White Privilege Is When......

Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.
You mean the message that YOU are giving the child.
Why would me teaching my child to love being Black bother me?
Why does society oppose me teaching my children to love being white?

If you were white you would be considered a klansman with your bullshit. Black privilege protects you from suffering the consequences of your blatant racism.
You avoided answering my question. Can you answer it instead of deflecting then I can answer yours?
Obviously she would be threatened if she thinks her daughter having a European looking doll is a problem that could undo her teachings.

Why are you such a moron?
Nope. Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.

Who told you I was a moron?

Then return it, donate it, or throw it in the trash.
It was given back to the woman.
OMG. You and your ultra chic politicized friends shouldn't invite white people to your social functions or interact with them at all. That did more harm than good, you know.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I wouldn't think twice if a kid gave my daughter a black/asian/alien, etc doll or a book with same characters in it. Neither would my kid.

Then again, some of us are more comfortable with diversity than others.
Are you white?


If someone gave my kid an xxx doll - and clearly I'm not an xxx - I should be upset because zomg! that doll is different from me/my kid? Sorry, that's not how I roll. A kid young enough to play with dolls doesn't see the world in "colors", unless they are taught to see the world that way. A kid young enough to play with dolls is happy and appreciative to receive a doll. At least, that's how it works in my home.

Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

My argument stands regardless of my skin color. Your differing world view doesn't make my argument invalid, no matter how many times you say that it does. You do not, and can not, speak for anyone but yourself.

The lesson of diversity? The lesson that not everyone "looks like me"?

Like I said, a child small enough to still be playing with dolls does not see the world through "colored" glasses, unless they are taught that from the onset. My kids were always appreciative of the gifts they received, even if the gifts were "different".

Obviously, your view varies.
Are you white?


If someone gave my kid an xxx doll - and clearly I'm not an xxx - I should be upset because zomg! that doll is different from me/my kid? Sorry, that's not how I roll. A kid young enough to play with dolls doesn't see the world in "colors", unless they are taught to see the world that way. A kid young enough to play with dolls is happy and appreciative to receive a doll. At least, that's how it works in my home.

Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

My argument stands regardless of my skin color. Your differing world view doesn't make my argument invalid, no matter how many times you say that it does. You do not, and can not, speak for anyone but yourself.

The lesson of diversity? The lesson that not everyone "looks like me"?

Like I said, a child small enough to still be playing with dolls does not see the world through "colored" glasses, unless they are taught that from the onset. My kids were always appreciative of the gifts they received, even if the gifts were "different".

Obviously, your view varies.
I disagree. As a white person you are suffering from white blindness. You cant see your argument is invalid but thats not your fault. You were raised to think its ok if whiteness is force fed to everyone else.

Non white children dont need a doll to learn diversity. They are force fed whiteness at every turn.

You dont have to have colored glasses to see the world has "color". The differences are very important to classification for children. I cant count how many white children have walked up to me and either licked my arm or rubbed it trying to see if i was made out of chocolate.

I as a Black adult have the responsibility to raise my child to be the best they can be. That includes insuring they have a high self esteem to deal with the barrage of negative images presented about them and their race and to counteract the constant promotion of whiteness being all good.
Nope. Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.

Who told you I was a moron?

Then return it, donate it, or throw it in the trash.
It was given back to the woman.
OMG. You and your ultra chic politicized friends shouldn't invite white people to your social functions or interact with them at all. That did more harm than good, you know.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I donr see how explaining something to someone is not showing them basic kindness? If someone is insisting I should have no problem with their white doll then the message needs to be clarified. The white people I know and sometimes hang out with understand this and have no issue with it.

If someone gave my kid an xxx doll - and clearly I'm not an xxx - I should be upset because zomg! that doll is different from me/my kid? Sorry, that's not how I roll. A kid young enough to play with dolls doesn't see the world in "colors", unless they are taught to see the world that way. A kid young enough to play with dolls is happy and appreciative to receive a doll. At least, that's how it works in my home.

Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

My argument stands regardless of my skin color. Your differing world view doesn't make my argument invalid, no matter how many times you say that it does. You do not, and can not, speak for anyone but yourself.

The lesson of diversity? The lesson that not everyone "looks like me"?

