White Racism did Not End When Slavery ended

It’s clear from your numerous posts, you hate white people. I believe this hatred of whites is very common in the black community and this hatred has existed a long time. It causes blacks to easily resort to violence against whites for no reason, other than a hated of whites. This is the classic definition of racism.

Is it any wonder many whites want nothing to do with blacks?
That's only clear to white racists and other whites who suffer from white fragility. The number of anti black racist threads here are huge and you don't enter those to say anything. Every year we are the top recipients of racist hate crimes committed against us by whites. So it is whites who are committing violence against us. You need to STFU.
That's only clear to white racists and other whites who suffer from white fragility. The number of anti black racist threads here are huge and you don't enter those to say anything. Every year we are the top recipients of racist hate crimes committed against us by whites. So it is whites who are committing violence against us. You need to STFU.
BS! Blacks commit an enormous amount of crime considering their small population.

You continually post lies on this forum and when confronted scream RACIST, like a little bitch. You need to STFU and stop being a whiny little bitch.
Can we agree that black people have committed horrible crimes?

Every year blacks kill hundreds more whites than whites kill blacks. This racial cleansing has been going on for decades.

Yet another Marxist mass murderer:
Since this thread is about what happened after slavery, your digging up anecdotes shows that you cannot face the truth. 389,000 blacks were shipped here from Africa. That is what Africa is responsible for. That number turned to four million and it was due to forced breeding. But it was whites who made slavery legal here. You repeat the story of the African king who is claimed to have gotten rich selling slaves but you don't post about the people like this:

“Some leaders actively worked against the transatlantic slave trade. One of the most famous was Abdel Kader Kane, the Muslim leader of the Futa Toro region in northern Senegal. Kane had succeeded in peopling his kingdom by retaking by force his people who had been kidnapped and by forbidding slave caravans from passing through his territory. After the French took three children from Futa, Kane sent a letter to the governor:

“We are warning you that all those who will come to our land to trade [in slaves] will be killed and massacred if you do not send our children back. Would not somebody who was very hungry abstain from eating if he had to eat something cooked with his blood? We absolutely do not want you to buy Muslims under any circumstances. I repeat that if your intention is to always buy Muslims you should stay home and not come to our country anymore. Because all those who will come can be assured that they will lose their life.”

You talk about black slaveowners based on disingenuous garbage from the white supremacist rag American Thinker. These articles site the numbers of slaves blacks owned and racists like you run with it. But when you look deeper into those numbers you find that blacks owned about 1 percent of all slaves in America. As you dig further, you find that the majority of blacks purchased their spouses, children, other relatives and in some cases they purchased other blacks to give them freedom. So again, you are dishonest.

This thread is not about wha Africans have done. Africans did not implement slave breeding. Africans did not create slave backed securities to sell as investments in America and Europe. Africans did not create sharecropping and the company store, convict leasing, black codes, sundown towns, lynchings, jim crow, restrictive covenants, redlining, riots and acts of terror on prosperous blacks and black communities.

Your post is nothing but a bunch of disingenuous crap. This thread is titled "White Racism Did Not End AFTER SLAVERY." You have not seen any denials of Africas role in the role in the slave trade. What you have been shown is that things did not happen the way you describe. Blacks were not running to white invaders freely offering slaves for sale. That's not what happened.

The only people trying to deny are those like you. Historians have cited the conflation of white indentured servitude and slavery. Apparently, white slaves were not as prevalent as you want to make them since American history has primarily been written by whites.

Now let me address one final disingenuous claim you make.

In 2020 just over 400 whites were killed by blacks. More than 200 blacks were killed by whites. Now if we want to play per capita, the murder rate of blacks by whites creates geater damage to the black community. But to show what kind of disingenuous prick you actually are in 2020 at least 7,000 whites were killed by another white person. Using the same argument whites like you trot out when we talk about police killing blacks, white on white murder is what you should be more concerned about. If there is ANY ethnic cleansing of whites going on, they are doing it to themselves. And I have not even added the 40,000 suicides committed by whites in that same year as compared to 3,500 for blacks.

This thread is about white racism after slavery in AMERICA. Not what some African despot did in Ethiopia. Not about African slavery while ignoring that slavery exists today in Europe. Your post was disingenuous and not really on topic. It amounts to the sad tactic white racists here use to deny white racism in America today.
BS! Blacks commit an enormous amount of crime considering their small population.

