White students can't compete with asians in NJ school district

As you describe it with longer hours and more homework, yes it would be.
You do know that they still get two months off a year, just not all at once which really is better. Longer hours is not bad and would be economical for working parents. More homework is more practice. At least an hour and a half a night would be acceptable to me.

Longer hours are bad.

More homework is a waste of time.
Homework is a waste of time??? If your golf game needs work, don't you need more practice?
In my Latin II class, I wasn't doling well until I studied like crazy at least two hours a night and finally pulled my grade up to a B. It would have been higher if I didn't squander time before my epiphany!

If there is a problem, having time to spend on it is a good thing.

If your time is filled doing busy work for your other classes, repeatedly "practicing" concepts and skills you already understand, you can't focus on what you really need to, on those times you need to.
I agree that homework should be meaningful, what is being taught in the classroom. It also affords the parent time to see how their child is doing in school. If they are having trouble, you'll be the first to know.

How often is it meaningful?

How much is needed?

So much of this has a knee jerk feel to it.

"We are losing out to the Asians, lets pile more work on the kids!"

How convenient that the people who have to pay the price for this "problem" are the ones with the least voice.

Change Immigration policy? That will get push back from Immigrants and big business and liberals.

Change school policy? The Teachers union is coming for you.

More parent support? LOL!
I asked you if your desire to be competitive with Asians on education is such that you are willing to accept one of the negatives from such high pressure learning, ie additional suicides.

Pointing out that we have suicides from cyber bullying is at best a non sequitur.

Do you want suicides from poor SAT scores to be an issue in our country?
I think if we prepared our children for reasonable outcomes and opportunities they fit, suicides would not be a problem. In Asia, the highest scoring students went to the top colleges. But there are still opportunities for lesser colleges for those who didn't score as high, just as it is here.

There are more suicides for those in high school that did not have to work hard or study and then went to college without the proper education and study skills flunking out.

That is not the "Asian" way as you have previously described and would NOT get the results of the much higher pressure you described.

Thus that is just another way to not be "Competitive".
Well, you have to agree that the Asian countries score higher in competitiveness than we do. Longer school days and school year would help.

"In competitiveness"? Which country are you thinking of? Japan? China?

They aren't kicking our asses with competitiveness because of no school vacations.

Unfair Trade Policies and Deals are what are kicking our asses.

Typical democrat union infant.

My point stands. You certainly did not debunk it.

You did not even address it.

You just called me a name.

Calling someone a name as a substitute for reasoned debate.

Is that more of that superior education that you received?

Cause I know a lot of American whites who can do that job...
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.

Not true. Asians tend to learn things by rote, that is why they do so well.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?

No. My son was in the regional spelling bee finals. There were 29 kids from primary (elementary) schools all over Sydney. They were given a list of words to learn (my son didn't bother, he was glad to be there, but didn't take it too seriously). There were 25 Asian kids (that includes kids from Indian Subcontinent) and four European kids. After round 6 they ran out of the words that were on the list and there were still 22 kids left in the race (including 20 Asians). When the adjudicator announced that they had run out of words on the list and that they were now using words the kids hadn't studied, my wife turned to me and said "Watch them drop like flies now." I said, "What do you mean?". She said that she had read a European study that showed that Asian and Europeans IQs were the same, it's just that Asians got better results because they studied harder (which was the good news), but they also studied by rote (the bad news).

Sure enough two rounds later 3 kids were left including one European. 19 of them dropped out over two rounds. And not only did they not know how to spell the news words, their attempts were awful. In saying that, an Asian kid won in the end....

Only anecdotal I know, but the pressure on Asian kids to perform by their parents is huge. Almost all of the selective schools in Sydney (state run schools where you have to pass a test to get in so they are the highest achievers) have 90%+ Asian students. The Ministry of Education is looking at expanding the criteria for these schools so there is a little more balance between academia and other pursuits.
Last edited:

So will liberals dumb things down? Or will they finally realize that this is about work ethic? So why do they dumb things down for "equality" for other groups??
Wait a second. You can't possibly be suggesting it's LIBERALS who want to dumb things down? It's not liberals who are cutting funding for schools nation wide. It's not liberals who are anti science and want to teach magical creation.

