White Privilege Is When......

I wouldn't think twice if a kid gave my daughter a black/asian/alien, etc doll or a book with same characters in it. Neither would my kid.

Then again, some of us are more comfortable with diversity than others.
Are you white?


If someone gave my kid an xxx doll - and clearly I'm not an xxx - I should be upset because zomg! that doll is different from me/my kid? Sorry, that's not how I roll. A kid young enough to play with dolls doesn't see the world in "colors", unless they are taught to see the world that way. A kid young enough to play with dolls is happy and appreciative to receive a doll. At least, that's how it works in my home.

Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

Really , I just have to question this, so the child did receive other Black dolls at the party and then one White doll,
so, one white doll amongst a majority of black dolls is perceived as a threat to the child's self image? You see now how adults fuck up their childrens Lives? Left alone, this kid would be playing with her black dolls and one white doll having a tea party with them, but now because of the adults' insecurities, this child is taught to be insecure. The fact that America is still a predominately White and maybe Latino majority country one day, means that yes, black kids are bombarded daily by white images , just like if they happened to live in China they would be bombarded by asian images.

many parents have parties for their kids and often times they recieve gifts from people who meant well but happened to give a gift that really doesnt fit. They just smile and say thank you, then later when th eparty is over the gift goes straight to the attic. Problem solved with class and understanding. its wonderful to be an adult
Are you white?


If someone gave my kid an xxx doll - and clearly I'm not an xxx - I should be upset because zomg! that doll is different from me/my kid? Sorry, that's not how I roll. A kid young enough to play with dolls doesn't see the world in "colors", unless they are taught to see the world that way. A kid young enough to play with dolls is happy and appreciative to receive a doll. At least, that's how it works in my home.

Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

Really , I just have to question this, so the child did receive other Black dolls at the party and then one White doll,
so, one white doll amongst a majority of black dolls is perceived as a threat to the child's self image? You see now how adults fuck up their childrens Lives? Left alone, this kid would be playing with her black dolls and one white doll having a tea party with them, but now because of the adults' insecurities, this child is taught to be insecure. The fact that America is still a predominately White and maybe Latino majority country one day, means that yes, black kids are bombarded daily by white images , just like if they happened to live in China they would be bombarded by asian images.

many parents have parties for their kids and often times they recieve gifts from people who meant well but happened to give a gift that really doesnt fit. They just smile and say thank you, then later when the party is over the gift goes straight to the attic. Problem solved with class and understanding. its wonderful to be an adult

I dont recall seeing the child receive any dolls other than the white one (mainly because i was bored) but that doesnt make any difference even if she had received 20 Black dolls. The child is being impressed to value her Blackness. There is no need for her to have a white doll. She will get an overload of information on whites via her friends, school, society, and the media. On the contrary the child is being taught to be confident and self assured. Yes if the child was living in China they would be bombarded by Chinese images. However, she doesnt live in China so that has nothing to do with the issue IMO.

If someone gave my kid an xxx doll - and clearly I'm not an xxx - I should be upset because zomg! that doll is different from me/my kid? Sorry, that's not how I roll. A kid young enough to play with dolls doesn't see the world in "colors", unless they are taught to see the world that way. A kid young enough to play with dolls is happy and appreciative to receive a doll. At least, that's how it works in my home.

Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

Really , I just have to question this, so the child did receive other Black dolls at the party and then one White doll,
so, one white doll amongst a majority of black dolls is perceived as a threat to the child's self image? You see now how adults fuck up their childrens Lives? Left alone, this kid would be playing with her black dolls and one white doll having a tea party with them, but now because of the adults' insecurities, this child is taught to be insecure. The fact that America is still a predominately White and maybe Latino majority country one day, means that yes, black kids are bombarded daily by white images , just like if they happened to live in China they would be bombarded by asian images.

many parents have parties for their kids and often times they recieve gifts from people who meant well but happened to give a gift that really doesnt fit. They just smile and say thank you, then later when the party is over the gift goes straight to the attic. Problem solved with class and understanding. its wonderful to be an adult

I dont recall seeing the child receive any dolls other than the white one (mainly because i was bored) but that doesnt make any difference even if she had received 20 Black dolls. The child is being impressed to value her Blackness. There is no need for her to have a white doll. She will get an overload of information on whites via her friends, school, society, and the media. On the contrary the child is being taught to be confident and self assured. Yes if the child was living in China they would be bombarded by Chinese images. However, she doesnt live in China so that has nothing to do with the issue IMO.