You continually post lies on this forum and when confronted scream RACIST, like a little bitch. You need to STFU and stop being a whiny little bitch.
Incorrect. I have shown you the error in your opinion numerous times. 95 percent of all blacks do not commit crime. And crime hinges on convictions. We are seeing numerous black men being released from prison after being wrongly imprisoned. Whites commit the most crime and there is no excuse for it. So stop making excuses like a little bitch.
Since this thread is about what happened after slavery, your digging up anecdotes shows that you cannot face the truth. 389,000 blacks were shipped here from Africa. That is what Africa is responsible for. That number turned to four million and it was due to forced breeding. But it was whites who made slavery legal here. You repeat the story of the African king who is claimed to have gotten rich selling slaves but you don't post about the people like this:

“Some leaders actively worked against the transatlantic slave trade. One of the most famous was Abdel Kader Kane, the Muslim leader of the Futa Toro region in northern Senegal. Kane had succeeded in peopling his kingdom by retaking by force his people who had been kidnapped and by forbidding slave caravans from passing through his territory. After the French took three children from Futa, Kane sent a letter to the governor:

“We are warning you that all those who will come to our land to trade [in slaves] will be killed and massacred if you do not send our children back. Would not somebody who was very hungry abstain from eating if he had to eat something cooked with his blood? We absolutely do not want you to buy Muslims under any circumstances. I repeat that if your intention is to always buy Muslims you should stay home and not come to our country anymore. Because all those who will come can be assured that they will lose their life.”

You talk about black slaveowners based on disingenuous garbage from the white supremacist rag American Thinker. These articles site the numbers of slaves blacks owned and racists like you run with it. But when you look deeper into those numbers you find that blacks owned about 1 percent of all slaves in America. As you dig further, you find that the majority of blacks purchased their spouses, children, other relatives and in some cases they purchased other blacks to give them freedom. So again, you are dishonest.

This thread is not about wha Africans have done. Africans did not implement slave breeding. Africans did not create slave backed securities to sell as investments in America and Europe. Africans did not create sharecropping and the company store, convict leasing, black codes, sundown towns, lynchings, jim crow, restrictive covenants, redlining, riots and acts of terror on prosperous blacks and black communities.

Your post is nothing but a bunch of disingenuous crap. This thread is titled "White Racism Did Not End AFTER SLAVERY." You have not seen any denials of Africas role in the role in the slave trade. What you have been shown is that things did not happen the way you describe. Blacks were not running to white invaders freely offering slaves for sale. That's not what happened.

The only people trying to deny are those like you. Historians have cited the conflation of white indentured servitude and slavery. Apparently, white slaves were not as prevalent as you want to make them since American history has primarily been written by whites.

Now let me address one final disingenuous claim you make.

In 2020 just over 400 whites were killed by blacks. More than 200 blacks were killed by whites. Now if we want to play per capita, the murder rate of blacks by whites creates geater damage to the black community. But to show what kind of disingenuous prick you actually are in 2020 at least 7,000 whites were killed by another white person. Using the same argument whites like you trot out when we talk about police killing blacks, white on white murder is what you should be more concerned about. If there is ANY ethnic cleansing of whites going on, they are doing it to themselves. And I have not even added the 40,000 suicides committed by whites in that same year as compared to 3,500 for blacks.

This thread is about white racism after slavery in AMERICA. Not what some African despot did in Ethiopia. Not about African slavery while ignoring that slavery exists today in Europe. Your post was disingenuous and not really on topic. It amounts to the sad tactic white racists here use to deny white racism in America today.
You write: That number turned to four million and it was due to forced breeding.

Why do you believe all the child-bearing was forced?

You write: You have not seen any denials of Africas role in the role in the slave trade.

I’m glad to see you acknowledging the horrific crimes committed by black people.

You write: In 2020 just over 400 whites were killed by blacks. More than 200 blacks were killed by whites.

Where did you get that over 400 number? I’m glad you admit that black people kill hundreds more whites than whites kill blacks. I’m sure you eagerly condemn these violent attacks and are looking for ways to stop these ugly racist murders committed by blacks.
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No. The white media show pics and films of black people so as to justify why black people deserve to be mistreated, killed and locked up and get the white population and many of the other non blk population to agree with

You know you are starting to sound like Dale Smith and his contention that all the kids killed at Sandy Hook were crisis actors.

The NY subway was a hoax to get the attention of white mass shooters. A mass shooter in N.York subway and no one was killed and no one had it filmed on their I phone ?

Most mass shootings result in no deaths... It's usually the white mass shooters who make the news. So that's how you get guys like 2aguy who make claims with a straight face that most mass shootings don't count because they involve gang members and no or few deaths.

White supre,acist cops don't need reforming they need punishing with length jail sentences
Okay, so how do you prove they were white supremacist's and not just guys who made an error in judgement? Or do you just assume they are when they shoot a black person?