And you can't possibly believe any of these parents of achievers want their children to go to school in Kentucky, or Arkansas, or Tennessee, or North Carolina or any other Redneck State?

Come on now. Get it straight.
Absolutely not. Participating in organized sports teaches discipline, time-management, and excuse-free focus on results.
It also teaches you to work with others, but in Asian countries that is not the case. Schools often start at 6:30 am and finish at 5:00. Then you have homework until 11:00, including Saturdays. School year is much longer as well. No time for sports.

Is this the environment we want in the US, for any children that want to be competitive at high levels?

Why not?

"Competitive" means you compete.

Because it would be miserable for our children and ourselves.

If the cost of competition is that the childhoods of our descendants have to be Hell, then let US not compete.

Screw that.

Do you want a participation trophy?

Let our country slide because lazy, slack-ass pieces of shit like you consider trying hard to be "hell"? Screw that.

Way to convince me that you have really thought about the changes and the costs of this method of "competing."

Asians are coming here taking US jobs. That can affect you and your children if we don't educate better.

Or we could ban Asians from coming here to take US jobs.

And keep traditional American childhoods, instead of Hell.

You're lazy and afraid to compete.

I believe we can be competitive without ruining the lives of our children.
Expecting children to do the best they can is ruining their lives? Taking away a month of doing nothing is ruining their lives? That sounds like a seven year old expected to go to bed at 8. Wha......! You are ruining my life! Or what my son said years ago when he couldn't go to the mall after hours....

All my grandsons have year around school and look forward to seeing their friends again after the month long break. Go figure.

1. DO they have the extended hours you want? TO provide "economic" daycare for working parents?

2. DO they have that extra homework that you want?

3. The fact that they look forward to seeing their friends does not show that they needed that additional school time to master their subjects, nor that they are having a healthy amount of play and family time as part of their normally daily or weekly routine.
1. No, and if they had them I bet I would be paying lots for my grand kids all A's. They have day care for working parents until 5 when they could be in school..
2. Most of the year, yes since they have introduced Common Core. But I will say the teachers stop teaching after the test is given in the spring and the week of holiday break which I think is a crime!
4. You have to realize that families are not together for family time until they are home from work which is generally 6:00.
Now, I told you the truth especially in #2, so you tell me...do you have children and if so, how do they do in school. Remember, truth matters.
Another terrible truth... There are not enough books for the all the students to have a copy for working at home. But they have a grand baseball, basketball and football facilities! :eusa_naughty:
Asians are coming here taking US jobs. That can affect you and your children if we don't educate better.

Or we could ban Asians from coming here to take US jobs.

And keep traditional American childhoods, instead of Hell.
We haven't been able to ban immigrants, we certainly can not ban them from taking the best paying jobs.

We've banned them in the past. It is an idea who's time has come again.

Absolutely stupid.

What a brilliant point. I guess that you had a year long school year with extended hours and extra homework?

Cause no "white student" from an American school system could be so brilliant and wise...

Ban them. Why make it impossible to compete without replacing CHildhood with Hell?

You are a pussy. Your attitude is the opposite of what made this country great.

So will liberals dumb things down? Or will they finally realize that this is about work ethic? So why do they dumb things down for "equality" for other groups??
Wait a second. You can't possibly be suggesting it's LIBERALS who want to dumb things down? It's not liberals who are cutting funding for schools nation wide. It's not liberals who are anti science and want to teach magical creation.

And you can't possibly believe any of these parents of achievers want their children to go to school in Kentucky, or Arkansas, or Tennessee, or North Carolina or any other Redneck State?

Come on now. Get it straight.

Lack of money is not the problem. MOre money is not the answer.

