

Some people are born rich, some poor. Some are born intelligent and some slow. Some are destined to be tall, some short. Some people have good "bone structure," some not so much. Some people are raised to be industrious and some to be lazy and dependent. Race has nothing to do with it.

A "Black" child who raised in an intact household with a full-time father and mother present is only 1/3 as likely to grow up poor as a "white" child who is raised by a single parent. How's that "white privilege" working out for the white bastard? Can he take it to he bank?

People who graduate from high school are dramatically less likely to be unemployed, incarcerated, or permanently poor than those who graduate - even with the miniscule demands that high school has. People who refrain from committing crimes are way less likely to be incarcerated than those who do. People for whom "...a job, any job..." is of more value than remaining "cool" tend to do a lot better in life, even if Government freebies may have a financial value that exceeds the pay of a lousy job. Race has nothing to do with any of this.

Intelligent Black people (I know there are lots of them out there) should be capable of seeing through the idiocy of a $15 minimum wage, and how it will devastate the economic prospects for "Black Yoots" for a whole generation, but will they wake up before November 11th?

Dear DGS49 Unfortunately there is a learning curve to catch up with "white property owners"
who set up a legacy of govt based on property owners having more representation than those without.

With Blacks who are either descendents of slaves 150 years behind on the learning curve
(as they were still being treated as property, and didn't even get recognized as having
equal rights until desegregation as late as the 1960's) or they are brought up in a culture
that DOESN'T teach people in general the empowerment of invoking Constitutional
laws that "recognize people's equal rights" not to be oppressed by govt abuses,
THAT is why so many Blacks are taught to be DEPENDENT on PARTY to protect
their interests from govt and corporate abuses. They are NOT taught Constitutional laws
as so many Libertarians and now Tea Party teach. These laws have been "stereotyped"
as favoring White wealth and Christian males. So the gap in power has been magnified
and made worse by this racial divide, started by the White property owners depriving
Black slaves of equal rights under the Constitution. That history of injury and genocide
not only had to be reformed legally, but the SPIRITUAL injury is carried for several generations.

We are actually still new in this progression. The 1960's saw the civil rights movement
against segregation that was still part of our laws, and is still argued as affecting our
prison system. People behind on the learning curve of property and business ownership
(not just Blacks but other poor Whites, Latinos and women caught in trafficking exploited
for their lack of economic opportunity and education) get disproportionally trapped in
poverty cycles from crime especially tied to drug and sex abuse. So the Blacks have
been caught in the same.

Obama was the first African American to navigate the system, even moving from
previous drug days and whatever records he had or would have had, all the
way through laws school and the political system to get elected President.
This is the first some of his fellow African Americans have ever seen or paid
attention to "that the laws actually applied to them" and they could get involved
in govt.

There is a huge long learning curve starting with even this point, of even voting
in elections. Some people never cared, and for too many their only understanding
of govt is that "voting for the right people and party will mean they will use govt to protect
your benefits". They are not yet learning the Constitutional system, the checks and balances on
govt, due process and separation of powers, and the difference between State laws, Federal laws, and natural rights that inherently belong to people.

If it took descendants of Europeans and Founding Fathers this long, and we still haven't mastered
the Constitutional system of checking govt and keeping it limited while exercising
and developing maximum freedom and potential without fighting our own govt;
how long can we expect the newer generations to go through this learning curve,
from dependence on govt and voting for the first time, to learning how to use
the laws to enforce directly and become more self-reliant and self-governing.

This requires not only legal education training and experience,
but business and property management. All this is behind on the
learning curve for so many minorities who are starting off by getting
off the streets and out of prisons, to voting and holding jobs, to
owning homes before owning businesses and learning the ropes as property owners.

It is almost overwhelming and seemingly hopeless to teach someone from
start to finish, to catch up with the Romney's and Trump's that already can
buy whatever rights or freedoms they want because they control property and businesses
and generate enough revenue to invest and defend their own interests.

That's where I believe we should use the two-party system, that has already organized
people into social groups, to set up school programs to train interns under experienced
mentors to "speed up" the learning curve of owning property and managing businesses,
and in the process, learning the laws of govt and business to become self-governing.
Instead of teaching more dependence on govt, the goal should be independence,
and how to run local districts as democratically managed campuses or cities.

