White supremacists; Black supremacists is one more evil?

Or are they pretty much equally evil?
You're trying to compare apples and oranges. There is no such thing as a "black supremacist". Blacks don't want supremacy, they want equality. White supremacists want supremacy. White privilege. They think their race is superior. Blacks believe their race is equal to any other race.

Big difference.

Na, you support killing innocent people. Ecause a spoild white boy "don't like that guy very much".

Myou democrats are like these guys here,

Or are they pretty much equally evil?

They are equally evil, but they do not currently have the same power. white racists have no power....they have no support from anyone, while antifa, and black lives matter, equally racist, socialist and anti-semitic as the white racists...have the support of hollywood, the democrat party, the democrat press, and the universities...just like the national socialists did in Germany in the 1920s....

Does anyone see that kind of support leading to anything good?
Another statistic that blows your racist cop crap out of the water, more white people are killed by cops than blacks even though blacks are responsible for nearly half the violent crimes committed in the US
But wait a minute, you don't seem to want to play by the rules. If you use proportional stastics to highlighy the notion that blacks are inferior to whites because they commit more crime , then the same equation applies when blacks, who comprise 13% of the population, are killed by cops proportionally more than whites even though more whites are killed in raw numbers. And don't forget, more unarmed blacks are killed by cops than unarmed Whites.

. White supremacist can't see the facts because they get in the way of the obsession to put blacks down and keep them down. All based on the deeds and actions of a few.

Most of those victims of violent crimes in the black community are other blacks, not whites. You, would also have more reason to fear being victimized bye a white person than you would a black one according to the same statistics that you so often overlook concerning white on white crime.
I think you are confused about the narrow definition of hate crimes.

Projection, as proven by the following ...

A white thug robbing a black store is not a hate crime...but if he does or says something during the course of the robbery to suggest a racial component in his motive for the crime...it becomes a hate crime.

Ah ... no. In fact, that is the hand wave most hate crime legislation uses to claim it isn't a hate crime, just a robbery, if the racist also robs their victim. It was necessary to do that because otherwise they would have to charge far more minorities than whites, which defeats the left wing political agenda behind hate crimes legislation. You have it backwards, probably deliberately so.
In 2015, race was reported for 5,493 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:

  • 48.4 percent were White.
  • 24.3 percent were Black or African American.
  • 9.1 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (group of multiple races).
  • 1.0 percent (53 offenders) were Asian.
  • 0.9 percent (52 offenders) were American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • 0.1 percent (4 offenders) were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
  • 16.2 percent were unknown.
You forgot to add or maybe you didn't, what percentage of the population each race is.
Once you include those numbers you see that blacks are more likely to commit hate crimes
Population of the United States by Race and Hispanic/Latino Origin, Census 2000 and July 1, 2005
No, I did not forget the percentages. The issue being discussed was about whether whites or blacks commit the most hate crimes numbers, not about the portional numbers. As you can see White people commit far more. But if you want to talk proportions you are defining the potential for the general populaion in each group to commit a hate crime. That's really an unknown factor. Most people don't commit hate crimes as defined by the Feds.so why would proportionality be used to include them. If proportional statistics can be used to make the smaller group look worse than the larger group then another axiom is revealed which would also be true is also true. whites committed 48% of hate crimes against 13% of the black populi. That's a much higher incident of hate crimes committed by whites against blacks since Blacks are just 13% of the population but are victimized almost
4 times as much in relation to their populaion size. Whites are about 66% of the pooulation but represent only 22%of victims.
Black make up 13% of the population but commit 24.3 percent of the hate crimes. Whites make up 66% of the population and commit 48.4% of the crimes. I don't know what other world math your using but real world says as a percentage of the racial populations blacks commit more hate crimes than any other.
You've heard of raw numbers haven't you? Don't raw numbers exist in your world? And again, if you are going to use percentages of populations to make the small group look worse than the larger, then you'll also have to say that blacks are more often victimized
by hate crimes relative to ther population size. But I wonder, what does population size have to do with it? What does innocent people who never commit crimes have to do with the few who do? Using percentages of a smaller population to make a blanket indictment of criminality against innocent black people is white supremacy at it's worst.
Or are they pretty much equally evil?

They are equally evil, but they do not currently have the same power. white racists have no power....they have no support from anyone, while antifa, and black lives matter, equally racist, socialist and anti-semitic as the white racists...have the support of hollywood, the democrat party, the democrat press, and the universities...just like the national socialists did in Germany in the 1920s....

Does anyone see that kind of support leading to anything good?
You're certainly making my case that white supremacist dominate our entire Society. Every word you spew here embodies that concept.

White supremacists now control our entire government. The GOP may not be as open about it as the Ku Klux Klan or the Nazi party ensconced within it, but the underlying premise attached to their brand of conservatism nowadays is that white is superior to Black...and rich whites are superior to everybody...including poorer whites.
Or are they pretty much equally evil?

Both sides are cut from the same cloth. They do everything the same. Zero difference other then the minority's they hate, but even in that reguards ANTIFA which is the new democrat party and the white power movement are two peas in a pod.
And the white supremacists with the money want you to keep believing that. That's their strategy. They believe they are superior to all of us, regardless of color. They know how to divide and conquer by promoting schemes to keep the various ethnic and racial groups at each other's throats. That's the key to keeping the status quo intact and diverting attention from them and their
Exploitive agendas.
A group that calls for White Power is supremacist but one that calls for Black Power isn't?
Whatever happened to equality? I see the Black Panthers and BLM as roughly equivalent to KKK.
Or are they pretty much equally evil?