DOing something about the collapsing family is the answer.
You do know that they still get two months off a year, just not all at once which really is better. Longer hours is not bad and would be economical for working parents. More homework is more practice. At least an hour and a half a night would be acceptable to me.

Longer hours are bad.

More homework is a waste of time.
Homework is a waste of time??? If your golf game needs work, don't you need more practice?
In my Latin II class, I wasn't doling well until I studied like crazy at least two hours a night and finally pulled my grade up to a B. It would have been higher if I didn't squander time before my epiphany!

If there is a problem, having time to spend on it is a good thing.

If your time is filled doing busy work for your other classes, repeatedly "practicing" concepts and skills you already understand, you can't focus on what you really need to, on those times you need to.
I agree that homework should be meaningful, what is being taught in the classroom. It also affords the parent time to see how their child is doing in school. If they are having trouble, you'll be the first to know.

How often is it meaningful?

How much is needed?

So much of this has a knee jerk feel to it.

"We are losing out to the Asians, lets pile more work on the kids!"

How convenient that the people who have to pay the price for this "problem" are the ones with the least voice.

Change Immigration policy? That will get push back from Immigrants and big business and liberals.

Change school policy? The Teachers union is coming for you.

More parent support? LOL!
This past year I would say 100% or near that. More than what is allowed in school. In school, they are given a lesson and little practice, 10 minutes. Then they need minimum of three times that 10 minutes to practice at home.

Enough oif the questions until you answer mine. Do you have children, are they doing "well?"
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.

Not true. Asians tend to learn things by rote, that is why they do so well.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?

No. My son was in the regional spelling bee finals. There were 29 kids from primary (elementary) schools all over Sydney. They were given a list of words to learn (my son didn't bother, he was glad to be there, but didn't take it too seriously). There were 25 Asian kids (that includes kids from Indian Subcontinent) and four European kids. After round 6 they ran out of the words that were on the list and there were still 22 kids left in the race (including 20 Asians). When the adjudicator announced that they had run out of words on the list and that they were now using words the kids hadn't studied, my wife turned to me and said "Watch them drop like flies now." I said, "What do you mean?". She said that she had read a European study that showed that Asian and Europeans IQs were the same, it's just that Asians got better results because they studied harder (which was the good news), but they also studied by rote (that bad news).

Sure enough two rounds later 3 kids were left including one European. 19 of them dropped out over two rounds. And not only did they not know how to spell the news words, their attempts were awful. In saying that, an Asian kid won in the end....

Only anecdotal I know, but the pressure on Asian kids to perform by their parents is huge. Almost all of the selective schools in Sydney (state run schools where you have to pass a test to get in so they are the highest achievers) have 90%+ Asian students. The Ministry of Education is looking at expanding the criteria for these schools so there is a little more balance between academia and other pursuits.
Congratulations on having your child in the regional finals! Good things await him!
More class time is not the answer. The changes have to happen at home in the expectations of the parents. We had our sons take several AP classes and tests in high school and we used that as the gauge whether they were really learning what they needed for college.
Or we could ban Asians from coming here to take US jobs.

And keep traditional American childhoods, instead of Hell.

You're lazy and afraid to compete.

I believe we can be competitive without ruining the lives of our children.
Expecting children to do the best they can is ruining their lives? Taking away a month of doing nothing is ruining their lives? That sounds like a seven year old expected to go to bed at 8. Wha......! You are ruining my life! Or what my son said years ago when he couldn't go to the mall after hours....

All my grandsons have year around school and look forward to seeing their friends again after the month long break. Go figure.