If we can set up systems like that, and a TRACK for either migrant workers
to become citizens and/or citizens to become govt leaders, then we won't
have to keep seeing this system of using party to lure people to vote based
on benefits they will get from govt as dependents. We can use the social
segregation that our parties have set up to organize people in classes
where interns and students can be matched to mentors and microloan
sponsors to invest in the education and training needed to move all the way up.
"White privilege" is yet another in a long litany of excuses America's "Blacks" are given for their general failure to assimilate and succeed.

But many "Blacks" see through it and succeed in spite of the pointless negativism. The opportunities in our society for "Blacks" who are intelligent, hard-working, dress appropriately, and speak the King's English are almost infinite. EVERY KNOWLEDGEABLE employer is constantly seeking such "people of color," and are promoting them as rapidly as possible. But for those "Blacks" who want to remain "real," not so much. Ebonics doesn't have much market value. Nor do college degrees in "Ethnic/Urban Studies."

The real and imaginary slights that are portrayed as evidence of "White privilege" are no more oppressive than the petty setbacks that all humans endure when they are slighted or rejected because they are too short, too fat, too ugly, too "ethnic," Catholic, poorly dressed, have an odd surname, or speak with a regional accent.

Some people are born rich, some poor. Some are born intelligent and some slow. Some are destined to be tall, some short. Some people have good "bone structure," some not so much. Some people are raised to be industrious and some to be lazy and dependent. Race has nothing to do with it.

A "Black" child who raised in an intact household with a full-time father and mother present is only 1/3 as likely to grow up poor as a "white" child who is raised by a single parent. How's that "white privilege" working out for the white bastard? Can he take it to he bank?

People who graduate from high school are dramatically less likely to be unemployed, incarcerated, or permanently poor than those who graduate - even with the miniscule demands that high school has. People who refrain from committing crimes are way less likely to be incarcerated than those who do. People for whom "...a job, any job..." is of more value than remaining "cool" tend to do a lot better in life, even if Government freebies may have a financial value that exceeds the pay of a lousy job. Race has nothing to do with any of this.

Intelligent Black people (I know there are lots of them out there) should be capable of seeing through the idiocy of a $15 minimum wage, and how it will devastate the economic prospects for "Black Yoots" for a whole generation, but will they wake up before November 11th?

Dear DGS49 Unfortunately there is a learning curve to catch up with "white property owners"
who set up a legacy of govt based on property owners having more representation than those without.

With Blacks who are either descendents of slaves 150 years behind on the learning curve
(as they were still being treated as property, and didn't even get recognized as having
equal rights until desegregation as late as the 1960's) or they are brought up in a culture
that DOESN'T teach people in general the empowerment of invoking Constitutional
laws that "recognize people's equal rights" not to be oppressed by govt abuses,
THAT is why so many Blacks are taught to be DEPENDENT on PARTY to protect
their interests from govt and corporate abuses. They are NOT taught Constitutional laws
as so many Libertarians and now Tea Party teach. These laws have been "stereotyped"
as favoring White wealth and Christian males. So the gap in power has been magnified
and made worse by this racial divide, started by the White property owners depriving
Black slaves of equal rights under the Constitution. That history of injury and genocide
not only had to be reformed legally, but the SPIRITUAL injury is carried for several generations.

We are actually still new in this progression. The 1960's saw the civil rights movement
against segregation that was still part of our laws, and is still argued as affecting our
prison system. People behind on the learning curve of property and business ownership
(not just Blacks but other poor Whites, Latinos and women caught in trafficking exploited
for their lack of economic opportunity and education) get disproportionally trapped in
poverty cycles from crime especially tied to drug and sex abuse. So the Blacks have
been caught in the same.

Obama was the first African American to navigate the system, even moving from
previous drug days and whatever records he had or would have had, all the
way through laws school and the political system to get elected President.
This is the first some of his fellow African Americans have ever seen or paid
attention to "that the laws actually applied to them" and they could get involved
in govt.

There is a huge long learning curve starting with even this point, of even voting
in elections. Some people never cared, and for too many their only understanding
of govt is that "voting for the right people and party will mean they will use govt to protect
your benefits". They are not yet learning the Constitutional system, the checks and balances on
govt, due process and separation of powers, and the difference between State laws, Federal laws, and natural rights that inherently belong to people.