Like I said, a child small enough to still be playing with dolls does not see the world through "colored" glasses, unless they are taught that from the onset. My kids were always appreciative of the gifts they received, even if the gifts were "different".

Obviously, your view varies.
I disagree. As a white person you are suffering from white blindness. You cant see your argument is invalid but thats not your fault. You were raised to think its ok if whiteness is force fed to everyone else.

Non white children dont need a doll to learn diversity. They are force fed whiteness at every turn.

You dont have to have colored glasses to see the world has "color". The differences are very important to classification for children. I cant count how many white children have walked up to me and either licked my arm or rubbed it trying to see if i was made out of chocolate.

I as a Black adult have the responsibility to raise my child to be the best they can be. That includes insuring they have a high self esteem to deal with the barrage of negative images presented about them and their race and to counteract the constant promotion of whiteness being all good.

I've already told you how I view things so stop projecting what YOU think my worldview is onto me. You speak for no one but yourself.

"You don't have to have colored glasses to see the world has "color". Not what I said. Again, a child small enough to still be playing with dolls does not see the world through "colored" glasses, unless they are taught to from the onset. They don't view the doll, the book, or the kid of another color as anything different than a something/one to play with unless they are taught to view them differently. You choose to do that; I don't.

A thin skinned, insecure individual who would throw away an opportunity to teach their child that there are all different skin colors in the world is a fool.

How is anyone force feeding "whiteness" by giving a doll/book? Oh, should I have been offended that my kid got a black Ken doll once? zomg, what kind of message was that gift giver sending! What should I make of the alien doll they got?? :cuckoo:

Stop making it out to be anything but what it was ... a doll and a book. Of course, if you choose to see the world as "out to get black people" or "promotion of whiteness being all good", you'll fall prey to your self-fulfilling prophecy.

You want to instill "self esteem to deal with ...." so you get rid of the opportunity to teach tolerance, which in turn helps promotes self esteem? Okay, you go with that. :rolleyes:
Then return it, donate it, or throw it in the trash.
It was given back to the woman.
OMG. You and your ultra chic politicized friends shouldn't invite white people to your social functions or interact with them at all. That did more harm than good, you know.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I donr see how explaining something to someone is not showing them basic kindness? If someone is insisting I should have no problem with their white doll then the message needs to be clarified. The white people I know and sometimes hang out with understand this and have no issue with it.
I thought you said it wasn't your child? OMG was for giving back the doll, not for "explaining" things to her. I do understand where you're coming from, as far as helping black children have strong self esteem. I just think your group of friends were unfairly harsh on the gal.
It was given back to the woman.
OMG. You and your ultra chic politicized friends shouldn't invite white people to your social functions or interact with them at all. That did more harm than good, you know.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I donr see how explaining something to someone is not showing them basic kindness? If someone is insisting I should have no problem with their white doll then the message needs to be clarified. The white people I know and sometimes hang out with understand this and have no issue with it.
I thought you said it wasn't your child? OMG was for giving back the doll, not for "explaining" things to her. I do understand where you're coming from, as far as helping black children have strong self esteem. I just think your group of friends were unfairly harsh on the gal.
I did say it wasnt my child. She gave back the doll because the woman made it easy by making a scene. She was just going to throw it away to be polite. I disagree they were harsh on the woman. She escalated the situation by getting loud and belligerent.
Because it makes a extremely important difference. If you feel this compromises your argument I can understand why you would wish to avoid answering me.

My argument stands, as noted above, regardless of what my skin color is.

If the color of a doll bothers you and yours, well that's on you and yours.
If youre white your argument doesnt stand.

Its not the color of the doll that bothers me. Its the lesson (conscious or unconscious) the non white child is receiving.

My argument stands regardless of my skin color. Your differing world view doesn't make my argument invalid, no matter how many times you say that it does. You do not, and can not, speak for anyone but yourself.

The lesson of diversity? The lesson that not everyone "looks like me"?

Like I said, a child small enough to still be playing with dolls does not see the world through "colored" glasses, unless they are taught that from the onset. My kids were always appreciative of the gifts they received, even if the gifts were "different".

Obviously, your view varies.
I disagree. As a white person you are suffering from white blindness. You cant see your argument is invalid but thats not your fault. You were raised to think its ok if whiteness is force fed to everyone else.

Non white children dont need a doll to learn diversity. They are force fed whiteness at every turn.