BLM is a white funded org. No one on the blk grassroots takes that seriously.
Wow, how fast you guys abandon it.

Well that's white supremacy. It should not take riots and bringing the country to a civil war and put the whole worlds focus on USA for a black person to get justice

And let's be clear when Colin Kap peacefully took a knee. Whites were angry at that too
They were angry he was disrespecting the national anthem.

Once again. You said that not me. Again. Stop puttting words in my mouth.

I like cops. I don't want and blk ppl don't want these white supremacist cops in law enforcement

Again, how do you prove they are White Supremacists, or do you just assume they are when they panic and shoot a hopped up black person?

People make mistakes. A lot of white people are also shot by police. Let's go back to my point, that of 1000 people shot by police last year, only 35 of them were unarmed. that's out of 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops. That's STILL too many, but it's hardly an epidemic.

Well if white ppl's negative experiences with blacks “prove” that blacks are bad people, then by definition, any white person who had had good experiences with black people would be able to say that all blacks are good people:

An argument every bit as silly, but just as logical, given your original line of reasoning.

Nobody remembers the good experiences... that's the thing. The one guy who pissed you off is usually going to be your lasting memory. That's human nature.
And here is the racist whine of black criminals being protected by the Media. The same media that has your punk --- talking about black on black crime and ignoring the greater numbers of white on white crime by never calling it that.

The new just reports what happens... Sorry, the left and the right blaming the messenger because they don't like the message is a little silly.

White racism is the root cause of our problems. Since you are white and racist, you will be blamed for being part of the problem.

When will whites like you take the responsibility you tell everybody else to take?

Look, man, I know you like to blame others for your failures... that's what losers do. A winner learns from his mistakes, and does better next time. I'm sorry no one explained this to you at an early age.

Whites elected a career criminal to be President. So I think you need to drop that bs about Floyd. He was murdered by a criminal cop. There are a lot of white criminal cops, attorneys and judges.

Uh, seriously? I missed the point where Trump pointed a gun at a woman's abdomen and robbed her home. (I assume you're talking about Trump here, right?) Jesus, I don't think anyone has spent more time here ripping on Trump, but man, even I think this statement is absurd.

He was killed by a cop who made an error in judgement, and at least some of that he brought on himself by resisting arrest. And that cop was prosecuted, tried and will spend a lot of time in jail.

... that's why I think white people ran out of patience.

White people ran out of patience? Mfer you are delusional? WTF did white people run out of patience with? People opposing white racism? If you think whites ran out of patience, multiply that by a centillion and then you understand just how out of patience we are with your racism.

They ran out of patience with you burning and looting things. That's where they ran out of patience.
You write: That number turned to four million and it was due to forced breeding.

Why do you believe all the child-bearing was forced?

You write: You have not seen any denials of Africas role in the role in the slave trade.

I’m glad to see you acknowledging the horrific crimes committed by black people.

You write: In 2020 just over 400 whites were killed by blacks. More than 200 blacks were killed by whites.

Where did you get that over 400 number? I’m glad you admit that black people kill hundreds more whites than whites kill blacks. I’m sure you eagerly condemn these violent attacks and are looking for ways to stop these ugly racist murders committed by blacks.
How about YOU admitting to the miilions of blacks who died in the middle passage, the seasoning camps, during slavery and Jim Crow at the hands of whites and due to white policies. Then after that admit to the THOUSANDS of whites killed by other whites instead of trying to point out what you have been radicalized to make excuses for.




Once again you post disingenuous bullshit. It's all you have white ---. So just man up a face reality. White racism did not end after slavery. Your existence is proof of how it happens today. You refuse to accept responsibility and you want to pont fingers. But the facts don't support your lies. There is no ethic cleansing of whites being done by blacks. 400 whites were killed by blacks in 2020. 6-7 thousand whites were killed by whites. Condemn your race killing each other at 15 times the rate of you being killed by blacks. Stop race baiting using small numbers you dishonest son of a bitch. Then do something about the cause for 40,000 whites killing themselves. 100 times more whites killed themselves than blacks killing whites. So just stop trying to start a race war punk, because the next white boy that goes shooting up some blacks, I'm going to send your posts to the FBI as evidence of a person trying to get acts of terror committed against blacks.
How about YOU admitting to the miilions of blacks who died in the middle passage, the seasoning camps, during slavery and Jim Crow at the hands of whites and due to white policies. Then after that admit to the THOUSANDS of whites killed by other whites instead of trying to point out what you have been radicalized to make excuses for.