If it took descendants of Europeans and Founding Fathers this long, and we still haven't mastered
the Constitutional system of checking govt and keeping it limited while exercising
and developing maximum freedom and potential without fighting our own govt;
how long can we expect the newer generations to go through this learning curve,
from dependence on govt and voting for the first time, to learning how to use
the laws to enforce directly and become more self-reliant and self-governing.

This requires not only legal education training and experience,
but business and property management. All this is behind on the
learning curve for so many minorities who are starting off by getting
off the streets and out of prisons, to voting and holding jobs, to
owning homes before owning businesses and learning the ropes as property owners.

It is almost overwhelming and seemingly hopeless to teach someone from
start to finish, to catch up with the Romney's and Trump's that already can
buy whatever rights or freedoms they want because they control property and businesses
and generate enough revenue to invest and defend their own interests.

That's where I believe we should use the two-party system, that has already organized
people into social groups, to set up school programs to train interns under experienced
mentors to "speed up" the learning curve of owning property and managing businesses,
and in the process, learning the laws of govt and business to become self-governing.
Instead of teaching more dependence on govt, the goal should be independence,
and how to run local districts as democratically managed campuses or cities.

If we can set up systems like that, and a TRACK for either migrant workers
to become citizens and/or citizens to become govt leaders, then we won't
have to keep seeing this system of using party to lure people to vote based
on benefits they will get from govt as dependents. We can use the social
segregation that our parties have set up to organize people in classes
where interns and students can be matched to mentors and microloan
sponsors to invest in the education and training needed to move all the way up.
Wow, you sure do have a lot of free time on your hands for all that fartsmoke. :D
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
"White privilege" is yet another in a long litany of excuses America's "Blacks" are given for their general failure to assimilate and succeed.

But many "Blacks" see through it and succeed in spite of the pointless negativism. The opportunities in our society for "Blacks" who are intelligent, hard-working, dress appropriately, and speak the King's English are almost infinite. EVERY KNOWLEDGEABLE employer is constantly seeking such "people of color," and are promoting them as rapidly as possible. But for those "Blacks" who want to remain "real," not so much. Ebonics doesn't have much market value. Nor do college degrees in "Ethnic/Urban Studies."

The real and imaginary slights that are portrayed as evidence of "White privilege" are no more oppressive than the petty setbacks that all humans endure when they are slighted or rejected because they are too short, too fat, too ugly, too "ethnic," Catholic, poorly dressed, have an odd surname, or speak with a regional accent.

Some people are born rich, some poor. Some are born intelligent and some slow. Some are destined to be tall, some short. Some people have good "bone structure," some not so much. Some people are raised to be industrious and some to be lazy and dependent. Race has nothing to do with it.

A "Black" child who raised in an intact household with a full-time father and mother present is only 1/3 as likely to grow up poor as a "white" child who is raised by a single parent. How's that "white privilege" working out for the white bastard? Can he take it to he bank?

People who graduate from high school are dramatically less likely to be unemployed, incarcerated, or permanently poor than those who graduate - even with the miniscule demands that high school has. People who refrain from committing crimes are way less likely to be incarcerated than those who do. People for whom "...a job, any job..." is of more value than remaining "cool" tend to do a lot better in life, even if Government freebies may have a financial value that exceeds the pay of a lousy job. Race has nothing to do with any of this.

Intelligent Black people (I know there are lots of them out there) should be capable of seeing through the idiocy of a $15 minimum wage, and how it will devastate the economic prospects for "Black Yoots" for a whole generation, but will they wake up before November 11th?

Dear DGS49 Unfortunately there is a learning curve to catch up with "white property owners"
who set up a legacy of govt based on property owners having more representation than those without.

With Blacks who are either descendents of slaves 150 years behind on the learning curve
(as they were still being treated as property, and didn't even get recognized as having
equal rights until desegregation as late as the 1960's) or they are brought up in a culture
that DOESN'T teach people in general the empowerment of invoking Constitutional
laws that "recognize people's equal rights" not to be oppressed by govt abuses,
THAT is why so many Blacks are taught to be DEPENDENT on PARTY to protect
their interests from govt and corporate abuses. They are NOT taught Constitutional laws
as so many Libertarians and now Tea Party teach. These laws have been "stereotyped"
as favoring White wealth and Christian males. So the gap in power has been magnified
and made worse by this racial divide, started by the White property owners depriving
Black slaves of equal rights under the Constitution. That history of injury and genocide
not only had to be reformed legally, but the SPIRITUAL injury is carried for several generations.