OK, my mistake because in post 69 you said there were other White people there who had the sense to bring her black dolls. I'm curious as to why you also have said a White doll was not needed or wanted when, you also stated that it wasn't your kid or your party, you were also just a guest. I mean, do you know if the Birthday girl liked the doll?

I have two nieces who are half asian and dont look white at all because my little brother is half mexican, well they play with white dolls, princess dolls , whatever, they ask for them, they have no problem being in touch with any parts of their racial heritage, you have to let kids be OPEN, let them experience things its not going to hurt, what you see as iving in America is being "BOMBARDED" by white images,..... hell thats your perception, please give kids a chance without perpetuating racism
Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

Really , I just have to question this, so the child did receive other Black dolls at the party and then one White doll,
so, one white doll amongst a majority of black dolls is perceived as a threat to the child's self image? You see now how adults fuck up their childrens Lives? Left alone, this kid would be playing with her black dolls and one white doll having a tea party with them, but now because of the adults' insecurities, this child is taught to be insecure. The fact that America is still a predominately White and maybe Latino majority country one day, means that yes, black kids are bombarded daily by white images , just like if they happened to live in China they would be bombarded by asian images.

many parents have parties for their kids and often times they recieve gifts from people who meant well but happened to give a gift that really doesnt fit. They just smile and say thank you, then later when the party is over the gift goes straight to the attic. Problem solved with class and understanding. its wonderful to be an adult

I dont recall seeing the child receive any dolls other than the white one (mainly because i was bored) but that doesnt make any difference even if she had received 20 Black dolls. The child is being impressed to value her Blackness. There is no need for her to have a white doll. She will get an overload of information on whites via her friends, school, society, and the media. On the contrary the child is being taught to be confident and self assured. Yes if the child was living in China they would be bombarded by Chinese images. However, she doesnt live in China so that has nothing to do with the issue IMO.

OK, my mistake because in post 69 you said there were other White people there who had the sense to bring her black dolls. I'm curious as to why you also have said a White doll was not needed or wanted when, you also stated that it wasn't your kid or your party, you were also just a guest. I mean, do you know if the Birthday girl liked the doll?

I have two nieces who are half asian and dont look white at all because my little brother is half mexican, well they play with white dolls, princess dolls , whatever, they ask for them, they have no problem being in touch with any parts of their racial heritage, you have to let kids be OPEN, let them experience things its not going to hurt, what you see as iving in America is being "BOMBARDED" by white images,..... hell thats your perception, please give kids a chance without perpetuating racism
Thats what my wife told me. I didnt actually see it because i was bored. I have no idea what the girl thought. I was referring to the mother. I know she doesnt want her child playing with white dolls because she loves how my daughters all have turned out.

I raised my children with zero white dolls and zero books with whites in them. They were not allowed to watch TV until they got older. Then they were only allowed to watch videos/shows with Black people and other people of color. Zero movies with predominantly white cast. My kids are open. They have friends from almost every race. They are confident, self assured and very comfortable in their Blackness. I think you have no idea just how harmful being bombarded with white people is harmful for Black people and Black women in particular. Its not just my perception. Its the perception of a number of Black child psychologists and i hold their professional opinion in much higher regard than a white lay person such as yourself. Matter of fact the quote in my signature is from such a Black professional. When you allow white people to dictate your reality you lose yourself in their idiocy.

