White Supremacists Are Taking Hate Offline and Onto the Streets

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Well Diversity is Code Word for Ant-White Peoples. I mean you never hear do you of them saying "Nigeria is TOO BLACK, they NEED Diversity, let's import MILLIONS of White peoples into Black Nigeria for Diversity"

But Nigeria is not my country. Why should I care about whether it's diverse or not?

No destruction of Culture? They deny the very existence of White Culture, White Culture aka Western Civilisation. At the same time that crowd babble about Black Culture, Muslim Culture, Indian Culture etc EVERYTHING as long as it involves NO White peoples.

Well...I can tell you what else they babble about...Irish culture (St. Paddy's was this weekend), Italian culture (we have Italian heritage festivals) - Slovenik festivals and clubs, Polish heritage celebrations etc etc. Those are all white cultures. Even black culture is not all blacks - it's about American black culture which is a unique subtype of America's cultures - like the Poles, or Italians or Irish.

No state orchestrated slaughter. No that will come to America when the Globalists have disarmed enough of America that ANY person who disagrees with The Globalist Agenda will just be dragged off and never seen again, like what happened under Stalin in Soviet Russia and under Mao in China etc, there is a REASON why therefore in the picture on the right they have the NO COMMUNISM symbol:


Come on Lucy :lol: There is no genocide!
You compare nationality with race.

There is no difference in this case. It's a matter of heritage - cultural heritage.

Black culture is American Black Culture. It's not Nigerian. It's not Ghanan. It's not Ethiopian. It's not ...well I think you get the point. And it is a culture. A means of celebrating one's heritage because American blacks, descended from slaves had their nationalities ripped away from them.

Is there an American White Culture?
Of course there is a difference. There is no Irish White Caucus in your Congress.

There are the following Caucus'
Albanian (white) Issues Caucus as well as a Congressional Albanian (white) Caucus
Congressional Hungarian Caucus
Congressional German-American Caucus
Congressional German-American Caucus
Congressional Serbian Caucus
Dutch Congressional Caucus

Among many....and all are astoundingly white.

And just for kicks....there is also
Electromagnetic Pulse Caucus
Congressional Chicken Caucus
Congressional Semiconductor Caucus
and Carbonated and Non-alcoholic Caucus

See how the far left drone troll just grabs names off the internet that do not exist in the US?

Caucuses of the United States Congress - Wikipedia
There is no difference in this case. It's a matter of heritage - cultural heritage.

Black culture is American Black Culture. It's not Nigerian. It's not Ghanan. It's not Ethiopian. It's not ...well I think you get the point. And it is a culture. A means of celebrating one's heritage because American blacks, descended from slaves had their nationalities ripped away from them.

Is there an American White Culture?
Of course there is a difference. There is no Irish White Caucus in your Congress.

Because all white people look alike..
No black people in Italy.

Of course there are..

What's it like being black in Italy?
You mean nationalities really are different than race?

Of course, just like African American. But they are labels placed by the far left to keep America divided.

But the far left now has moved on from the blacks and only care about the brown people that crossing the border illegally.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights

On the other hand, being a faggot used to get you hung or castrated in America.
All...and All...are they really "all"?

All leftists?

Isn't that making the same mistake as those who think all white people are something?

Well darling have you heard of a Leftist who doesn't think that all Whites who are NOT Leftist are White Supremacists? I mean we see this crap on this forum every day and have been doing so for a long time and at one point it wasn't just Conservatives it was Libertarians who were getting tagged as White Supremacists also, I include in this the ridiculous situation that Conservative and Libertarian viewpoints are essentially Hate Speech.

I see leftist this and libtard that on the forum every day.

Not what I was commenting, I was commenting that for some time at this forum most Leftists insist that Conservatives are essentially White Supremacists and whatever Conservative viewpoint it is basically a variation of whatever Hate Speech and everyone who isn't a Leftist is just a Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigot.

I don't think most leftists here do. I don't. I don't think Pogo does. There are a lot of leftists that don't. It's like saying most rightists insist leftists are essentially terrorist supporters and commies.

This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

The problem with these people is they can't stay non-violent for long. But bigoted ignorance is having it's day isn't it with the orange turd. How long until they start lynching again.
Oh I don't know, when more of this shit happens?


White genocide? What the hell...whites are thriving in America. There are no pograms...no state orchestrated slaughter...no destruction of culture. Genocide? Hardly.

Well Diversity is Code Word for Ant-White Peoples. I mean you never hear do you of them saying "Nigeria is TOO BLACK, they NEED Diversity, let's import MILLIONS of White peoples into Black Nigeria for Diversity"

But Nigeria is not my country. Why should I care about whether it's diverse or not?

No destruction of Culture? They deny the very existence of White Culture, White Culture aka Western Civilisation. At the same time that crowd babble about Black Culture, Muslim Culture, Indian Culture etc EVERYTHING as long as it involves NO White peoples.