1. DO they have the extended hours you want? TO provide "economic" daycare for working parents?

2. DO they have that extra homework that you want?

3. The fact that they look forward to seeing their friends does not show that they needed that additional school time to master their subjects, nor that they are having a healthy amount of play and family time as part of their normally daily or weekly routine.
1. No, and if they had them I bet I would be paying lots for my grand kids all A's. They have day care for working parents until 5 when they could be in school..
2. Most of the year, yes since they have introduced Common Core. But I will say the teachers stop teaching after the test is given in the spring and the week of holiday break which I think is a crime!
4. You have to realize that families are not together for family time until they are home from work which is generally 6:00.
Now, I told you the truth especially in #2, so you tell me...do you have children and if so, how do they do in school. Remember, truth matters.
Another terrible truth... There are not enough books for the all the students to have a copy for working at home. But they have a grand baseball, basketball and football facilities! :eusa_naughty:

1. I'm sorry both their parents have to work. That is something else we should be addressing.

1b Link that longer hours means better grades.

2. And yet they are not getting all As? Ask you kid how much time they have with their children.

3. I realize no such thing.

I do have a daughter. 2cd grade, straight As and in the Gifted Program.

I was angry that she was forced to do full day Kindergarten. She is involved in some online math contest with the school and has exhausted most of the points available from 2cd, 3rd, and 4th grade math.

5th grade math is too hard for her and I am not pushing her. I worry already about her being bored out of her mind over the next two years as it is.

My wife and I work alternating Part Time and we have a lot of family time together and are vary happy that she has not been stupidly burdened with busy work like some of her relatives in near by schools.
Or we could ban Asians from coming here to take US jobs.

And keep traditional American childhoods, instead of Hell.

You're lazy and afraid to compete.

I believe we can be competitive without ruining the lives of our children.
Expecting children to do the best they can is ruining their lives? Taking away a month of doing nothing is ruining their lives? That sounds like a seven year old expected to go to bed at 8. Wha......! You are ruining my life! Or what my son said years ago when he couldn't go to the mall after hours....

All my grandsons have year around school and look forward to seeing their friends again after the month long break. Go figure.

1. DO they have the extended hours you want? TO provide "economic" daycare for working parents?

2. DO they have that extra homework that you want?

3. The fact that they look forward to seeing their friends does not show that they needed that additional school time to master their subjects, nor that they are having a healthy amount of play and family time as part of their normally daily or weekly routine.
1. No, and if they had them I bet I would be paying lots for my grand kids all A's. They have day care for working parents until 5 when they could be in school..
2. Most of the year, yes since they have introduced Common Core. But I will say the teachers stop teaching after the test is given in the spring and the week of holiday break which I think is a crime!
4. You have to realize that families are not together for family time until they are home from work which is generally 6:00.
Now, I told you the truth especially in #2, so you tell me...do you have children and if so, how do they do in school. Remember, truth matters.
Another terrible truth... There are not enough books for the all the students to have a copy for working at home. But they have a grand baseball, basketball and football facilities! :eusa_naughty:
A good daycare center is school.

When Marco Rubio suggested daycare for parents who both need to work at the Republican Debates, he was booed.

When people talk about how well the Asians or people from other countries are doing compared to the US, where are they getting the data they are relying on to prove their point? You got it. "Standardized Tests", like, well, you know, "Common core". Republicans don't like Common Core because there is no room for "magical creation" or anti science attitudes. And they think the words are too hard. And there is too much studying. We saw it in previous threads.

So will liberals dumb things down? Or will they finally realize that this is about work ethic? So why do they dumb things down for "equality" for other groups??
Wait a second. You can't possibly be suggesting it's LIBERALS who want to dumb things down? It's not liberals who are cutting funding for schools nation wide. It's not liberals who are anti science and want to teach magical creation.

And you can't possibly believe any of these parents of achievers want their children to go to school in Kentucky, or Arkansas, or Tennessee, or North Carolina or any other Redneck State?

Come on now. Get it straight.
Aren't Duke and Wake Forest in North Carolina? Just a grandma brag here...when my g=son was in 7th grade, he was asked to take the ACT. He took it and scored the average of incoming seniors. Sorry, had to brag.
Or we could ban Asians from coming here to take US jobs.

And keep traditional American childhoods, instead of Hell.
We haven't been able to ban immigrants, we certainly can not ban them from taking the best paying jobs.

We've banned them in the past. It is an idea who's time has come again.

Absolutely stupid.