"The essence of power is the ability to define someone's reality and make them live according to that definition as if it is a definition of their own choosing."
--Wade Nobles
My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

Really , I just have to question this, so the child did receive other Black dolls at the party and then one White doll,
so, one white doll amongst a majority of black dolls is perceived as a threat to the child's self image? You see now how adults fuck up their childrens Lives? Left alone, this kid would be playing with her black dolls and one white doll having a tea party with them, but now because of the adults' insecurities, this child is taught to be insecure. The fact that America is still a predominately White and maybe Latino majority country one day, means that yes, black kids are bombarded daily by white images , just like if they happened to live in China they would be bombarded by asian images.

many parents have parties for their kids and often times they recieve gifts from people who meant well but happened to give a gift that really doesnt fit. They just smile and say thank you, then later when the party is over the gift goes straight to the attic. Problem solved with class and understanding. its wonderful to be an adult

I dont recall seeing the child receive any dolls other than the white one (mainly because i was bored) but that doesnt make any difference even if she had received 20 Black dolls. The child is being impressed to value her Blackness. There is no need for her to have a white doll. She will get an overload of information on whites via her friends, school, society, and the media. On the contrary the child is being taught to be confident and self assured. Yes if the child was living in China they would be bombarded by Chinese images. However, she doesnt live in China so that has nothing to do with the issue IMO.

OK, my mistake because in post 69 you said there were other White people there who had the sense to bring her black dolls. I'm curious as to why you also have said a White doll was not needed or wanted when, you also stated that it wasn't your kid or your party, you were also just a guest. I mean, do you know if the Birthday girl liked the doll?

I have two nieces who are half asian and dont look white at all because my little brother is half mexican, well they play with white dolls, princess dolls , whatever, they ask for them, they have no problem being in touch with any parts of their racial heritage, you have to let kids be OPEN, let them experience things its not going to hurt, what you see as iving in America is being "BOMBARDED" by white images,..... hell thats your perception, please give kids a chance without perpetuating racism
Thats what my wife told me. I didnt actually see it because i was bored. I have no idea what the girl thought. I was referring to the mother. I know she doesnt want her child playing with white dolls because she loves how my daughters all have turned out.

I raised my children with zero white dolls and zero books with whites in them. They were not allowed to watch TV until they got older. Then they were only allowed to watch videos/shows with Black people and other people of color. Zero movies with predominantly white cast. My kids are open. They have friends from almost every race. They are confident, self assured and very comfortable in their Blackness. I think you have no idea just how harmful being bombarded with white people is harmful for Black people and Black women in particular. Its not just my perception. Its the perception of a number of Black child psychologists and i hold their professional opinion in much higher regard than a white lay person such as yourself. Matter of fact the quote in my signature is from such a Black professional. When you allow white people to dictate your reality you lose yourself in their idiocy.

"The essence of power is the ability to define someone's reality and make them live according to that definition as if it is a definition of their own choosing."
--Wade Nobles
As opposed to black people constantly dictating white people's reality with racist black child psychologists and their useful idiot white liberal educators.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

Really , I just have to question this, so the child did receive other Black dolls at the party and then one White doll,
so, one white doll amongst a majority of black dolls is perceived as a threat to the child's self image? You see now how adults fuck up their childrens Lives? Left alone, this kid would be playing with her black dolls and one white doll having a tea party with them, but now because of the adults' insecurities, this child is taught to be insecure. The fact that America is still a predominately White and maybe Latino majority country one day, means that yes, black kids are bombarded daily by white images , just like if they happened to live in China they would be bombarded by asian images.

many parents have parties for their kids and often times they recieve gifts from people who meant well but happened to give a gift that really doesnt fit. They just smile and say thank you, then later when the party is over the gift goes straight to the attic. Problem solved with class and understanding. its wonderful to be an adult

I dont recall seeing the child receive any dolls other than the white one (mainly because i was bored) but that doesnt make any difference even if she had received 20 Black dolls. The child is being impressed to value her Blackness. There is no need for her to have a white doll. She will get an overload of information on whites via her friends, school, society, and the media. On the contrary the child is being taught to be confident and self assured. Yes if the child was living in China they would be bombarded by Chinese images. However, she doesnt live in China so that has nothing to do with the issue IMO.

OK, my mistake because in post 69 you said there were other White people there who had the sense to bring her black dolls. I'm curious as to why you also have said a White doll was not needed or wanted when, you also stated that it wasn't your kid or your party, you were also just a guest. I mean, do you know if the Birthday girl liked the doll?