You dont have to have colored glasses to see the world has "color". The differences are very important to classification for children. I cant count how many white children have walked up to me and either licked my arm or rubbed it trying to see if i was made out of chocolate.

I as a Black adult have the responsibility to raise my child to be the best they can be. That includes insuring they have a high self esteem to deal with the barrage of negative images presented about them and their race and to counteract the constant promotion of whiteness being all good.

I've already told you how I view things so stop projecting what YOU think my worldview is onto me. You speak for no one but yourself.

"You don't have to have colored glasses to see the world has "color". Not what I said. Again, a child small enough to still be playing with dolls does not see the world through "colored" glasses, unless they are taught to from the onset. They don't view the doll, the book, or the kid of another color as anything different than a something/one to play with unless they are taught to view them differently. You choose to do that; I don't.

A thin skinned, insecure individual who would throw away an opportunity to teach their child that there are all different skin colors in the world is a fool.

How is anyone force feeding "whiteness" by giving a doll/book? Oh, should I have been offended that my kid got a black Ken doll once? zomg, what kind of message was that gift giver sending! What should I make of the alien doll they got?? :cuckoo:

Stop making it out to be anything but what it was ... a doll and a book. Of course, if you choose to see the world as "out to get black people" or "promotion of whiteness being all good", you'll fall prey to your self-fulfilling prophecy.

You want to instill "self esteem to deal with ...." so you get rid of the opportunity to teach tolerance, which in turn helps promotes self esteem? Okay, you go with that. :rolleyes:
I know what you told me. i just said i disagree. My disagreeing has nothing to do with speaking for you.

I know thats not what you said. Its what I said. Obviously you dont know what you are talking about. There are plenty of studies about kids, skin color, and dolls.

There is never a lack of opportunity to teach a child there are all different skin colors. What made you think not accepting a white doll would stop that?

Simple. Kids in the US are bombarded by images of white people daily. How did you not know that? I have no idea if you should have been offended. That depends on your racial makeup, your socioeconomic status, beliefs etc. The message was pretty clear I thought. "Dont bring white people presents for a Black child"

I never claimed it was anything other than a doll and a book. The problem was that it was the wrong doll and the wrong book. Claiming I am paranoid is amusing but predictable for someone infected with a lot of white privilege.

The girl already has white friends so how is declining to accept the doll or book "getting rid of an opportunity to teach tolerance"?
Then return it, donate it, or throw it in the trash.
It was given back to the woman.
OMG. You and your ultra chic politicized friends shouldn't invite white people to your social functions or interact with them at all. That did more harm than good, you know.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I donr see how explaining something to someone is not showing them basic kindness? If someone is insisting I should have no problem with their white doll then the message needs to be clarified. The white people I know and sometimes hang out with understand this and have no issue with it.
The white people you know are self hating retards.
OMG. You and your ultra chic politicized friends shouldn't invite white people to your social functions or interact with them at all. That did more harm than good, you know.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I donr see how explaining something to someone is not showing them basic kindness? If someone is insisting I should have no problem with their white doll then the message needs to be clarified. The white people I know and sometimes hang out with understand this and have no issue with it.
I thought you said it wasn't your child? OMG was for giving back the doll, not for "explaining" things to her. I do understand where you're coming from, as far as helping black children have strong self esteem. I just think your group of friends were unfairly harsh on the gal.
I did say it wasnt my child. She gave back the doll because the woman made it easy by making a scene. She was just going to throw it away to be polite. I disagree they were harsh on the woman. She escalated the situation by getting loud and belligerent.
Poor kid having her birthday party marred by something like that.
It was given back to the woman.
OMG. You and your ultra chic politicized friends shouldn't invite white people to your social functions or interact with them at all. That did more harm than good, you know.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I donr see how explaining something to someone is not showing them basic kindness? If someone is insisting I should have no problem with their white doll then the message needs to be clarified. The white people I know and sometimes hang out with understand this and have no issue with it.
The white people you know are self hating retards.
Thats not possible. For that to be true you would have to be the only white person I know.
OMG. You and your ultra chic politicized friends shouldn't invite white people to your social functions or interact with them at all. That did more harm than good, you know.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I donr see how explaining something to someone is not showing them basic kindness? If someone is insisting I should have no problem with their white doll then the message needs to be clarified. The white people I know and sometimes hang out with understand this and have no issue with it.
The white people you know are self hating retards.
Thats not possible. For that to be true you would have to be the only white person I know.
You don't exactly know me....
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.
Its just that a white doll is not needed nor wanted.
Message received.
Just as I've heard you say before that white people are not needed or wanted in the black community's affairs.
If you can't show people without an understanding of your racial sensitivies any basic kindness, you should do the decent thing and avoid them.
I donr see how explaining something to someone is not showing them basic kindness? If someone is insisting I should have no problem with their white doll then the message needs to be clarified. The white people I know and sometimes hang out with understand this and have no issue with it.
The white people you know are self hating retards.
Thats not possible. For that to be true you would have to be the only white person I know.
You don't exactly know me....
Which is why I proved it wasnt possible.
I know what you told me. i just said i disagree. My disagreeing has nothing to do with speaking for you.

