White student attacks teacher . Very disturbing

If I was teacher
It’s shin bone kick to the balls

Your linke to twitter story is broken. All I get is something went wrong try again. Any chance this story was covered by a real news source, not just some social media post?
That little shit is a psychopath, a danger to the students in class, and a threat to the teachers life.
If I were that teacher, I'd have put my fist THRU his fucking face.
He's prime time ready to protect and serve or save Ukastan.
Lets write a script !
Does Streisand have a granddaughter who sings ?
" A meathead is born"
Your linke to twitter story is broken. All I get is something went wrong try again. Any chance this story was covered by a real news source, not just some social media post?
Very difficult to find this on news
I lived in a community where little old white people were terrorised and beaten to death. By black/hispanics. And that same group is a larger threat to ITSELF. And the Democrats and the media continually sweeps that under the rug. Systemic White racism IS in the Democrats, they are run by rich white elites pretending to fight the thing THEY are.
He's prime time ready to protect and serve or save Ukastan.
Lets write a script !
Does Streisand have a granddaughter who sings ?
" A meathead is born"
You never see Asian or Jewish students du
I lived in a community where little old white people were terrorised and beaten to death. By black/hispanics. And that same group is a larger threat to ITSELF. And the Democrats and the media continually sweeps that under the rug. Systemic White racism IS in the Democrats, they are run by rich white elites pretending to fight the thing THEY are.

You live in Chicago ??
I'd say screw this and kick his ass into next year. But his dad or mother needs the beat down. If my son did that I'd be in prison right now, for killing him. There is no need in that.
Killing to extreme lol

Just belt his azz raw and find a rehab program

White student attacks teacher . Very disturbing​

Was it another one of those troublesome jew kids? I propose arming teachers with nunchakus. My personal non-firearm weapon of choice. Those will take care of any student. First you hit them in the solar plexus hard with the blunt end of the sticks, that folds them over in pain so you can then wrap the sticks around the neck like a nutcracker and use the cord or chain to choke them down cutting off their air. Or crush the windpipe if you go too far.

Octagon Nunchaku with Cord - Octagon Nunchucks with Cord - Octagonal ...
Was it another one of those troublesome jew kids? I propose arming teachers with nunchakus. My personal non-firearm weapon of choice. Those will take care of any student. First you hit them in the solar plexus hard with the blunt end of the sticks, that folds them over in pain so you can then wrap the sticks around the neck like a nutcracker and use the cord or chain to choke them down cutting off their air. Or crush the windpipe if you go too far.

Octagon Nunchaku with Cord - Octagon Nunchucks with Cord - Octagonal ...
You can’t do that lol

Double leg take down was open
Was it another one of those troublesome jew kids? I propose arming teachers with nunchakus. My personal non-firearm weapon of choice. Those will take care of any student. First you hit them in the solar plexus hard with the blunt end of the sticks, that folds them over in pain so you can then wrap the sticks around the neck like a nutcracker and use the cord or chain to choke them down cutting off their air. Or crush the windpipe if you go too far.

Octagon Nunchaku with Cord - Octagon Nunchucks with Cord - Octagonal ...
How about a srun gun?
You can’t do that lol
I assure you I can. I have three pair of nunchakus and know how to use them very well.

Double leg take down was open
The nunchakus are easier and a lot more fun. Plus, you can stick the one stick down the inside of your coat sleeve letting the other hang free down your side and no one can tell you are even armed and they don't show up to an x-ray or metal detector.


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