I have two nieces who are half asian and dont look white at all because my little brother is half mexican, well they play with white dolls, princess dolls , whatever, they ask for them, they have no problem being in touch with any parts of their racial heritage, you have to let kids be OPEN, let them experience things its not going to hurt, what you see as iving in America is being "BOMBARDED" by white images,..... hell thats your perception, please give kids a chance without perpetuating racism
Thats what my wife told me. I didnt actually see it because i was bored. I have no idea what the girl thought. I was referring to the mother. I know she doesnt want her child playing with white dolls because she loves how my daughters all have turned out.

I raised my children with zero white dolls and zero books with whites in them. They were not allowed to watch TV until they got older. Then they were only allowed to watch videos/shows with Black people and other people of color. Zero movies with predominantly white cast. My kids are open. They have friends from almost every race. They are confident, self assured and very comfortable in their Blackness. I think you have no idea just how harmful being bombarded with white people is harmful for Black people and Black women in particular. Its not just my perception. Its the perception of a number of Black child psychologists and i hold their professional opinion in much higher regard than a white lay person such as yourself. Matter of fact the quote in my signature is from such a Black professional. When you allow white people to dictate your reality you lose yourself in their idiocy.

"The essence of power is the ability to define someone's reality and make them live according to that definition as if it is a definition of their own choosing."
--Wade Nobles
As opposed to black people constantly dictating white people's reality with racist black child psychologists and their useful idiot white liberal educators.
White people hate when Blacks dictate their own reality. Somehow they think that means we are dictating white peoples reality. :laugh:
Really , I just have to question this, so the child did receive other Black dolls at the party and then one White doll,
so, one white doll amongst a majority of black dolls is perceived as a threat to the child's self image? You see now how adults fuck up their childrens Lives? Left alone, this kid would be playing with her black dolls and one white doll having a tea party with them, but now because of the adults' insecurities, this child is taught to be insecure. The fact that America is still a predominately White and maybe Latino majority country one day, means that yes, black kids are bombarded daily by white images , just like if they happened to live in China they would be bombarded by asian images.

many parents have parties for their kids and often times they recieve gifts from people who meant well but happened to give a gift that really doesnt fit. They just smile and say thank you, then later when the party is over the gift goes straight to the attic. Problem solved with class and understanding. its wonderful to be an adult

I dont recall seeing the child receive any dolls other than the white one (mainly because i was bored) but that doesnt make any difference even if she had received 20 Black dolls. The child is being impressed to value her Blackness. There is no need for her to have a white doll. She will get an overload of information on whites via her friends, school, society, and the media. On the contrary the child is being taught to be confident and self assured. Yes if the child was living in China they would be bombarded by Chinese images. However, she doesnt live in China so that has nothing to do with the issue IMO.

OK, my mistake because in post 69 you said there were other White people there who had the sense to bring her black dolls. I'm curious as to why you also have said a White doll was not needed or wanted when, you also stated that it wasn't your kid or your party, you were also just a guest. I mean, do you know if the Birthday girl liked the doll?

I have two nieces who are half asian and dont look white at all because my little brother is half mexican, well they play with white dolls, princess dolls , whatever, they ask for them, they have no problem being in touch with any parts of their racial heritage, you have to let kids be OPEN, let them experience things its not going to hurt, what you see as iving in America is being "BOMBARDED" by white images,..... hell thats your perception, please give kids a chance without perpetuating racism
Thats what my wife told me. I didnt actually see it because i was bored. I have no idea what the girl thought. I was referring to the mother. I know she doesnt want her child playing with white dolls because she loves how my daughters all have turned out.

I raised my children with zero white dolls and zero books with whites in them. They were not allowed to watch TV until they got older. Then they were only allowed to watch videos/shows with Black people and other people of color. Zero movies with predominantly white cast. My kids are open. They have friends from almost every race. They are confident, self assured and very comfortable in their Blackness. I think you have no idea just how harmful being bombarded with white people is harmful for Black people and Black women in particular. Its not just my perception. Its the perception of a number of Black child psychologists and i hold their professional opinion in much higher regard than a white lay person such as yourself. Matter of fact the quote in my signature is from such a Black professional. When you allow white people to dictate your reality you lose yourself in their idiocy.

