White Punk Calls Mo'ne Davis a Slut.....

like I said in my previous post , apologies are BS except for private person to person apologies . These people aren't politicians yet but the girl is building rep [imo] and as a public figure she is similar to a politician same as 'madonna' or 'lady gaga' . Just my opinion Pogo !!

Firstly, the original comment was broadcast on Nosebook. That's already out of the private sphere and into the public. That is in fact slander.
Secondly, since the institution kicked Casselberry out, it is the institution that must be petitioned to let him back in. And that's what Mo'ne did. Interacting with him privately would accomplish nothing. She wants him to have another chance -- only the institution can do that.

And thirdly --once again -- Mo'ne has nothing to gain from said petition. To infer that everything she does, or anyone does, is a calculation based on "how it will build my public image" is a cynicism that's absolutely fatal. If the world worked that way there would be no room for the heart.

You're welcome to that poisoned word but I want no part of it.
The classless punk (Joey Casselberry) gets booted from college baseball team for the comment and what does Mone Davis have to say? She asks the school to give the fat punk another chance. Love her class in the face of this unwarranted attack. If he gets reinstated it will be because of her.

How Mo ne Davis silenced the Bloomsburg baseball player who called her a slut - The Washington Post



You and I agree on this. Its disgusting that he would call this beautiful young black girl such a derogatory name.

Now...if we cant get millions of black men and an entire industry of rap music....to also stop treating black women the same.

Funny...you start a thread on one no name white guy calling a black girl a slut. But...watch 2015s new rap music and videos....and see how many black women get exponentially far worse treatment.
Youre confused. Millions of white men in rock do the same thing. The difference in this happening in music is that no one single person is called out. This clown named Mo'ne.
Now...if we cant get millions of black men and an entire industry of rap music....to also stop treating black women the same.

Leave it up to bucs to make a thread about one situation to apply it to rap music and blacks

But dont you ever imply that all police are bad because then bucs will remind you that individuals are responsible for their actions and every cop isnt the same....like blacks are
Not to mention all those white rockers and their derogatory comments about women.
like I said Pogo , I don't know all the details as I don't follow the young woman or sports of any kind . My argument is simply that if a publically funded organization muzzles Freedom of Speech then that is prohibited , remedy is the same that the party bus singers from Oklahoma are contemplating and that's a law suit that they will likely win . Private organization can do that muzzling of free speech freely though . The young girls remedy is a lawsuit or mercy if she was offended !! Looks like she decided on mercy !!
Mo'ne is pure class. That girl's going places.

And Casselberry did the right thing in his apology.

ShootSpeeders you've just been outclassed by not only a black girl but a fat college kid too --- batter up.
I didnt see any apology from him. You got a link to it?

From which -- Casselberry or ShitSpitters?

>> Casselberry, according to Philly.com, tweeted an apology before deleting the account. “An example that one stupid tweet can ruin someone’s life and I couldn’t be more sorry about my actions last night,” he wrote. “I please ask you to…Forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist, and I am a huge fan of Mo’ne. She was quite an inspiration.” <<
ShitSpitters, on the other hand, applied the same "slut" term to Reniesha McBride, the unarmed 19-year-old girl shot in the face and killed, was repeatedly challenged to justify or retract it, and completely failed on both counts. And that was six months ago.

That's what I mean that even the fat kid outclassed him. Casselberry fucked up and then manned up, while ShitSpitters is a fucking coward and only got the first part down.
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like I said Pogo , I don't know all the details as I don't follow the young woman or sports of any kind . My argument is simply that if a publically funded organization muzzles Freedom of Speech then that is prohibited , remedy is the same that the party bus singers from Oklahoma are contemplating and that's a law suit that they will likely win . Private organization can do that muzzling of free speech freely though . The young girls remedy is a lawsuit or mercy if she was offended !! Looks like she decided on mercy !!

You have some weird warped vision of what "freedom of speech" means. It means the government can't curb what you say. But being on a baseball team is in no way a Constitutional "right". It's a perq of the institution. And that perq can be taken away, doesn't matter where the fuck their money comes from.