What a brilliant point. I guess that you had a year long school year with extended hours and extra homework?

Cause no "white student" from an American school system could be so brilliant and wise...

Ban them. Why make it impossible to compete without replacing CHildhood with Hell?

You are a pussy. Your attitude is the opposite of what made this country great.

I note that you still have not actually addressed my point.

Our trade deficits are NOT caused by poor math, but by cheap labor and bad trade deals.

Longer school years are not going to fix that.

As to internal competition? We can have as much of that, or as little as we want. We can set the boundaries as we like.

And include happy childhoods as one of them.
You're lazy and afraid to compete.

I believe we can be competitive without ruining the lives of our children.
Expecting children to do the best they can is ruining their lives? Taking away a month of doing nothing is ruining their lives? That sounds like a seven year old expected to go to bed at 8. Wha......! You are ruining my life! Or what my son said years ago when he couldn't go to the mall after hours....

All my grandsons have year around school and look forward to seeing their friends again after the month long break. Go figure.

1. DO they have the extended hours you want? TO provide "economic" daycare for working parents?

2. DO they have that extra homework that you want?

3. The fact that they look forward to seeing their friends does not show that they needed that additional school time to master their subjects, nor that they are having a healthy amount of play and family time as part of their normally daily or weekly routine.
1. No, and if they had them I bet I would be paying lots for my grand kids all A's. They have day care for working parents until 5 when they could be in school..
2. Most of the year, yes since they have introduced Common Core. But I will say the teachers stop teaching after the test is given in the spring and the week of holiday break which I think is a crime!
4. You have to realize that families are not together for family time until they are home from work which is generally 6:00.
Now, I told you the truth especially in #2, so you tell me...do you have children and if so, how do they do in school. Remember, truth matters.
Another terrible truth... There are not enough books for the all the students to have a copy for working at home. But they have a grand baseball, basketball and football facilities! :eusa_naughty:

1. I'm sorry both their parents have to work. That is something else we should be addressing.

1b Link that longer hours means better grades.

2. And yet they are not getting all As? Ask you kid how much time they have with their children.

3. I realize no such thing.

I do have a daughter. 2cd grade, straight As and in the Gifted Program.

I was angry that she was forced to do full day Kindergarten. She is involved in some online math contest with the school and has exhausted most of the points available from 2cd, 3rd, and 4th grade math.

5th grade math is too hard for her and I am not pushing her. I worry already about her being bored out of her mind over the next two years as it is.

My wife and I work alternating Part Time and we have a lot of family time together and are vary happy that she has not been stupidly burdened with busy work like some of her relatives in near by schools.

My son was in a private school, single parent working and going to graduate school.

We worked on Bible paragraphs in 2nd grade (a real chore!) and too much time was allotted to that.

Also had an astronomy test in 2nd grade ( 3 typed pages!)...First year in private school.

Do you work? Was your daughter upset with all day school? How would she know the difference?

Be careful about not expecting your daughter to learn 5th grade math. Often times it is not repeated in the next grade and she could be floundering when she is expected to manage 6th grade math when she needed 5th grade mastery for a foundation. Especially in math. Do you understand that?

I am excited for your daughter that you have such a wonderful time together. But that is not to say when a child studies more than her that his or her life isn't as valuable or happy.

And how do you know that other local school assign "busy work?"

So will liberals dumb things down? Or will they finally realize that this is about work ethic? So why do they dumb things down for "equality" for other groups??
Wait a second. You can't possibly be suggesting it's LIBERALS who want to dumb things down? It's not liberals who are cutting funding for schools nation wide. It's not liberals who are anti science and want to teach magical creation.

And you can't possibly believe any of these parents of achievers want their children to go to school in Kentucky, or Arkansas, or Tennessee, or North Carolina or any other Redneck State?

Come on now. Get it straight.

Lack of money is not the problem. MOre money is not the answer.

DOing something about the collapsing family is the answer.
Republicans and doing something for the family? What a joke.