Well...I can tell you what else they babble about...Irish culture (St. Paddy's was this weekend), Italian culture (we have Italian heritage festivals) - Slovenik festivals and clubs, Polish heritage celebrations etc etc. Those are all white cultures. Even black culture is not all blacks - it's about American black culture which is a unique subtype of America's cultures - like the Poles, or Italians or Irish.

No state orchestrated slaughter. No that will come to America when the Globalists have disarmed enough of America that ANY person who disagrees with The Globalist Agenda will just be dragged off and never seen again, like what happened under Stalin in Soviet Russia and under Mao in China etc, there is a REASON why therefore in the picture on the right they have the NO COMMUNISM symbol:


Come on Lucy :lol: There is no genocide!
You compare nationality with race.

There is no difference in this case. It's a matter of heritage - cultural heritage.

Black culture is American Black Culture. It's not Nigerian. It's not Ghanan. It's not Ethiopian. It's not ...well I think you get the point. And it is a culture. A means of celebrating one's heritage because American blacks, descended from slaves had their nationalities ripped away from them.

Is there an American White Culture?

"Is there an American White Culture?"

Yes it is European in nature because the European Immigrants brought their RICH cultures with them the immigrants that went to America from 1900 and continuing for decades UNTIL that was replaced by the 1965 immigration thing of DISCRIMINATING against Europeans in favour of Third World Shit Holes.

If Leftists gave a SHIT about HUMAN BEINGS in GENERAL then they would be DEMANDING that those White South African Farmers were en masse imported into America, but of course they are WHITE and Leftists only care about Browns and Blacks because they can be encouraged to vote Leftist and at the same time they already have the In-Built Hate Whitey thing so they are double useful to Leftist Activists to pit against American Whites in the ongoing Leftist Race Baiting Agenda that started in the late 1960s and continues.

What is Black American Culture? Of course originally it was something USEFUL and POSITIVE like Jazz and Blues, what is it now? Gangsta, Bling Bling, Crack Dealing and Gang Wars.
Specifically, what defines American white culture that makes it unique to white Americans?

Gang wars are not solely black...and they have along history. The Mafia, the gangs during prohibition (Capone), the Irish gangs...

What defines American black culture involves music, cuisine, language, clothing styles, etc.

African-American culture - Wikipedia
But Nigeria is not my country. Why should I care about whether it's diverse or not?

Well...I can tell you what else they babble about...Irish culture (St. Paddy's was this weekend), Italian culture (we have Italian heritage festivals) - Slovenik festivals and clubs, Polish heritage celebrations etc etc. Those are all white cultures. Even black culture is not all blacks - it's about American black culture which is a unique subtype of America's cultures - like the Poles, or Italians or Irish.

Come on Lucy :lol: There is no genocide!
You compare nationality with race.

There is no difference in this case. It's a matter of heritage - cultural heritage.

Black culture is American Black Culture. It's not Nigerian. It's not Ghanan. It's not Ethiopian. It's not ...well I think you get the point. And it is a culture. A means of celebrating one's heritage because American blacks, descended from slaves had their nationalities ripped away from them.

Is there an American White Culture?
Of course there is a difference. There is no Irish White Caucus in your Congress.

There are the following Caucus'
Albanian (white) Issues Caucus as well as a Congressional Albanian (white) Caucus
Congressional Hungarian Caucus
Congressional German-American Caucus
Congressional German-American Caucus
Congressional Serbian Caucus
Dutch Congressional Caucus

Among many....and all are astoundingly white.

And just for kicks....there is also
Electromagnetic Pulse Caucus
Congressional Chicken Caucus
Congressional Semiconductor Caucus
and Carbonated and Non-alcoholic Caucus
There is no Albanian White Caucus.
Albanians are not white?
Well Diversity is Code Word for Ant-White Peoples. I mean you never hear do you of them saying "Nigeria is TOO BLACK, they NEED Diversity, let's import MILLIONS of White peoples into Black Nigeria for Diversity"

But Nigeria is not my country. Why should I care about whether it's diverse or not?

No destruction of Culture? They deny the very existence of White Culture, White Culture aka Western Civilisation. At the same time that crowd babble about Black Culture, Muslim Culture, Indian Culture etc EVERYTHING as long as it involves NO White peoples.

Well...I can tell you what else they babble about...Irish culture (St. Paddy's was this weekend), Italian culture (we have Italian heritage festivals) - Slovenik festivals and clubs, Polish heritage celebrations etc etc. Those are all white cultures. Even black culture is not all blacks - it's about American black culture which is a unique subtype of America's cultures - like the Poles, or Italians or Irish.