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Once again you post disingenuous bullshit. It's all you have white ---. So just man up a face reality. White racism did not end after slavery. Your existence is proof of how it happens today. You refuse to accept responsibility and you want to pont fingers. But the facts don't support your lies. There is no ethic cleansing of whites being done by blacks. 400 whites were killed by blacks in 2020. 6-7 thousand whites were killed by whites. Condemn your race killing each other at 15 times the rate of you being killed by blacks. Stop race baiting using small numbers you dishonest son of a bitch. Then do something about the cause for 40,000 whites killing themselves. 100 times more whites killed themselves than blacks killing whites. So just stop trying to start a race war punk, because the next white boy that goes shooting up some blacks, I'm going to send your posts to the FBI as evidence of a person trying to get acts of terror committed against blacks.
If you don’t provide a link as evidence people will conclude you are pulling your facts out of your ass.

Here’s my link: Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

It seems as though this table is not available post 2019. Is the FBI trying to cover up this information?

According to the 2019 figures black people killed 566 whites and 2574 blacks. Whites killed 246 blacks and 2594 whites.

As you can see both races killed more of their own. I guess this is not too surprising, people tend to kill those they are close to.

You‘re going to tell the FBI I quoted FBI statistics?

Clearly black people kill way out of proportion to their population size. I am very sure you are a compassionate individual who is concerned about all lives. Tell me more about your action plan to stop black people from murdering so much.

Another question you can run away from: Why do you let yourself be fooled by corrupt Democrat politicians?

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How about YOU admitting to the miilions of blacks who died in the middle passage, the seasoning camps, during slavery and Jim Crow at the hands of whites and due to white policies. Then after that admit to the THOUSANDS of whites killed by other whites instead of trying to point out what you have been radicalized to make excuses for.

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Once again you post disingenuous bullshit. It's all you have white ---. So just man up a face reality. White racism did not end after slavery. Your existence is proof of how it happens today. You refuse to accept responsibility and you want to pont fingers. But the facts don't support your lies. There is no ethic cleansing of whites being done by blacks. 400 whites were killed by blacks in 2020. 6-7 thousand whites were killed by whites. Condemn your race killing each other at 15 times the rate of you being killed by blacks. Stop race baiting using small numbers you dishonest son of a bitch. Then do something about the cause for 40,000 whites killing themselves. 100 times more whites killed themselves than blacks killing whites. So just stop trying to start a race war punk, because the next white boy that goes shooting up some blacks, I'm going to send your posts to the FBI as evidence of a person trying to get acts of terror committed against blacks.

The "Middile Passage?" You mean the Europeans? And the Africans? Who sold Africans to the Europeans, spain, britain?

Why do you not send your hate toward your African ancestors who sold your people to the Europeans...or to the Europeans who bought them?

Our country was founded and we ended slavery...by republicans shooting a bunch of democrats to make them free their black slaves....
How about YOU admitting to the miilions of blacks who died in the middle passage, the seasoning camps, during slavery and Jim Crow at the hands of whites and due to white policies. Then after that admit to the THOUSANDS of whites killed by other whites instead of trying to point out what you have been radicalized to make excuses for.

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Once again you post disingenuous bullshit. It's all you have white ---. So just man up a face reality. White racism did not end after slavery. Your existence is proof of how it happens today. You refuse to accept responsibility and you want to pont fingers. But the facts don't support your lies. There is no ethic cleansing of whites being done by blacks. 400 whites were killed by blacks in 2020. 6-7 thousand whites were killed by whites. Condemn your race killing each other at 15 times the rate of you being killed by blacks. Stop race baiting using small numbers you dishonest son of a bitch. Then do something about the cause for 40,000 whites killing themselves. 100 times more whites killed themselves than blacks killing whites. So just stop trying to start a race war punk, because the next white boy that goes shooting up some blacks, I'm going to send your posts to the FBI as evidence of a person trying to get acts of terror committed against blacks.

during slavery and Jim Crow at the hands of whites and due to white policies.

Hmmmmm....you left off one of the most important descriptors in that line......you forget the word "Democrat party Whites and democrat party policies...." since the democrat party was the political party created by two slave owners, the democrat party who tried to get slavery into new states, the democrat party that tried to restart the slave trade with Africa, the democrat party who actually started the Civil War to keep their black slaves, and who, after being defeated by the Republican party.....and forced to free their slaves, enacted jim crow, the kkk and terrorism against freed blacks and their Republican allies...