But you go ahead and quote the part of the Constitution that gives citizens the right to be on any baseball team they want. That'll be entertaining, especially since baseball wasn't invented yet.

Again I don't know what your Oklahoma references mean. If you want to discuss this event, then read this article. Bringing in other unrelated crap doesn't address this article.
like I said Pogo , I don't know all the details as I don't follow the young woman or sports of any kind . My argument is simply that if a publically funded organization muzzles Freedom of Speech then that is prohibited , remedy is the same that the party bus singers from Oklahoma are contemplating and that's a law suit that they will likely win . Private organization can do that muzzling of free speech freely though . The young girls remedy is a lawsuit or mercy if she was offended !! Looks like she decided on mercy !!

You have some weird warped vision of what "freedom of speech" means. It means the government can't curb what you say. But being on a baseball team is in no way a Constitutional "right". It's a perq of the institution. And that perq can be taken away, doesn't matter where the fuck their money comes from.

But you go ahead and quote the part of the Constitution that gives citizens the right to be on any baseball team they want. That'll be entertaining, especially since baseball wasn't invented yet.

Again I don't know what your Oklahoma references mean. If you want to discuss this event, then read this article. Bringing in other unrelated crap doesn't address this article.

What are you saying Pogo? This is OUTRAGEOUS and an AFFRONT to all men! :ack-1: (sarcasm of course - lol)
can't convince you Pogo , you are a liberal restriction , regulatory type person so I won't even try . I give my Opinion , take or leave it !! Private org can do as they like , Publically funded University can not .
Mo'ne is pure class. That girl's going places.

And Casselberry did the right thing in his apology.

ShootSpeeders you've just been outclassed by not only a black girl but a fat college kid too --- batter up.
I didnt see any apology from him. You got a link to it?

From which -- Casselberry or ShitSpitters?

>> Casselberry, according to Philly.com, tweeted an apology before deleting the account. “An example that one stupid tweet can ruin someone’s life and I couldn’t be more sorry about my actions last night,” he wrote. “I please ask you to…Forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist, and I am a huge fan of Mo’ne. She was quite an inspiration.” <<
ShitSpitters, on the other hand, applied the same "slut" term to Reniesha McBride, the unarmed 19-year-old girl shot in the face and killed, was repeatedly challenged to justify or retract it, and completely failed on both counts. And that was six months ago.

That's what I mean that even the fat kid outclassed him. Casselberry fucked up and then manned up, while ShitSpitters is a fucking coward and only got the first part down.
I missed the one from Casselberry. Its amusing he called her a slut but then said he was a fan and that she was an inspiration? While I doubt the sincerity of the apology due to the language used in the first tweet, he is a step above the flea infested, knuckle draggers like Shitspeedos.
can't convince you Pogo , you are a liberal restriction , regulatory type person so I won't even try . I give my Opinion , take or leave it !! Private org can do as they like , Publically funded University can not .


Why not?


I'm a baseball fan, so I would looooove to read that reference to Citizens' Rights to Be on a Baseball Team in the 18th century.
Had enough of that Abner Doubleday mythology.

What position do you suppose Madison played? He was a little guy, I'm going with shortstop.
BASEBALL is foolish game in my opinion Pogo , played it as a kid but that's it . Just wastes time better spent learning , reading and communicating with real people about real things that matter. Course , thats just my opinion of all sports that are played using a ball that is chased around . I do like and admire Boxers and fighters that box / fight bare handed with no rules other than there are referees to stop death from happening . Also like survival or iron man competitions that are real .
of course , just acknowledging that slander and libel are actionable but that's up to a court of law . For the record !!
A black guy would have said it like this:

'Disney be makin' a movie 'bout Mo'ne Davis ?
Dat's funny is hell ! Dat Ho gots rocked by N'vada !'
As a Black guy, I would have to ask you were you always this stupid to think we speak in that manner???...apparently the racist loser player and you are cut from the same cloth...
I would have to add that even if all Blacks did speak in that manner how would that be any different from what the fat racist kid said?
BASEBALL is foolish game in my opinion Pogo , played it as a kid but that's it . Just wastes time better spent learning , reading and communicating with real people about real things that matter. Course , thats just my opinion of all sports that are played using a ball that is chased around . I do like and admire Boxers and fighters that box / fight bare handed with no rules other than there are referees to stop death from happening . Also like survival or iron man competitions that are real .