"The essence of power is the ability to define someone's reality and make them live according to that definition as if it is a definition of their own choosing."
--Wade Nobles
As opposed to black people constantly dictating white people's reality with racist black child psychologists and their useful idiot white liberal educators.
White people hate when Blacks dictate their own reality. Somehow they think that means we are dictating white peoples reality. :laugh:
You do dictate our reality. Black people control all racial matters in western countries and you alone have the power to determine what is and isn't racist, and even the power to determine who can actually be a victim of racism.

My children will never be allowed to grow up watching only white people on tv, playing with only white looking toys or anything even remotely resembling an inverse of the lives of your kids without child services being called by white liberals or black racists to take them away from me. My children will actually be taught to hate their ancestors and their cousins of other European nationalities because federal law dictates that education standards in this country include an explicitly racist and anti-white curriculum to appease so called "people of color".

You actually have your entire worldview backwards. It is YOU that fears white people might actually start to dictate our own reality. You and your white Democrat lackeys fear things like white identity politics and white student organizations in schools because you fear equality and the absolute erosion of the white guilt that currently protects you and your people from the consequences that would normally befall racist idiots like yourself every time you so much as open your mouth.
I dont recall seeing the child receive any dolls other than the white one (mainly because i was bored) but that doesnt make any difference even if she had received 20 Black dolls. The child is being impressed to value her Blackness. There is no need for her to have a white doll. She will get an overload of information on whites via her friends, school, society, and the media. On the contrary the child is being taught to be confident and self assured. Yes if the child was living in China they would be bombarded by Chinese images. However, she doesnt live in China so that has nothing to do with the issue IMO.

OK, my mistake because in post 69 you said there were other White people there who had the sense to bring her black dolls. I'm curious as to why you also have said a White doll was not needed or wanted when, you also stated that it wasn't your kid or your party, you were also just a guest. I mean, do you know if the Birthday girl liked the doll?

I have two nieces who are half asian and dont look white at all because my little brother is half mexican, well they play with white dolls, princess dolls , whatever, they ask for them, they have no problem being in touch with any parts of their racial heritage, you have to let kids be OPEN, let them experience things its not going to hurt, what you see as iving in America is being "BOMBARDED" by white images,..... hell thats your perception, please give kids a chance without perpetuating racism
Thats what my wife told me. I didnt actually see it because i was bored. I have no idea what the girl thought. I was referring to the mother. I know she doesnt want her child playing with white dolls because she loves how my daughters all have turned out.

I raised my children with zero white dolls and zero books with whites in them. They were not allowed to watch TV until they got older. Then they were only allowed to watch videos/shows with Black people and other people of color. Zero movies with predominantly white cast. My kids are open. They have friends from almost every race. They are confident, self assured and very comfortable in their Blackness. I think you have no idea just how harmful being bombarded with white people is harmful for Black people and Black women in particular. Its not just my perception. Its the perception of a number of Black child psychologists and i hold their professional opinion in much higher regard than a white lay person such as yourself. Matter of fact the quote in my signature is from such a Black professional. When you allow white people to dictate your reality you lose yourself in their idiocy.

"The essence of power is the ability to define someone's reality and make them live according to that definition as if it is a definition of their own choosing."
--Wade Nobles
As opposed to black people constantly dictating white people's reality with racist black child psychologists and their useful idiot white liberal educators.
White people hate when Blacks dictate their own reality. Somehow they think that means we are dictating white peoples reality. :laugh:
You do dictate our reality. Black people control all racial matters in western countries and you alone have the power to determine what is and isn't racist, and even the power to determine who can actually be a victim of racism.

My children will never be allowed to grow up watching only white people on tv, playing with only white looking toys or anything even remotely resembling an inverse of the lives of your kids without child services being called by white liberals or black racists to take them away from me. My children will actually be taught to hate their ancestors and their cousins of other European nationalities because federal law dictates that education standards in this country include an explicitly racist and anti-white curriculum to appease so called "people of color".