Sure you are. You keep telling me I'm suffering from some imagined "white blindness". You don't know me yet here you are, projecting your imagined nonsense onto me, telling me what I'm "suffering" from.

I know thats not what you said. Its what I said. Obviously you dont know what you are talking about. There are plenty of studies about kids, skin color, and dolls.

Young kids don't look at a kid of a different color as anyone other than someone to play with, unless they've been taught to look at them differently. I've seen both sides of that, I know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't give a shit about some study I know what I've experienced and seen.

There is never a lack of opportunity to teach a child there are all different skin colors. What made you think not accepting a white doll would stop that?

Where did I say it would stop it? I said it's foolish to not take advantage of an opportunity to teach a child, when its presented.

Simple. Kids in the US are bombarded by images of white people daily. How did you not know that?

Kids in America are bombarded by images of blacks, latinos, aliens, cartoon characters, gays, etc. daily as well. How did you not know this?

I have no idea if you should have been offended. That depends on your racial makeup, your socioeconomic status, beliefs etc. The message was pretty clear I thought. "Dont bring white people presents for a Black child"

My question was rhetorical. But since you need some clarification, why would my kid be bothered by receiving a black doll? Why would any kid be bothered receiving a doll that had a different skin color? What about that alien doll she once got? We're not alien but according to your logic, an alien doll/book would be wrong. "White people presents"? wtf? It's. a. doll. Dolls are universal.

I never claimed it was anything other than a doll and a book. The problem was that it was the wrong doll and the wrong book. Claiming I am paranoid is amusing but predictable for someone infected with a lot of white privilege.

If it was an age appropriate doll and book, it wasn't wrong. At least not to a person secure in themselves.

The girl already has white friends so how is declining to accept the doll or book "getting rid of an opportunity to teach tolerance"?

Tolerance is the ability to accept things which you do not agree with. The child has been taught that a white doll/book is the "wrong" gift, return it. Tolerance wasn't taught. Neither were manners.
Why not invite white people? It wasnt my party and i didnt know the woman. There were other white people there that had the sense to get dolls that were Black. Matter of fact the first person to call the woman out was white.

I don't believe this tale.

Primarily since you have an aversion to the truth but are the forums own, personal troll.
I did say it wasnt my child. She gave back the doll because the woman made it easy by making a scene. She was just going to throw it away to be polite. I disagree they were harsh on the woman. She escalated the situation by getting loud and belligerent.

Even your imaginary friends are wack jobs.
A white person comes to the birthday party of a Black girl and gives her a white doll and books with white characters in them for a birthday present. When you get funny looks you dont know what you did wrong and get upset.

I find that odd considering I had both. And preferred a football to either. But of all the dolls my mother had, the one she kept her whole life was her black baby doll. It was her favorite.

You find it odd she did that or you find it odd the reaction it generated?

I find it odd that the only baby doll that would interest a black child is a black one. I guess white ones are frowned upon. It makes me feel sad for the child. What if she wants a white friend later on? Will that be as wrong as the doll?
Nothing wrong with having a white friend at all. I have white friends. However, we know that you are shaped by your environment and dolls in particular for girls are shaping tools. These Black girls need to have Black dolls because they will grow up and face a world that downgrades their beauty.
My kids had all the Barbies and Bratz dolls.... Not just the "white " ones.

The fact that you don't think black girls should have the same is not my problem ... It's yours.

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