You forgot to include those things.....
How about YOU admitting to the miilions of blacks who died in the middle passage, the seasoning camps, during slavery and Jim Crow at the hands of whites and due to white policies. Then after that admit to the THOUSANDS of whites killed by other whites instead of trying to point out what you have been radicalized to make excuses for.

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Once again you post disingenuous bullshit. It's all you have white ---. So just man up a face reality. White racism did not end after slavery. Your existence is proof of how it happens today. You refuse to accept responsibility and you want to pont fingers. But the facts don't support your lies. There is no ethic cleansing of whites being done by blacks. 400 whites were killed by blacks in 2020. 6-7 thousand whites were killed by whites. Condemn your race killing each other at 15 times the rate of you being killed by blacks. Stop race baiting using small numbers you dishonest son of a bitch. Then do something about the cause for 40,000 whites killing themselves. 100 times more whites killed themselves than blacks killing whites. So just stop trying to start a race war punk, because the next white boy that goes shooting up some blacks, I'm going to send your posts to the FBI as evidence of a person trying to get acts of terror committed against blacks.

Oh...that game...

400 whites were killed by blacks in 2020. 6-7 thousand whites were killed by whites. Condemn your race killing each other at 15 times the rate of you being killed by blacks.

More Whites are killed by blacks than blacks are killed by whites.....then you also have to ignore the fact that young black men are the ones murdering the most young black men.....that is where the real crisis in the black community is...it isn't whites killing blacks or cops killing blacks....but that would mean you can't race hustle anymore...

Looking back at your diagram....you forgot to show offender/victim race relations......

Apparently, the FBI doesn't break the offender race to victim race.....at least not on the table you show....

Here...when they still did that...in 2019...

Hey, fun tidbit for IM2 and Paul Essien

Remember that affirmative action hire in Minneapolis who shot a white woman who was asking for help? You know, unlike Darren Chauvin and Kim Potter, who killed, you know, actual criminals.

The former Minneapolis Police officer who fatally shot an unarmed woman while responding to her 911 call in 2017 was released from prison Monday after serving over three years behind bars, according to online records from the Minnesota Department of Corrections.

Mohamed Noor, 36, was convicted in April 2019 of third-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of Justine Ruszczyk, who called 911 on the night of July 15, 2017, to report a possible sexual assault in an alley behind her house.

Officers Matthew Harrity and Noor were dispatched to the scene and arrived to a dark alley, where they were startled by a loud noise, Harrity told investigators. Ruszczyk then approached the driver’s side of the squad car, and Noor, sitting in the passenger’s seat, shot and killed her.

However, Minnesota’s highest court vacated the third-degree murder conviction last year, saying there was insufficient evidence to sustain it. He was then resentenced to four years and nine months in prison on the manslaughter charge.

Because Noor had been incarcerated since his conviction, he was given roughly 30 months credit for time served at the time of his resentencing. According to Minnesota law, he needed to serve at least two-thirds of his sentence behind bars, with the last third eligible for supervised release, a threshold of his sentence that was crossed earlier this month.
If you don’t provide a link as evidence people will conclude you are pulling your facts out of your ass.

Here’s my link: Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

It seems as though this table is not available post 2019. Is the FBI trying to cover up this information?

According to the 2019 figures black people killed 566 whites and 2574 blacks. Whites killed 246 blacks and 2594 whites.

As you can see both races killed more of their own. I guess this is not too surprising, people tend to kill those they are close to.

You‘re going to tell the FBI I quoted FBI statistics?

Clearly black people kill way out of proportion to their population size. I am very sure you are a compassionate individual who is concerned about all lives. Tell me more about your action plan to stop black people from murdering so much.

Another question you can run away from: Why do you let yourself be fooled by corrupt Democrat politicians?

You aren't telling me anything I don't know. You are falsely talking about black ethnic cleansing of whites when 5-6 times more white are killed by another white. Furthermore more than ten times the number of whites are killing themselves than blacks killing themselves. This makes your claim disingenuous and you are race baiting. Clearly very few blacks are killing when you consider there are nearly 48 million blacks and according to what you chose to pull up from 2019,(I used 2020 data) shows that potentially 2574 blacks out of nearly 48 million committed murder. That's like less than 100th of 1 percent of the black population. You racists distort percentages to race bait.

Fooled by the democratic party? Go study history chump. Blacks were republicans for 100 years. While we were republicans we saw a Republican president make an agreement that ended reconstruction, a majority republican vote on the supreme court made apartheid legal, republicans did nothing to stop convict leasing, black codes, sharecropping and the company store, contract selling, redlining, restrictive covenants or did anything about random white acts of terror, riots that burned up black communities, bombings of black owned homes and then when we got civil rights, nominated a presidential candidate who voted against the Civil Rights Act.