They are equally evil, but they do not currently have the same power. white racists have no power....they have no support from anyone, while antifa, and black lives matter, equally racist, socialist and anti-semitic as the white racists...have the support of hollywood, the democrat party, the democrat press, and the universities...just like the national socialists did in Germany in the 1920s....

Does anyone see that kind of support leading to anything good?
You're certainly making my case that white supremacist dominate our entire Society. Every word you spew here embodies that concept.

White supremacists now control our entire government. The GOP may not be as open about it as the Ku Klux Klan or the Nazi party ensconced within it, but the underlying premise attached to their brand of conservatism nowadays is that white is superior to Black...and rich whites are superior to everybody...including poorer whites.
Liberalism has been a plague on the Black community.
"And the white supremacists with the money want you to keep believing that. That's their strategy. They believe they are superior to all of us, regardless of color"

Do wealthy people of color believe differently? I don't think so and if not that would mean that their views of supremacy are based on wealth; not race.
Or are they pretty much equally evil?

They are equally evil, but they do not currently have the same power. white racists have no power....they have no support from anyone, while antifa, and black lives matter, equally racist, socialist and anti-semitic as the white racists...have the support of hollywood, the democrat party, the democrat press, and the universities...just like the national socialists did in Germany in the 1920s....

Does anyone see that kind of support leading to anything good?
You're certainly making my case that white supremacist dominate our entire Society. Every word you spew here embodies that concept.

White supremacists now control our entire government. The GOP may not be as open about it as the Ku Klux Klan or the Nazi party ensconced within it, but the underlying premise attached to their brand of conservatism nowadays is that white is superior to Black...and rich whites are superior to everybody...including poorer whites.
Liberalism has been a plague on the Black community.
Not nearly as much as white supremacy has.
"And the white supremacists with the money want you to keep believing that. That's their strategy. They believe they are superior to all of us, regardless of color"

Do wealthy people of color believe differently? I don't think so and if not that would mean that their views of supremacy are based on wealth; not race.

By jove, I think you're getting it. Race was just a pseudo-construct designed to divide us in the first place... A social tool of the super rich and powerful to keep their minions occupied with fighting among themselves: Diverting attention from them and their exploitive agendas.
"And the white supremacists with the money want you to keep believing that. That's their strategy. They believe they are superior to all of us, regardless of color"

Do wealthy people of color believe differently? I don't think so and if not that would mean that their views of supremacy are based on wealth; not race.

By jove, I think you're getting it. Race was just a pseudo-construct designed to divide us in the first place... A social tool of the super rich and powerful to keep their minions occupied with fighting among themselves: Diverting attention from them and their exploitive agendas.

By Jove, I think you've lost it! While I am not at all sure I disagree with your last, racial superiority (or lack thereof) is the topic being discussed.
Or are they pretty much equally evil?
You're trying to compare apples and oranges. There is no such thing as a "black supremacist". Blacks don't want supremacy, they want equality. White supremacists want supremacy. White privilege. They think their race is superior. Blacks believe their race is equal to any other race.

Big difference.

Black supremacy - Wikipedia
Saw them marching past a synagogue and college with tiki torches scaren the shit outta jews and college students
A group that calls for White Power is supremacist but one that calls for Black Power isn't?
Whatever happened to equality? I see the Black Panthers and BLM as roughly equivalent to KKK.
I don't know that I have heard BLM members calling for Black power. I am familiar with their calls for equality. And that they are basically nonviolent. I think that distinguishes them from the Ku Klux Klan in every aspect. Don't confuse calls for justice with systematic hate.
"And the white supremacists with the money want you to keep believing that. That's their strategy. They believe they are superior to all of us, regardless of color"

Do wealthy people of color believe differently? I don't think so and if not that would mean that their views of supremacy are based on wealth; not race.

By jove, I think you're getting it. Race was just a pseudo-construct designed to divide us in the first place... A social tool of the super rich and powerful to keep their minions occupied with fighting among themselves: Diverting attention from them and their exploitive agendas.

By Jove, I think you've lost it! While I am not at all sure I disagree with your last, racial superiority (or lack thereof) is the topic being discussed.
Well, I've given you a causal factor contributing to the origins of racial Strife that's been going on for years. Now it's up to you to use that information to better understand the root causes and effects of white supremacy. One of those effects was the spawning of black militancy and resistace, often mistaken for symptons of black superiority.
A group that calls for White Power is supremacist but one that calls for Black Power isn't?
Whatever happened to equality? I see the Black Panthers and BLM as roughly equivalent to KKK.
I don't know that I have heard BLM members calling for Black power. I am familiar with their calls for equality. And that they are basically nonviolent. I think that distinguishes them from the Ku Klux Klan in every aspect. Don't confuse calls for justice with systematic hate.

You confuse demands for special racial privilege with calls for justice. If they were about equality why is it that only Black lives matter to them? Why the calls for murder riot and looting? No, BLM is at least as racist and violent as the KKK has ever been and an increase in white supremism is a reaction to the increase in black racism that was to be expected.
Racism is evil in all races and all races have racists.

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