We are actually still new in this progression. The 1960's saw the civil rights movement
against segregation that was still part of our laws, and is still argued as affecting our
prison system. People behind on the learning curve of property and business ownership
(not just Blacks but other poor Whites, Latinos and women caught in trafficking exploited
for their lack of economic opportunity and education) get disproportionally trapped in
poverty cycles from crime especially tied to drug and sex abuse. So the Blacks have
been caught in the same.

Obama was the first African American to navigate the system, even moving from
previous drug days and whatever records he had or would have had, all the
way through laws school and the political system to get elected President.
This is the first some of his fellow African Americans have ever seen or paid
attention to "that the laws actually applied to them" and they could get involved
in govt.

There is a huge long learning curve starting with even this point, of even voting
in elections. Some people never cared, and for too many their only understanding
of govt is that "voting for the right people and party will mean they will use govt to protect
your benefits". They are not yet learning the Constitutional system, the checks and balances on
govt, due process and separation of powers, and the difference between State laws, Federal laws, and natural rights that inherently belong to people.

If it took descendants of Europeans and Founding Fathers this long, and we still haven't mastered
the Constitutional system of checking govt and keeping it limited while exercising
and developing maximum freedom and potential without fighting our own govt;
how long can we expect the newer generations to go through this learning curve,
from dependence on govt and voting for the first time, to learning how to use
the laws to enforce directly and become more self-reliant and self-governing.

This requires not only legal education training and experience,
but business and property management. All this is behind on the
learning curve for so many minorities who are starting off by getting
off the streets and out of prisons, to voting and holding jobs, to
owning homes before owning businesses and learning the ropes as property owners.

It is almost overwhelming and seemingly hopeless to teach someone from
start to finish, to catch up with the Romney's and Trump's that already can
buy whatever rights or freedoms they want because they control property and businesses
and generate enough revenue to invest and defend their own interests.

That's where I believe we should use the two-party system, that has already organized
people into social groups, to set up school programs to train interns under experienced
mentors to "speed up" the learning curve of owning property and managing businesses,
and in the process, learning the laws of govt and business to become self-governing.
Instead of teaching more dependence on govt, the goal should be independence,
and how to run local districts as democratically managed campuses or cities.

If we can set up systems like that, and a TRACK for either migrant workers
to become citizens and/or citizens to become govt leaders, then we won't
have to keep seeing this system of using party to lure people to vote based
on benefits they will get from govt as dependents. We can use the social
segregation that our parties have set up to organize people in classes
where interns and students can be matched to mentors and microloan
sponsors to invest in the education and training needed to move all the way up.
Wow, you sure do have a lot of free time on your hands for all that fartsmoke. :D

Dear Mudda This is the future of the Democratic Party, to take on the prison system
and convert it to schools and medical programs in order to support universal health care
and sustainable housing/jobs for all.

My friends are waiting on the book version to come out, so I don't have to keep
repeating the same plans over and over.

As for what you said, about having privilege not being Black,
I realize that every day since I started volunteering in Freedmen's Town
to develop the campus model I have proposed for replacing the party system
of selling dependence on govt to the poor. http://www.houstonprogressive.org

I count myself BLESSED to be Asian and not caught up in
ANY of this white/black rich/poor political divide that has
destroyed the national landmark site that I spent 20 years and 60,000 on credit helping nonprofit leaders trying to save their neighborhood campus development plans.

A friend made a bet I couldn't edit these "campus plans" down to 3 minutes to get
Trump or other candidates to listen to them, to build campuses
along the border for military security. Earned Amnesty

All it takes is one party candidate or govt official to adopt this plan,
create jobs developing it locally and across the border,
and my job is done. I can retire and spend my time publishing
and producing poetry and plays I wrote inspired by all this political experience
dealing with political segregation of poor blacks and corporate whites
as an Asian American college graduate caught in the middle between two warring classes.
And finding out the Constitutional solutions and reforms will take all the
best ideas of each party to put together, as a TEAM, if we are ever going to realize equal justice.
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.
When I played with dolls (late 60's) all of the dolls were White. It didn't bother me. As a good little Asian, I ended up blowing up everything, including the Barbie Camper, with firecrackers.