So just stop with your bullshit boy, you're talking to somebody who knows the facts. You're full of shit and you are one of the most dishonest posters here. And that's saying something because this forum should be renamed the U.S. Disingenuous Message Board.
Most mass shootings result in no deaths

Like what ?

It's usually the white mass shooters who make the news.

That's because they are the ones who do it.

So that's how you get guys like 2aguy who make claims with a straight face that most mass shootings don't count because they involve gang members and no or few deaths.

Right. Take that up with then

Okay, so how do you prove they were white supremacist's and not just guys who made an error in judgement? Or do you just assume they are when they shoot a black person?

Because of stuff like this


They were angry he was disrespecting the national anthem.


People make mistakes.

Not mistakes because you won't find the same amount mistakes with whites who are attacking hem, fighting with them and armed. Show me videos where blk ppl can do this and breath.

A lot of white people are also shot by police.

Stop straw manning again. I'm not talking about people. I'm talking about unarmed people. Show

Show me blk or even white police doing this to a 13 year white kid, Like they did this 13 blk kid the other week

Show me an Aiyanna Jones


Let's go back to my point, that of 1000 people shot by police last year, only 35 of them were unarmed. that's out of 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops. That's STILL too many, but it's hardly an epidemic.

You're repeating the same point. I'm not even going to look at your "stats"

The number of police arrests will always greatly exceed the number of civies killed by the police.

But you think they deserve a round of applause because most of their interactions with ppl don't end up in them blowing them away ?

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

Nobody remembers the good experiences... that's the thing.

Speak for yourself. I remember all my good experinces

The one guy who pissed you off is usually going to be your lasting memory. That's human nature.

Yes that one guy. Him and him only. Not his race. Him

How many bad experiences with other whites do whites forget, which didn’t lead them to generalize about white folks as a group ?

So whites can do all the same things as blacks, but still be viewed as individuals, while blacks who do anything negative are viewed through as a group lens.

OK. Got it.


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I have said this more than once, blacks' grievance with America left slavery as the sole issue pretty much the day after blacks were informed of emancipation. We were freed from slavery even though we received no compensation for the economic damage caused. Today’s grievances include not just slavery but the 100 years after emancipation and modern forms of racism. Simply put, human rights violations against blacks did not end after slavery. Dr. Carol Anderson points this out in detail in her book, “White Rage.”

Dr. Anderson chronicles the many methods whites used in the years after slavery to restrict the right for blacks to move around freely in America. Whites in the south used any means necessary to discourage blacks from moving north. In the north, whites terrorized blacks competing for jobs with better pay and those trying to live in majority white neighborhoods.

In July 1865, Circular 13 was issued by General Oliver Howard fully authorizing the lease of 40-acre plots of land to the newly freed blacks. As a result of this document, 40,000 formerly enslaved people began work on land that now belonged to them. But President Andrew Johnson killed these two orders and removed those 40,000 blacks from that land while destroying any income they could make. He gave the land back to whites. Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders, allowing them to regain power. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing.

On the evening of Saturday, July 19th, 1919, in Washington D.C., a mob of mad drunken white World War 1 veterans invaded a black neighborhood because of a rumor spread about a black man assaulting the wife of a white navy man.54 Those mad white men proceeded to beat all the blacks they found.

The Omaha Race Riot occurred on September 28–29, 1919. Three conditions: black property acquisition, economic anxiety, and black male sexual aggression claims have been the standard for white violence against blacks throughout American history. The Omaha Riots met at least 2 of the three conditions. The eventual lynching of Will Brown began with reports in local media about the alleged rape of a woman on September 25, 1919. Brown was lynched, shot up after he was dead, dragged through the streets of Omaha, and set on fire. He had committed no crime.

On December 23, 1945, Mr. and Mrs. H. O’Day Short and their two little children were burned to death in Fontana, California.

For the first five years after WW2 in Chicago alone, there were over 300 documented acts of terror by whites against blacks who tried living in or near majority-white neighborhoods.65 In 1951, a black man named Harvey Clark and his family tried to move into the Cicero neighborhood of Chicago. A white mob vandalized his home and burned his furniture in the front yard. The police did nothing.

In 1955, there were more than 200 recorded acts of violence against blacks by whites in Philadelphia

In 1964, blacks again tried renting an apartment in Cicero, their apartment was vandalized. Police acted this time. They entered the apartment, took out the furniture, and told the people they were evicted.

During the same period in Detroit, there were over 200 acts of terror to stop black families from moving to the suburbs.

