White supremacist Charlottesville killer found guilty of murder

Another sad case of an innocent man being convicted by the media before he could obtain a fair trial.

The man is a political prisoner.
Of course the driver was wrong and certainly nobody wants people intentionally running over other people. But the verdict doesn't negate the leftist media's false narrative on the incident: The crowd of protesters were not "innocent people", they were a mob rioting in the streets who were only there for a confrontation, and that's exactly what they got.

The deceased was part of a violent lawless mob, a violent communist lawless mob, no less. She was instrumental in creating the conditions that lead to her own demise.

What can I say, except that shit happens when a violent lawless mob attacks people, like they did at Charlotteville. Sometimes collateral damage is going to happen.
Did you see his texts with his mother before he even went to Charlottesville? And the picture he sent her of an automobile running down pedestrians?

this murder, was premeditated...
harmonica, post: 21343997
the haters are the left/blacks/etc

Look in the mirror dude. One of yours murdered an innocent woman and injured many with his car. That is the case here. That is the source and deadly consequence of hate.

Own up to yours.
hahaha--so much stupid/UN-PROVED crap
please read the other posts so you don't look stupid
I/we do NOT LOVE criminals like the you/blacks do

you people give awards/plaques/murals/PRAISE to criminals !!!!!!!!?????
Plaque placed near where Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson
Street Artist’s Baltimore Mural Depicts MLK, Freddie Gray
St. Louis aldermen pass resolution remembering Anthony Lamar Smith, angering police

I/we do NOT protest/burn/loot/riot FOR criminals like the blacks do
you protest for ALL of YOUR criminals that you LOVE
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
YOU should look in the mirror
YOU people do not want to accept the obvious

I am GLAD when a criminal is in jail/shot dead/etc
...YOU people cry/burn/loot/riot when a BLACK, dangerous jackass criminal is shot dead or put in jail
...Black CRIMINAL lives Matter--because MOST of those shot by cops are dangerous, threatening CRIMINALS
---all of these criminals--all protested/rioted/loved by blacks and given awards/plaques/murals/PRAISE by blacks!!!!!!????
etc etc
case closed --you were slam dunked!
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I'm not against this conviction.

What I'm against is media pulling strings to ignore BLM & ANTIFA violence, while playing up White power violence, there's a sheer hypocrisy, and extreme bias.
But...but...the darkies.

This fucking place. :lol:

The ANTIFA Nazi girl, Heather Heyer he murdered was white.

You fucking racists. :lol:
Most of the people on the GOP hate list are white or mostly white:

1. Gays (many white)
2. Muslims (many white)
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics (many white)
5. Liberals (many white)
6. Jews (many, white)
7. Women's rights (many white)
8. Sick and disabled (many white)
9. College professors (many white)
10. Scientists (many white)

Only #"s 5,9. and 10.

Excuse me?

I'm a scientist and I sometimes teach college.

Are you inflated with so much self importance as a scientist that you were mistaken that I was personally directing my comment at you?

I'm pointing out that stereotypes often don't work. Not everyone with a Doctorate is a lefty.
Of course the driver was wrong and certainly nobody wants people intentionally running over other people. But the verdict doesn't negate the leftist media's false narrative on the incident: The crowd of protesters were not "innocent people", they were a mob rioting in the streets who were only there for a confrontation, and that's exactly what they got.

The deceased was part of a violent lawless mob, a violent communist lawless mob, no less. She was instrumental in creating the conditions that lead to her own demise.

What can I say, except that shit happens when a violent lawless mob attacks people, like they did at Charlotteville. Sometimes collateral damage is going to happen.

Stop being a blind hater. No excuse for what your Nazi friend did.

I personally don't care one way or another. But if it's such a big thing to you to get some payback for the death of one of your leftist Comrades, contact your local Democratic representatives and ask them to confirm Trump's pick for the new Attorney General, Bill Barr.

He's the only one who can seek the death penalty by pursuing this as a "hate crime." Otherwise Mr. Roadrage is just going to get free room and board the rest of his life. And cable television. And a free college degree.

Who knows? Maybe he'll become a scientist.

Okay, that was pretty funny. :thup:
But...but...the darkies.

This fucking place. :lol:

The ANTIFA Nazi girl, Heather Heyer he murdered was white.