No state orchestrated slaughter. No that will come to America when the Globalists have disarmed enough of America that ANY person who disagrees with The Globalist Agenda will just be dragged off and never seen again, like what happened under Stalin in Soviet Russia and under Mao in China etc, there is a REASON why therefore in the picture on the right they have the NO COMMUNISM symbol:


Come on Lucy :lol: There is no genocide!
You compare nationality with race.

There is no difference in this case. It's a matter of heritage - cultural heritage.

Black culture is American Black Culture. It's not Nigerian. It's not Ghanan. It's not Ethiopian. It's not ...well I think you get the point. And it is a culture. A means of celebrating one's heritage because American blacks, descended from slaves had their nationalities ripped away from them.

Is there an American White Culture?

"Is there an American White Culture?"

Yes it is European in nature because the European Immigrants brought their RICH cultures with them the immigrants that went to America from 1900 and continuing for decades UNTIL that was replaced by the 1965 immigration thing of DISCRIMINATING against Europeans in favour of Third World Shit Holes.

If Leftists gave a SHIT about HUMAN BEINGS in GENERAL then they would be DEMANDING that those White South African Farmers were en masse imported into America, but of course they are WHITE and Leftists only care about Browns and Blacks because they can be encouraged to vote Leftist and at the same time they already have the In-Built Hate Whitey thing so they are double useful to Leftist Activists to pit against American Whites in the ongoing Leftist Race Baiting Agenda that started in the late 1960s and continues.

What is Black American Culture? Of course originally it was something USEFUL and POSITIVE like Jazz and Blues, what is it now? Gangsta, Bling Bling, Crack Dealing and Gang Wars.
Specifically, what defines American white culture that makes it unique to white Americans?

Gang wars are not solely black...and they have along history. The Mafia, the gangs during prohibition (Capone), the Irish gangs...

What defines American black culture involves music, cuisine, language, clothing styles, etc.

African-American culture - Wikipedia
And don't forget the hood.. That defines black culture...
But Nigeria is not my country. Why should I care about whether it's diverse or not?

Well...I can tell you what else they babble about...Irish culture (St. Paddy's was this weekend), Italian culture (we have Italian heritage festivals) - Slovenik festivals and clubs, Polish heritage celebrations etc etc. Those are all white cultures. Even black culture is not all blacks - it's about American black culture which is a unique subtype of America's cultures - like the Poles, or Italians or Irish.

Come on Lucy :lol: There is no genocide!
You compare nationality with race.

There is no difference in this case. It's a matter of heritage - cultural heritage.

Black culture is American Black Culture. It's not Nigerian. It's not Ghanan. It's not Ethiopian. It's not ...well I think you get the point. And it is a culture. A means of celebrating one's heritage because American blacks, descended from slaves had their nationalities ripped away from them.

Is there an American White Culture?
Of course there is a difference. There is no Irish White Caucus in your Congress.

There are the following Caucus'
Albanian (white) Issues Caucus as well as a Congressional Albanian (white) Caucus
Congressional Hungarian Caucus
Congressional German-American Caucus
Congressional German-American Caucus
Congressional Serbian Caucus
Dutch Congressional Caucus

Among many....and all are astoundingly white.

And just for kicks....there is also
Electromagnetic Pulse Caucus
Congressional Chicken Caucus
Congressional Semiconductor Caucus
and Carbonated and Non-alcoholic Caucus

See how the far left drone troll just grabs names off the internet that do not exist in the US?

Caucuses of the United States Congress - Wikipedia
Do you understand what it means to put a word in parenthesis? No, didn’t think so.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

Sticks and stones and Islamic jihadists may break our bones and kill us (and there are hundreds of examples), but names will not hurt us.

I can list hundreds of killings done by Muslim lunatics (thousands if you include 9-11). I can't recall a single person dying from a white supremacist.

Wake the fuck up!

The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing

Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Growing number of killings tied to young white supremacists
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights

On the other hand, being a faggot used to get you hung or castrated in America.
You sure think a lot about homosexuality. Hummmmm......
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

they were relegated to the shadows for decades. Donald enabled them and they feel emboldened.

They'll be sent back into their caves again.
So white people worried about being replaced is far right and extreme but homosexuals not getting a cake baked is a violation of civil right.

Cultural Marxism 101

False analogy bullshit logical fallacy There is no promise of racial or ethnic purity and in fact this country has a long history of immigration and assimilation. Most of us are from a diverse backgrounds and are not threatened by immigrants or fear being replaced. It is only the bigots and xenophobes who do'

On the other hand, being denied a service in a place of public accommodation is in fact a violation of civil rights

On the other hand, being a faggot used to get you hung or castrated in America.
You sure think a lot about homosexuality. Hummmmm......


I always suspect that the losers who think being gay is a choice spend every morning deciding to stay in the closet.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

Supports men on men AND illegals invading the country. What a sick twisted mind.
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