You actually have your entire worldview backwards. It is YOU that fears white people might actually start to dictate our own reality. You and your white Democrat lackeys fear things like white identity politics and white student organizations in schools because you fear equality and the absolute erosion of the white guilt that currently protects you and your people from the consequences that would normally befall racist idiots like yourself every time you so much as open your mouth.
You sound like an idiot. If Black people controlled all racial matters there would be no issues.

Tough shit. if you cant control your media then you are an idiot like I already mentioned.

White people already dictate their own reality and its ridiculous you think i fear anything white people would do.
OK, my mistake because in post 69 you said there were other White people there who had the sense to bring her black dolls. I'm curious as to why you also have said a White doll was not needed or wanted when, you also stated that it wasn't your kid or your party, you were also just a guest. I mean, do you know if the Birthday girl liked the doll?

I have two nieces who are half asian and dont look white at all because my little brother is half mexican, well they play with white dolls, princess dolls , whatever, they ask for them, they have no problem being in touch with any parts of their racial heritage, you have to let kids be OPEN, let them experience things its not going to hurt, what you see as iving in America is being "BOMBARDED" by white images,..... hell thats your perception, please give kids a chance without perpetuating racism
Thats what my wife told me. I didnt actually see it because i was bored. I have no idea what the girl thought. I was referring to the mother. I know she doesnt want her child playing with white dolls because she loves how my daughters all have turned out.

I raised my children with zero white dolls and zero books with whites in them. They were not allowed to watch TV until they got older. Then they were only allowed to watch videos/shows with Black people and other people of color. Zero movies with predominantly white cast. My kids are open. They have friends from almost every race. They are confident, self assured and very comfortable in their Blackness. I think you have no idea just how harmful being bombarded with white people is harmful for Black people and Black women in particular. Its not just my perception. Its the perception of a number of Black child psychologists and i hold their professional opinion in much higher regard than a white lay person such as yourself. Matter of fact the quote in my signature is from such a Black professional. When you allow white people to dictate your reality you lose yourself in their idiocy.

"The essence of power is the ability to define someone's reality and make them live according to that definition as if it is a definition of their own choosing."
--Wade Nobles
As opposed to black people constantly dictating white people's reality with racist black child psychologists and their useful idiot white liberal educators.
White people hate when Blacks dictate their own reality. Somehow they think that means we are dictating white peoples reality. :laugh:
You do dictate our reality. Black people control all racial matters in western countries and you alone have the power to determine what is and isn't racist, and even the power to determine who can actually be a victim of racism.

My children will never be allowed to grow up watching only white people on tv, playing with only white looking toys or anything even remotely resembling an inverse of the lives of your kids without child services being called by white liberals or black racists to take them away from me. My children will actually be taught to hate their ancestors and their cousins of other European nationalities because federal law dictates that education standards in this country include an explicitly racist and anti-white curriculum to appease so called "people of color".

You actually have your entire worldview backwards. It is YOU that fears white people might actually start to dictate our own reality. You and your white Democrat lackeys fear things like white identity politics and white student organizations in schools because you fear equality and the absolute erosion of the white guilt that currently protects you and your people from the consequences that would normally befall racist idiots like yourself every time you so much as open your mouth.
You sound like an idiot. If Black people controlled all racial matters there would be no issues.

Tough shit. if you cant control your media then you are an idiot like I already mentioned.

White people already dictate their own reality and its ridiculous you think i fear anything white people would do.
You are an idiot and I am officially done trying to discuss anything with you.
Thats what my wife told me. I didnt actually see it because i was bored. I have no idea what the girl thought. I was referring to the mother. I know she doesnt want her child playing with white dolls because she loves how my daughters all have turned out.

I raised my children with zero white dolls and zero books with whites in them. They were not allowed to watch TV until they got older. Then they were only allowed to watch videos/shows with Black people and other people of color. Zero movies with predominantly white cast. My kids are open. They have friends from almost every race. They are confident, self assured and very comfortable in their Blackness. I think you have no idea just how harmful being bombarded with white people is harmful for Black people and Black women in particular. Its not just my perception. Its the perception of a number of Black child psychologists and i hold their professional opinion in much higher regard than a white lay person such as yourself. Matter of fact the quote in my signature is from such a Black professional. When you allow white people to dictate your reality you lose yourself in their idiocy.