In 15 years from 1950 to 1965, more than 100 recorded bombings of black-owned homes occurred in Los Angeles.

In 1987, another black family tried moving into Cicero. They got gunfire and firebombs.71 Again, that was in 1987, not 1887.

Consistently since the end of slavery, there has been a section of the white community who violently resisted the efforts of blacks to live successfully in America. During this time, prosperous blacks faced acts of terror while thriving black communities got destroyed by mobs of angry whites who felt they were losing out because blacks had acquired the same things whites had. This kind of terrorism has gone long ignored in understanding the brutality and hardcore resistance to black freedom in America.

After slavery ended, southern whites went on a campaign of what can only be called ethnic cleansing. The federal government turned tail and ran by establishing a legal principle whereby the federal government did not have to enforce the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments by using states’ rights. Apartheid became the law of the land due to the Plessy decision. Blacks tried to escape the oppressive conditions in the south by coming north, but they found just how united the states were relative to white supremacy. At every turn, whenever blacks tried reaching for what this country claims to promise, we have run into a brick wall, or more accurately, a white mob.

And I didn't include the government programs helping whites that blacks were excluded from.

July 19, 1919: White Mobs in Uniform Attack African Americans — Who Fight Back — in Washington, D.C., July 19, 1919: White Mobs in Uniform Attack African Americans — Who Fight Back — in Washington, D.C. - Zinn Education Project

Anthony Dittmar, Omaha Race Riot, Omaha Race Riot – Discovering 1919

B.C Franklin, The Tulsa Race Riots and Three of It’s Victims, A Long-Lost Manuscript Contains a Searing Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921

Survivors of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre share eyewitness accounts, Survivors of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre share eyewitness accounts - The Cincinnati Herald

William L. Patterson, We Charge Genocide, 4th edition, International Publishers Co., Inc., New York, 2017 pp.60-61

Peter Salwen, A "Northern Lynching," Remembering the Trenton Six Case, August 6, 1998, "A Northern Lynching" - the "Trenton Six" case, 50 years later

Sharon Schlegel, Harrowing case of the "Trenton Six", The Times of Trenton, Jan 28, 2012, Updated Mar 30, 2019, https://www.nj.com/times opinion/2012/01/harrowing_case_of_the_trenton.html

Richard Rothstein, Color of Law, Liverright Publishing, pp.144, 2018

Jae Jones, Cicero Race Riot: Mob of 4,000 Destroys Apartment Building with One Black Family Tenants, November 14, 2018, Cicero Race Riot: Mob of 4,000 Destroys Apartment Building with One Black Family Tenantsblack-family-tenants/

Charles Abrams, The Time Bomb That Exploded in Cicero: Segregated Housing's Inevitable Dividend, The Time Bomb That Exploded in Cicero:Segregated Housing's Inevitable Dividend

Christy Clark-Pujara and Anna-Lisa Cox, How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence, smithsonianmag.com, August 27, 2020, How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence
Who told you racism ended? White racism will never go away. All races will be racist forever. Tribalism is part of human nature.
Not mistakes because you won't find the same amount mistakes with whites who are attacking hem, fighting with them and armed. Show me videos where blk ppl can do this and breath.

You mean like Justine Damond? She was reporting a crime and affirmative action hire Mohammed Noor shot her. Oh, yeah, and they let him go today because clearly shooting a white woman isn't that big of a deal.

Stop straw manning again. I'm not talking about people. I'm talking about unarmed people. Show

Show me blk or even white police doing this to a 13 year white kid, Like they did this 13 blk kid the other week

You mean the whole 35 unarmed people that get shot by police. Out of 50 million arrests and traffic stops?

ou're repeating the same point. I'm not even going to look at your "stats"

The number of police arrests will always greatly exceed the number of civies killed by the police.

But you think they deserve a round of applause because most of their interactions with ppl don't end up in them blowing them away ?

I would say that most of us make mistakes on our jobs. If you only have 35 mistakes out of 50 million actions, then you are doing darned good.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

And now you are getting into crazy land again.

Speak for yourself. I remember all my good experinces

You do? Because it seems you are not only bitching about your bad experiences, but every other bad experience a black person has had for the last 200 years.

Yes that one guy. Him and him only. Not his race. Him

How many bad experiences with other whites do whites forget, which didn’t lead them to generalize about white folks as a group ?

So whites can do all the same things as blacks, but still be viewed as individuals, while blacks who do anything negative are viewed through as a group lens.