Remember, when Marco Rubio brought up daycare for families where both parents need to work, Republicans booed. Not because they thought it was a bad idea, even though some probably did, but because it meant spending money.
Then you have the GOP and their hatred of gays. Hello, gays are part of families.

Then you have Republicans spending all their time on trying to stop gay marriage without doing anything to help straight marriage.

Republicans don't have time to care about families. Their hearts are already filled with hatred for gays and Hispanics and blacks and Muslims and so on. No more room exists.
We haven't been able to ban immigrants, we certainly can not ban them from taking the best paying jobs.

We've banned them in the past. It is an idea who's time has come again.

Absolutely stupid.

What a brilliant point. I guess that you had a year long school year with extended hours and extra homework?

Cause no "white student" from an American school system could be so brilliant and wise...

Ban them. Why make it impossible to compete without replacing CHildhood with Hell?

You are a pussy. Your attitude is the opposite of what made this country great.

I note that you still have not actually addressed my point.

Our trade deficits are NOT caused by poor math, but by cheap labor and bad trade deals.

Longer school years are not going to fix that.

As to internal competition? We can have as much of that, or as little as we want. We can set the boundaries as we like.

And include happy childhoods as one of them.
You keep talking about "happy childhoods" as if it's either - or. There can be equally happy childhoods for children who achieve more than your daughter. It is the job of the parent to make meaningful happy memories for them.

So will liberals dumb things down? Or will they finally realize that this is about work ethic? So why do they dumb things down for "equality" for other groups??
Wait a second. You can't possibly be suggesting it's LIBERALS who want to dumb things down? It's not liberals who are cutting funding for schools nation wide. It's not liberals who are anti science and want to teach magical creation.

And you can't possibly believe any of these parents of achievers want their children to go to school in Kentucky, or Arkansas, or Tennessee, or North Carolina or any other Redneck State?

Come on now. Get it straight.

Lack of money is not the problem. MOre money is not the answer.

DOing something about the collapsing family is the answer.
Republicans and doing something for the family? What a joke.

Remember, when Marco Rubio brought up daycare for families where both parents need to work, Republicans booed. Not because they thought it was a bad idea, even though some probably did, but because it meant spending money.
Then you have the GOP and their hatred of gays. Hello, gays are part of families.

Then you have Republicans spending all their time on trying to stop gay marriage without doing anything to help straight marriage.

Republicans don't have time to care about families. Their hearts are already filled with hatred for gays and Hispanics and blacks and Muslims and so on. No more room exists.
Don't we paint with a broad brush?
Or we could ban Asians from coming here to take US jobs.

And keep traditional American childhoods, instead of Hell.

You're lazy and afraid to compete.

I believe we can be competitive without ruining the lives of our children.
Expecting children to do the best they can is ruining their lives? Taking away a month of doing nothing is ruining their lives? That sounds like a seven year old expected to go to bed at 8. Wha......! You are ruining my life! Or what my son said years ago when he couldn't go to the mall after hours....

All my grandsons have year around school and look forward to seeing their friends again after the month long break. Go figure.

1. DO they have the extended hours you want? TO provide "economic" daycare for working parents?

2. DO they have that extra homework that you want?

3. The fact that they look forward to seeing their friends does not show that they needed that additional school time to master their subjects, nor that they are having a healthy amount of play and family time as part of their normally daily or weekly routine.
1. No, and if they had them I bet I would be paying lots for my grand kids all A's. They have day care for working parents until 5 when they could be in school..
2. Most of the year, yes since they have introduced Common Core. But I will say the teachers stop teaching after the test is given in the spring and the week of holiday break which I think is a crime!
4. You have to realize that families are not together for family time until they are home from work which is generally 6:00.
Now, I told you the truth especially in #2, so you tell me...do you have children and if so, how do they do in school. Remember, truth matters.
Another terrible truth... There are not enough books for the all the students to have a copy for working at home. But they have a grand baseball, basketball and football facilities! :eusa_naughty:

At many schools those sports make money.

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