Baseball really isn't the topic here. The only reason it came up is that you seem to be implying some Constitutional right to be on a baseball team and that therefore Bloomsburg (which is not the government anyway) wouldn't have the right to kick one if its members off the team. Well, yes it does.

But just for the record baseball is entirely in a class by itself as a game. Basketball -- football-- soccer-- hockey-- lacrosse -- rubgy -- all involve an offense driving the ball somewhere to score. Baseball is the opposite -- the offense avoids the ball and the defense gets control of it. Matter of fact if the offense even touches it, you're out. That's why baseball is an intellectual activity.

Two guys beating each other up is not a sport anyway.

BASEBALL is foolish game in my opinion Pogo , played it as a kid but that's it . Just wastes time better spent learning , reading and communicating with real people about real things that matter. Course , thats just my opinion of all sports that are played using a ball that is chased around . I do like and admire Boxers and fighters that box / fight bare handed with no rules other than there are referees to stop death from happening . Also like survival or iron man competitions that are real .

Baseball really isn't the topic here. The only reason it came up is that you seem to be implying some Constitutional right to be on a baseball team and that therefore Bloomsburg (which is not the government anyway) wouldn't have the right to kick one if its members off the team. Well, yes it does.

But just for the record baseball is entirely in a class by itself as a game. Basketball -- football-- soccer-- hockey-- lacrosse -- rubgy -- all involve an offense driving the ball somewhere to score. Baseball is the opposite -- the defense gets control of the ball. Matter of fact if the offense even touches it, you're out. That's why baseball is an intellectual activity.

Two guys beating each other up is not a sport anyway.
Interesting take on baseball. I see it like all other sports. The offense drives the ball by hitting base hits, stealing bases, and homers. The defense is pretty much at the mercy of what the offense does.
I see all ball games as a foolish waste of time and as a way to keep the rabble amused Ace !! Just my opinion and people are free to waste their time drinking beer , watching porn or playing ball games .
BASEBALL is foolish game in my opinion Pogo , played it as a kid but that's it . Just wastes time better spent learning , reading and communicating with real people about real things that matter. Course , thats just my opinion of all sports that are played using a ball that is chased around . I do like and admire Boxers and fighters that box / fight bare handed with no rules other than there are referees to stop death from happening . Also like survival or iron man competitions that are real .

Baseball really isn't the topic here. The only reason it came up is that you seem to be implying some Constitutional right to be on a baseball team and that therefore Bloomsburg (which is not the government anyway) wouldn't have the right to kick one if its members off the team. Well, yes it does.

But just for the record baseball is entirely in a class by itself as a game. Basketball -- football-- soccer-- hockey-- lacrosse -- rubgy -- all involve an offense driving the ball somewhere to score. Baseball is the opposite -- the defense gets control of the ball. Matter of fact if the offense even touches it, you're out. That's why baseball is an intellectual activity.

Two guys beating each other up is not a sport anyway.
Interesting take on baseball. I see it like all other sports. The offense drives the ball by hitting base hits, stealing bases, and homers. The defense is pretty much at the mercy of what the offense does.

It's a stark difference on who has control. Unlike any other sport the defense gets control, which in itself kind of redefines what "offense" and "defense" mean -- and yet the entity with control of the ball cannot score. Only the offense can score (which is why we call it offense) but they do so by batting the ball away and/or reaching base before the ball -- the poison dart-- can get there. The direct opposite of an offense getting control of the ball and driving towad a "goal" area.

So in effect rather than the ball being your tool to score, it's the enemy to be avoided; your tool is your own legs.
I see all ball games as a foolish waste of time and as a way to keep the rabble amused Ace !! Just my opinion and people are free to waste their time drinking beer , watching porn or playing ball games .
African Proverb
All work and no play make Kawme a dull man.

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