We all tend to see groups we don't belong to as that group... sorry.
You aren't telling me anything I don't know. You are falsely talking about black ethnic cleansing of whites when 5-6 times more white are killed by another white. Furthermore more than ten times the number of whites are killing themselves than blacks killing themselves. This makes your claim disingenuous and you are race baiting. Clearly very few blacks are killing when you consider there are nearly 48 million blacks and according to what you chose to pull up from 2019,(I used 2020 data) shows that potentially 2574 blacks out of nearly 48 million committed murder. That's like less than 100th of 1 percent of the black population. You racists distort percentages to race bait.

Fooled by the democratic party? Go study history chump. Blacks were republicans for 100 years. While we were republicans we saw a Republican president make an agreement that ended reconstruction, a majority republican vote on the supreme court made apartheid legal, republicans did nothing to stop convict leasing, black codes, sharecropping and the company store, contract selling, redlining, restrictive covenants or did anything about random white acts of terror, riots that burned up black communities, bombings of black owned homes and then when we got civil rights, nominated a presidential candidate who voted against the Civil Rights Act.

So just stop with your bullshit boy, you're talking to somebody who knows the facts. You're full of shit and you are one of the most dishonest posters here. And that's saying something because this forum should be renamed the U.S. Disingenuous Message Board.
You claimed “I used 2020 data”. Where is a link that tells us the murder rate for 2020? I keep asking you and you keep bloviating.

You are distressed about blacks killed by whites, but seem indifferent to the victims of black killers. Is this because you yourself are a racist? Do you call other people racist in the hope your own racism will go unnoticed?

You keep posting information about Republican racism, but you cover up Democratic Party racism. You want to serve Democrat politicians rather than black people.

Why don’t you post pictures of black people killing other black people? Don’t these victims matter?

You serve Democratic Party elites when their policies are killing black folk.
You mean like Justine Damond?

.Let this be a lesson. You just can’t sneak up on certain negros in a dark alley at midnight with loud noises and fireworks goin off in the background. Especially ones who come from war torn areas.

If that was a Black woman that pounded on the trunk of a police car in a dark alley, knowing they were investigating a violent crime, they would have called her ghetto, and said she deserved what she got. If she was black we'd know her whole criminal history along with a mugshot but there's none of that cause she's was a white woman.

And her family was awarded a record pay


They never made her (Damond Family) fight for the €18.19 million. They just announced it the day after he (Mohammad Noor) was convicted. Her family didn't have to sue or settle for it. It was just given away.

When the families are black they have to sue, incur cost, take them through the entire legal process before they settle right before the trial years later. The central park 5 from 20 years ago are STILL fighting to get paid and she got paid out IMMEDIATELY.

She was reporting a crime and affirmative action hire Mohammed Noor shot her.

You're projecting because the system of white supremacy is the biggest AA for white people.

Oh, yeah, and they let him go today because clearly shooting a white woman isn't that big of a deal.

Well it's not a big deal according to you. You're the person that says the police make millions of arrests and only 30 or so are killed. Funny how you change you tune now a white women get's killed by a black cop eh ?.

And as for "not a big deal" When has a BW ever got such drooling and fan worship like this


And another another thing.

How many black people were on social media mocking her ?

How many black people were digging up her past ?
How many black people were throwing her in the mud ?
How many black people were blaming white society and white families ?
How many black people turned into amateur Columbos and try to find evidence to say she deserved it ?

You know the way you and other whites supremacists do with any blk person killed by a cop

This is why I LOVE being black. We will NEVER debase ourselves and lower ourselves to think like you and other white supremacists. We will always keep our humanity. We could never think like you. God just didn't make us that way. He just didn't give us that heart.

But you and other white supremacists will lose every ounce of humanity you have just so you can stick it to those blacks !!!!


And now you are getting into crazy land again.





And these are people in positions of power and authority. The police is a career choice for white supremacist and in great demand.

But the fact is

White nationalism and supremacy are incompatible with the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

If you believe in the former, you cannot uphold the latter and should not be trusted to do so.

Likewise, someone who adheres to racist beliefs about Black people, for instance, would be at high risk for violating the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on unreasonable searches and the due process protections of both the Fifth and Sixth Amendments.

Polygraph them all and take out the trash. The FBI administers lie detector tests to all recruits. There is no reason these could not be administered to police recruits to ferret out extremist beliefs.​

Oh sure, the police and maybe you will scream that polygraphs are unreliable — but that’s rich coming from the same people who seek to administer them to virtually every criminal suspect they bring in for questioning.

Lie detect all of them.

If they fail ? termination

If what you say is true that the police is full of great people and I'm just crazy for thinking white supremacists are all over police deps then this will be largely meaningless. It would only snag a few of them. Right ?


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