I don't know how diverse the selection of dolls is now, but I know firecrackers work as good as they did in the 60's.

We just to play Barbies and Horses (my friends and I all collected Breyer horse models). The Horses were smart and the Barbies were stupid, hence the Horses played lots of practical jokes on the Barbies.
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I remember watching the Cosby Show and it had all black characters. I never fucking thought about it even though I knew that was the case. It was a great show in the eighties. A liberal would come along and say 'these people are black' and your audience isn't. Shouldn't we be more aware of this and the social justice aspect of it? Now people are thinking race race race everytime we see an all white or all black show.
Yes a alot of Black people watched the Cosby show and were elated that it had positive all Black cast. We thought about it and discussed how great it was all the time. Obviously you were white and thats why you didnt think it was a big deal. News flash. Whites are the ones that started the racial problems and Blacks have to think in terms of race in order to understand whats going on around them.

Dear Asclepias Yes WITHIN the American framework and history of importing and enslaving African slaves,
including forced rapes of White Irish slaves by Black slaves, DID create the generational phobic hatred
that is racism carried to this day until it is fully healed.

There was a Native American speaker I heard last Sunday (who BTW not only acknowledged what you said before about the Iroquois influencing the Founding Fathers in the Constitutional concept of union of the several states under a policy of PEACE, but also said that sustainability for future generations, and equality of women and men were also principles of the Native tribes that the founders didn't fully adopt with the other tenets)
who shared tribal stories as a reminder this culture is older than the Europeans; the Native Americans also came out of Africa before migrating through Asia to populate the Americas.

He acknowledged that Native tribes ALSO went through their days of wars and slavery.
That all cultures go through these cycles to learn to get back in harmony with nature.

So it may be in this political and social context, in America there is historically the rift between
White founders descendants associated with power behind govt and corporations
and Black slaves and descendants associated with the lower classes, workers and prison populations.

You can blame it on the White culture and lineage,
or you can look at the bigger pattern of overpopulation and people wanting to settle and control ownership of land under tribal leaders which causes class wars and enslavement of workers by owners.

One reason so much focus is placed on the White culture, is the English language and linear way of thinking is used to document history in a two dimensional timeline. We as humans tend to use this as a central way of organizing and telling the story of human history in a linear fashion we can follow. So it tends to dominate.

But as the Native American speaker said, it doesn't make these older cultures less prominent
just because they relied on oral history instead of written history. But they end up dominating
the media and history books, etc. because the holistic type of "relative and interconnected history"
is harder to capture in linear format. Many cultures use mythical storytelling, and the African cultural
history is often captured in spoken work poetry and song to translate this oral history into modern media.

The White culture remains dominant, but it is not the cause.
Just like many African historians will explain that the concepts in math and the academic
university systems and structures are modeled after older systems that came out of Africa first.

So if you are going to give credit to Africans and Native Americans for developing
some of the same concepts from these older cultures that "Whites made famous and got credited for"
(such as the college system of university departments and the natural laws America's Constitution was founded on) then also REMEMBER that the practice of slavery was also inherent in these
cultures and "made famous by Whites who adopted that and got blamed for it"

It is unfair to credit the good things while blaming the bad things.

What racial bias will do, on both sides, if the Whites are biased against Blacks
they will put more weight on the White contributions and dismiss or downplay contributions from Blacks.
I've seen thread on USMB basically saying "what have Blacks contributed compared with Whites"
While the Blacks biased against the Whites will
put MORE emphasis on the evil and oppression by Whites on other minorities
and either de-emphasize the good contributions of Whites or downplay the
slavery and oppression that the other cultures have also inflicted in enslaving people.

All cultures have equal contributions, both strengths and weaknesses.
And what I've found Asclepias, is that the worse the weakness and greater the problems
that a group has experienced or imposed; the GREATER the positive contributions
that come from this debt and damage. So if we finish the process, the justice comes out equal.

The greater the sacrifice loss and oppression, the greater the reward when justice comes.
We don't have to compete to put one group above or below the other.
We are not the same, but when we look at the bigger picture, and compare
the plusses and minusses, they will be relative and balance out the scales.
You forgot that the system of slavery created by whites was the worst ever and based on race. Basically youre employing a logical fallacy to pretend slavery under whites was no different.

Link to how whites created the concept of slavery?

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