You fucking racists. :lol:
Most of the people on the GOP hate list are white or mostly white:

1. Gays (many white)
2. Muslims (many white)
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics (many white)
5. Liberals (many white)
6. Jews (many, white)
7. Women's rights (many white)
8. Sick and disabled (many white)
9. College professors (many white)
10. Scientists (many white)

Only #"s 5,9. and 10.

Excuse me?

I'm a scientist and I sometimes teach college.
Only Six Percent Of Scientists Are Republicans: Pew Poll

Funny thing, virtually every last person in engineering and physics that I work with in astronomics and aerospace are conservative. Perhaps PEW only surveyed those in the fields of astrology and climate "science?"
He killed your Nazi friend. Hopefully he gets put to death and there will be two less Nazis in the world.

You are as depraved as this guy.

The notorious white supremacist nicknamed the “Crying Nazi” defended James Fields as an “innocent man” after he was convicted of murdering Heather Heyer at the deadly “Unite the Right” rally.

‘Crying Nazi’ threatens more violence after conviction of Heather Heyer's killer: An 'army of fanatics willing to die’

You calling deceased Heather Hoyer a Nazi is depraved. She was executed by a Nazi. Your Nazi deserves prison and his lawful death would be fine.

Heather deserved to be alive today.

Quit condoning murder you phony libertarian. Heatger’s life was the most important part of her liberty.
He killed your Nazi friend. Hopefully he gets put to death and there will be two less Nazis in the world.

You are as depraved as this guy.

The notorious white supremacist nicknamed the “Crying Nazi” defended James Fields as an “innocent man” after he was convicted of murdering Heather Heyer at the deadly “Unite the Right” rally.

‘Crying Nazi’ threatens more violence after conviction of Heather Heyer's killer: An 'army of fanatics willing to die’

You calling deceased Heather Hoyer a Nazi is depraved. She was executed by a Nazi. Your Nazi deserves prison and his lawful death would be fine.

Heather deserved to be alive today.

Quit condoning murder you phony libertarian. Heatger’s life was the most important part of her liberty.

She would be alive today if she wasn't playing in the streets.

Was the dead gal from Antifa.

Perhaps the anti-fascists should stop playing with violence and disruption and they would keep themselves alive.
bear513, post: 21347607
She would be alive today if she wasn't playing in the streets.

You are such a liar to claim she was playing in the streets. It was a side street where your Nazi buddy was traveling at excessive speed for the conditions. Heather may have been on the crosswalk for all you know.

Nazi sympathizing is deplorable- Hillary was right.
bear513, post: 21347607
She would be alive today if she wasn't playing in the streets.

You are such a liar to claim she was playing in the streets. It was a side street where your Nazi buddy was traveling at excessive speed for the conditions. Heather may have been on the crosswalk for all you know.

Nazi sympathizing is deplorable- Hillary was right.

I watched the video, she was playing in the street, if you don't want to get hit by a car stay on the sidewalk.

Norman, post: 21347654
Was the dead gal from Antifa.

It does not matter. I have heard no indication that she was. But it matters not one whit. She was in a crowd that was innocent of any violence. That is why your Nazi got FIRST DEGREE MURDER for killing her.

Your question shows sympathy to the Nazi cause.

Hillary was right. You are deplorable.
bear513, post: 21347690
I watched the video, she was playing in the street, if you don't want to get hit by a car stay on the sidewalk.

So you condone vigilante murder of any pedestrian crossing or walking on a street.

Have you ever done it.

You are sick and deplorable. Hillary was right.
Norman, post: 21347654
Was the dead gal from Antifa.

It does not matter. I have heard no indication that she was. But it matters not one whit. She was in a crowd that was innocent of any violence. That is why your Nazi got FIRST DEGREE MURDER for killing her.

Your question shows sympathy to the Nazi cause.

Hillary was right. You are deplorable.

Oh but it does.

Because they violently attacked the organized rally that had permits in order. That would make her mostly casualty of her own stupidity, not to mention... sick and deplorable.
None of that excuses what he did

He was lucky to get to his car before the rioters beat him senseless from what I've read. He was terrified and cornered...what would anybody do....either go around them (couldn't) or through them (did). There are no innocent bystanders in a riot.....hanging out to get some cell phone footage can get you messed up or killed. Antifa started that shit and the blame is on them, not the guy they were after.

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