"The essence of power is the ability to define someone's reality and make them live according to that definition as if it is a definition of their own choosing."
--Wade Nobles
As opposed to black people constantly dictating white people's reality with racist black child psychologists and their useful idiot white liberal educators.
White people hate when Blacks dictate their own reality. Somehow they think that means we are dictating white peoples reality. :laugh:
You do dictate our reality. Black people control all racial matters in western countries and you alone have the power to determine what is and isn't racist, and even the power to determine who can actually be a victim of racism.

My children will never be allowed to grow up watching only white people on tv, playing with only white looking toys or anything even remotely resembling an inverse of the lives of your kids without child services being called by white liberals or black racists to take them away from me. My children will actually be taught to hate their ancestors and their cousins of other European nationalities because federal law dictates that education standards in this country include an explicitly racist and anti-white curriculum to appease so called "people of color".

You actually have your entire worldview backwards. It is YOU that fears white people might actually start to dictate our own reality. You and your white Democrat lackeys fear things like white identity politics and white student organizations in schools because you fear equality and the absolute erosion of the white guilt that currently protects you and your people from the consequences that would normally befall racist idiots like yourself every time you so much as open your mouth.
You sound like an idiot. If Black people controlled all racial matters there would be no issues.

Tough shit. if you cant control your media then you are an idiot like I already mentioned.

White people already dictate their own reality and its ridiculous you think i fear anything white people would do.
You are an idiot and I am officially done trying to discuss anything with you.
You were done the moment you made that idiotic statement. Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

In other words, the Person who gave the present didn't consider race when she bought the present. So not considering race is now considered racist? This gets so confusing, no wonder so many people are racist, it's nearly impossible not to be.
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

In other words, the Person who gave the present didn't consider race when she bought the present. So not considering race is now considered racist? This gets so confusing, no wonder so many people are racist, it's nearly impossible not to be.
Not only did she not consider race she exercised white privilege and assumed a white doll would be the best gift to get a Black girl. No one said anything about it being racist. Didnt you read my title and OP?

It shouldnt be confusing at all. We dont want your white dolls. We'd rather look at dolls and book characters that look like us. Give me one good reason for a Black parent or child to want a white doll or white characters in their books?
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Black Girls With White Dolls: Does Race Matter When Buying Toys?

"As long as I am buying their toys, my daughters will not play with white dolls."

"At the time of The Clark’s study, in the 1940’s, Black dolls did not even exist. They were forced to paint white dolls Black in order to conduct the experiment. Nearly 60 years later, there are Black dolls available, but the results are still the same: mainstream media and imagery in America promotes low self-esteem for children of color/darker hues.'
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

In other words, the Person who gave the present didn't consider race when she bought the present. So not considering race is now considered racist? This gets so confusing, no wonder so many people are racist, it's nearly impossible not to be.
Not only did she not consider race she exercised white privilege and assumed a white doll would be the best gift to get a Black girl. No one said anything about it being racist. Didnt you read my title and OP?

It shouldnt be confusing at all. We dont want your white dolls. We'd rather look at dolls and book characters that look like us. Give me one good reason for a Black parent or child to want a white doll or white characters in their books?

So if a Mexican brought a white doll to a black child would that be Mexican -American white privilege?
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

In other words, the Person who gave the present didn't consider race when she bought the present. So not considering race is now considered racist? This gets so confusing, no wonder so many people are racist, it's nearly impossible not to be.
Not only did she not consider race she exercised white privilege and assumed a white doll would be the best gift to get a Black girl. No one said anything about it being racist. Didnt you read my title and OP?

It shouldnt be confusing at all. We dont want your white dolls. We'd rather look at dolls and book characters that look like us. Give me one good reason for a Black parent or child to want a white doll or white characters in their books?

So if a Mexican brought a white doll to a black child would that be Mexican -American white privilege?
No. That would still be white privilege. The only difference is that it infected a mexican. Again its the assumption that anything white is more desirable or needed which causes this condition.
It's already privilege enough just to be white. The rest is just gravy. :D

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